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Welcome to the forest!

And you know, the thing about lurkers that scare me is that you probably already know all about us even though we know nothing about you...

Anyway, I'm glad that you finally decided to join! =P

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Hello cheapass Hyper Sonic. (Sorry about that, I've been slaughtered by that final smash too much to not say something about it. No personal byass though.)

I'm Lyle Dayek, The Dual Wielding Noble. Welcome to the forest. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

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Welcome to the forest!

And you know, the thing about lurkers that scare me is that you probably already know all about us even though we know nothing about you...

Anyway, I'm glad that you finally decided to join! =P

Haha yeah, I know alot about most people around here, it's great.

Hello cheapass Hyper Sonic. (Sorry about that, I've been slaughtered by that final smash too much to not say something about it. No personal byass though.)

I'm Lyle Dayek, The Dual Wielding Noble. Welcome to the forest. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Hahaha, I believe it makes up for his lack of killing power when in normal mode.

Thanks, I believe I know enough to survive this place. It's been murder lately.

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I'm Serene the endurance Brawler, seriously I just got done with a 99 minute match on Brawl.

But anyway's enjoy yada yada

Have fun yakedy smackedy

Remember spam is your friend on FFtF, as long as you make it somewhat on topic

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Hmmm.....If you know so much about us, then I guess it would be pointless for another "Fireman greeting".

Well....hello anyway.....welcome to the forest....and all that good stuff.....

psst....Join the B-Team! It's full of cool people.

Edited by Fireman
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im totally not trying to get you to honor me by using sublimal messages

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Thanks all for your welcomes.

Is it the craze to have undeniably hot anime chicks for sigs and avatars? *considers*

And yeah, Hyper Sonic should have been used in more than just S3&K, he's much more powerful than Super Sonic...

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Lurking for months you say? That's a pretty long time... I guess it does take months to mentally prepare oneself for the horrors that lie in wait here. It may even take longer. I hope you're ready... Some pretty crazy stuff happens around here.

...Sorry, got a little of track there. Welcome to the forest. Where your worst fears will be realized. IN STEREO.

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Hey, welcome.

Dang... I read the title line for your intro... heard Sonic's voice saying that... then heard my friend's voice making fun of Sonic. Lol.

It's better than: 'You're too slow!'

Sonic for being the next person mauled by Sephiroth.

Edit: The character of course. Not you personally Hyper Sonic.

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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