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ChinaFE HM completed in 95 turns


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Eirika's Route (all units recruited):


The game doesn't count chapter 12 for whatever reason, which I took 6 turns on.

I have a full "solution" if anyone is curious but I doubt anyone would want to read through that.

Oh yeah by the way I should say: this is with growths. As in, not 0% growths.

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Woah crap

You seem to be... really good at this game... or is it just me? Last I checked ChinaFE HM was really hard. I guess that was my imagination?

You should do a turn count on Unknown mode of my hack whenever it finishes (assuming it DOES finish... lol).

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He's dondon, master of 0 growths. Nothing's too hard for him.

That being said, I like reading through your solutions, so I would like to see them posted. :3

(Edit: What I was meant to say is, since you can play any FE bar that ridiculous FE12 Lunatic on 0 growths, lowturning something like this with growths wouldn't be difficult at all for you~)

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Full solution:

[spoiler=Beware! Very long!]

P    2 turns  05   3 turns  09   7 turns  14   3 turns  19   1 turn
01   3 turns  05x  7 turns  10   5 turns  15  10 turns  20   1 turn
02   4 turns  06   2 turns  11   6 turns  16   1 turn    F   4 turns
03   4 turns  07   3 turns  12   6 turns  17   2 turns
04   3 turns  08   6 turns  13   6 turns  18   6 turns

Total: 95 turns


Turn 1
Eirika    4R    attack fighter (Rapir)
Brunya    1D 5R wait

Turn 2
Eirika          attack fighter (Rapir)
Brunya    2D    attack ONeill  (Fimbl)

Chapter 1

* Wait until all enemies appear on map before skipping cutscene.

Turn 1
Eirika    3U 2L wait
Brunya    2U 4L trade  Eirika  +Fimbl +Boltg rescue Eirika

* Wait until all player units appear on map before skipping cutscene.

Turn 2
Brunya    1U 4L trade  Eirika  -Fimbl -Boltg equip  Fimbl  dropU
Pent      3D    wait

Turn 3
Pent            attack soldier (Elfir)2L
Brunya    3L 1U attack Breguet (Fimbl)
Eirika    3L 2U seize

Chapter 2

Turn 1
Eirika    2D 2R wait
Guinivere 3D    wait
Pent      2D 4R wait
Vanessa   2D 3R rescue Sophia  2L
Isadora   4D 2R armory buy     1xIronS 2xIronL 1D
Brunya    3D 2R wait

Turn 2
Isadora         attack brigand (StelS)
Eirika    5D    attack brigand (Rapir)
Guinivere 3R 2U visit
Pent      3D 2L wait
Brunya    2R 4D rescue Eirika

* Eirika PP level up HP, str, luk

Turn 3
Brunya    1R 4D dropD
Guinivere 3R    visit
Pent            attack brigand (Elfir)
Vanessa         dropU
Isadora   1R 2D wait

Turn 4
Eirika    4L 1U visit
Vanessa   1D 4R attack archer  (SlimL)
Pent      2U 2L attack brigand (Elfir)
Brunya    1R    attack brigand (Fimbl)
Isadora         attack brigand (StelS)

* Brunya PP level up HP, mag, skl, spd, luk

Chapter 3

Turn 1
Sophia    1U 2L trade  Idoun   +Flux  -Vulnr
Pent      2R    attack wall    (Elfir)
Brunya    2R 3U trade  Pent    -Elfir attack brigand (Elfir) * Send GuidR to convoy
Idoun     5R 1U attack brigand (Flux)
Eirika    2U 2R wait
Vanessa   4U    trade  Brunya  -DoorK -Elfir rescue Brunya  3R
Isadora   3U 3R trade  Vanessa -Elfir +IronS take   Brunya  dropU
Louise          use    OrBlt   2U 4R * Promote to ranger

* Wait until Klein appears on map before skipping cutscene.

Turn 2
Pent      1D 4R trade  Isadora -Elfir attack wall    (Elfir)
Eirika    4R 1U attack archer  (Rapir)
Isadora   1U 3R equip  StelL
Idoun     6R    wait
Vanessa   1R    unlock 1R 1U
Brunya    6R    wait
Louise    1R    trade  Vanessa -IronS equip  IronS  3D

Turn 3
Isadora   5R 2D attack brigand (StelS)
Idoun     1R 4U wait
Louise          attack brigand (IronS)
Eirika    1R    attack thief   (Rapir)
Vanessa   1R    rescue Eirika  6R
Pent      1U 4R trade  Brunya  +Elfir
Brunya    2R 1U take   Eirika  dropU

Turn 4
Idoun     5D    wait
Vanessa   4U    attack mercnry (SlimL)
Isadora   5U    trade  Vanessa -Javel attack mercnry (Javel)
Louise    1D    unlock
Brunya    4U    attack Bazba   (Elfir)
Eirika    5U    seize

* Isadora PP level up HP, skl, spd, luk
* Brunya PP level up mag, skl, spd, def, res

Chapter 4

Units deployed:
1. Clea      2. Brunya    3. Guinivere 4. Pent
5. Vanessa   6. Isadora   7. Idoun     8. Louise

2 84
7 6E
5   1

Turn 1
Louise    5D    attack revennt (IronB)
Eirika    4D 1R trade  Louise  +IronS
Brunya    1D    wait
Isadora         rescue Brunya  3D 3R
Idoun     1D 1L wait
Clea      3D    take   Brunya  dropR  4R
Guinivere 2D 2R wait
Pent      2D 3R wait
Vanessa   6D 1L attack bonewlk (Javel)DR

* Wait until all enemies appear on map before skipping cutscene.

Turn 2
Pent      4D 2R attack mogall  (Elfir)R
Clea      2D 1L attack mogall  (BravL)
Brunya    1R 2D trade  Clea    +IronL heal   Clea
Guinivere 2R    visit
Vanessa   2D 1L visit
Isadora   1R 4D attack revennt (IronL)
Idoun           attack revennt (Flux)UL
Louise    1U 1L attack bonewlk (IronS)
Cellica         trade  Vanessa -StelS equip  StelS
Eirika    4U    wait

* Wait until all NPCs appear on map before skipping cutscene.

Turn 3
Pent            attack mogall  (Elfir)
Clea      1R    attack revennt (Javel)
Isadora   1R 1D attack revennt (StelL)L
Brunya    3D 1R attack revennt (Fimbl)U
Vanessa         attack bonewlk (Javel)
Cellica         attack revennt (StelS)
Idoun           attack revennt (Flux)U
Eirika    4L    attack revennt (Rapir)L
Louise    4U 2L attack revennt (IronB)

* Eirika PP level up HP, skl, spd, res
* Isadora EP level up HP, skl, spd

Chapter 5

Units deployed:
1. Natasha   2. Clea      3. Brunya    4. Vanessa
5. Isadora   6. Idoun     7. Louise    8. Cellica

6 4
E 5
2 1 8
3 7

Turn 1
Eirika    2U 1L wait
Natasha   3U 2R wait
Clea      5U 2R wait
Brunya    4U 2R rescue Natasha
Cellica   3U    take   Natasha dropR
Isadora   1U    rescue Brunya  3U 3R
Idoun     5U 1R attack fighter (Flux)
Louise    4U 3R wait
Vanessa   2U 4R take   Brunya  dropR  1L

Turn 2
Eirika          attack fighter (Rapir)
Isadora   1D    attack soldier (Javel)
Cellica   2R 2U trade  Isadora +StelS attack fighter (Rapir)
Natasha   1R 3U wait
Clea      7U    visit
Brunya    3U 3R attack Saar    (Boltg)
Vanessa   5D 2R wait
Idoun           attack archer  (Flux)
Louise    4U    attack soldier (IronB)

* Eirika PP level up str, skl, def, res, luk
* Cellica PP level up HP, str, spd, def, res

Turn 3
Natasha   1L 2U talk   Karla
Clea      5U    visit  * Send Torch to convoy
Vanessa   2R    visit
Louise    1D 1R attack brigand (IronB)
Isadora   1U 1R attack brigand (StelS)
Cellica   2U 1R attack archer  (Rapir)
Karla     3R    visit
Brunya          attack Saar    (Boltg)

* Brunya PP level up HP, skl, spd, res

Chapter 5x

Turn 1
Guinivere 5U 3L attack soldier (Divin)2U
Orson     5U    rescue Guinivr 3U
Ephraim   5U    attack soldier (Regin)
Cecilia   7U    take   Guinivr dropR  1U

Turn 2
Ephraim   5U    attack mercnry (Regin)
Cecilia   1R    rescue Ephraim 6U
Guinivere 8U    take   Ephraim dropR
Orson     1R 7U equip  StelL  rescue Cecilia

Turn 3
Ephraim   2R    attack cavalry (Regin)
Orson     2U 1R giveL  equip  SilvS  use    Vulnr  1R
Guinivere 7R 1D trade  Cecilia +Divin dropD

* Ephraim PP level up HP, def

Turn 4
Guinivere       trade  Cecilia -Divin attack fighter (Divin)
Cecilia   8D    attack shaman  (Elfir)
Orson     7R 1D attack soldier (StelL)
Ephraim   5R    wait

Turn 5
Ephraim   1D    trade  Orson   -Vulnr use    Vulnr
Guinivere 8D    attack fighter (Divin)
Cecilia   4R    use    Vulnr
Orson           equip  SilvS   rescue Ephraim 2L 6D

Turn 6
Orson     3D    giveU  2D 3R
Guinivere 3D 5R dropU
Cecilia   4U    use    Vulnr

Turn 7
Cecilia   1D    attack Zonta   (Elfir)
Guinivere 5U 1R attack Zonta   (Divin)
Orson     2R 5U trade  Guinivr +SilvS attack Zonta   (StelL)
Ephraim   5U    trade  Orson   -StelL seize

Chapter 6

Purchased 2x Fire from the chapter 5 vendor.
Used Dragonshield on Clea.
Used Elysian Whip on Clea (falcoknight promotion).

Units deployed:
1. Clea      2. Brunya    3. Vanessa   4. Isadora
5. Idoun     6. Louise    7. Cellica   8. Pent


3 8
6  5

Turn 1
Eirika    3D 2R wait
Cellica   5U    wait
Vanessa         rescue Cellica 3U 4R
Isadora   1D 6R wait
Idoun     3U 2R wait
Louise    6R    wait
Pent      4U 2R take   Cellica dropR
Clea      1U 7R wait
Brunya    3U 2R wait

Turn 2
Pent      2R    attack fighter (Fire)
Brunya    2R 1U heal   Clea
Cellica   3R    attack archer  (Rapir)
Isadora         attack fighter (IronL)
Louise    2R    attack soldier (IronB)
Eirika    5R    attack soldier (IronS)
Idoun     3R    attack soldier (Flux)
Vanessa   1U 6R use    Torch
Clea      1U 7R attack Novala  (BravL)

* Cellica PP level up HP, skl, def, res
* Isadora PP level up HP, str, skl, spd, def, res

Chapter 7

Units deployed:
1. Clea      2. Brunya    3. Vanessa   4. Isadora
5. Idoun     6. Louise    7. Cellica   8. Pent

 37 1
2 E 4
5 8

Turn 1
Brunya    1R 1U wait
Vanessa         rescue Brunya  5U 2R
Cellica   1L 2U wait
Pent      1U 5R attack soldier (Fire)
Clea      5U    take   Brunya  dropR  3U
Isadora   6R 1D attack soldier (IronL)
Idoun     1R 2U wait
Louise    1U    rescue Eirika  3U

Turn 2
Louise    4U 1R giveR
Vanessa   3U    giveR
Clea      1U 2R dropU  3D
Brunya    2R 4U attack archer  (Fire)
Isadora   2R    attack soldier (IronL)
Idoun     4U    wait
Cellica   4U    attack fighter (Rapir)
Pent      4R 2D heal   Isadora

* Isadora EP level up str, skl, spd, def

Turn 3
Clea      1D    attack mage    (IronL)
Idoun     1U 1L attack mage    (Nosfr)
Cellica   1U    attack mage    (Rapir)
Pent            heal   Isadora
Isadora   1R    attack fighter (IronL)
Brunya    2U 1R attack Murray  (Fimbl)
Vanessa   4D 2R attack mage    (StelL)
Eirika    2R 2U seize

* Brunya PP level up HP, mag, skl, spd, res, luk
* Vanessa PP level up HP, str, skl, spd

Chapter 8

Units deployed:
1. Clea      2. Brunya    3. Vanessa   4. Isadora
5. Idoun     6. Louise    7. Cellica   8. Pent


Turn 1
Brunya    5U 1L attack soldier (Fire)
Eirika    5U    attack soldier (StelS)
Pent      5U 1R attack soldier (Fire)
Idoun     6U    attack knight  (Flux)
Isadora   6U    rescue Idoun   1U
Louise    1L 5U rescue Eirika  1U
Cellica   1L 4U attack soldier (IronS)
Vanessa   5U    rescue Pent    2U
Clea      1U    rescue Brunya  7U

* Cellica PP level up HP, str, skl, spd, luk
* Wait until all player units appear on map before skipping cutscene.

Turn 2
Clea            unlock 3L 1D
Vanessa   6U 1R dropU
Isadora   5U 1R trade  Idoun   +Nosfr equip  ArmrS  dropU  1L
Louise    6U 1R trade  Eirika  -StelS giveR  attack knight  (StelB)
Cellica   1D 1R use    Vulnr
Guinivere 2U    wait
Cecilia   6R 1U attack soldier (Elfir)
Ephraim   1D 2R wait

* Idoun EP level up HP, mag, skl, spd, res, luk
* Cecilia EP level up HP, skl

Turn 3
Louise          attack knight  (IronB)2L
Isadora   3L 4D equip  Javel  use    Vulnr
Clea      5L 1U dropL
Vanessa         trade  Louise  +StelS giveL  4L 3D
Idoun     1D 1L attack knight  (Flux)
Pent      1L    attack knight  (Fire)U
Ephraim   2L    use    Vulnr
Cecilia   4L    wait
Cellica   2D 1L attack archer  (Rapir)
Guinivere 2D    wait

* Pent PP level up HP, mag, spd, def, luk
* Brunya EP level up HP, mag, skl, spd, res

Turn 4
Cellica   2U 1R attack archer  (Rapir)
Idoun     3L 3D attack shaman  (Flux)
Clea      3R    attack shaman  (StelL)
Brunya    1L 1U wait
Pent      3L 3D heal   Vanessa
Vanessa   7L    attack soldier (IronL)
Isadora   5L 2U attack knight  (IronL)
Louise    1L 2U unlock 2D
Guinivere       attack archer  (Divin)
Ephraim   3R    attack archer  (Regin)
Cecilia   1D 3R trade  Ephraim -StelL -StelL

* Clea PP level up HP, str, luk, res
* Isadora PP level up str, def, res
* Ephraim PP level up str, skl

Turn 5
Louise    4L 3D giveU
Clea      5L 2U giveD  attack mage    (StelL)
Brunya    3U    equip  Fimbl  dropD
Vanessa   2U    attack soldier (IronL)
Idoun     4L    attack thief   (Flux)
Cellica         use    Vulnr
Pent      2L 1U attack archer  (Fire)
Isadora         attack thief   (IronL)
Guinivere 3R    wait

Turn 6
Brunya          attack Leila   (Fimbl)
Pent      1D 3L heal   Idoun
Vanessa   5R    attack archer  (IronL)
Louise    2R 4U attack mage    (IronB)
Isadora   4R 2U attack mage    (IronL)
Idoun     4L    attack mage    (Flux)
Cellica         attack mercnry (Rapir)
Ephraim         attack cavalry (Regin)
Clea      2D 2L attack mage    (StelL)
Eirika    3U    seize

* Brunya PP level up HP, skl, spd, def, res
* Vanessa PP level up HP, str, spd, res
* Isadora PP level up HP, str
* Cellica PP level up HP, str, luk

Chapter 9 Eir

Purchased 1x Fire from the chapter 5 vendor.
Used Lunar Brace on Cellica.

Units deployed:
1. Tana      2. Clea      3. Brunya    4. Vanessa
5. Isadora   6. Idoun     7. Cellica   8. Pent
9. Guin(old) 0. Cecilia

1 3
8 6
4  7

Turn 1
Eirika    4L    wait
Tana      5L 1U wait
Brunya    6D    wait
Cellica   2L    wait
Cecilia   6L 2U attack soldier (Fire)2L
Guinivere 3U 5L attack soldier (Divin)
Clea            rescue Brunya  4L 4D
Vanessa         rescue Cellica 4D 3L
Isadora   6L 1D attack soldier (Javel)
Idoun     1U 5L wait
Pent      1U 5L wait

* Eirika EP level up HP, str, skl, def, res

Turn 2
Pent      2D 3L attack mercnry (Fire)
Isadora   3L    attack mercnry (Javel)
Cecilia   2L 1U attack archer  (Fire)
Eirika    3L 1U attack archer  (Rapir)
Tana      3D    wait
Clea      1D 3L dropD  4L
Vanessa   2D 4L dropR  1D
Idoun     4L    recovr Cecilia
Guinivere 3L 2D wait

Turn 3
Idoun     2D 3L attack mercnry (Flux)
Guinivere 2L    attack mercnry (Divin)2U
Isadora         attack mercnry (Javel)UL
Eirika    1U 3L attack mercnry (Rapir)
Pent      3L 2U attack sniper  (Fire)
Cecilia   1D 2L attack sniper  (Fire)
Tana      3U 4L equip  Javel
Clea      8L    equip  BravL   use    Vulnr
Brunya    5D 1R attack shaman  (Fire)
Vanessa   2D    visit  5L
Cellica   1R 4D attack mercnry (Rapir)

* Guinivere PP level up HP, mag, skl, res, luk

Turn 4
Idoun     2L 2U attack mercnry (Flux)
Eirika    2D 2L attack mercnry (Rapir)
Isadora   1U 1L attack sniper  (IronL)
Pent      1U    attack mage    (Fire)
Tana      1L    attack mage    (IronL)
Brunya    3R 1U use    Vulnr
Cellica   5D 2L attack soldier (Rapir)
Guinivere 3L 5D wait
Cecilia   4L 4D use    Vulnr
Clea            attack myrmidn (IronS)
Vanessa   7U    wait

* Eirika PP level up HP, str, skl, spd
* Isadora PP level up HP, skl, spd, def
* Wait until all enemies appear on map before skipping cutscene.

Turn 5
Cecilia   2L 4D physic Guinivr
Guinivere       attack pirate  (Divin)
Eirika    5D    attack pirate  (Rapir)
Clea            attack pirate  (IronS)R
Tana      1R    attack soldier (Javel)
Brunya    2R 4D use    Elixr
Vanessa   2R    rescue Eirika  5D
Pent      1D 5R wait
Idoun     1D 5R wait
Cellica   1U 4L wait
Isadora   3L    equip  StelS  use    KngtC

* Tana PP level up HP, str, skl, spd, def, res
* Isadora paladin promotion

Turn 6
Vanessa   6L 1D dropD
Clea      1U 1R attack pirate  (IronS)
Brunya    1R    attack Binks   (Fire)
Isadora         attack mercnry (StelS)
Idoun     2L 1U attack fighter (Flux)
Cellica   1R    attack shaman  (Rapir)
Pent            attack pirate  (Fire)
Tana      2R 2D attack pirate  (Javel)
Guinivere 5L 3D attack pirate  (Divin)
Cecilia   2D 1L attack pirate  (Fire)

* Brunya PP level up HP, mag, def, res, luk

Turn 7
Tana      2D 2L attack fighter (IronL)
Cellica   1L    attack fighter (SilvS)
Guinivere 1L 1U visit
Eirika    5D    talk   Amelia

Chapter 10 Eir

Sold 1x OrBlt, 1x HeroC, 2x GuidR.
Purchased 2x StelS from the chapter 9 armory.
Purchased 4x Thund from the chapter 9 vendor.

Units deployed:
1. Tana      2. Clea      3. Brunya    4. Vanessa
5. Isadora   6. Idoun     7. Cellica   8. Pent
9. Guin(old) 0. Cecilia   A. Louise

3 6
A 9
85 4
7 2

Turn 1
Cecilia   7D 1R attack mercnry (Fire)DR
Guinivere 8D    attack fighter (Divin)
Cellica   1R 7D attack fighter (StelS)
Brunya    3R 2D wait
Tana            rescue Brunya  3R 4D
Clea      2D 4R take   Brunya  dropR  1D 1L
Vanessa   1R 3D rescue Tana    1D 2L
Isadora   6D 2R attack mercnry (Javel)
Idoun     6D    wait
Pent      1R 5D wait
Louise    3R 4D wait
Eirika    1R 4D wait

* Cellica PP level up HP, str, spd, def, luk

Turn 2
Pent      4D 1R attack mercnry (Fire)
Louise    2L 5D attack mercnry (IronB)
Cecilia   1U 1R attack mercnry (Fire)
Guinivere 1R    attack mercnry (Divin)DR
Cellica   1D    attack mage    (StelS)
Eirika    4D    attack mercnry (Rapir)
Idoun     2R 4D attack mage    (Flux)
Isadora         attack mage    (Javel)
Vanessa   2R    giveR
Clea      7D 1L dropD
Brunya    4R 2U attack archer  (Thund)

* Louise PP level up skl, spd, luk
* Cecilia PP level up HP, spd, def, luk
* Eirika PP level up HP, skl, res, luk
* Idoun PP level up HP, mag, skl, spd

Turn 3
Louise    1D 2R attack mercnry (IronB)
Cecilia         attack mercnry (Fire)
Guinivere       heal   Isadora
Idoun     2D 1R attack mercnry (Thund)DR
Isadora   2D 4R attack soldier (Javel)
Eirika    1U 2R attack mercnry (Rapir)
Vanessa   2D    rescue Eirika  5U
Pent      2U 1R attack myrmidn (Fire)
Cellica   3R    attack myrmidn (StelS)
Tana      3D 3L talk   Fiora   1U
Fiora     1L 2U trade  Tana    -StelL -Axerv talk   Tethys  2D 1R
Tethys    3D 2R dance  Fiora
Fiora     3D 1R attack soldier (SilvL)
Clea      6D 1L trade  Fiora   +Axerv 1U
Brunya    2U 1R attack archer  (Thund)

Turn 4
Vanessa   2U 5R dropR
Guinivere 2D 4R heal   Isadora
Cecilia   2D 4R attack myrmidn (Fire)
Isadora         attack myrmidn (Javel)
Cellica   4R    attack fighter (StelS)
Louise    3R 1D attack mercnry (IronB)
Pent      2D 3R attack mercnry (Thund)
Idoun     2R 1D attack soldier (Thund)
Fiora     1D    attack archer  (SilvL)
Tethys    4D 1R dance  Fiora
Fiora     1U    equip  Axerv  talk   Nergal  1D
Nergal    3D 1R attack fighter (Naglf)
Tana      2D 5R wait
Clea      7R 1U attack brigand (IronS)
Brunya          attack Pablo   (Elfir)

* Clea EP level up HP, skl, spd, res, luk
* Brunya EP level up HP, mag, skl, spd, def, res

Turn 5
Cellica         attack brigand (StelS)
Isadora   2U    attack soldier (StelL)
Idoun           attack myrmidn (Flux)
Pent            attack archer  (Fire)
Louise    4R 2U attack soldier (IronB)
Fiora     4R 3D attack priest  (StelL)
Clea            attack brigand (IronS)U
Tana      3R    attack brigand (IronL)
Nergal    1R 1D attack myrmidn (Naglf)D
Tethys    1D 1R dance  Nergal
Nergal    2D    talk   Marisa
Brunya          attack Pablo   (Elfir)
Vanessa   3D    arena
Eirika    2R 2U seize

* Isadora PP level up HP, skl, spd, def, res
* Fiora PP level up skl, spd, def
* Tana PP level up HP, str, skl, spd, luk
* Vanessa takes first bet

Chapter 11 Eir

Purchased 4x Javel from the chapter 9 armory.
Purchased 1x Shine from the chapter 9 vendor.
Used Metis Tome on Cellica.
Used Swiftsoles on Tethys.
Used Dragonshield on Brunya.

Units deployed:
1. Clea      2. Brunya    3. Isadora   4. Cellica
5. Guin(old) 6. Cecilia   7. Fiora     8. Tethys
9. Nergal

9 5 4
2 6
8 E 3
1 7

Turn 1
Nergal    1L 4D use    Torch
Tethys    2D    dance  Nergal
Nergal    4D    attack revennt (Naglf)D
Brunya    1D 5R torch  9R 2D
Isadora   6R 2D attack bonewlk (StelL)D
Fiora     1D 6R trade  Isadora +Javel attack bonewlk (Javel)2R
Clea      1D    rescue Tethys  7R
Cellica   4D 3R take   Tethys  dropL
Guinivere 5R 3D wait
Cecilia   4R 4D wait

Turn 2
Isadora   4U 4R use    Vulnr
Brunya    4R 2D attack bonewlk (Thund)2U
Tethys    4R 1U dance  Brunya
Brunya    4U 2R attack bonewlk (Fire)U
Fiora     2R 5U attack bonewlk (StelL)
Guinivere 1D 3R attack bonewlk (Shine)R
Cecilia         attack bonewlk (Thund)
Clea      2R 2U attack bonewlk (Javel)
Cellica   3R 3U attack bonewlk (Shams)
Nergal    5D    attack bonewlk (Naglf)

Turn 3
Eirika    1L 1U wait
Cellica   5R    attack mauthdg (Shams)
Fiora     3R 2D attack mogall  (StelL)
Brunya    3R 3D attack bonewlk (Fire)
Isadora   4D 4R use    Vulnr
Guinivere 6L 2U wait
Cecilia   3U 5L wait
Tethys    3U 4R dance  Fiora
Nergal    2D 3R use    Torch
Clea      2D 6L use    Vulnr
Fiora     4D 2R attack bonewlk (StelL)

* Fiora EP level up HP, str, skl

Turn 4
Cecilia   1L 2U attack revennt (Thund)2L
Guinivere 4L 1D attack revennt (Shine)
Clea      4U 4L attack revennt (SilvL)U
Eirika    2R    wait
Isadora   1L    attack bonewlk (Javel)
Cellica   2D 3R attack mogall  (StelS)
Brunya    2D 2R attack gargoyl (Thund)
Fiora     1L 1D attack bonewlk (StelL)
Tethys    5D 2R dance  Brunya
Nergal    1R 4U unlock
Brunya    3R 3D torch  8D

* Eirika EP level up str, spd, luk
* Brunya EP level up HP, skl, spd, def, res, luk

Turn 5
Eirika    1R    wait
Brunya    1D    attack dthgoyl (Boltg)
Fiora     2R 1U trade  Isadora +ChstK use    ElysW  3R
Tethys    4R 3D dance  Brunya
Brunya    6D    attack dthgoyl (Elfir)
Isadora   1L    unlock 6D 1R
Cellica   4D 2R wait
Guinivere       attack revennt (Divin)
Cecilia         attack revennt (Thund)2L
Nergal    4U    attack bonewlk (Naglf)
Clea            attack revennt (StelL)U

* Fiora wyvern knight promotion
* Nergal EP level up HP, skl, spd

Turn 6
Fiora           attack mauthdg (StelL)
Cellica   7D    wait
Tethys    6D 1L dance  Cellica
Brunya    1L    attack dthgoyl (Fire)
Isadora   6L    unlock
Cellica   2L    attack bonewlk (Rapir)
Nergal    1L    unlock

Chapter 12 Eir

Used Speedwings on Cellica.

Units deployed:
1. Sonia     2. Clea      3. Brunya    4. Isadora
5. Cellica   6. Fiora     7. Tethys    8. Nergal
9. Tana      0. Vanessa

E 9
3 2
4 50

Turn 1
Eirika    4R 1D wait
Cellica   5R 1D attack revennt (StelS)
Vanessa   4R    rescue Cellica 3L
Isadora   6R 1D attack revennt (Javel)
Brunya    1R    wait
Clea            rescue Brunya  5U
Tethys    3U 1R dance  Clea
Clea      4R 1U dropR  3U
Fiora     3U    rescue Tethys  2U 3R
Nergal    6R    wait
Tana      5U 2R take   Tethys  dropR
Sonia     3D 1L wait

* Tethys PP level up HP, res, luk
* Wait until all enemies appear on map before skipping cutscene.

Turn 2
Eirika    2D 3R wait
Sonia           attack mauthdg (Fire)UR
Fiora     2R 4U attack revennt (Javel)
Tethys    1R 4U dance  Fiora
Fiora     5U    attack mogall  (SilvL)
Nergal    4U 2R attack revennt (Naglf)
Vanessa   6U    giveU  1L
Clea      6U 1R trade  Fiora   +Javel equip  Javel  1D
Brunya    4U 2R wait
Isadora         equip  StelS
Tana      4U    visit  1U 2R
Ursula    1R    take   Cellica equip  Elfir  dropD  1U

Turn 3
Sonia           attack gargoyl (Fire)2D
Fiora     5D 1L trade  Ursula  +SilvL attack mogall  (StelL)
Clea      1D 1L trade  Ursula  -SilvL attack mogall  (SilvL)
Tana      6U    attack mogall  (IronL)
Vanessa   4U 2R wait
Cellica         rescue Vanessa 5R 2U
Ursula    4R    take   Vanessa dropL
Isadora         attack mauthdg (StelS)L
Brunya    2R 4U attack bael    (Boltg)
Tethys    4R 3U dance  Brunya
Brunya    1R 1U attack tarvos  (Thund)
Nergal    2D    wait

* Attack NW bael with Bolting
* Wait until all enemies appear on map before skipping cutscene.

Turn 4
Isadora         use    Vulnr
Sonia           attack mauthdg (Thund)
Brunya    3U    attack bael    (Boltg)
Cellica   1U 3R equip  SilvS
Fiora     1D    attack mogall  (StelL)
Tethys    1R 4U dance  Brunya
Clea      1R 4D attack mogall  (IronL)
Brunya    1U    attack bael    (Boltg)
Nergal    3U 3L attack revennt (Naglf)
Tana      4R 2U trade  Brunya  +Thund 1D
Vanessa   3L    visit

* Attack NW bael with Bolting (1st)
* Attack NW bael with Bolting (2nd)

Turn 5
Isadora         attack mauthdg (StelS)U
Brunya    1D    attack bael    (Boltg)
Tethys          dance  Brunya
Brunya    1L 2U attack bael    (Boltg)
Ursula    1U 3R attack bael    (Elfir)
Sonia     6R    attack mauthdg (Thund)
Clea      3L 3R attack bonewlk (Javel)
Cellica   3R 2U equip  Shams
Fiora     1R 3U wait
Nergal    3R 3D wait
Tana      2R    attack gargoyl (IronL)

* Attack SW bael with Bolting (1st)
* Queue Elfire for when Bolting breaks
* Attack SW bael with Bolting (2nd)
* Brunya PP level up HP, mag, spd, def, luk
* Tana PP level up HP, str, def

Turn 6
Fiora     8U    attack bael    (BravL)
Clea      1U    attack bonewlk (SilvL)
Brunya    2R    attack bael    (Elfir)
Tethys    3U    dance  Brunya
Nergal    2R    attack bael    (Naglf)
Ursula    4R 1U attack gargoyl (Elfir)
Tana      2D 5R attack gargoyl (IronL)
Brunya          attack bael    (Elfir)
Cellica   2U    attack entombd (Falch)

Chapter 13 Eir

Units deployed:
1. Sonia     2. Clea      3. Brunya    4. Isadora
5. Cellica   6. Fiora     7. Tethys    8. Nergal
9. Tana      0. Guin(old) A. Cecilia

A 3
 E 2
4 97
08 1

Turn 1
Nergal    3R 1D attack archer  (Naglf)
Sonia     1R 3D attack archer  (Elfir)
Cellica   5R 2D attack knight  (Rapir)
Brunya    4U 2R attack archer  (Thund)
Isadora   4D    attack soldier (Javel)2D
Tethys    5R 2U dance  Cellica
Cellica   2R 1U attack archer  (Shams)
Fiora     4R 4U attack archer  (SilvL)
Clea      5R    trade  Cellica +Rapir rescue Tethys  2L
Cecilia   1U 6R take   Tethys  dropU  1L
Tana      4R 2U rescue Clea    1L
Guinivere 4R 4U take   Clea    dropU

* Cellica PP level up str, skl, spd, luk
* Isadora EP level up HP, str, spd, res

Turn 2
Brunya          frtify
Tana      1L 5U attack mercnry (IronL)
Fiora           attack mercnry (SilvL)
Tethys    2L 3U dance  Fiora
Fiora     7L 1D equip  StelL
Nergal    3U 3R frtify
Sonia     4U 2R wait
Isadora   4U    wait
Cellica         attack soldier (Rapir)

* Brunya PP level up HP, mag, skl, spd, res
* Nergal PP level up HP, skl, spd

Turn 3
Brunya          frtify
Fiora           attack mercnry (StelL)
Isadora   2L 5U attack mercnry (StelS)
Cellica         attack ranger  (Rapir)
Nergal          frtify
Tana      4L 1D trade  Fiora   +IronL 1D

* Cellica PP level up HP, str, skl, spd, def, res, luk

Turn 4
Brunya          frtify
Sonia     1U 3R attack archer  (Elfir)
Nergal    2L    frtify
Tethys    5D 1R dance  Nergal
Nergal    5R 1U attack ranger  (Naglf)
Cellica   2R 1U attack ranger  (Rapir)
Fiora           attack fighter (IronL)
Isadora         attack mercnry (StelS)

* Brunya PP level up HP, mag, skl, luk
* Nergal PP level up HP, mag, skl, luk
* Fiora PP level up HP, skl, spd, luk
* Wait until all enemies appear on map before skipping cutscene.

Turn 5
Eirika    2L    wait
Nergal    6D    frtify
Cellica   1D    attack priest  (Rapir)
Fiora           attack mercnry (IronL)U
Tethys    5R    dance  Cellica
Cellica   2U 1R attack cavalry (Rapir)
Sonia     2R 2U attack priest  (Thund)
Isadora         attack fighter (StelS)
Brunya          frtify

Turn 6
Eirika    1L    talk   Zephiel
Fiora           attack mercnry (IronL)L
Isadora         attack fighter (StelS)L
Cellica         attack cavalry (Rapir)
Tethys    1U 2R dance  Cellica
Nergal          frtify
Tana      2U    attack mercnry (IronL)
Brunya          frtify
Cellica   1R 3D attack Uhai    (Falch)

* Cellica PP level up str, spd, res, luk
* Tethys PP level up HP, def, res, luk
* Nergal PP level up HP, spd, def
* Tana PP level up HP, luk
* Brunya PP level up HP, mag, res, luk

Chapter 14 Eir

Purchased 4x Elfir from the chapter 12 vendor.
Purchased 1x Unlock from the chapter 9 vendor.
Used Elysian Whip on Zephiel (dragon lord promotion).

Units deployed:
1. Sonia     2. Clea      3. Brunya    4. Isadora
5. Cellica   6. Fiora     7. Tethys    8. Nergal
9. LArachel  0. Cecilia   A. Ursula

3 8 1
E 7 0
4 5 6
A 2

Turn 1
Eirika          use    PureW
Isadora   1U    rescue Eirika  3U 3L
Brunya    2U 2L take   Eirika
Lalum     5L 2U dance  Brunya
Nergal    2U 3L warp   Brunya
LArachel  3R 3U unlock
Cecilia   4U    rescue LArachl 3D
Fiora     1U 1R take   LArachl dropD  2U
 burn 7 RNs (Brunya 5U 1R to 4U 2R)
Brunya    5U 1L attack Carlyle (Fimbl)
Cellica   1D 6L use    PureW
Ursula    8L    attack soldier (Elfir)
Sonia     2U 4L wait
Clea      8L    wait

* Warp Brunya into throne room at maximum distance
* Brunya PP level up mag, skl, def, luk
* Wait until enemies finish moving on map before skipping cutscene.

Turn 2
Brunya          trade  Eirika  +Fimbl dropU
Nergal    6R    attack knight  (Naglf)
Ursula          attack soldier (Elfir)
Clea      3L 1U unlock 1D 1L
Cellica   4L 2U attack knight  (Rapir)
Fiora     6U    wait
Tethys    7R    dance  Nergal
Nergal    6U    attack shaman  (Naglf)
LArachel  4U    rescue Tethys  2U
Cecilia   5U    trade  LArachl -Unlck take   Tethys  dropU
Sonia     5R 1U wait
Isadora   5D 3L wait

* Nergal EP level up HP, skl, spd
* Cellica EP level up str, def, luk (1st)
* Cellica EP level up HP, skl, spd, def, luk (2nd)

Turn 3
LArachel  6U    talk   Clarine
Cecilia   8U    unlock
Sonia     6U    attack swdmstr (Boltg)
Isadora   2L 3U attack shaman  (SilvL)
Clea      6U    unlock
Ursula    6U    unlock
Nergal    6U    attack swdmstr (Naglf)
Fiora     8U    attack swdmstr (StelL)
Tethys    6U    dance  Cecilia
Cecilia   7U    unlock
Eirika          seize

* Fiora PP level up HP, str, def, res

Chapter 15 Eir

Units deployed:
1. Sonia     2. Clea      3. Brunya    4. Cellica
5. Fiora     6. Tethys    7. Nergal    8. Zephiel
9. Idoun     0. Lucius

5 E4
9 61 8
03 2

Turn 1
Nergal          attack hero    (Naglf)
Cellica   3R 2U attack hero    (Audhm)D
Brunya    3R 3D attack hero    (Elfir)
Fiora     2R 4D attack hero    (Drgsp)
Tethys    2D    dance  Nergal
Nergal    5D 1L attack assassn (Naglf)
Zephiel   3D 1L trade  Fiora   -Drgsp
Eirika    2D 1L wait
Sonia     4L    wait
Clea      3D    trade  Brunya  +Fimbl  2U 1L

Turn 2
Idoun     4R 2D restor Zephiel
Lucius    1R 3D frtify
Nergal          attack swdmstr (Naglf)
Cellica   1D 1R attack hero    (Falch)
Brunya    4U 2L frtify
Fiora     2L 2D wait
Tethys    1R 1U dance  Brunya
Zephiel   5R    attack wyvkngt (Drgsp)
Sonia     1R 1U attack hero    (Aura)
Clea      5R 1D rescue Zephiel 2L
Brunya    4L    attack hero    (Fimbl)L

* Nergal PP level up spd, def, luk
* Brunya PP level up HP, mag, res, luk
* Wait until all player units appear on map before skipping cutscene.
* Cellica EP level up HP, skl, spd, res, luk
* Sonia EP level up HP, skl, spd, def, res
* Wait until all enemies appear on map before skipping cutscene.

Turn 3
Nergal    2U    attack hero    (Naglf)
Sonia           attack hero    (Elfir)
Lucius    1L 1U frtify
Hellene   1L 2U trade  Limstel +KngtC 2R 4U
Limstella 5U    equip  Nosfr   visit
Eirika    1U 2L convoy -MstrS trade  Brunya  +MstrS -Frtfy
Clea      2L    dropD  1L
Brunya          equip  Exclb  use    MstrS
Cellica   2L 3U equip  Audhm
Fiora     4D 4L equip  Javel
Tethys    3D 1L dance  Nergal
Nergal    1R 3D attack swdmstr (Naglf)
Idoun           physic Nergal

* Lucius PP level up mag, spd, luk
* Send Master Seal to convoy
* Send Dragon Axe to convoy
* Nergal EP level up HP, spd, def
* Wait until all enemies appear on map before skipping cutscene.

Turn 4
Fiora     1U 1L attack brigand (Axerv)
Brunya    2L 1U attack hero    (Exclb)2R
Cellica         attack flckngt (Lncrv)D
Nergal          attack swdmstr (Naglf)
Hellene   1R 2U trade  Fiora   -BravL -KillL attack druid   (BravL)
Eirika    3R 2D wait
Tethys    3D 1R dance  Nergal
Nergal    2R    attack paladin (Naglf)
Zephiel   2D 1L rescue Tethys  3L
Clea      2D 3L take   Tethys  dropR  1L 2D
Idoun     2D 2L physic Nergal
Lucius    2R    rescue Eirika
Ephriam   2U 3R wait
Limstella 4D 2R wait
Sonia     3R 3D frtify

* Brunya PP level up HP, skl, spd, res
* Brunya EP level up HP, def (1st)
* Brunya EP level up HP, skl, spd, def, res, luk (2nd)
* Cellica EP level up HP, str, spd, def, res, luk
* Nergal EP level up HP, skl, spd, def
* Wait until all enemies appear on map before skipping cutscene.

Turn 5
Brunya    1L 1U attack warrior (Elfir)
Cellica         attack flckngt (Lncrv)D
Fiora           trade  Hellene -BravL 6R 2U
Tethys    1R    dance  Fiora
Nergal    1R 1D attack paladin (Naglf)
Zephiel   3R 1U wait
Idoun     2R    physic Cellica
Lucius    2D 2L wait
Ephraim         attack cavalry (Regin)
Limstella 4R    attack bishop  (Boltg)
Sonia     1D    attack flckngt (Elfir)
Fiora     4U 1R attack flckngt (BravL)
Hellene         attack hero    (SilvL)
Clea      4R 1U trade  Zephiel -Drgsp 2R 1U

* Brunya PP level up HP, mag, skl, spd, luk
* Queue Silver Sword for Cellica
* Idoun PP level up mag, skl, spd, res
* Send Bolting to convoy
* Fiora PP level up str, spd
* Clea finds Boots
* Cellica EP level up str, spd, luk
* Wait until all enemies appear on map before skipping cutscene.

Turn 6
Sonia     3R 3D attack drglord (Aura)
Fiora           attack flckngt (BravL)
Tethys    1R 2U dance  Fiora
Lucius          frtify
Ephraim   1D 1L wait
Limstella 3U 3L attack hero    (Shine)
Hellene   6D    wait
Clea      6R 2D wait
Cellica         attack flckngt (SilvS)U
Brunya    2U 1R attack flckngt (Elfir)2R
Fiora           attack flckngt (BravL)
Nergal    3R 1D attack bersrkr (Naglf)
Zephiel   8R    wait
Idoun           physic Cellica

* Sonia PP level up spd, res, luk
* Brunya PP level up skl, spd, res
* Fiora PP level up HP, def, res
* Brunya EP level up mag, spd

Turn 7
Lucius          frtify
Cellica         attack flckngt (SilvS)R
Ephraim   5R    wait
Limstella 2D 4R wait
Hellene   8R    attack bishop  (KillL)
Clea      3D 1R attack drglord (Drgsp)
Brunya    4D 2R use    Elixr
Fiora     4U    equip  Javel
Tethys    4D    wait
Nergal    2D    attack drglord (Naglf)
Idoun           physic Cellica
Sonia     6D    frtify

* Lucius PP level up mag, spd, luk
* Cellica PP level up HP, str, skl, spd, def, luk
* Clea PP level up HP, skl, spd, luk, res
* Fiora EP level up str, skl, spd, luk
* Brunya EP level up luk, def
* Wait until all enemies appear on map before skipping cutscene.

Turn 8
Lucius    2D 4R wait
Nergal    5L 1U wait
Tethys    4D 2R dance  Nergal
Nergal    3L 1D wait
Clea      2D 1R attack wyvkngt (Drgsp)
Brunya    6R 3U attack flckngt (Elfir)UR
Cellica   4D 2L attack flckngt (SilvS)
Fiora     2L    attack flckngt (BravL)
Ephraim   5R    wait
Limstella 4R 2D wait
Sonia     1D 4R attack Valter  (Aura)
Zephiel   1R 7D trade  Clea    -Drgsp attack Valter  (Drgsp)
Idoun     4D    physic Cellica
Hellene   5R    attack druid   (KillL)

* Tethys PP level up HP, spd, res, luk
* Clea PP level up HP, str, def, res, luk
* Zephiel PP level up HP, str, skl, def
* Hellene PP level up spd, luk
* Fiora EP level up HP, str, spd, luk
* Nergal EP level up HP, skl, luk
* Zephiel EP level up HP, skl, res
* Cellica EP level up spd, luk
* Wait until all enemies appear on map before skipping cutscene.

Turn 9
Zephiel   2D    attack wyvkngt (Drgsp)
Brunya    2D    attack druid   (Elfir)R
Cellica   5L 1U attack druid   (Audhm)
Fiora     4L    attack druid   (BravL)
Nergal    1U 3L attack sage    (Naglf)
Tethys    6L    dance  Nergal
Nergal    6L    attack sage    (Naglf)
Hellene   2D 1R attack drglord (SilvL)

* Zephiel PP level up HP, skl, spd, def, res
* Sonia PP level up spd, res
* Brunya EP level up def, luk

Turn 10
Sonia           frtify
Brunya          attack druid   (Elfir)UR
Fiora     1U    attack druid   (BravL)
Cellica   3L    attack druid   (Falch)

* Sonia PP level up def, res
* Brunya PP level up
* Queue Excalibur for Brunya

Chapter 16 Eir

Units deployed:
1. Brunya    2. Cellica   3. Fiora     4. Tethys
5. Nergal    6. Lucius    7. Hellene

3 2

Turn 1
Lucius          hmmrne Nergal (Warp)
Nergal    2R 2U warp   Cellica
Hellene   3R 5U attack hero   (IronS)L
Fiora     5R 3U attack hero   (Axerv)
Tethys    1L    dance  Lucius
Lucius    2R    hmmrne Nergal (Warp)
Brunya    2R 2U trade  Nergal -Warp  warp   Eirika
Cellica   5U 2L attack Orson  (Falch)
Eirika    1U 3L seize

* Warp Cellica as far into throne room as possible
* Nergal PP level up HP, def, luk
* Warp Eirika as far into throne room as possible
* Brunya PP level up def, luk
* Cellica PP level up HP, skl, def, res luk
* Promote Eirika at end of chapter
* Promote Ephraim at end of chapter

Chapter 17 Eir

Units deployed:
1. Brunya    2. Cellica   3. Fiora     4. Tethys
5. Nergal    6. Lucius    7. Hellene   8. Clea
9. Zephiel

 1 9
5 E 4
6 3 8
7 2

Turn 1
Lucius    3R    Mshld  Cellica
Cellica   3U    wait
Zephiel         rescue Cellica 6R 2U
Tethys    3U 4R dance  Zephiel
Nergal    1U    attack snag    (Naglf)
Hellene   5U    wait
Clea      4R 4U wait
Zephiel   3U 4R dropR  1L
Brunya    7R 1U wait
Fiora     6R    wait

Turn 2
Hellene         attack paladin (DevlA)
Nergal    5R 1D attack hero    (Boltg)
Fiora     3R    attack hero    (Axerv)D
Lucius    3R    hmmrne Nergal  (Warp)
Clea      6U 2R rescue Syrene
Brunya    8U 1R wait
Tethys    7U    dance  Brunya
Brunya    1U 5R attack Lyon    (Exclb)

* Attack dropped Hero Axe hero with Bolting
* Fiora PP level up HP, str, skl, def, luk
* Brunya PP level up def, luk

Chapter 18 Eir

Units deployed:
1. Brunya    2. Cellica   3. Fiora     4. Tethys
5. Hellene   6. Clea      7. Zephiel   8. Sonia
9. Limstella

2 5 3
8 6


Used Angelic Robe on Cellica.
Used Swiftsoles on Fiora.

Turn 1
Eirika    4R 3U wait
Brunya    5R 4U attack gorgegg (Naglf)2U
Hellene   4R 4U attack gorgegg (Javel)
Cellica   7R    wait
Fiora     6R 4U attack gorgegg (Javel)
Tethys    3R 4U dance  Hellene
Hellene   4R 4U attack dthgoyl (KillB)
Clea      6R 2U rescue Cellica
Zephiel   4R 4U wait
Sonia     2U 4R wait
Limstella 3U 3R wait

* Hellene PP level up HP, str, skl, spd, def

Turn 2
Eirika    3R 3U attack gorgegg (Sglnd)
Brunya    4U 1R Mshld  Hellene
Tethys    4R 3U dance  Brunya
Brunya    7U 2L attack gorgegg (Naglf)U
Fiora     8U 2L wait
Clea      4U 4R wait
Zephiel   3R 5U attack gorgegg (Javel)
Sonia     3R 3U wait
Limstella 2R 4U wait
Hellene   6R 1U attack archmgl (KillB)

* Brunya PP level up def, luk
* Zephiel PP level up str, skl, spd, def, luk
* Hellene PP level up HP, str, spd, def, luk
* Wait until all enemies appear on map before skipping cutscene.

Turn 3
Eirika    2U 5R wait
Brunya    3U 4R attack gorgegg (Naglf)
Limstella 3R 3U physic Hellene
Tethys    4R    dance  Eirika
Hellene   2U 1R attack gorgon  (KillB)
Clea      2R 6D dropR
Zephiel   6U    attack dthgoyl (Drgsp)
Sonia     3R 3U wait
Eirika    3U 3R attack gorgon  (Sglnd)
Fiora     8U 2L attack gorgegg (Javel)

* Fiora PP level up str, skl, spd, luk
* Brunya EP level up def
* Wait until all enemies appear on map before skipping cutscene.

Turn 4
Eirika    3R 4U wait
Hellene   6U 1L attack archmgl (Javel)
Brunya    1U 8R attack gorgegg (Naglf)R
Sonia     4R 2D attack dthgoyl (Boltg)
Limstella 5R 1U attack gorgegg (Boltg)
Tethys    1D    dance  Sonia
Sonia     5D 1L attack dthgoyl (Boltg)
Cellica   5R    attack gorgegg (Audhm)
Fiora           attack gargoyl (Vidof)
Clea      3D 2R wait
Zephiel   8U    attack gorgegg (Javel)2R

* Hellene PP level up str, skl, spd
* Attack first gorgon egg with Bolting
* Limstella PP level up HP, mag, skl, spd, def
* Zephiel PP level up HP, str, skl
* Cellica EP level up skl, spd
* Wait until all enemies appear on map before skipping cutscene.

Turn 5
Brunya    3L    attack bael    (Naglf)
Hellene   1U 5R attack gargoyl (KillB)
Eirika    1R    attack gorgegg (StelS)
Cellica   1D    attack archmgl (Audhm)
Fiora     1R 6D attack gorgegg (Javel)
Limstella 2U 1L attack gorgegg (Boltg)
Tethys    4U    dance  Limstel
Limstella 5R 1D attack gorgegg (Shine)
Clea      4R    attack gorgegg (IronL)
Zephiel         attack gorgegg (Javel)DR
Sonia     6R    wait

* Eirika PP level up HP, spd
* Attack N gorgon egg with Bolting
* Limstella PP level up HP, spd, res, luk

Turn 6
Brunya    3R    attack gorgegg (Naglf)
Hellene   1R    attack gorgegg (DevlA)
Fiora     6U 2L attack gorgegg (Javel)
Clea      1L    attack gorgegg (IronS)
Zephiel         attack gorgegg (Javel)
Sonia     1D    attack gorgegg (Divin)
Limstella 2R    attack gorgegg (Shine)

* Brunya PP level up def
* Fiora PP level up HP, skl, spd, luk
* Zephiel PP level up HP, skl, spd, def
* Sonia PP level up HP, mag

Chapter 19 Eir

Units deployed:
1. Brunya    2. Cellica   3. Tethys    4. Hellene
5. Sonia     6. Nergal

5 E 6
3 2

Turn 1
Sonia     4D    torch  6D 4L
Brunya    4D 5L rsc(s) Nergal
Tethys    2D 4L dance  Brunya
Hellene   2D 7L attack druid   (Garm)
Nergal    4D 2L attack general (Naglf)D
Brunya    5D 4L rsc(s) Cellica
Cellica   2D 4L attack Riev    (Falch)

* Tethys PP level up str, skl, res, luk
* Cellica PP level up HP, str, skl, luk

Chapter 20 Eir

Units deployed:
1. Brunya    2. Tethys    3. Nergal    4. Fiora
5. Sonia


Turn 1
Nergal          attack bonewlk (Boltg)
Fiora     5U 5L attack bonewlk (Vidof)
Sonia     6U    rsc(s) Tethys
Tethys    5L 2D dance  Fiora
Fiora     10L   attack Morva   (Drgsp)
Brunya          warp   Eirika
Eirika    2U    seize

* Attack bow bonewalker with Bolting
* Fiora PP level up HP, spd, def
* Warp Eirika below gate

Final Chapter Eir

Used Secret Book on Cellica.
Used Secret Book on Cellica.
Used Goddess Icon on Cellica.
Used Goddess Icon on Cellica.

Units deployed:
1. Tethys    2. Sonia     3. Limstella 4. Nergal
5. Cellica   6. Brunya

3 5 2

Turn 1
Cellica   7U    wait
Brunya    8U    rescue Cellica
Tethys    6U    dance  Brunya
Nergal    6U    warp   Brunya
Brunya    1U    dropD

* Warp Brunya to tile above Lyon

Turn 2
Cellica         attack Lyon    (Falch)
Brunya          attack Lyon    (Exclb)

* Brunya PP level up
* Wait until all player units stop moving before skipping cutscene.

Turn 3
Brunya    6U 1L attack Fmrtiis (Exclb)
Sonia     1R 5U frtify
Limstella 1L 5U frtify
Tethys    6U    dance  Brunya
Brunya          attack Fmrtiis (Exclb)
Nergal    1R 5U physic Brunya
Cellica   6U 1L wait

* Sonia PP level up HP, mag
* Limstella PP level up HP, skl, def

Turn 4
Nergal          physic Brunya
Brunya          attack Fmrtiis (Exclb)
Tethys          dance  Brunya
Sonia           frtify
Limstella       frtify
Brunya          attack Fmrtiis (Exclb)
Cellica   3U    attack Fmrtiis (Falch)

I use a shorthand for taking down notes when playing GBA FEs because the RNG is predictable and it makes it so much easier to record. I don't make notes for stuff that happens in chapter preparations other than stat boosters and promotions, and I didn't bother writing down equipment for each chapter =/ Also some of the shorthand might be hard to understand, like trading and RN burning.

Resetting between every chapter yields a predictable RNG. I'm 99% sure that following these moves exactly will yield an exact replication of my results.

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I'm curious as to what this "ChinaFE" is, and if it has to do with communist-like distributions.

"The Will of Good and Evil" (translation of a Chinese title) is a hack for the Japanese version of the FE8 ROM, made by the Chinese FE fandom. The name ChinaFE is often used for the hack itself, but is really the name of the community that produced it.


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Eirik's route is a bit easier than Ephraim's, from what I recall. Each are harder than FE8.

Abusing the RNG to finish a game--a worthy achievement.

Abuse or no abuse, beating a FE8 hack in 95 turns is pretty impressive.

Looking at his strategy, he doesn't seem to burn RNs that often either.

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So: easier or harder than Vanilla FE8 or 0% growths FE8?

Don't know about vanilla FE8. Harder is debatable; this game certainly has no shortage of really broken stuff. I'm quite lucky that I managed my resources well on my first try, because I was quite worried that a lot of decisions that I made early on would end up screwing myself over. But they didn't.

All I really had to go on was a guide that claimed young Guinivere and Amelia to be awesome. That didn't really help much.

Abusing the RNG to finish a game--a worthy achievement.

Dear Serisu,

Your sardonicism is not sought after. Short of a bit of path retracing in chapter 14, at least this run looks believable.

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Call it mockful if you'd like. But actually, do you use something like lua scripting to rig the RNG? Text is all nice and all, but it'd be a little more interesting to see the recorded footage of you completing one of the routes. I ask how you rig it, because some emulators allow you to playback everything you did as the player without showing any external tools used in the process (usually this is reserved for stuff like savestates and rewinding). If it's not so simple, I could see how the rigamarole could make recording footage a bit of an iff.

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I don't use a script at all. I play through a turn. If it doesn't work out the way I want it to, I try again. If there's some string of bad RNs that I can't avoid, then I just deal with it (exception being, of course, chapter 14). Over the entire course of the game, I can massage above average level ups and avoid below average ones such that my units are usually pretty well above average by the end of the game (e.g. Cellica was probably about 5 spd above her expected value), but I don't usually have the capability to manipulate consistent +7s or anything like that.

Just FYI, but every single GBA FE video that I've recorded and thus uploaded has been done this way.

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That's seriously impressive, RNG abuse or no. Out of curiosity, is Hard Mode a significant difficulty jump over normal? I haven't played far into this hack, but I watched a playthrough of what I assumed was normal with pretty insane enemies. Is hard mode even more over the top?

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Impressive. On a note that's actually somewhat on topic, google chrome is refusing to open spoiler tags so I can't read your log :(: Anyone know how to fix that, because I am quite interested in reading it. Also, going with what Ano asked, how would you rate this with vanilla FEs?

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No idea how to fix that in Chrome. Use another browser?

I gotta say, half of the reason why I had the patience to finish this playthrough with such meticulous logging is because I can skip through the difficult endgame maps. Chapters 16 and 20 in particular would be nightmares without a warpskip or halfskip strategy.

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Impressive. On a note that's actually somewhat on topic, google chrome is refusing to open spoiler tags so I can't read your log :(: Anyone know how to fix that, because I am quite interested in reading it. Also, going with what Ano asked, how would you rate this with vanilla FEs?

Might be your computer and not the browser? IDK. I use chrome and it's fine. :/

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