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Return of the Emblem Chapter Seven: Reunion


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As the wagon lifted into the air, Gytha's reaction was much different from Amon's. While he was concerned for Gabbie, Gytha figured she was fine, so she didn't have her attention. Instead, Gytha's excitement grew as a realization began to unfold in her mind. "We... We have a SAND SHIP!! WE HAVE A SAND SHIP!!!" she cheered. Today couldn't get any better.


Maw was not in a good mood. Fighting she could sleep through. But then her slumber was rudely interrupted by the sensation of falling and she was nearly hit by a crate in the wagon. Then it smelled like the sea was outside, which was fine, but then there were splashing sounds and those always made the cat anxious. Splashing sounds different from the normal kind usually meant she was going to get wet to some degree, which she did not like. Then she felt like she was being picked up, but no one was picking her up. Then the thing she was in began moving. Maw was not a happy kitty. Too many weird things were happening so she stood where she was, stiff-legged until she could figure out what was happening.


Phyllis wasn't being very cooperative, though she only made nervous efforts to get away from Norbert and not let him untack her. In spite of this, the pegasus rider was careful to try to go about it as gently as possible, letting the mare pull away when she wanted to. By the time the wagon shenanigains started, he'd managed to remove most of Phyllis' tack and the blanket under her saddle was easy enough to pull off. The only thing he left on was her bridle in case he had to lead her. Then, he saw the wagon lifting up into the sky and John redirecting it. "What in Wrath's name...?"

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''Let's go back Gil.'' John said, their job done. The wyvern grunted before descending back to land.

Sophia watched the whole event happening. Amazing. She thought. Those deflectors are truly powerful if they can lift it that high. She then heard Gytha's shouting. Sand ship? This got her confused. What is she talking about?

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Robin looked down as the arrow sank into the sand. Her shot had failed. Her marksmanship, craftsmanship, and everything, failed. All she had wanted to do was try and provide an anchor so the people on the ground could help with the floating cart, but, instead, it had been for absolutely nothing.

"<Nothing.>" replied Robin in a glum tone as Gytha started all acting happy-like at the chance to be a land-prate (bandit). "<Nothing at all.>"

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"I don't understand what qualifies the wagon as a ship now," Veronika said to Gytha. "Don't ships need sails, and masts, and those giant wheel things to be called ships?" she asked her.


Robin's response came in Neviskotian, which Nadya didn't speak a word of. "...Ok then," was all she said in response, stepping away from the archer. Maybe that time kinda bein' dead is having an effect on people...makin' them go crazy. Well at least I'm sane, sane as I'll ever be anyway. she thought to herself.

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Closing the tome, Ranyin looked up to see the wagon hovering quite a bit above sea level. The short mage could only stare in wonder as he never thought of flying wagons before. Unable to contain himself, forgetting about magic and poor Sammy, Ranyin ran to the sea side to gape at the wagon.

Speaking out loud, Ranyin said to no one in particular, "Wow! I didn't know the wagon could do THAT!"

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"Heharr, those're important fer ships t' have, aye -- 'r at least sea ships -- but a ship is basicla somethin' that can carry a lot o' people across terrain we can't usualla cross as far by ourselves," Gytha explained to Veronika, "Guess th' wagon's too small t' be a proper ship, though. More like a boat."

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Robin caught Nadya's motion as she stepped away. "My arrow broke. It did not even bite the wood." she said again in common. "I work hard to make sure all my arrows are of good quality. If I do not, it can mean wounds or death on a hunt. To have a arrow break means I did not pay attention and may have other weak arrows in my quiver."

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Once they hit land, John dismounted, and gazed back at the still airborne wagon. <It sure has climbed up quite a bit.> He noted. <I guess bringing it down can be done as slowly as it goes up. Although, it'd be really bad if instead it comes crashing down just like after warping.>

Now it's a boat? Sophia thought. Gytha's line of logic was certainly... unique. However, this now got her curious. ''Isn't what you described more suited to be called a vehicle?'' She spoke up. ''Not necessarily a ship, or a boat.''

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"Vee-hickle?" Gytha echoed, confused, "Heard o' a 'vessel' b'fore -- which is what boats n' ships are -- but not a vee-hickle."

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"Well, good thing there's usually not much need for huntin' wild wagons. I wouldn't be so worried about arrow quality so much as pickin' the right target here. Just let a magic user turn off the deflectors and we can be on our way," she said to Robin.

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Get Higher

The wagon was still climbing, the twelve deflector rings putting out enough power to keep it climbing. It was uncertain when the wagon would reach a stable altitude, but by this point, it was too high to crash without being completely destroyed along with most of its more fragile contents. Gabbie figured there wasn't anymore time to waste and rushed over to Lilith. "Oi! Hate to keep askin' ya favors loike this but our shaman's stuck in his head roight now!"

"I ... am partially to blame, since the wagon and its horses landed where they did. I'll make sure you reach civilization alive, but that's all I'm obligated to do." Lilith replied. She reached out with her arm, aiming at the wagon. Gabbie's glance shot from the wagon, which was now around sixty feet in the air, and Lilith, who wasn't even looking in the wagon's general direction. All of the deflector rings shut off at once, and the wagon floated there helplessly. As Lilith lowered her arm, the wagon began a slow and steady descent. It soon touched the ground and sat there, ready for use. "Finish your preparations so we can leave this place." she instructed, crossing her arms.

"Okay are the horses alroight, now? We'll have to get them hook up." Gabbie asked Sophia and Nadya.

Darksider: The Bar

Simon had been in his seat gloomily staring down his water for about five minutes. He had little to do and dreaded the thought of keeping the sisters waiting, but if he left, he might miss the assassin. Every time he heard the door open, his gaze shot to it, hoping to see the white haired man himself step through. It was always some brown haired or red haired or 'anything but white' haired individual coming through. Eventually Simon finished off his water, ordered another, and rested his head on the counter. He didn't realize until he woke up about half an hour later that he'd fallen asleep. He couldn't see anything with his eyes closed, but he heard voices.

"-for me? Huh ... can't say I know him, but he looks like a nice guy."

"Maybe a fan of yours? Or a bounty hunter. Got a price on your head, Gabe?"

"Can't say there wouldn't be people after me, but they're typically the type to take care of things themselves, you know?"

"They sound like real trouble makers, heheh."

"You have no idea, friend." Suddenly Simon felt a tap on his shoulder. "Hey there." that voice from a moment ago seemed to be speaking to him. He opened his eyes to see a white haired man sitting next to him. "So I hear you've been looking for me." What a genuine smile ...

"I ... you're him! You're really him, aren't you?!" Simon sat up in the stool.

"I'm definitely a 'him'. Which one are you going on about, though?"

"The assassin from Ursentius!"

"Ah, that 'him'."

"So that's what you meant when we were talking about Urcenter. Huh, didn't know that was you."

"Oh mighty assassin I have so much to ask of you!"

"Mighty? To be honest, I'm actually quite rusty. Sooo what kind of questions did you have, exactly ...?"

"Oh so many! So many and ... oh! I have to inform my escorts!"

"You have escorts?" the barkeep asked.

"Yes, two lovely pegasus knights ... of unknown origin." Simon elaborated with crossed arms and an assuring head nod. "I-I-I should go fetch them ... but ... but will you be here when I return ...?"

"Only if I don't get killed or you find someone more interesting to interview." Gabriel replied with a smile.

"Very well! I'm off! Please wait here!" Simon said before rushing out the door. Seconds later he came rushing back in. "Just in case ..." he paused, panting from the fatigue of his short sprint. "What is your name? I am the mysterious and well informed Darksider."


"A name I shall not soon forget!." and Simon was once again off.

"You sure giving him your name is a good idea? What if he's working for the people that are after you?" the barkeep inquired.

"He probably is. See, I'm not really an assassin. I'm not trying to keep my name a secret from people, either. I figure he's either a fan of mine or he's one of their pawns ... or both."

"Is it worth the risk?"

"Don't worry, if there's any trouble I'll be sure to take it outside." Gabriel assured.

"I'm more worried about you, son. Having folks after you on occasion can't be good for your emotional well being."

"Oh I get by well enough~"

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And the wagon was getting higher... and higher... and, you get the drill. <Hey, they're not really going to let the wagon keep climbing do they?> John thought. <That wind is a problem approaching it directly, I wonder if Gil could be able to...> But it looked like there was no need to, for in the end, Lilith took care of things. <Well, I guess at this point it was too late.> He shrugged.


''Well, yes.'' Sophia continued. ''Anything built to move around with is a vehicle. From wagons to ships, even the Professor's tanks.'' She then heard Gabbie asking about the horses, also noticing the wagon was back on land. ''Well, they're healed from their injuries of the fall, but I'm not sure if they still need to rest.'' She answered.

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"Well, if boats n' vee-hickles're th' same thing, don't see why I'd be callin' everythin' a vee-hickle," Gytha responded with a shrug, considering the conversation donewith. What a strange lady.


And then the wagon kindly landed. The heck was that all about? Well, it's down again, so I'm glad for that. Norbert thought before he walked over to the wagon, climbed inside and put Phyllis' tack with Rizen's. Since he was there, he decided to look for any food and water they might've had. He did promise Raquel, after all. There wasn't much, but he did grab a couple rations and manage to locate Raquel's canteen and so carried them back to the shoreline where Raquel was laying and he'd left his footware. "Here," he said as he handed the couple biscuits and canteen to Raquel.

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"I think they'll be ok to go for a bit, provided we don't drive him too fast and hard. We have to be sure to keep 'em hydrated pretty well too, or they'll just keel over. Hope your city is close Amon," Nadya said, re-hitching Riley and Sandrock to the wagon somewhat reluctantly.


Layla stayed atop her perch, overlooking Urcenter. Nothing yet...hmph I hope the fat man wasn't a complete waste of time she thought to herself. At this moment her keen eyes picked up the very same fat man walking back in the direction of the pegasus sisters. So either he's found the prototype or he's given up...something I'll need to deal with either way. she thought to herself, gracefully tumbling off and sauntering down the alley back to where Cecily and Clara were.

"Your fat friend has managed not to get himself killed and is heading this way shortly. Whether he continues to live or not is based entirely on his answers to my questions," she said to the sisters casually.

"Um, that's good I guess?" Clara said somewhat nervously.

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Oh, looks like she took care of it anyway. Sophia thought, watching Nadya had placed the horses back with the wagon. Now for the other thing... ''But they're actually not.'' Sophia said to Gytha. ''A ship is a vehicle, sure, but that doesn't mean you can call the wagon a ship or boat. That would be wrong.''

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"Hm? How's it wrong?" Gytha asked, "There a law against it somewhere?" It didn't make sense. It was as though the cleric was saying her definition of a boat or ship was wrong. That couldn't be the case, so she discarded the idea. Land-boats, normal, sea-faring boats and now sand-boats. She'd seen them all! Who knew? Maybe there was a sky-boat somewhere. Actualla, th' wagon probably is one o' those, too, since it was flyin'.

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''Well, because it's clearly a wagon, not a ship.'' Sophia answered. ''Law? Of course not. But that won't stop people from thinking something may be wrong with you.'' Is she really this single-minded? She was wondering. It certainly seemed that way, if she insisted the wagon was a boat somehow.

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"A wagon is a land-boat," ellaborated Gytha. She sure is finnicky, isn't she? "Ye ride it n' it's not alive, aye? So it's a boat. Ye can call it what ye want, but it's still somethin' that takes us from one place to another, aye? Don't think anyone'd think somethin's wrong with me fer callin' it what it is either."

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''But that's where you're wrong.'' Is this going to lead in circles? Sophia thought. ''You may think that's a ship's definition. But it's not. It's a vehicle's. A ship is a vehicle, so is a wagon, but a wagon is not a ship, land-ship or otherwise. That would be land-vehicle.''

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"I think I know what a ship is, miss," Gytha responded. This was getting kind of annoying. "Why's this so important t' ye anyway?" She one o' those types that likes t' change th' way people think so they're like them? She wants me t' call it a vee-hickle, sounds like. She think I'm wrong because we grew up with different words fer what takes ye from one place t' another? Could say th' same 'bout her, I guess. Not worth arguin' it, though.

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''Clearly you don't if you think the wagon is a ship.'' She said. I think this is giving me a headache. ''It's not that it is really important to me. I don't know if you're the type of person to care, but others will certainly judge you from things like that. I think it's not good to have people believe things you aren't, whether you care or not.''

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"Miss, I alreada told ye what a ship was. I grew up 'round ships n' boats. Haven't been away from 'em fer me entire life until I met Raquel a few weeks ago. Don't ye be sayin' I don't know what a ship is," informed the mariner. She was really getting annoyed with this woman's insults. As she spoke, though, she calmed down again to being only slightly annoyed. "I think it's much more likela that ye don't know what a ship is. Ye can call'em what ye want, though. Won't change what they are and it won't bother me. I think ye might be too worried 'bout what other people'll think, too. Talkin' like ye know what's runnin' through everyone's head's dangerous. Even if yer right n' people think I'm strange, it doesn't bother me. If they think I'm strange, they're right: I'm as strange t' them as they are t' me. Why should I care what they think, though? Their thoughts can't hurt me. I'm more concerned with pirates attackin' merchant ships."

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So that's why... ''So that's what it is.'' Sophia said. ''You only seem to know only what you've known for long. Wagons aren't ships. You could ask many people around Sardius, and they will answer you like I have. If you really haven't seen much outside ships then I see why you think that. But that doesn't mean you may be right. Just because you may be wrong doesn't mean someone trying to correct you is hostile to you.''

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"Like I said, ye can call it a vee-hickle n' I won't care. Call it whatever ye want. I still say th' wagon does the same thing as a ship, but on land n' so it's a land-ship. Yer probabla right in that a lot o' people call'em vee-hickles. Doesn't mean they can't be called land-ships, too," Gytha replied. She still felt Sophia's correction was unwarrented.

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Veronika watched the conversation between Gytha and Sophia, which was growing surprisingly heated. "Wagons usually aren't called ships by most people in Sardius, but I suppose if you want to call it one, that's your business. What something is named doesn't really have much to do with its function anyway," she interjected.

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