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[FE7] Cluster Draft


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I get Karel

JB gets Karla (ITT: Joshy gets uber-screwed by the RNG)

SP gets Guy

Whitefang - Harken (as if his team wasn't already a massive clusterfuck)

Okay, there are two units left: Lucius and Wallace. SP has Geitz, so he gets Lucius. The cluster will be as follows, for everyone else:

1. Lucius

2. Wallace


I get... Wallace, JB gets Lucius, and Whitefang gets Wallace.


Edited by Kam
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yay this

Kent - YAY KENT. I wanted Sain, but he's alright too, I guess.

Nino - fuck you

Vaida - Yay?

Dorcas - I like Dorcas. This should be fun.


Legault - Woo thieving!

Isadora - YAY

Jaffar - Woo... second assassin!

Karla - FUCK. At least she's hot

Lucius - yay

BARTRE - get to 10/5 and gtfo

Definitely doing LHM.

Edited by JBCWK
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I get Bartre (...)

Joshy gets Isadora

SP gets Matthew

Whitefang gets Rath

These units aren't on our teams in the first post.

Raven - Boss killer?

Priscilla - Best healer!

Wil - Worst archer, which makes him super terrible

Florina - Rescue shenanigans

Lowen - Worst cavalier, but still a good unit

Lyn - At least she'll be a high level

Farina - Starts out slow, she might not get a chance to grow like she should. She'll cost me some turns on Chapter 25 probably (I'm overestimating my abilities again)

Harken - Solid prepromote, of course

Wallace - Might kill Lundgren and will then disappear forever.

Rath - I don't know, at least he's fast.

Considering that nearly half my team is in Lyn mode, I'll be going there. I also hope to get lower than 75 turns.

Edited by Whitefang
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You saw nothing


Serra - I've personally had bad experiences with her but whatev

Rebecca - See above.

Erk - ...Ooookay?

Heath - Never really used him.

Dart - yay dart

Eliwood - ...hahahahaha.

Karel - He's promoted coolio

Wallace - GWAHAHAHAHAHA- fuck

Bartre - hnnng



Not doing Lyn Mode.

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My thoughts on this very odd team(in draft order)

Second Pronoun - Oswin, Renault, Geitz, Fiora, Louise,Matthew, Hawkeye, Canas, Guy, Lucius

Oswin-Don't really want you but you should have early game utility

Renault-GTFO Good for 1 chapter of suckage

Geitz- Not recruited

Fiora- Not as good as Florina, in this draft, but very good

Louise- Okay I guess

Matt- Okay I guess, but I'm not going Lyn Mode

Hawkeye- He's a beast.

Canas- Good pick and a great guy too

Guy- I have Matt do he shouldn't be hard to recruit

Lucius-Will cost turns I hopefully can get back.

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Prologue - 5/5

Chapter 1 - 4/9 - Sain has to get a +SPD here, or the rest of LHM takes a dip.

Chapter 2 - 5/14

Chapter 3 - 5/19

Chapter 4 - 7/26

Chapter 5 - 4/30 - You have to get a little bit lucky with Erk, he has to kill a mercenary on his turn (I didn't bother recruiting him)

Chapter 6 - 4 + 4 = 8/38 - I could do it in four turns with Matt, or eight turns without. Doing it with Matt nets me an Angelic Robe. Go figure.

Chapter 7 - 7/45 - Lyn needs to crit Heintz, Sain has to carry her there.

Chapter 7x - 8/53

Chapter 8 - 6/59 - Sain rampage, Erk grabs the Lancereaver, Lyn mops up.

Chapter 9 - 4/63 - Sain carries Lyn to Eagler, Wallace/Erk/Serra twiddle their thumbs. You need some luck with Sain (or a 2-use Iron Lance); he needs to hit Eagler twice on EP.

Chapter 10 - 12/75 - Sain used the Knight Crest and Lancereaver'd Lundgren.


It came out to exactly 75 turns. I'm happy.


Chapter 11 - 7/82 turns

Hector bumrushes Wire, Matt is support.

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Out of curiousity, how long is the source for that Java program?

C:\>python -c "print '\n'.join(__import__('random').sample('1234', 4))"

Also, don't you take a penalty for Matthew in Ch11 if you did in Ch6? And didn't you say you weren't doing Lyn mode anyway?

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Also, don't you take a penalty for Matthew in Ch11 if you did in Ch6? And didn't you say you weren't doing Lyn mode anyway?

I'm not 100% but I think he needed Matthew to step on a switch? At least I hope so because I'm already way past that chapter and used Matthew to open doors and chests as I thought he was free for that.

Prologue 5/5

Chapter 1 5/10

Chapter 2 7/17

Chapter 3 7/24

Chapter 4 7/31

Chapter 5 7/38

Chapter 6 6/44

Florina uses the Angelic Robe

Chapter 7 2/46

Florina crits and saves the good levels the team earned.

Chapter 7x 6/52

Forgot to deploy Nils. Oh well.

Chapter 8 7/59

It's important to keep Florina out of range of attacks.

Chapter 9 4/63

Chapter 10 7/70

Wallace stole a good level up AND waited to get D axes until after he killed Lundgren. Jerk.

Florina got the Energy Ring.

Unit	Lev	Exp	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Wep	
Lyn	12	98	25	8	13	16	9	3	6	Swd-A	
Florina	8	51	27	9	11	10	12	5	6	Lnc-B	
Wil	7	98	23	8	7	8	7	7	0	Bow-C	
Rath	8	76	25	8	10	11	5	7	2	Bow-B	
Nils	2	22	15	0	0	12	11	6	5		
Wallace	2	74	35	16	10	9	10	17	5	Lnc-A	Axe-D

Edited by Whitefang
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Out of curiousity, how long is the source for that Java program?

C:\>python -c "print '\n'.join(__import__('random').sample('1234', 4))"

Also, don't you take a penalty for Matthew in Ch11 if you did in Ch6? And didn't you say you weren't doing Lyn mode anyway?

...I hate java.

import java.util.Random;

public class listGen {

static boolean[] used = { false,false,false,false };

   public static void main(String[] args) {
   	int[] list = new int[4];

   	for(int x = 0;x < 4;x++) {

   		Random myRandom = new Random();

   		int gen = myRandom.nextInt(4) + 1;

   		if(!isUsed(gen)) { list[x] = gen; used[gen-1] = true; System.out.println(gen); }
   		else{ x--; continue; }

   public static boolean isUsed(int i) {
   	return used[--i];


Matthew is free usage for chapter 11 only (It's not directly stated, but I made a point of saying that any rule in the generic ruleset that isn't contradicted is, unless otherwise stated, in affect).

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...I hate java.

...I don't blame you, but I can still offer a few suggestions...

import java.util.Random;
// FFS be consistent and use either only tabs or only spaces for indentation.
// If your IDE is tabbing things for you, slap it around until it stops
// mixing tabs and spaces.

public class listGen {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       // No reason for this to be a class member when there's only the one piece of functionality.
       boolean[] used = { false, false, false, false };
       int[] list = new int[4];
       // Initialize this only once outside the loop to get proper randomness!
   	Random myRandom = new Random();

   	for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
           // Use the value without the +1 for calculations, and only adjust when you need it to print.
           // Instead of playing around with the 'x' index value, nest a loop to pull valid value.
           // 'isUsed' is too trivial for a separate function, especially with the first change.
           // Get the value you want first, and then print it.
           int r = -1;
           do { r = myRandom.nextInt(4); } while (used[r]);
           used[r] = true;
           System.out.println(r + 1);

And thx for the clarification about Matthew. To be honest I'm not that familiar with the generic rulesets because, well, I like the way I do it better :)

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I think it really devalues Matt to do that. Matt should be allowed to do most thieving utilities but there is no need to allow him to steal unimportant items. I know I like to steal Vulneraries but I don't think that utility should go to everyone.

And to start

I think the lowest turncount in Lyn mode should be the amount given to those who don't play Lyn Mode at the start. I mean it is already an advantage to have a trained Florina coming out of Lyn mode. But maybe that is just me.

And to Start

Chapter 11 7/7 turns

Just standard 7-turn Clear

Chapter 12 4/11 turns

Had Matt, Oswin, and Hector guard the south while Marcus solos the north.

Chapter 13 8/19 turns

Matt recruited Guy while Marcus rushed with Hector. Oswin got the village and I got the sidequest.

Chapter 13x 7/26 turns

Had Guy go East while Matt, Oswin, Marcus, and Hector held down the fort. Marcus got the boss kill while Guy got some stellar level ups.

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Chapter 11 9/79 turns

Apparently Wire moves in normal mode.

Unit	Lev	Exp	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Wep
Hector	4	2	22	10	6	6	4	9	0	Axe-C

Chapter 12 4/83 turns

I'm tired of messing up. My first attempt (6 turns) I had to scrap because I sent Matthew shopping. The sad part was that I didn't have to do it. Good thing it forced me to start over.

Unit	Lev	Exp	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Wep
Hector	6	43	24	10	7	6	6	9	0	Axe-C
Marcus	1	28	Base							
Lowen	2	40	Base							

Chapter 13 6/89 turns

Everyone went through Merlinus's village, and Hector ended up walking to the throne. Lowen finally got in some shopping.

Unit	Lev	Exp	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Wep		
Hector	7	8	24	10	8	6	7	9	1	Axe-C		
Marcus	2	19	31	15	15	11	9	10	8	Swd-A	Lnc-A	Axe-B
Lowen	2	70	Base									

Chapter 13x 7/96 turns

Marcus ran around to the village, and Hector guarded the North while Lowen fought in the east. Dorcas moved Merlinus out of danger. Lowen needs to get better and soon.

Unit	Lev	Exp	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Wep		
Hector	8	66	25	11	8	6	7	9	1	Axe-B		
Marcus	2	65	31	15	15	11	9	10	8	Swd-A	Lnc-A	Axe-B
Lowen	3	64	24	7	5	7	3	8	1	Swd-D	Lnc-D	

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Chapter 12 - 5/87

I've never actually had to hide away Oswin and Matt before, it took a few tries. Otherwise, Marcus shitstomp below, Hector shitstomp above.

Name    Level MaxHP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Hector  5.16  22    7   5   6   5   11  0
Eliwood 1.65  Base
Bartre  2.75  Base
Rebecca 1.86  Base
Marcus  1.74  Base

Chapter 13 - 6/93

Marcus ferries Hector over. Rebecca snags kills where she can. Eliwood and Bartre take north.

Name    Level MaxHP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Hector  5.60  22    7   5   6   5   11  0
Eliwood 2.08  19    5   6   7   8   5   1
Bartre  3.58  30    9   5   4   4   5   1
Rebecca 2.61  18    5   5   7   4   4   1
Marcus  2.78  31    15  16  11  8   10  8

Chapter 14 - 13/106


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Chapter 11 9/79 turns

Apparently Wire moves in normal mode.

I think it's legitimately an AI bug... I don't think he's supposed to move, but I think the "run away and heal if you're at critical HP and have a Vulnerary" behaviour ends up overriding his normal behaviour.

I know I've seen Heintz walk away from his gate in Lyn's tale. It might require that the objective is not "seize throne" for this to occur. (Heintz doesn't have a Vulnerary, does he?)

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Chapter 14 8/34 turns

Marcus ran forward. Guy went down and recruited Prissy so I can go Prissy-->Raven-->Lucius. I also got the iron blade. I had Hector stay back and kill the Peg Knights.

Chapter 15 7/41 turns

I had Matt go and get the stuff. Marcus killed Sealen to get a Steel Bow.

Got a Silver axe which Marcus might use soon and Merlinius didn't die.

Unit    Lev Exp HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res  Wep             
Hector  07  32  24 11  07  06  06  11  02   Axe C          
Marcus  06  22  34 16  18  12  10  12  09   Sword A Lance A Axe B          
Matt    06  26  20 04  05  12  05  05  00   Sword D          
Guy     07  26  24 09  13  13  08  06  00   Sword C
Oswin   11  65  30 13  10  06  03  15  05   Lance B

Chapter 16 6/47 turns

Sain, Kent, and Lyn went shopping. Marcus carried Hector forward. I got the red gem village.

Chapter 17 10/57 turns

I rushed and I think Lucius cost me 2 turns. I got everything except the Silver sword, with Marcus getting the chest key through the wall. Merilinus died but not before I got the treasure back to him. All three soldiers survived.

Chapter 17x 6/63 turns

I got Canas. Marcus rushed to get to Fargus.

Chapter 18 5/68 turns

Marcus Rescue Matt and ran towards the boss. All the others took care of the other side. Matt stole the Speedwings and Marcus killed the boss with his Silver Lance.

Chapter 19 6/74 turns

Marcus Rushed to kill Uhai and he has 19 Strength. He's a beast. I got Fiora and a Nosferatu book. Guy got some kills and is turning into a beast. Stats after next chapter

Chapter 19x 6/80 turns

I rush everyone forward and have Fiora get the Goddess Icon Marcus kills the boss and I have Hector seize right after.

Unit    Lev Exp HP S/M Skl Spd Lck Def Res  Wep             
Hector  12  63  29 13  09  07  08  14  02   Axe B          
Marcus  12  75  39 20  22  15  15  13  10   Sword A Lance S Axe A          
Matt    08  74  22 06  06  13  05  06  00   Sword C          
Guy     11  77  27 10  16  15  10  06  01   Sword B
Oswin   15  56  33 13  11  07  04  17  07   Lance A
Lucius  05  34  20 07  08  11  02  01  08   Light D
Canas   11  92  22 12  09  10  08  06  10   Dark B
Fiora   07  41  21 08  11  13  06  06  07   Lance C

Chapter 20 8/88 turns

I got the Luna, Guiding Ring, Member Card, and Barrier Staff. I had Lucius go against some archers. Canas got some level ups and Marcus kept being awesome. Probably gonna be some promotions soon, we'll see.

Chapter 21 3/91 turns

Marcus rush what more is there to say.

Chapter 22 3/94 turns

See Above Marcus Rush

Chapter 23 7/101 turns

I got the Ocean Seal, Eclipse and Fila's Might. Pent killed both bosses while everyone else killed other stuff. Canas did especially well as did Hawkeye.

Chapter 24 3/104 turns

Marcus rush and I bought some flux.

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