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PMU H1 - No Reclass

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You know the drill. 13 units. I'm picking a Male mage MU because I hate myself. Probably won't be using statboosters or rainbow potion, though I might use the growth drop.

MU (name undecided): Mage -> Sage

Sirius (christmas came early!) Paladin

Rickard (nevermind) Thief

Samto (I'm a mymiridon and I have 30% skill growth!) Mymiridon -> Swordmaster

Caesar (Did I ever use him?) Mercenary -> Hero

Cecil (I like Cecil!) Cavalier -> Paladin

Frey (We'll throw him into the fray! Get it? I'm a horrible person.) Cavalier -> Paladin

Ogma (Good, but I can't think of a joke!) Mercenary -> Hero

Darros (Well, could be worse.) Berserker

Bantu (See?) Abject Failure

Barst (A barst walks into a bar...) Fighter -> Warrior

Est (fnjgnogejioeg) Pegasus Knight -> Falcoknight

Malice (What a swordfest.) Mymiridon -> Swordmaster

Edited by Kitoari
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I'm a fan of the low-level playthrough Furetchen is doing right now, so I'm going to rip off be heavily inspired by it! Also, in retrospect screwing myself over with a mage MU was a great idea because otherwise I would have no staff users. Hell, no one would be able to even use starlight!

Prologue 1: Meeting


Azel got sick of Alvis's crap, so he fled to Akaneia and got his hair dyed to hide his heritage. Not a bad plan, really.

Azel: Well, time to start the pro-



Katarina: Like, OMG, I'm soooo sorry!

Azel: Um.. hi.

Katarina: My name is, like, Katarina, and I'm totally not an assassin.

Azel: That sounds suspiciously spe-


Azel: Sounds like a plan?..

Katarina: YAAAAYS~



Jagen: Alright, let's have ourselves a sparring match! Frank, you vs. Azel!

Frank: But sir Jagen, I have no chance of defeating him! He's the main character!

Jagen: Shut up and ready your spear, soldier!



Jagen: Azel, you're not supposed to give him 2nd degree burns!

Azel: It's not my fault all I know how to do is launch deadly fireballs!

Jagen: Fine! I will test your power myself!


Jagen: I turned white! Whiiite!

Azel: Serves you right.


Pictured: Awesome.


Katarina: AZEL, MY BESTIE! :3

Azel: Oh, hi again Katarina.

Katarina: You were A MAY ZING out there! I wanna be as strong as you, and I'm not a spy!

Azel: You keep saying that.

Katarina: Hey, things are happening over there! Let's go look!

Jagen: Wait, we need medical attention!

(The prologue chapters aren't very interesting, so these'll be short and sweet. I might have to use the others some because there's no way a mage MU can solo some of these chapters.)

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