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[FE4] SOYO Draft XYZ

General Horace

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Methinks it's probably stated somewhere and I didn't notice, but you might want to note that the same person can't be given Johan and Johalva.

No it's not Cam, thanks.

I keep forgetting about all those stupid combinations.

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I'll pick Daisy. I notice that Baldrick has picked Dimna for me. Does that mean he must pick Fury or Ethlin as my other mother

That is correct.

I choose Fury and Janne, meaning that you get Ethlin by default.

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Which means Aless is free for nobody! I'll do a team analysis in a bit, but Doku really screwed me over

You're welcome!

(Ayra, Lakche, Skasaher)(Sylvia, Leen, Corple) Hannibal, Beowulf, Midir, Amid, Daisy, Mana, Fin, Noish

Sigurd - Yo

Dierdre - Yo yo!

Noish - I've never actually had him in a draft, he's definitely going with Ayra.

Ayra - Always nice to have aboard. Her kids will be scary

Midir - He normally steals my speed ring and then offers a fair peformance.

Beowulf - I need to be careful not to kill him, before I got Noish, he was going to end up with Ayra.

Sylvia - She's stuck with one of these two, I'm not sure it really matters which one, Corple's doomed.

Fin - He makes life a lot easier, Prayer is always cool.

Amid - Pursuit Ring and I get an improved Azel.

Daisy - Well, at least I can toss money about.

Mana - Yay healing?

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(Ethlin, Leaf, Altenna) (Tiltyu, Arthur, Tinny), Ardan, Jamka, Dimna, Johalva, Cuan, Tristan, Dew, Laylea

My team Analysis

Ethlin: Will be of great use. Leaf will beast mode it up. especially with my dancer rescue staff duo.

Cuan: Got Cuan to go with Ethlin. That is pretty cool.

Tiltyu: Not very good but her kids with ambush+wrath should be okay

Arden: He is getting paired.

Jamka: F that I have to recruit him

Dew: Money Money Money and more Money.

Tristan: Psst he is one of my favorite subs. Just give him a hero sword and he is set.

Dimna: No comment

Johalva: He is not very good in a draft environment or overall he just sucks

Laylea: Her and Leaf will join forces to destroy evil.

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(Aideen, Lana, Lester) , (Fury, Fee, Sety) Asaello, Sharlow, Azel, Alec, Radney, Rodolban, Janne, Lex

Fury: Fliers are useful, and her kids are awesome.

Lex: Team superbuddies - Captain

Aideen: Rescue and Warp will be pretty cool.

Azel: Team superbuddies - First Officer

Alec: He nearly got himself some pegasus knight booty. And now he will die alone and unloved.

Janne: She's on a horse.

The rest: Holy hell, I got some stinkers.

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I just realized I have no units until Deirdre. :facepalm:

Well played, Shin, well played.

Prologue - 12 + 3 Turns

That's right, I took an Ardan Penalty.

Sigurd ran south, killed stuff, and was able to seize on turn 5. Ardan was attacked on turn 6, so no penalty for the first castle. Midir managed to fuck off and not get me another penalty, but Sigurd sat on the church with 1 HP left, and had to delay for Alvis since nobody was to the north to take out the bandits up there.

SIGURD       11.96   42 17 00 14 14 09 10 03 Silver Sword, Steel Sword, Iron Lance

Chapter 1 - 21/35 Turns


I killed Ayra because otherwise she would go after Aideen and cause another penalty. It saved a turn however. I've never needed the Hero sword in the past, see how it works out this time around.

SIGURD       18.56   48 22 00 15 17 10 13 03 Silver Sword, Javelin, Magic Ring, Skill Ring
DEIRDRE      05.79   28 00 14 10 12 06 04 18 Aura, Silence, Circlet

Edited by General Horace
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Prologue: Sigurd's Manly Squad - 11 turns

Being SOYO, one typically ends up with units you don't usually use. Noish surprised me. He's not quite as good at fighting as Alec but he's a little tougher. Sigurd heads down, taking a lot of hits. Noish initially follows him but goes up to lure enemies away from where Alvis will spawn.

Sigurd gets those strength proc's, and manages a turn 5 capture! Midale does cool stuff and gets the Speed Ring in one turn. Charge is your friend! Unless you're called Noish, then it never activates.

Alvis turns up and deviates slightly, it doesn't matter though, Sigurd's manly. After the team charge through, Noish takes some hits for Sigurd. Turn 11 capture!

Sigurd  11 15 43 20 01 13 13 08 12 03 Silver Sword, Iron Lance, Steel sword
Noish   04 78 34 12 00 07 08 04 08 00 Steel Sword
Midale  04 19 33 10 00 07 10 04 08 00 Iron Bow, Speed Ring



Chapter 1: Eye of the Badger - 22 turns

Noish clears the arena, unlike Midale. He seems to have been failing me a lot in drafts. However, Sigurd and Noish kit up and take their green friend with them. Noish manages to get the kill on Kinbois, allowing Sigurd to boogie down. I've also devised a cunning scheme to avoid putting Edain in harm's way. Go me! Turn 5!

Unlike some people, I like the Hero Sword, and I don't want that 15 turn penalty. Ayra and Sigurd aid the failing Noish and Midale to kill the bandits. Unfortunately, I can't capture earlier without an uninjured Noish, so I have to settle for a turn 12.

Jamka decides to behave and dies, Sigurd and Dierdre team up for a turn 22 capture!

Sigurd  17 54 48 25 01 17 14 12 13 03 Silver Sword, Steel Sword, Javelin, Skill/Magic Rings
Dierdre 06 84 28 00 16 08 14 07 03 19 Silence Staff, Aura, Circlet
Noish   10 09 38 17 00 10 09 04 12 00 Steel Sword, Iron Lance, Slim Sword, Javelin, Hand Axe
Ayra	09 23 35 11 01 18 18 04 08 01 Iron Blade
Midale  06 72 33 10 00 09 10 05 09 00 Iron Bow, Speed Ring



Chapter 2... later. Here's a little something, screenshots are nice and everything but this deserves something special.

Edited by Dokutayuu
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Chapter 2: Fun Time in Agustria - 31 turns

All goes well, I've already posted a funny Holyn video so nothing more is needed! Sigurd, Noish and Midale go forth, slaying all the enemies in their way. Elliot dies and Lachesis is recruited.

Boldo soon follows, Sigurd gets some cool Javelin action in and gets a turn 9 capture. I even got the return ring!

Sigurd goes up alone. Beowulf doesn't troll me too much, but it still takes a little while. Sylvia heads out, ignoring all the burning villagers. Sigurd captures on 17 and an unlikely hero saves the Bargain Ring... Midale!

Dierdre warps Sigurd and Beowulf back so they can help Ayra and Noish. Midale and Sylvia don't do much, although Dierdre bizarrely beats Keimos. Levin and Midale are warped back home. Dew gives Lachesis the Thief Sword, Sigurd may need it later. Sigurd uses his underlings as shields and gets a manly turn 26 capture.

Fury is recruited for her lance and Sigurd beats Shaggy on turn 31!

Sigurd  24 53 58 25 01 21 15 17 15 03 Silver Sword, Skill/Return/Barrier/Shield Rings, Light Sword, Libro
Dierdre 14 08 35 01 22 09 15 08 05 22 Silence Staff, Aura, Circlet, Warp, Live
Noish   14 14 41 20 00 13 10 06 14 00 Steel Sword, Iron Lance, Slim Sword, Javelin
Ayra	12 51 37 11 02 20 18 05 09 01 Iron Blade, Steel Blade, Steel Sword
Midale  10 45 36 12 00 09 12 05 10 00 Iron Bow, Speed Ring, Steel Bow
Sylvia  04 12 30 04 01 04 12 07 01 07 Slim Sword
Beowulf 12 87 40 15 00 12 14 03 10 00 Steel Sword, Slim Sword


EDIT: I've just realised that SP had given me Fin. No matter! Level 1 Fin shall do wonders!

Edited by Dokutayuu
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Prologue 12/12 turns

Had Sigurd rush forward and seize on turn 6. Arden killed some bandits. Ethlin got the speed ring village and Cuan helped Sigurd out.

Chapter 1 28/40 turns

I hate Jamka. I hit him with Sigurd down to low HP then realized I had to keep him alive. I had Aideen there luckily and she recruited him. He died the next turn but I don't get a penalty. I got Dew and he has grown Strength every level. Wahoo!!

Chapter 2 36/76 turns

I had Sigurd and Cuan rush together. Cuan is a serious tank with his 18 defense. Dew has been steadily getting money. In the arena:

Dew 6/7

Arden 6/7

Ethlin 4/7

Cuan 7/7

Sigurd 7/7

Diedre 3/7

Sigurd rushed forward after being returned. Arden gained levels taking out Fury. Sigurd seized on turn 36

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