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Return of the Emblem Chapter Seven: Reunion


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The woman whom Blake was teamed up with earlier came up and tried to thank Blake for 'covering' her in battle. Blake was about to protest that he had done no such thing, and that credit due should go to John, or the older fighter, but he couldn't, as the woman then decided to kindly collapse onto him. So now he was holding an unconscious woman who he didn't even know, in the middle of a dead realm, with a minor deity in his presence. Maybe he should have just went on his way and ignored the soldiers' demise. Well, it was too late for that. The swordsman carried the mysterious woman into the carriage, propped her up against a wall, and returned outside, to see the impromptu funeral.

The mercenary couldn't claim to have known the dead boy, but even still, he was saddened by the loss. The kid must've been only 14 or 15. He had all his life ahead of him. To be stripped of that, well, it was just cruel. Regardless, Blake kept his expression emotionless, as per usual.

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"How do we escape this land? This is the realm of the dead and to be in it, must we not be dead? To return to life from death, is that even possible? Would it not take the power of a God to do something like that?"

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"You are not dead. If you were, you would not be talking to me, you would be passing through the Gate, and I would be leaving this place alone." Lilith replied simply. "I'm ... sorry for your loss." She added, referring to Sammy.

She then took a few steps forward to place herself at the edge of the gathered party. From there, she did a light sweeping kick at the dirt as if drawing a semi-circle. A circle did form, however, but it was massive, a single trailing engraving drawing one large circle into the ground around the entire group. "As I said before, this is not a realm you simply warp into ... it requires a lot of power and force for the living." she explained as she readied her fist. "I don't know where we'll end up, so make your peace!" she warned, a swirl of red energy orbiting her fist as she did. Red light began to illuminate the circle itself, and everything outside of it was being blasted by a vortex of wind.

"W-wait! Does she seriously not know?!" Amon spoke up, suddenly frightened by the idea of coming out in some immediately fatal environment.


The latter half(from Lilith kick and onwards) of this post is happening in ... the opposite of retrospect ... prospect or something, so feel free to wrap up any business. Next Lilith post is the the 'escape' post.

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"We're not dead, that's already been established. Secondly, I doubt one has to be a god to get us out of here, the people that brought us here definitely didn't seem like divine entities. Well...hopefully not anyway, I wouldn't expect a god to do so much taunting and cackling," she said to Robin, frowning a bit.


"Wait, we're leavin'? I don't care what she has to say about any divines, let's just have her wave her arms around and get us out of this place. Out of curiosity, where are we goin'?" she asked of curiosity.

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<I guess this is it.> John thought watching the circle and the lights. <Hopefully there is no need to suddenly order Gil to take flight.>

Once we get back, hopefully we can easily head back to Europa. Sophia thought. Or at least to Ursium, or the continent... She shook her head. No, I'm over thinking it. It couldn't possibly be that far, is it?

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Well, this was a light show. Unusual magic, yet again. Well, here we go.. Norbert thought as his grip on Rizen's reigns became firm, helping to keep the pegasus from panicking at the ground acting abnormal while he braced himself for wherever they'd wind up. Gytha watched the light from atop the wagon, mostly curious about where they'd be warped to, though a tad nervous about the location as well. It could be anywhere, after all.

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There's No Place Like Sardius

Once she had gathered enough power, Lilith told the entire party "Get yourselves stable, all fours, kneel, anything, but don't just stand around!" before leaping into the air, her incredibly large wings spreading to give her a boost. "This realm won't hold me a moment longer ..." she told herself before inverting to face the ground head on. As she came down, she readied her fist, and once she was close enough, she punched the ground, shaking the entire area. The ground crumbled out from beneath the party and everything outside the circle disappeared in an intense flash ....

The wagon fell a short but painful ten feet and landed on a sandy beach, it's wheels sitting in half a foot of water. For a few brief moments after their arrival, surges of energy shot overhead in random directions like lightning, striking at the air. The scenery beyond the beach wasn't very promising, the sand just went on and on up into the mountains. Ringo was half buried in sand with Gabbie lying on her back not far away. Amon's entire right leg was buried in the sand and he was desperately trying to dig himself out. Lilith seemed to have the worst of it of the three, as only the tips of her wings and her right foot were poking out of the sand. The foot twitched a few times. When Gabbie looked up and spotted the familiar black boot and wingtips moving ever so slightly, she burst into uncontrollable laughter, rolling and grabbing her stomach. "Oh my gods, that's the funniest thing I've ever seen in ... wait, where's Raquel? She wasn't in the wagon ..."

Raquel ... was floating on her back in the waves about fifty feet out from the beach. She was conscious, but disoriented, tired, and groaning. "So we ... did come out in the middle of the ocean ... I guess that means my wagon and everyone inside is doomed ...." she said to herself in a particularly depressed tone.

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Unable to finish the burial, as fruitless as it would have been anyway, she did what she could. Grabbing onto the body, she stabilized herself, but that wasn't enough. The sudden rush of water all around her, the loss of hearing and her sight blurred as well as a sudden stinging made her panic, instinct driving her to climb up. Reaching the surface, she gasped for air, coughing up copious amounts of water and other bits of... things she did NOT care to identify in the slightest. In the middle of her panic, she saw two floating bodies, one of a woman and the other of a smaller frame... The kid! Oh dammit, I can't just send him off like that, he deserves... Struggling to stay afloat in her armor, she barely managed to drag the corpse to dry land, pulling him inland enough and then flopping down on the sand herself, breathless. This is just not my day... Why did I sign up for this? URGH!

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Instinctually, Rizen took to wing as they began falling. Norbert had to direct her to dive in order to keep with the others until the scenery began looking a lot less like Purgatory. As a result, Rizen was hovering near the wagon by the time they'd landed and easily landed by said wagon when Norbert directed her to.

"Whoa..." The Ursian pegasus rider had never seen so much sand in one place. Heck, he'd never seen so much sand period. It was a combination between three expanses: the sea, the sky and the sand, each representing a different terrain and all joining at the shoreline. Something else he noticed soon after that was that the temperature was very, very warm. "Where are we...?" he wondered aloud as he continued to look around.

Gytha had fallen off the wagon durring the crash and was herself in the water. We realla did land in th' ocean?! She was quite surprised. Though when she surfaced and looked around, the mariner realized that they were actually quite near shore. And really, most others were already there, even if some of them were partially burried in the sand. ...The sand. ..... It stretched on as far as she could see. That meant... "HARRR!!! WE'RE HERE!! WE'RE HERE!!! HAHAHAHAHARRR!!!" she cheered as she splashed around enthusiastically in the sea water then swiftly swam to shore. Being a seafarer, she'd made it a point to learn to swim, though not every sailor she knew had done the same. As soon as her booted feet met with sand, she began energetically searching for Amon to tell him the good news. No one knew this place better than he, after all, she figured. Any depression she had before had at least temporarily been replaced by this excitement of discovery.

It didn't take long to locate him. Grabbing him by the shoulders under his arms, she began yanking at him to try and help him get his leg out of the sand. All the while, she was quickly running her mouth, "Amonyeknowwherewearedon'tye?Lookaround!Thisisgreat!Yecanshowmearoundyerhomenow!ItoldyeI'dvisitheresomeday!"

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<Well, here goes nothing.> John thought as he shielded his eyes from the intense light. And all of a sudden... a falling sensation.

<Wha...?!> Gil quickly spread his wings and began flapping them, stopping the descent. John opened his eyes, and blue greeted his eyes. <Huh? We made it! Wait... this is...!> John quickly looked down. And was greeted by more blue. <Water? Did we ended in the middle of the ocean? Wait, then what happened to the others?> He ordered Gil to turn around, and now it was yellow's turn to say hi. <A beach? Wait, it spreads too far inland... don't tell me, we actually ended up somewhere near Rex-Avaz? Well, it wasn't with the Fallen or something.> He laughed. He could barely see the figures on the sand, though the much larger wagon provided a better signaling point. <Well, it's good to know this warping business went without much problem. Now even if those two back there figure quickly of our departure, they still have to deal with looking for us here in Sardius again.> Yes, things certainly turned out just fi...


<Huh, what the...?> The scream didn't lasted long, it seemed, but suddenly Gil jerked backwards. John reached for the wyvern's neck to avoid falling. ''Hey, what's the big idea!?'' He said. ''Um... a little help please?'' A voice suddenly said.

''Huh, who...?'' Looking around once more, he then found Sophia, hanging from Gil's tail. That explained everything. John just stared for a moment. <What are the chances...?> He shook his head. <Wait, now's not the time.>

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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As Blake's attention was drawn by Vasilus, the scene rapidly shifted. A huge circle formed around the wagon and survivors. Then it turned red, much like fire magic, to the swordsman's chagrin. Were they about to die, via deceitful all-powerful being? There was no time to ponder such questions, as Lilith had taken off into the air. Before the human could really brace himself, she slammed into the ground, and they were falling. Down and down and down they went, until there was nothing but oblivion...

The temperature suddenly rose, but not to an altogether uncomfortable heat. It felt kind of like the middle summer, to be honest. Blake opened his eyes. They were beach side somewhere, with various group members in varying conditions of buried. The swordsman himself had his left arm stuck in the sand, as if he was digging for something. That was quickly corrected, as he removed his appendage from the grips of the earth, and began to dust himself off.

Further over, Gytha was talking animatedly to Amon, probably about the fact that there was water in this place. A few people seemed to be trying to free themselves from their gritty prisons, while the lance lady, it appeared, was rolling around on the sand laughing... at someone... OK, then. Further out were some other members trying to get to shore, and a figure who was just floating in the sea... It looked like the dead kid made the trip, after all. But wait, wasn't that a pegasus lady who was pulling his body to shore?

Suddenly interested, Blake stood up and approached the coastline. It looked like the figure was just waiting to die, and on further inspection... They had pink hair. Bloody hell, it was Raquel. Maybe that whole revelation thing had her suicidal? The man briefly considered just leaving her there to drown, but, well, there were a few problems with that. Problem one was that he probably would be out of a job, and thus out of intense fights, if the objective for his most recent one, the merchant girl, were to pass on. The second issue was that if he were to simply stand by, Lilith would probably kill them all for allowing the Emblem bearer pass on. Lastly, and most least, the man told himself, he probably wouldn't be able to live with himself if he watched someone relatively innocent die, when he could have acted. Therefore, he was going to have to do something about the merchant's position. Damn this 'thinking' business.

With a sigh, the mercenary removed his sheathed sword from his belt, wrapped it around with his cape, stripped off his leather armor and boots, and took off into the sea towards the floating girl. It was not too far for him, but his time was hampered by his water-laden clothing's extra weight. Still, Blake did not dare to remove it. It was his last line of defense out here, however meager it may be. Eventually, he reached Raquel. With a quick grab of what may have been her arm, he turned and began to swim back to the beach, pulling the woman as he went.

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Shadrak tried to take as many notes on possible for the ritual... but soon found himself boots deep in sand... by the ocean... grunting as he pulled himself out he glanced around. "Neviskotia? Really?" He asked himself... it was then he noticed that a Leg was sticking out of the sand... with a few wing tips, and a dieing of laughter Gabbie. He smiled and shook his head, walking over to the scene. "Well... she's still alive..." He mused as he pulled out his dark tome and got to work shifting the sand to let the woman out. "I guess she wasn't kidding when she said we could end up anywhere... atleast we're alive..."

Zel, was considerably less fortunate than Shad... calling out in shock as he plummeted ten feet down onto the sand. He groaned after he collided with the ground, and slowly started to pick himself up... his helmet was gone... and so was, no wait, there was his horse, trotting up to him with a concerned winny.

Krystal was semi fortunate, she was on the ground... but her right wing was buried all the way to the stalk, she couldn't move it, nor could she get herself into a position to dig it out. "A uh... a little help here?" She asked, trying to pull herself out to no avail.

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Sand People

It took a few moments, but with Gytha's help, Amon's leg came free, and then he was better able to focus on the slew of things she was going on about. "The sea of sand, huh? Well I'm glad you're happy, but we could be in some real trouble here, depending on where we are. I'm guessing when you're out at sea not having enough food or water is a death sentence? It's no different out here, and I don't exactly remember us stocking up much ... at least not on water." he explained. "With a group this size, we'd need quite a bit, too."

Raquel only glanced over at the man pulling her to safety. She couldn't quite make out who it was. Don't worry about me ... just save the others. she thought to herself, still looking pretty fatigued.

After a few moments of motionlessness, The sands encasing Lilith began to expand apart, forming what looked like a dome on the surface. Shadrak's excavation revealed more of Lilith's form, but she hadn't been freed until the expanding sands had formed a considerably sized bubble. The structure fell apart as Lilith came bursting out of it from the top. Unlike most of the others, she was clean, not one grain stuck to her hair, feathers, or clothing. She came down to the ground, slowly and gently. She looked out at the ocean for a brief moment, a little thankful she hadn't brought them out there by accident. "We are definitely in Sardius ...." she noted with a suspicious glance over her shoulder.

Gabbie got up once the spectacle was over and began helping Ringo to dig himself out of the sand. The wyvern soon got to violent flapping to free himself. It worked and he took a short walk before lying down. Gabbie came over to him and sat right beside him, leaning back to use his side as a headrest. "Welp, here we are ... Sardius ... I guess. Looks more loike a lifeless desert with no hope of survoival past a week but that's just me." She then noticed the trapped and helpless Krystal some distance away. "... eh, not as funny as the buried goddess." She stood back up and walked over to help dig the dark avian out.

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As the people started to appear, there was one person who did not. Amon, Gytha, Lilith, Krystal, Raquel, Blake, Zel, John, Gil, Happy, Sneezy, Droopy, Grumpy, Prancer, Dancer, Comet, Cupid, Blizten... and no Robin! No! As the party started to appear, dropping down into sand and water, no Ohkan appeared with them. Instead, a sudden eruption of sand came from the beach as if something large had suddenly appeared within. Had it been a small bubble of air under the sand awaiting a cave-in? Something else? Either way, a moment later, muffled cries of panic and fear came from under the sand, followed a moment later by Robin's hand bursting out of the beach as she furiously tried to claw her way out!

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Veronika landed face first in the sand, swallowing a large portion of it. She spent her time coughing it up rather than surveying her surroundings for the moment.

Nadya landed in the sand, having curled up into a ball before arrival, figuring that to be the safest way to do a crash landing.

"That's a good question Gytha, do have any idea where we are Amon? If you could lead us to some sort of shelter that'd be great...if not then were probably screwed within a few days," she remarked, attempting to stay calm. Luca appeared fine for the most part, if slightly jarred.

Connor had stayed in the wagon the entire time, which he regretted in retrospect. The force of the landing slammed him harshly against one of the walls. Ow...well at least I didn't have any weapons impale me. This is still the worst trip ever. "Does someone want to get the wagon to shore?" he asked from inside.

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<If this is how erratic this whole warping business is,> John thought as he turned around and stretched his arm to reach Sophia, who extended an arm as well. <I hope we may never have to do it again.> Grabbing her hand, he now heaved her up as Gil now regained his horizontal position. <This may not happen next time. Then again, neither would appearing this high up I guess.>

''Th-thanks.'' Sophia said with a sigh. ''From all places, I didn't expect to appear this high up. Or at least not without being in a mountain.'' Though I would still have preferred appearing much more closer to the ground.

''Yeah, neither did I.'' John said. ''She did said the place we would end up would be random, but I guess it was more so than I thought.'' <But what an understatement it turned out to be though.> ''Well,'' he turned back to face the wyvern's head. ''I guess we should be joining with the others down there. Let's go Gil.''

The wyvern grunted, before making his way down in the direction of the shore.

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Sirocco opened her eyes slowly. The warm sands around her and the cool breezes felt fantastic. She looked down, seeing dunes everywhere. She was....flying! The wings of her costume had become real wings, and she was able to fly above the desert. Sirocco passed over an oasis, seeing some foxes drinking from it. She flew farther across the desert, reaching a town. She carefully went down to the ground, gliding along. There seemed to be many women and men dressed in priestess costumes. However, they didn't seem to even notice the flying oracle. Sirocco flew to the biggest building in the center of town, landing on a balcony. There seemed to be some woman in the room, reading a book. She looked very important, and appeared to be a high ranking priestess. When Sirocco landed, she looked up from her novel, and walked over to Sirocco. It was then everything went dark.

Sirocco started falling. Down, like the ground had been pulled out from under her. Her wings were fake again, and she couldn't move them to save her. It felt like she would hit the ground any second, before the darkness around her began to clear. It was slow, as if the background was being painted in. This time she was on top of a tall mountain. Around some sort of nest. Suddenly, people began to appear. Comrades she was traveling with. John seemed to be flying on his wyvern, and Gytha was yelling at Amon.

All of the sudden a large burst of flame whizzed right by Sirocco. She turned to see where it was coming from. A huge dragon had appeared in the nest! It had golden scales, and large wings. There seemed to be other people fighting it than just the mercenaries though. There were Fallen soldiers wearing armor and wielding weapons. They were trying to attack the dragon, but most were being deflected by the dragon's tail and flames. Sirocco looked over at her allies, when all of the sudden the dragon's huge tail knocked Robin right off of the mountain. She tumbled down the side of the cliff, and through the clouds, but Sirocco could not see the ground. Everything went dark again.

Sirocco opened her eyes and flew straight up. Where was she this time? Back in the wagon. She tried to climb out the back of it, but landed in a puddle. "What's going on? What happened while I was asleep?"

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The Best Beach Day On Record ... Unfortunately

Sandrock was lying down with her head up, trying carefully to set her legs so she wouldn't injure them further. She could by no means move, and the sea water was uncomfortable, though the soft sand kept her from breaking any bones. Riley had a bad landing and was on his side, partially untacked from the wagon and keeping his head above water. His left front and hind legs were both badly injured, the former having suffered a fracture, so he could by no means get up and out of the water on his own. He would have gave some pained whinnies but was too focused on keeping his head up to put in the effort.

Amon put his head down when asked about the area. There were definitely downsides to being a city boy, it seemed. Twas time to give them the bad news, and then try to smooth it over with the good news that did come to mind. "We didn't come here from anywhere else on the map, so I've got no idea where we are. We're probably in Rex-Avaz, which is ... both good and bad. I'm familiar with certain areas, but without knowing which area I'm in, I've got nothing to go on. A map isn't going to help unless we find some landmarks which ..." he paused to scan the horizon. "... aren't there. The good news, though, is that we're on the coast. We can head along it and eventually we'll reach a port. Then we can find out where we are if I haven't figured it out by then." he explained.

"I can sense Aisha ..." Lilith stated, not to anyone in the group. She was standing a short ways off with her arms crossed and had her gaze fixed farther inland. "She must still be in charge of the Rexia desert. I should probably speak with her ...."

Amon looked over at Lilith, not sure to make of what she'd just said. "You know which direction Lady Aisha is in? That would be where Sanctuary is ...." he added quietly. "How ... far off is she, exactly?"

"Not far by my standards. Within arm's reach, almost. By your standards? I can't say. You aren't going anywhere until those horses are tended to, first, however. Also someone might want to help the girl there." she explained, pointing a thumb toward the hand sticking out of the sand. "Mmm, I wouldn't want to take any chances ..." she reached out with her arm and began to pull at the air. Robin came out of the sand dangling by her arm as a result, and Lilith gently let her down. By about that time, Gabbie had finished helping Krystal out of the sand as well.

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The swim back took a bit longer than the swim to the initial employer, partially because Raquel was in tow, and partially because Blake's clothes were absolutely soaked with the seawater. Eventually, the man reached the water shallow enough so that he could stand up. There, the swordsman, dripping wet thanks to his dip, actually picked the merchant girl up and brought her to the beach side. It was surprisingly effortless, so he must've been getting a bit stronger already. After laying her somewhat upright, Blake returned to his gear and waited for the heat to dry his clothing. All the while, he was watching for any other potential drowning party members. The odds of his survival were better if there were more bodies to take hits, after all.

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The trio finally reached the shore, with the wyvern landing near the wagon on the sand while the passengers dismounted.

<Floating in the water, buried in the sand... looks like even here there were some reentry problems as well.> John noted. <Although, not as bad as ending up in the sky I guess. Good thing I had Gil either way.>

Sophia looked around. It didn't looked like anyone was hurt because of the sudden entrance. That is, until her gaze reached the wagon itself, more specifically, the horses. Oh, the poor things. She thought before heading over.

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"Well if you know the way, it would sure be a help for you to slow down and guide us," Nadya responded to the magical bird lady. "Ugh, I guess we're lucky you didn't warp us onto anything rougher, I wasn't expectin' to come down with such speed," she said, going over the horses. "There, there," she said, patting RIley gently as she applied her healing staff to his legs. "Maybe we should unhitch you from the wagon a bit fella, you'll probably be a little sore even after I fix ya up."


After she had finished her sandy snack, Veronika took note of her surroundings and listened to the conversations people were having. So this is Rex-Avaz...all I know about it are a few stories and what I've heard from Amon. I doubt Pavel will be here, if the Emblem were here Amon wouldn't have left in the first place. Still, never hurts to look. she thought to herself hopefully, dusting off her clothes.

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As people were found and began recovering, Norbert found himself feeling more and more drained as time went on. The temperature was so much higher than he was used to. He just wanted to have Rizen fly up to where the stronger wings were just to keep a cool breeze on him. The pegasus was likewise very uncomfortable in this new climate, especially wearing the armor she was. At least there were cool gusts coming off of the sea. Those would be gone if they headed further inland, though. "Merz, how do you stand this heat?" Norbert groaned at Amon. He was the only Rexain in the group, so it would only have any chance of benefit if he was the one to be asked.

Gytha, meanwhile, had been running her mouth off about how great it was that they were in the sea of sand and could explore it and something about sand sharks being dangerous. "Aisha? Hey, that's th' sand-Leviathan! We should go meet'er! Amon, yer gonna show us Sanctuara too, aye?! Then we can visit th' Rexain ports! This is great!" she exclaimed, obviously hardly able to contain herself.

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<Well, now that we're here,> John was thinking. <I guess we'll be heading to the nearest settlement. The desert terrain will certainly slow us down overall though.>

It seems she wasn't the only one, as someone else had also headed over to the horses and was now tending to one of them. Sophia in turn headed over to the other horse, and used her own staff. I guess they unfortunately appeared in the air as well. She thought. That and in addition of being tied to the wagon. Thankfully it didn't got worse than this.

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"It is pretty hot." Gabbie commented after Bert. She was wondering if Lilith was going to fry or if being a vasilus slash goddess would cancel out virtually all mortal inconveniences. Amon unbuttoned his coat when Bert spoke up.

"I'm not really dressed for this kind of heat, either. If you've got any light and loose clothing, wear that instead. Make sure it's bright, and not heavy ... um, so exactly the opposite of what Lilith is wearing." he realized, and nervously pointed out. He got a short glance from Lilith but she said nothing. That left Gytha's inquiry. Gytha thinks Aisha is a sand leviathan?. Amon thought. His face went pale for a moment when he imagined Aisha taking the form of a sand beast. Nonononononononono- "I'm not sure 'sand-Leviathan' is the best description of her ...."

"She is human in appearance unless she decided to try another look on during my absence. You want to travel to this 'Sanctuary' of hers?" she asked those around.

"Not exactly ...." Amon muttered quietly. Lilith didn't catch it at the very least.

"I wasn't planning to visit her with a group like this in tow, but ... perhaps. My goal was to get you all to civilization before going to see the state of the world first hand. Still, though ... I would prefer a longer trip made in peace than a short one blasting my way through the century's worst sandstorm. Yes, reaching her will be less of a pain with you people, so we'll go together."

"What do you mean 'less of a pain'?" Amon asked.

"Aisha and I were not on good terms when we last met, and sadly, the grudges of our kind can last for a very long time. I'm willing to bet that she'll try to politely shoo me away with a few lethal sandstorms, but those would only be annoying and wouldn't delay me for long. Someone loyal to her is in this group. You." she looked right at Amon. "I can tell due to her power coursing through that item in your right coat pocket. If we travel as a group, her long range attacks are too inaccurate to use. She'll have to let us all in together or risk harming you." she explained.

"So you're using me as a shield just because she might not want to see you?" Amon grimaced.

"Those are my reasons. Find your own reasons for us traveling together if mine bother you. Now, do you want me to guide you people to civilization or not? These are my terms, and they can hurt little more than Amon's conscience."

Amon glared a bit, but it passed quickly when something else crossed his mind. "If you can sense her ... then I'm guessing she can sense you too. Maybe she'll send someone before we even get there." Amon thought aloud.

"Without a doubt she knows I'm here."

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"Thanks," Nadya said to Sophia quickly before unhinging Riley. "Now how are we going to get the wagon out? I bet it's too stuck to move normally...get one of the wyverns to lift it maybe? Or get it out with magic somehow, not my specialty," she wondered aloud.


"I'm not sure we have any better options than following her for the moment, we'll run out of supplies soon and I think we could all use a rest after what's happened- especially Raquel. After we rest and resupply, we can use one of the ports to find a ship back to Ursium. If you have other obligations I understand Amon, but to me the choice is clear," she said, joining the rest of the group.

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