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(FE9-FE10) Tellius Draft #3


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I just burned the FE9 ROM on a DVD since my actual disc stopped working. (for Homebrew, of course) That way it doesn't take up too much memory space. It does work.

Edited by CR-S01
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Alright. Ill contact thisisjaye and zorbees again. If they dont reply or have no intention of finishing (or they cant because of IRL issues), ill give you a spot Quintessence (as soon as you can play FE9).

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Alright. Ill contact thisisjaye and zorbees again. If they dont reply or have no intention of finishing (or they cant because of IRL issues), ill give you a spot Quintessence (as soon as you can play FE9).

I can contact zorbees on IRC it's unnecessary

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Sorry, I completely forgot about this since I was unable to play for a few weeks. Winter is a tough time for me since I travel a lot during the winter. I probably can't continue until like a week from now though, but I would enjoy finishing this out, as I really like the team I drafted. If we have an excess of subs, someone can play alongside me with my team I guess, since it might take me a while to finish. Again, sorry about this, but yeah...

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I'm like going at a snail's pace, but I am working on this.

Chapter 12 - 8/62

Well, yeah. I had to sort of trap Seeker in and forced him to suicide into Titania on turn 8 EP. Ilyana is very squishy, so I usually boxed her in with Mia and Brom, since they're not very mobile. Brom's a bro, he missed a lot but he did tank very well despite getting doubled by everything in existence. Ilyana didn't miss once, which is good. She used elthunder to finish off most crows that my other units missed, and her hit rates were like 60~70.

Unit            Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Luck    Def     Res     
Ike            14.44    29      11      4       14      15      11      10      5       
Titania         9.31    40      16      6       18      18      15      14      10
Oscar          17.00    35      13      3       14      14      9       13      3   
Mia            15.72    25      11      2       15      19      10      8       4
Ilyana         15.81    22      3       13      13      11      10      3       15
Brom           14.26    33      12      1       12      9       5       16      3   

Edited by CR-S01
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Sorry for the double post, the edit button's flipping out on me. Hell, I can't even see what I'm typing right now. edit: Okay, now it's working. oops

Chapter 13 - 7/69

>Myrm misses Astrid.

>Loldier misses Astrid.

The hell? I was planning on missing out on the Knight Ward but I'm not complaining. It messed up my plan for Ike on turn 2, but it's okay. Titania goes up and kills things with a hand axe. Sothe loots shit like a boss. Brom held the rescue chokepoint and got a lot more kills than I expected from that. Ilyana somehow nabs the bosskill. And also steals like most of everyone else's kills by critkilling with elthunder >:( And killed like 2 ravens...blargh. Killstealer :( Why do all of you mooks keep suiciding into Ilyana? Suicide into Mia, or Oscar or something.

After the chapter, I cap off everyone but Titania with BEXP. They had above xx.50 EXP so I didn't bother giving them any more than what they needed to level up, but it's hilarious to see clean zeroes across the board.

Unit           Level    HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Luck    Def     Res     
Ike            15.00    30      12      4       14      16      11      10      5       
Titania        10.31    41      16      6       19      19      15      15      10
Oscar          19.00    35      14      4       15      16      9       14      4   
Mia            17.00    25      12      3       15      20      10      9       4
Ilyana         19.00    27      4       17      17      12      11      4       18
Brom           16.00    34      13      1       13      10      5       18      3

Chapter 14 - 4/73

Do I have to say it? Oscar clears the way and Titania kills the boss. Sothe nabs the spirit dust and I also take an extra turn so that Ilyana can get up to the boss area to be at 20.5x. Then she can promote at base. I need sage!Ilyana for the desert next chapter.

Chapter 15 - 4/77

Gogogo Ilyana. She procced one mag during the chapter, which allowed her to 2HKO Muarim. Sothe nabbed the boots, Mia got the physic, Ike got a coin, then somehow found shine along the way. Oscar promoted mid-chapter, Mia is close.

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Oh God, Ilyana's spd lol. Anyway, my research of 3-6 made me figure out that a 6 turn is indeed possible. There are exactly 40 enemies by Turn 6. But 2 of them dont have gauge in EP. So, it requires at least 4 units to get a 6 turn, one of them must be uber jill (crowned jill). I got a normal 7 turn because of a single cat. Sothe needs to get to the northwest with Micaiah then they both split up. Miccy to the right and Sothe to the left so that every enemy there suicides on them. Jill kills everything else but another unit was needed to get that last cat in PP. Oh well.

3-6 7/43

Explained above.

3-7 12/55

Trained Kyza a bit. Recruited Zishark with Mordecai for the Savior Scroll and Ike barely got to BK.

3-8 4/59

Celerity Neph with Javelin Crit forges goes down with a reyson vigor in Turn 1. The others handled stragglers.

3-9 5/64

Got a bit unlucky here so no 4 turn Geoffrey solo for me.

3-10 5/69

Not enough manpower to get a 4 turn.

3-11 4/73

Sigrun needed a bunch of BEXP levels to get some str like, oh god. She ferried Ike while Neph protected Leanne after she vigored sigrun. (the hawks tibarn brings were essential too).

3-12 2/75

Boots Jill goes down and murders everything.

3-13 2/77

See 3-12. Jill 2RKO'd Ike with the Brave Axe since she couldnt double him haha and she also didnt proc stun lol.

3-E 4/81

Standard stuff. Jill was a pain but nothing the mighty rescue dropped Neph cant handle!

So, Part 3 done in 81 turns. That makes 166 for now. Part 4 some other day.

Edited by General Haarace
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I'm up to 3-3, but due to getting banned from the wii....

(Sibling complained about why I spend my free time playing fe, almost all of my free time is FE drafts now. Now, the madre blew a fuse and banned me from it for an unknown amount of time -_-)

So yeah, I'm in the middle of it, I regret not picking Marcia>Boyd and then trying to grab Mia for fe10 GMs....

In other words, FML, **** greedy siblings, and fuck farmville to h*ll.

Oh, and I'm not even going to say anything about the last several days, parents are all stressed out and frusterated. Lil bro was greedy and tried to keep me off the wii by whining, and now almost every means of personal entertainment have been banned.

And then my mum yells at me for not playing farmville, and that farmville requires patience. She's one to talk, I've been playing FE10 drafts for an hour or 2 every evening, and then I usually only get 1-2 chapters done.

Man, I wish that every single game that had some sort of action wasn't comdemed by groups of middle aged ladies on FB.

Oh whoops, wrong place to rant :sweatdrop:

Anyways, I just hate logging fe10.

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I agree, FE10 is such an ass to log. I never do stats for FE10 either because 40+ chapters worth of statlogging is not something I want to do. >___>

Oh god farmville. That thing wasted 2 hours of my life, and then I deleted it off my facebook forever.

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She forced it on me.

Also, some people complain about my not logging until done style.

I remember people who took it tooo far, like Wen. Who kept on bugging and harassing me in IP chat to get Horace lvl TCs for fe6. And then kept on bugging me over and over about it.

Yeah, I agree, fe10 is an ass to log. And screw to Farmville to ****. Does it even count as a video game of any kind? I regard zynga games as an insult to video gaming itself. I certainly pray for the day when Zynga goes bankrupt.

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Yeah logging FE10 can be a pain. Its so long! (not TWSS) Thats why I dont log stats much lately when i do it. I just want to get done with every FE10 draft already so im speedrunning them xD.

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I won't be on as much, but feel free to PM me, comments don't work on phones ;A;

Oh and I see profile pics on phone, so I'm just seeing CR-S01s real face and Fiora.

Yeah, imagine if SF was a high school and we were all in it.

Soul and Pkl meeting would be funny.

I'd probobly be the guy everyone forgets

On topic, I can't get 3-3 done because Boyd and Ike kept on getting crit by magic/swords/lances/Steel longbows.

And then Mist is a liability and gets killed by enemy Wind Sages...-_-;

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got super tired of the MM draft and it rekindled my interest in HM. I BEXP'd sigrun until she capped res and got to 30 str, this allows her to ORKO paladins with no questions asked with a javelin forge. Sothe is bexp'd until he capped hp str skl spd def res. Micaiah was BEXP'd until she had 28 mag iirc. This allows her to ORKO what i need to, with shine and yuma is dispatched with thani. Anyway, i have miccy and sothe team up on the warrior and halberdier. Boots jill picks up micaiah and leanne vigored her. She dropped miccy in the bushes but in the northwestern-most tile of the bushes near the crossbow warrior. Jill cantos. Sigrun kills a halb to the east and cantos but still out of range of the bow paladins, but in range of all the other 1 range enemies. Miccy is put into resolve by the crossbow warrior and a lot of enemies SD to miccy jill and sigrun. Next, miccy kills the steel longbow paladin. Jill tomahawks the tempest blade General. Sigrun parks in a thicket tile with a javelin forge equipped. The rest of the enemies died to micaiah jill and sigrun in EP2. ~2 turns~

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4-1 4/6

Got Ike to 31 Str and 33 Spd with BEXP. Gave him Pass and a Torch.

Nephenee went west with her javelin forges and destroyed one of the snags

in Turn 1. Nailah goes as far east as possible and kills a general.

Ike passed through the enemies and uses a Torch. This keeps the bishop to

the south visible in Turn 2, allowing Ike to kill him. 31 Str is needed to naturally

ORKO the general thats there. 33 Spd is needed to double Catalena. A lot of enemies

SD to Nailah except a 2 range General. The Horseslayer General is lured.

A lot of enemies die to Ike. And a falconknight and thunder sage SD to Nephenee.

Then, Ike kills the Bishop. Nailah destroys the snag (so the General there doesnt prioritize destroying it.

This also lured the 2 range General towards her but keeps Rafiel safe.

Nephenee went down to the Bishop on the west and equipped another Javelin forge.

In EP, the snag General dies to Nailah. The 2 range General is lured towards her and

the Horseslayer keeps advancing towards her. Neph kills the 2 Halberdiers and some enemies

and Ike wtfpwns everything in his side. Turn 3, I have Ike move towards Catalena and use a Torch.

Parking in range of 2 Generals. Nailah kills the 2 range General. Rafiel vigors and Nailah kills

the Horseslayer General. Nephenee kills the Bishop. Turn 3 EP: Nailah kills the Halberdier

reinforcement. Ike kills everything down there including Catalena.

Turn 4: Nailah full moves and kills the Bishop in the centereast bush tile.

Ike kills the Bishop from 2 range (this makes the last Catalena General attack him

in EP). Nephenee parks in range of all the reinforcements to the northwest.

All enemies SD in EP to Neph, Nailah and Ike.

Call RNG abuse at this, butches. I dare you.

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