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FE4 Mafia - Game over


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I still think it's very possible that Nightmare could be Scum.

Kay, could you post your action list?

I'll read/respond the rest of the posts when I finish this essay... @____@

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This doesn't make sense. If I have to guess I would say mafia probably have a driver(to explain what happened to me last night) and a role blocker (to explain what happened to me night 2 and core last night).

However, I still don't trust Core.

If Kay claims to have safeguarded Core last night, how could his action have failed? Shouldn't the safeguard protect from a role blocker targeting Core? Their claims and their do not match up!

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Night 0: Paperblade

Night 1: Snike (failed)

Night 2: Core

Night 3: Core

Why did your action vs. Snike fail? Shouldn't it work, if you really are Safeguard? Yet, my protection did not fail. I'm also not sure what to think of those Cores. He kind of cleared himself by netting us a scum on that other day but...I still don't think his claim works out very well so yes, I think he's still kind of scummy.

Explain yourself please, whenever you have the time.

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Why did your action vs. Snike fail? Shouldn't it work, if you really are Safeguard? Yet, my protection did not fail. I'm also not sure what to think of those Cores. He kind of cleared himself by netting us a scum on that other day but...I still don't think his claim works out very well so yes, I think he's still kind of scummy.

Explain yourself please, whenever you have the time.

I have no idea why it failed. Presumably, if I was roleblocked, that would outprioritize my safeguarding.

Ah, right... Core being scummy. Yes, I was very suspicious of Core already... as I believe I have stated. You see, there's this slight problem. Safeguard's a very townish role, yeah... but I'm not town-aligned. Seeing as you guys are pretty suspicious of me anyway, I may as well claim properly. My role is, to be specific, Survivor/Safeguard. Once you guys started failing so horribly, I figured my best chance was to win with the mafia, so I was trying to defend Core from any investigations the town might have left. Hopefully, you'll give me a chance to not get in the way of the town now... especially since you can't really afford to not lynch mafia.

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Sorry just got back from the ER. Im very out of it so forgive me if i cant post well at the moment. What i posted was just from guessing and thoughts. the only people that hadnt claimed had been me, strawman, iris, and ether. Iris was found innocent by Diavolo. Im lynch bomb, Ether has been iinactive so i didnt think she would be the person doing anything especially since she was subbed out the night of the extra kill. That left one person, strawman., So i assumed he would most likely be sk since that was the only third party role that could kill i think. And i figured that if he was the SK he would most likely claim vigilante or he would be a vigilante.

Hope this makes sense i can try to explain better but im very out of it atm.

One thing does not add up. Why would you assume there even is a SK in the first place? From what I can see, we've had only one death in each of the first two nights. The only time we had two deaths was on Night 3. Oh, and our Doc died in D1. And our bulletproofs were exposed on D2. And yet, you were sure that the third death was caused by a SK, and not a Vig? And you were even preparing arguments as to why Strawman isn't a Vig (the people he killed were obviously Town)? Sorry, I just don't know why you would do that.

Not much i can say to defend myself except what ive said. All i did was put pieces together from iris's post that had the list of everyone that claimed. So i just went with the most likely person out of the few that hadnt claimed and assumed that person was the SK and proceeded to ask questions. I figured thats what people without abilities were supposed to do. See the flaws in what people post or say and bring it out into the public.

Im in alot of pain right now so im sorry if i dont post too often tonight or coherently once again.

Asking questions is fine. Asking why Strawman killed those people would have been fine... if you knew that it was Strawman that killed them. The problem is, you didn't. You were even asking Psych if Strawman visited the victims.

You completely ignored the fact that you have a cc and that I was roleblocked when you visited me. Shinori is looking very shady but you aren't doing yourself any favors.

Um... it was Kay that cc'd, not Nightmarre.

Most likely. Yes.

And if not, then Snike would have said something a few days ago when I caught Nightmare visiting him.

Why would Snike say something?

I still think it's very possible that Nightmare could be Scum.

Kay, could you post your action list?

I'll read/respond the rest of the posts when I finish this essay... @____@

btw Iris, it's probably better that you don't confirm what kind of Bomb you are, because I wanna lynch Shinori anyway.

This doesn't make sense. If I have to guess I would say mafia probably have a driver(to explain what happened to me last night) and a role blocker (to explain what happened to me night 2 and core last night).

However, I still don't trust Core.

If Kay claims to have safeguarded Core last night, how could his action have failed? Shouldn't the safeguard protect from a role blocker targeting Core? Their claims and their do not match up!

Corey, who did you try to target when you failed? It's entirely possible that the blocked action happened because of the target, and not the user. For example, if you tried to investigate Psych, then it would have failed even if Kay wasn't a Roleblocker.

Why did your action vs. Snike fail? Shouldn't it work, if you really are Safeguard? Yet, my protection did not fail. I'm also not sure what to think of those Cores. He kind of cleared himself by netting us a scum on that other day but...I still don't think his claim works out very well so yes, I think he's still kind of scummy.

Explain yourself please, whenever you have the time.

Regarding the other contradiction here, I think I might know what actually happened, but I'm not sure...

I have no idea why it failed. Presumably, if I was roleblocked, that would outprioritize my safeguarding.

Ah, right... Core being scummy. Yes, I was very suspicious of Core already... as I believe I have stated. You see, there's this slight problem. Safeguard's a very townish role, yeah... but I'm not town-aligned. Seeing as you guys are pretty suspicious of me anyway, I may as well claim properly. My role is, to be specific, Survivor/Safeguard. Once you guys started failing so horribly, I figured my best chance was to win with the mafia, so I was trying to defend Core from any investigations the town might have left. Hopefully, you'll give me a chance to not get in the way of the town now... especially since you can't really afford to not lynch mafia.

Interesting... I have too much random thoughts in my head right now, so I'll respond to this later.

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I have no idea why it failed. Presumably, if I was roleblocked, that would outprioritize my safeguarding.

Ah, right... Core being scummy. Yes, I was very suspicious of Core already... as I believe I have stated. You see, there's this slight problem. Safeguard's a very townish role, yeah... but I'm not town-aligned. Seeing as you guys are pretty suspicious of me anyway, I may as well claim properly. My role is, to be specific, Survivor/Safeguard. Once you guys started failing so horribly, I figured my best chance was to win with the mafia, so I was trying to defend Core from any investigations the town might have left. Hopefully, you'll give me a chance to not get in the way of the town now... especially since you can't really afford to not lynch mafia.

Interesting...very interesting. So you're the third-party. I had in mind it would be you, and you're supporting a scum. I'd like to lynch you right now but...you're right on that last bit. We can't afford to not lynch mafia, but this is only if you're being truthful about your alignment. Though, it's probably not worth risking.

I need to think a bit more on this. I'll get back to you later.

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So your survivor and actually attempting to team up with the mafia?

And also @ Proto. I just assumed everything. I just thought of stuff and maybe i was overthinking things. The only game i was in before that had an sk psych was an sk and had actually targeted the same target as the mafia had EVERY night. Which is why i was thinking maybe this is what happened with him. Either that or he was a vig and he chose the wrong targets. Because i still didnt see iris, who had be claimed inno, or ether, or Kay, who was supposedly a safeguard found out from domo to be found as an SK. There was only one person left who HADN'T claimed that i figured would be the SK. So then i thought of how he maybe didnt kill people and i thought of agent mafia where, as i said, psyche got the same target as mafia every night. So he either had bad luck or was a vig. And afterwhat he said last night he was a two shot vig and apparently he used both of them already. Which is believeable i guess since SK landing a hit on the same target every night as the mafia is highly unlikely.

So now that im thinking straight.

## Unvote

My meds most likely gonna kick in soon so im trying to post what i can before they really do.

So Iris are you claiming lynch bomb or night bomb? They are two seperate roles. Because i am lynch bomb.

And psyche your a survivor/safeguard you said? Thats a weird type of role.

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Ok, looking back at all the claims, and my own role, someone is BSing. There is WAY too much protection for the town in night actions. There's the doctor, a supposed safeguard who I'm willing to believe for a reason I shall get to in a second, a bomb and 3 bullet proofs. And then me.

So who am I? The watcher. That's right, ether was the watcher.

N0: Paperblade. Noone visited him.

N1: Snike (blocked)(hence why I think the safeguard claim might be legit)

N2: idle (>_>)

N3: idle (>_> * 2)

So that's why I got subbed in.

Now, I'm thinking that one of the BPs might be a scum. The intention behind such is to mole the town. There is just way too much night control going on for me to believe all these claims.

Town bomb is also pretty sketchy. Basically there's 3 roles where the mafia kills will fail and a fourth role which would actually kill one of them? Very, very unlikely. I'm 90% sure Iris is lying because of this. Bomb is a great scum claim because it cannot be proven and is fairly common.

Also, therte might be a safeguard a faction type deal, with Nightmare as town safeguard and Kay as scum safeguard (or vice versa). This would essentially give the scum a hitman though, so I'm not sure if this is very likely and I'm willing to bet it isn't.

And of course, shinori looks really scummy from everyone's point of view.

Really, I want to see Iris dead the most, but am perfectly happy for a shinori lynch, as his actions of late are pretty scummy. Forgive me if I missed anything important, this is just what I got from glancing over the thread.

##Vote: Iris

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Kevin, what do you think about the possibility of this as 3rd Party?

All i did was put pieces together from iris's post that had the list of everyone that claimed.

She made that post after your initial post against Strawman.

My role is, to be specific, Survivor/Safeguard.

Survivor is not a threatening role, so I believe this to be incorrect.

From what I can observe, I would put Shinori and Kay as anti town. We should be careful to concentrate our votes on one of them though, or else we're giving the mafia a chance to stealth lynch.

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Kevin, what do you think about the possibility of this as 3rd Party?

That sounds possible, even though there are no aliens in FE4.

From what I can observe, I would put Shinori and Kay as anti town. We should be careful to concentrate our votes on one of them though, or else we're giving the mafia a chance to stealth lynch.

After quite a bit of thinking, I actually came to the conclusion that Kay might be more threatening than Shinori, especially with that alien possibility. So I think a ##Vote: Kay is in order.

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Kevin, what do you think about the possibility of this as 3rd Party?

That's an unusual role, but yeah, that's pretty much guaranteed third party as its a self-win condition.

Although why do you think it might be in this game?

From what I can observe, I would put Shinori and Kay as anti town. We should be careful to concentrate our votes on one of them though, or else we're giving the mafia a chance to stealth lynch.

I agree I guess, considering I believe nightmare's claim of being safeguard, Kay's claim doesn't make much sense thinking more about it.

We could lynch one, then vig the other? That does leave us worrying about hooks though, and as Kay is the top suspect for that, we shoudl probably lynch her.

##Vote: Kay

If she turns up survivor safeguard then we can get nightmare tonight. And then we still have shinori to worry about.

This doesn't mean I fully trust you or your sister Kaoz, as there's still so much night protection. But I agree that we need to band together for these lynches at this point.

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That's an unusual role, but yeah, that's pretty much guaranteed third party as its a self-win condition.

Although why do you think it might be in this game?

Well, given the kill counts I'm still having my doubts about a SK (though it's possible of course), so I'm searching for other potential 3rd Parties we need to watch out for.

We could lynch one, then vig the other? That does leave us worrying about hooks though, and as Kay is the top suspect for that, we shoudl probably lynch her.

We couldn't actually, as according to our Vig claim, he doesn't have any more shots left.

This doesn't mean I fully trust you or your sister Kaoz, as there's still so much night protection. But I agree that we need to band together for these lynches at this point.

I'm ok with this.

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Well, given the kill counts I'm still having my doubts about a SK (though it's possible of course), so I'm searching for other potential 3rd Parties we need to watch out for.

Fair enough.

We couldn't actually, as according to our Vig claim, he doesn't have any more shots left.

Oh sorry I didn't see that.

We can still lynch tomorrow though and I'm leaning towards one of Kay or nightmare being scum.

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##Vote: Kay

Just to get my vote up in there. Also when does iris get back on? I'd like to ask her a question or two.

Also kaoz.

Okay. So. We're screwed. I'm willing to guess that it's 12:4:1, since there probably is a SK now... with the seven deaths so far [6 town, 1 mafia]...that leaves us at 6:3:1. Yay. Yeah, it'd be in our best efforts to have the third-party dead first.

@Psych: Yeah, I realize I either look really scummy, or just really inactive. Core said I was town some pages back, I think, but that doesn't clear me, of course if... (1) He's mafia and has a pretty good chance of guessing who's town; (2) we're scum buddies (3) he's just....falseclaiming. Despite Core's erratic behavior, I don't suspect him.


Kaoz - Proto; bulletproofs

Core - Deputy -> Cop

Psych - Tracker


Nightmare - Safeguard?

Kay - ??

Haven't claimed yet.





I don't know if massclaiming would help us....I'm new to this, after all. You guys' call?

I have to leave for (last-minute) Christmas shopping in twenty minutes or so, but I'll be back later tonight.

Im thinking strawman maybe Serial killer. Not saying too much in the thread, hasn't claimed, Psych would you happen to know if he visited people that died the nights of their deaths at all? I don't think he would be vigilante with how he's been playing. He didn't ever kill people the town seemed to think were more suspicious and chose not to say anything to the town about his actions if he is a vigilante

So this is a shot in the dark, i think i confused myself while typing this but i think strawman is an sk which we need to die. So. ##Vote: Strawman

Check the dates she posted on the page before mine.

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Sorry for posting here again, but I was stalking, and came across a lol-worthy fact.

(And if its already mentioned, I apologize for spamming here.)

Slayer was the mayor. Slayer subbed in for Paper.

Meaning the VERY FIRST CLAIM in the game was true.

I'm mayor everyone claimtome
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