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Because it kills things really fast!

But it's fine to not triple charge things through the roof, really. Do use it, though, but no need to use it excessively like I said (unless you're aiming to kill as fast as you can; Emerald and I once hunted some Gobuls, and I kept triple charging it so they died in about five minutes or so).

Edited by Nightmare
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It was real enthusiasm this time.

Looks like you still don't understand the depths of my personality, Guillermo...

oh I'm sure mister

also triplecharge actually is the way to play greatsword. I'm sorry nightmarre. usually you wanna charge shit through the roof. except when you've got a really good elemental sword which happens to have a lot of sharpness and decent raw and a monster which is weak to this element. or you could have a raw sharpness greatsword and hit things with that sword like you were swinging a goddamn fish.

if you're going online, a gs not triplecharging is no-no. you'll probably hitting your teammates more than the thing.

Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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Fun fun fun fun =DDD

I've actually never tried using the GS in my life yet. I've considered trying all the weapons I haven't used yet, but of course I was busy trying to beat the game before anyway so now that I can play more laid back maybe I could.

But either way I don't think I'll be switching from a lancer XD

Ooh ooh ooh ooh another thing if your problem with cute little Luddy is his barrel roll, try hanging around his tail cause when he does roll it'll save your life, since his tail will just curl over your head =] I often read people on a MH forum saying his barrel rolls were what made him hard for them but because I did this it never gave me problems.

But if the barrel roll isn't your problem with him, then idk what else =I

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The thing that was giving me the most shit was fighting his ass underwater, but the rolls were the second part.


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Squeeeeeee Luddy's tail whip is just so cute cause he just seems like he's in no hurry and it's like he just sees a small little pest/fly and he's just flicking his tail at it. X3

But yeah the head is great too, forgot about that =3 And since he's weak at his mane as well it really works out.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Nightmare, this is off topic but my brother says he found Alatreon easier than Deviljho. He beat Alatreon first. He says Deviljho is scarier because even though it's much easier to dodge its attacks, if you do get hit you get a lot more hurt.

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Alatreon is mostly hard because of his huge health and lack of stamina loss. His pattern is actually fairly simple (charge charge charge charge swipe fireball jump charge charge charge charge), and most of his attacks can be avoided easily (especially when he's flying). He does, however, attack relentlessly (and this kills you sometimes, no matter what you do), but if you have enough clarity, you should be fine. There's also the issue of sleep bombing, which completely trivialises Alatreon.

Deviljho does less damage than Alatreon, I think, but he's more difficult (to me, anyway) because his pattern isn't as predictable, he uses more attacks, and he tends to enter rage mode a lot. His dragon breath also has deceptive range. Blah blah blah etc. yes I agree Deviljho is harder. And cooler.

Though they're all easy now.

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Hammer is pretty fun, Barroth didn't make me rage at all, only the stupid generic Jaggis and shit running around.

Of course, I still lost to Barroth but I'm not angry like I was with Qurupeco (fuck that bird).

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Yeah my problem with Barroth was that my weapon couldn't do enough damage to him and so I always went past the time limit XD (although for the most part it was just that I always got interrupted for either dinner or leaving for college and whatnot =D That made the amount of tries I took for him way more than they needed to be) And sometimes, now matter how much I went under his tummy when he would shake mud off of his body, I still managed to get myself hit. =_=

Qurupeco is sooo cute but still, he did give me much trouble in the beginning.

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That's what I do all the time. Of course shield and shield advancing always helped with that.

As I said, I just go for his tummy =3 Tail wouldn't block those mud rocks well enough unless you could somehow reach it from where you will be protected.

And as a lancer, cutting the tail would've been a difficult goal anyway XD

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