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FE4 Mafia - Game over


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Good morning.

I couldn't investigate anybody last night, I was roleblocked.

This means that either Kay is the mafia roleblocker, or somebody else visited me in addition to her.

##Vote: Kay until we get this figured out. I'm not sure of the numbers, but right now we are at lylo if there are 3 maf 1 independent and 5 town.

AKA be active to help the us get out of this predicament!

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I haven't posted in a week, I'm sorry, guys... @ ___ @

I left to attend a funeral (not from my family), this time, and I've been studying for exams when I got back.

Give me a few to read what I missed.

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Okay. So. We're screwed. I'm willing to guess that it's 12:4:1, since there probably is a SK now... with the seven deaths so far [6 town, 1 mafia]...that leaves us at 6:3:1. Yay. Yeah, it'd be in our best efforts to have the third-party dead first.

@Psych: Yeah, I realize I either look really scummy, or just really inactive. Core said I was town some pages back, I think, but that doesn't clear me, of course if... (1) He's mafia and has a pretty good chance of guessing who's town; (2) we're scum buddies (3) he's just....falseclaiming. Despite Core's erratic behavior, I don't suspect him.


Kaoz - Proto; bulletproofs

Core - Deputy -> Cop

Psych - Tracker


Nightmare - Safeguard?

Kay - ??

Haven't claimed yet.





I don't know if massclaiming would help us....I'm new to this, after all. You guys' call?

I have to leave for (last-minute) Christmas shopping in twenty minutes or so, but I'll be back later tonight.

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I'd like kay to give us info on what happened last night but i'll hold off on putting my vote on her just yet. I know she's inactive on weekends. As for the whole thing with the SK we do need to find out who that person is. If anyone else has any ideas on who the SK might be they should probably say so.

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Okay. So. We're screwed. I'm willing to guess that it's 12:4:1, since there probably is a SK now... with the seven deaths so far [6 town, 1 mafia]...that leaves us at 6:3:1. Yay. Yeah, it'd be in our best efforts to have the third-party dead first.

@Psych: Yeah, I realize I either look really scummy, or just really inactive. Core said I was town some pages back, I think, but that doesn't clear me, of course if... (1) He's mafia and has a pretty good chance of guessing who's town; (2) we're scum buddies (3) he's just....falseclaiming. Despite Core's erratic behavior, I don't suspect him.


Kaoz - Proto; bulletproofs

Core - Deputy -> Cop

Psych - Tracker


Nightmare - Safeguard?

Kay - ??

Haven't claimed yet.





I don't know if massclaiming would help us....I'm new to this, after all. You guys' call?

I have to leave for (last-minute) Christmas shopping in twenty minutes or so, but I'll be back later tonight.

I haven't ruled out the possibility that you are maf godfather.

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Ok we're not getting anywhere like this anytime soon. I suggest everyone role claims, if you're against that, I'd like to hear some pretty good reasons for it.

I think its our only option, at this point.

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I'm actually gonna extend the deadline to 20 Dec 2011, 4pm, GMT +8 and ask for MORE SUBS

because I need a sub for Ether

also you guys are horribly inactive and you probably need the extra day for another post.

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Im thinking strawman maybe Serial killer. Not saying too much in the thread, hasn't claimed, Psych would you happen to know if he visited people that died the nights of their deaths at all? I don't think he would be vigilante with how he's been playing. He didn't ever kill people the town seemed to think were more suspicious and chose not to say anything to the town about his actions if he is a vigilante

So this is a shot in the dark, i think i confused myself while typing this but i think strawman is an sk which we need to die. So. ##Vote: Strawman

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Woo claim tiiiiime! Sorry I haven't been active in here,

Here's the deal. Truth is, I'm responsible for one of those kills. I'm the Empire vig, NOT the serial killer.

The problem is that I did not target either of last night's victims.

Furthermore, I only had 2 shots and I have used them both.

The night before last I targeted Rapier it failed for some unknown reason.

Last night I somehow killed someone completely different than I intended.

And that's it for my two shots. sad.gif

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Okay. So now Kay/Nightmare/Ether need to claim. I really want Kay to confirm her role, but I know she's busy on the weekends.

##Vote: Irie

Role claim please.

1. Don't call me Irie! >____<

2. See claim below.

Lynch bomb.

On that note there are so many abilities in this game that are passive. Three bullet proof 1 unlynchable and me as a bomb.

I agree, there are tons of passive roles!

But um, I kind of disagree with your claim, since I don't believe there are two bombs in the game...

Yeah. Me.

##Vote: Shinori

Okay, I spent the last hour compiling this instead of doing homework, OTL.

[spoiler=Roles/Claims]Dead Town

Darros, Doctor, lynched D1

Prims, Cop, Killed N1

Rein, Bulletproof, lynched D2

Kirsche, Unlynchable, killed N2

Slayer, Mayor, killed N3

Balcerzak, Persuader, killed N3

Dead Mafia

Rapier, reverse martyr, lynched D3


Proto ----- Bulletproof

Kaoz ----- Bulletproof

Core ----- Cop (deputy)

Psych ----- Tracker

Strawman ----- Vigilante

Shinori ---- lynch-bomb

Iris ----- bomb

Nightmare ----- no-claim, suspected safeguard ?

Kay ----- No claim, suspected roleblocker ?

Ether ----- No claim

[spoiler=Night Actions]Tracker (Psych)

> Night 0 - Snike visited no one

> Night 1 - Nightmare visited Snike

> Night 2 - Bal visited Kay

> Night 3 - Kay visited Core

? (Kay)

> Night 1: Targets Snike/13th [failure]

> Night 3: Targets Core?

Cop [Deputy] - (Core)

> investigated Iris, town

> was roleblocked

Persuader (Raymond/Balcerzak)

> Night 0 - persuaded Proto to vote for Kay

Vigilante [2 shots] (Strawman)

> Targeted Rapier [mafia] - Night ?

> Targeted Core N3, redirected to Townie

[spoiler=Summary]Night 0:

> Paperblade[slayer] - claims mayor

Day 1

> Raymond[balcerzak] claims Persuader

Paperblade votes for Proto

Psych votes for Proto

Prims votes for Proto

Snike votes for Core

Proto votes for Kay (persuaded)

Psych unvotes

Raymond votes for Ether

Darros votes for Ether

Rein votes for Furet

Proto unvotes, votes for Iris

Prims unvotes, votes for Core

Core unvotes, votes for Paperblade

Paperblade unvotes, votes for Core, unvotes, votes for Iris

Core unvotes

Core votes Iris

Raymond unvotes, votes Darros

Ether votes Kay

Snike unvotes, votes Strawman

Strawman votes Core

Ether unvotes

Core unvotes

Furet votes Darros

Psych unvotes, votes Darros

Result: Darros [Town doctor] lynched

Night 1:

Prims [town cop] killed

Day 2

Core votes Psych

13th votes Proto, unvotes Proto

Shinori votes Psych

> Psych claims Tracker

Core unvotes

Raymond votes Core

Shinori unvotes

Rein votes Kay

Psych votes Core

Kirsche votes Raymond

Strawman votes Furet

Nightmare votes Core

13th unvotes, votes Ether

Kirsche unvotes

Ether votes Kirsche

13th unvotes, votes Kirsche

Iris votes Nightmare

Furet votes Proto

Proto votes Strawman

Kirsche votes Proto

> Proto claims Bulletproof

> 13th claims Bulletproof

13th unvotes, votes Rein

Ether unvotes, votes 13th

Balcerzak unvotes, votes Proto

Kay votes Core

13th unvotes, votes Core

Kirsche unvotes, votes Core

Balcerzak unvotes

Iris unvotes

> Core claims Cop (Deputy)

Kirsche unvotes

Ether unvotes

13th unvotes, votes Ether

13th unvotes, votes Furet

Core unvotes

13th unvotes

Core votes Strawman

Kay unvotes

Kirsche votes Strawman

Balcerzak votes Strawman

Psych unvotes, votes Slayer

Kirsche unvotes

Kaoz (13th) unvotes, votes Slayer

Balcerzak unvotes

Core unvotes, votes Kaoz

Slayer votes Rein

Core unvotes

Proto votes Rein

Result: Rein [bulletproof] lynched

Night 2

Kirsche [town unlynchable] lynched

Day 3

Kay votes Shinori

Nightmare votes Shinori

Rapier [Furet] votes for Core

Shinori votes Rapier

Kaoz votes Ether

Balcerzak votes Rapier

Strawman votes Rapier

Slayer votes Rapier

Result: Rapier [mafia reverse-martyr] lynched

Night 3

Balcerzak (town persuader) killed

Slayer (town mayor) killed

Day 3

Core votes Kay

Psych votes Kay

Kaoz votes Strawman

Shinori votes Strawman

> Shinori claims lynch bomb

> Strawman claims Vigilante

Kaoz unvotes, votes Iris

> Iris claims bomb, votes Shinori

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