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FE4 Mafia - Game over


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The spreadsheet should work loads better. Thanks for the idea in DT2, Raymond~!

As the rest of you gathered for the day's meeting, you heard an announcement over the intercom:

Stick a fork in him, he's done!

Someone followed their nose, with everyone else behind that person. At the end of this delicious scent was one kirsche pie, ready for serving.

Dear user,

You are Alvis, Town Unlynchable.


You are the Emperor of Grandbell, but in truth, you only hold power in your name. You hope to see a prosperous and happy Grandbell, and that cannot exist as long as the Liberation Army continues fighting.

During the day phase, due to your status as the Emperor, any votes cast for you will be nulled.

You are allied with The Empire. You win when all members of The Liberation Army have been eliminated, and all hostile third-party characters have been removed from the game.

Someone brought out a coffee maker, and everyone enjoyed a breakfast of pie and coffee before moving on to the day's lynch.


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I wouldn't be opposed to that, actually. The only people who can't sub in are mafia (obviously), people with snips in their role PM and info roles. Or if said person's former character is alive.

Also ty eclipse~

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Bal visited Kay last night.

Did you get messed with Kay?

She already implied that she was persuaded to vote for Shinori, so I guess this all checks out. I think we can be pretty confident that Bal is town now, unless there is such thing as a mafia persuader.

In other news, I got an inno sad.gif

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So. With 3 people pretty much guaranteed town, Proto, kaoz, and Psych, one person most likely town, Diavolo or whatever his name is spelled like. That leaves plenty of people open left for questioning.

I'd like to ask some questions to everyone.

1. Who do you think is the most town besides the 4 mentioned above? Or do you see any of the above as possible not town, if so then who and explain your reasoning.

2. Who do you think is the most scummy? Why do you think this?

3. What do you think of the idea of a mass claim at this point in time?

3a. Would a popcorn mass claim make this better or not?

4. What do you think we should do to move on from this point?

1. I think most of the 4 named above are town. After that i believe Kay and balc are most likely town. Both seem to be town and have kept with what they have been doing. Kinda confused by the persuasion to vote on me but meh.

2. Most scummy after that i think at the moment is Iris, Unless she/he was subbed at some point in time and the front page not editted to account for that they have not posted for quite some time. Very quiet but yet hasnt been kicked or subbed or modkilled. Scummy to me.

3. I think a mass claim could be a good idea and we might need to go ahead and go along with it. It might not help us in the long run all that much though unless we can spot the errors in the mafia's way. Which i would say we could do but so far we haven't done anything except kill town which has fucked us over so hard.

4. Pop corning the claims might be better than just a straight out mass claim. We might be able to find out errors in the mafia ways without much trouble.

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Whoops 4 shoulda been 3a

Actual 4. I think we should get these questions answered and decide on a mass claim or popcorn mass claim or not and get that outta the way. Once we get that out of the way we can decide who we want to leash.

Also Diavolio guy thingie whatever. Who did you get an innocent on? Would be helpful to know.

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1. Who do you think is the most town besides the 4 mentioned above? Or do you see any of the above as possible not town, if so then who and explain your reasoning.

Kay and Balcerzak seem town to me. Diavolo...I'm kind of sketchy on his claim, but eh, I'll leave him be for now.

2. Who do you think is the most scummy? Why do you think this?

Diavolo, as mentioned above, because I didn't really believe his claim. He also said something along the lines of waiting to claim because we're light on protection, so...what's the point in that? If there's protection he'd get it anyway and if not, he's screwed anyway. Also, the very late claim and subsequent ask for extension seems fishy to me. But for the time, since I'm not 100% certain if that makes Diavolo scum or not (disregarding his role in Vento Aureo, where he is most definitely scum and the mafia boss), and if Balcerzak thinks that Shinori is the scummiest, I trust him and as I said before, he looks to be town, so I'm inclined to believe him. I'll have to wait to see if he has any good reason for it first, just to be safe.

3. What do you think of the idea of a mass claim at this point in time?

I dunno, I'm not very experienced with that stuff.

3a. Would a popcorn mass claim make this better or not?


4. What do you think we should do to move on from this point?

Wait to see what Balcerzak says regarding Shinori. It's either him or Diavolo for me.

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I wouldn't be opposed to that, actually. The only people who can't sub in are mafia (obviously), people with snips in their role PM and info roles. Or if said person's former character is alive.

Also ty eclipse~

Well feel free to sub me in whenever you want then.

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Kinda confused by the persuasion to vote on me but meh.

Wait to see what Balcerzak says regarding Shinori. It's either him or Diavolo for me.

The choice of persuasion was really two-fold.

1) I've noticed Kay has a tendency to be slack with voting as town lately, so if she's town, making her vote at all has the potential to be good. If she's scum forcing her vote is even better. For this execution the target was mostly irrelevant. If we get better vibes on a target that wasn't Hika/Shinori, the only way we lose out is if Kay is town and we needed her vote. However in that case, I was sort of resigned to the fact that we probably wouldn't have gotten it anyway, and wrote off that part of the move as no-loss.

2) When Shinori came in, I got the same sort of vibes from him as what he was giving off when he was on my scum team after I pressured him to contribute more. That is, attempting to play himself down and look less intelligent than he is. This has already been somewhat countered, and I'm starting to have doublethink on the subject. But he was one of the people on my list that was the least clear, fmpov, so I don't necessarily regret it even if I'm wrong.

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1. Who do you think is the most town besides the 4 mentioned above? Or do you see any of the above as possible not town, if so then who and explain your reasoning.

-I'm still iffy about Core. Why wouldn't the mafia kill the new cop? Why did he only say he got on inno and not say who the inno was on? Why did he say "if theres such a thing as a mafia persuader" when many people say persuader is inherently a more mafia type role? Not to mention its just interesting to me that we have a claimed tracker and cop, but an unlynchable dies at night. If I didn't know better, I would say the mafia has an investigative role and knew that Kevin was unlynchable so they killed him off. Of course it could just have been coincidence, but it just seems sketchy to me.

2. Who do you think is the most scummy? Why do you think this?

Rapier for the actions of Furet, Core for the reasons above and because he has been sketchy this whole game.

3. What do you think of the idea of a mass claim at this point in time?

Eh, I don't think its the best idea. We already had so many claims yesterday which was kind of a problem because it gave the mafia so many targets.

3a. Would a popcorn mass claim make this better or not?


4. What do you think we should do to move on from this point?

Lynch core or Rapier.

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1. Who do you think is the most town besides the 4 mentioned above? Or do you see any of the above as possible not town, if so then who and explain your reasoning.

2. Who do you think is the most scummy? Why do you think this?

3. What do you think of the idea of a mass claim at this point in time?

3a. Would a popcorn mass claim make this better or not?

4. What do you think we should do to move on from this point?

1. I trust bal to a certain extent, his actions seem townish. but you can never know. There is a chance Diavolo is mafia and simply using his knowledge of who is not mafia.

2. This one is kind of a hard one honestly, i was very suspicious of 13th's claim but now that rein is dead, it makes sense (as well as proto's claim).

3. Mass claim might not be so bad, out of all roles already there remain seven if i did my math right. Considering a 4 mafia (might be adding possible serial killer but by now i doubt it), the most of the mafia is likely to be in there (considering town seemed to just randomly pressure vote for roles day 2).

3a whats pop corning?

4 Decide whether we are massclaiming or not. Then start to look at candidates.

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The choice of persuasion was really two-fold.

1) I've noticed Kay has a tendency to be slack with voting as town lately, so if she's town, making her vote at all has the potential to be good. If she's scum forcing her vote is even better. For this execution the target was mostly irrelevant. If we get better vibes on a target that wasn't Hika/Shinori, the only way we lose out is if Kay is town and we needed her vote. However in that case, I was sort of resigned to the fact that we probably wouldn't have gotten it anyway, and wrote off that part of the move as no-loss.

2) When Shinori came in, I got the same sort of vibes from him as what he was giving off when he was on my scum team after I pressured him to contribute more. That is, attempting to play himself down and look less intelligent than he is. This has already been somewhat countered, and I'm starting to have doublethink on the subject. But he was one of the people on my list that was the least clear, fmpov, so I don't necessarily regret it even if I'm wrong.

Thanks professor.

With that, I'm stuck between Core and Shinori, but since I'm very decisive, I choose to ##Vote: Shinori. Balcerzak's reasoning is more sound than mine, anyway.

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1. I trust bal to a certain extent, his actions seem townish. but you can never know. There is a chance Diavolo is mafia and simply using his knowledge of who is not mafia.

2. This one is kind of a hard one honestly, i was very suspicious of 13th's claim but now that rein is dead, it makes sense (as well as proto's claim).

3. Mass claim might not be so bad, out of all roles already there remain seven if i did my math right. Considering a 4 mafia (might be adding possible serial killer but by now i doubt it), the most of the mafia is likely to be in there (considering town seemed to just randomly pressure vote for roles day 2).

3a whats pop corning?

4 Decide whether we are massclaiming or not. Then start to look at candidates.

Pop corning = sucky way of claiming one by one with the most suspicious going first

also this is an edit and I still need my sub

Edited by Cap'n Flint
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3a whats pop corning?

From what I recall, it means that players are listed from most to least suspicious and the higher a player is on that list, the earlier he claims.

That being said, I am against that sort of claiming. IIRC you guys took like 3 day phases for it in DT2M and we don't have that kind of time.

More later.

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Right now Shinori isn't making any alarm's go off in my head.

But Iris and Nightmare are the most scummiest right now in my mind. I would really like them to talk more rather than just post once or twice, for one hour a day.

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Why wouldn't the mafia kill the new cop?

--It's a bit risky to be so direct, is my best guess.

Why did he only say he got on inno and not say who the inno was on?

--It is commonplace for the cop to report an Inno but not who it actually is. As long as we aren't lynching that person, it makes no difference, and gives the mafia one less target. Do you think I should out my inno?

Why did he say "if theres such a thing as a mafia persuader" when many people say persuader is inherently a more mafia type role?

--I've always thought of it as a town role, I don't recall playing in a game with a mafia persuader. Correct me if I'm wrong though.

Hope that helped...

So, should I out my inno?

Also, I'm quite surprised that no 3rd party players have died yet, I wonder if any exist at all.

1. I may not be town, but I am thoroughly convinced that the other 3 are town, as well as Balcerzak. Nightmare also gives me town vibes.

2. Slayer and Shinori head my list of suspicions, although I'm really not very suspicious of them. Wish we had concrete evidence to go off of.

3. Perhaps if we find no feasable target this phase.

3a. If we do massclaim, we should do it this way.

4. Wait for other people's opinions, then throw votes around I guess.

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But Iris and Nightmare are the most scummiest right now in my mind. I would really like them to talk more rather than just post once or twice, for one hour a day.

The deep sea is silent, as they say. I'm just not really one to talk unless I have something to say, which doesn't happen often (but it happened up there, if you care to see).

As for Iris, tbh that's poor reasoning. She has an excuse for her lack of activity, and we don't really have experience on how she behaves when she's scum or town (even though it's more likely for scum to have less activity and for town to be more active, but it's not an end-all, be-all argument). It's shooting in the dark to go for the inactives when we have much better leads in the forms of Shinori and Core.

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I don't see why you shouldn't out your inno. Cops usually don't out innocent results because what they need to do is stay under the radar until they get a guilty. But since you've already claimed and we know you are the new cop, it only helps us for you to give us your innocent results. Its not like it gives the mafia any more info since they already know who is and isn't mafia.

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