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FE4 Mafia - Game over


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I'm honestly surprised that we won that. Virtually all of our players were under heavy suspicion, and they all bandwagoned onto someone. Aka Kay. When all of shinori, core and nightmare vote for the same person something should go off in your heads.

Also, I still think 3 BPs and a bomb is nasty for scum.

Also fuck the mafia for screwing the neutral for no reason

There was a perfectly logical reason foir this: she was the easiest to start another bandwagon on. Kaoz said it himself:

From what I can observe, I would put Shinori and Kay as anti town. We should be careful to concentrate our votes on one of them though, or else we're giving the mafia a chance to stealth lynch.

Aka lynch one of shinori or Kay.

Now which one would you choose as scum.

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"Kay, vote No Lynch or we nightkill you, we are mafia and jointing with you"


rocket science

Sorry Kay. We considered teaming up with you, but we didn't know for sure that you were independent. I was afraid you were bluffing in order to get us to out ourselves. Seemed like an unnecessary risk, considering the way things were going.

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Anyway, game was too easy, etc. and next time, I'll probably not agree to killing Prims. Though, there probably won't be a next time, because I found out why I don't play mafia: I have to lie to and deceive people! I feel so bad about it.

I know, it's terrible. I'd much rather nuke them.

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You didn't know?! And you were posting in the first phase too!

I didn't pay attention to the people playing >:

Play a game with meeeeee

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I'm sorry if I didn't live up to expectations.

That's not what I meant to say. You could've subbed in for someone else.

It's rather that it was stupidly obvious to me that Core was full of shit and actually mafia, yet I couldn't do anything about it because I wasn't playing anymore. That's really what's annoying me the most.

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That's not what I meant to say. You could've subbed in for someone else.

It's rather that it was stupidly obvious to me that Core was full of shit and actually mafia, yet I couldn't do anything about it because I wasn't playing anymore. That's really what's annoying me the most.


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Fuck you guys.

I needed eight subs. For a seventeen-player game. What the hell.

Only people who played decently were StSS, Raymond/Balcerzak, Kaoz and Iris. StSS got fucked because I probably made the mafia a little too OP,Raymond also did ok because he explained stuff (And didn’t fuck up at all), Bal didn’t get lynched as Persuader, Kaoz tried to get stuff done and explained stuff in his role PM, and Iris guessed all of the mafia successfully and also posted her thoughts, etc.


Another thing was the "hostile third party" thing. Kaoz pointed out that I worded it badly, which was true, but he also said there were no hostile third-party members, which was false. Areone, Altenna and Trabant had snips in their role PMs, relevant to the hostile third party. If Areone had been killed or lynched, Altenna would have committed suicide and Trabant would have become the Serial Killer. If Altenna had been killed, Areone would have been the Serial Killer. If Trabant died (WHICH WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN BUT YOU GUYS ARE DICKS), nothing would have happened (BECAUSE HE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO DIE).

Now, role PMs. Also I went and replaced "user" in these role PMs with

the player's name because I can.

Dear Paperblade/Link (Slayer),

You are Yurius, Town Mayor.


You are the Dark Prince, the imperial prince of Grandbell and the vessel of the Dark God Loputousu. As the future heir to the throne, you just need to filter out these infiltrators, to cement your place as king of Grandbell, and the whole of Jugdral.

During the day phase, due to your status as the imperial prince, any votes you cast will count for double.

You are allied with The Empire. You win when all members of The Liberation Army have been eliminated, and all hostile third-party characters have been removed from the game.

Night Actions: None

Died: Night 3

I still feel really bad about making Paperblade sub out, so I'll shut up about that. Slayer, on the other hand, did absolutely nothing of worth, barely posted, and StSS' kill got redirected to him because the mafia felt like it.

Dear user,

You are Ishtar, Town Alliance Checker.


You are Yurius’ fiancé, as well as the daughter of Blume. You are almost always by Yurius’ side, and with Celice’s motley crew running around, it’s a good idea to end this as fast as possible.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your role PM with “Night X – Enquiring after USER”. No one would dare to defy you, thus they will willingly surrender their alliance to you.

You are allied with The Empire. You win when all members of The Liberation Army have been eliminated, and all hostile third-party characters have been removed from the game.

Night Actions:

Night 0 - Investigate StSS

Night 1 - Investigate Core (Failed)

Died: Night 1

Sho decided that he wanted to be an emo prick, couldn't decide between a children's card game and mafia, and subbed out on N0 for not planning his life better. This might have been a good thing, because Prims was actually useful - something that Sho can learn to be. Too bad Prims was killed for being Prims.

Sorry, she put it better than me.

Dear StSS,

You are Manfroy, Town Vigilante.


You are the Archbishop of the Loputo Sect, and an extremely evil man. With Celice’s band of rebels eliminated, there will be nothing left to stop you from resurrecting the dark god Loputousu.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your Role PM with “Night X – End USER’s miserable life”. You will send a group of your followers to assault USER, almost certainly killing USER. However, you are aware you cannot kill too many people, lest you raise suspicion on yourself, therefore you may only kill 2 people, at most.

You are allied with The Empire. You win when all members of The Liberation Army have been eliminated, and all hostile third-party characters have been removed from the game.

Night Actions:

Night 2 - Rapier (Failed)

Night 3 - Core

Died: Night 4

StSS almost shot two mafia members, but got hooked on the first night, and because I gave the mafia a redirector for some reason, shot Slayer on Night 3. Should have posted more, but he did well. Not gonna bother to quote the training thing here, but I actually liked the way he played.

Dear Kirsche,

You are Alvis, Town Unlynchable.


You are the Emperor of Grandbell, but in truth, you only hold power in your name. You hope to see a prosperous and happy Grandbell, and that cannot exist as long as the Liberation Army continues fighting.

During the day phase, due to your status as the Emperor, any votes cast for you will be nulled.

You are allied with The Empire. You win when all members of The Liberation Army have been eliminated, and all hostile third-party characters have been removed from the game.

Night Actions: None

Died: Night 2

why did i put an unlynchable in a NOC game again ANYWAY he played pretty... alright. Nyeh. Also he managed to both win AND lose because he subbed in for mafia, lol.

Dear Shade of Shadow (Raymond)/Balcerzak,

You are Hilda, Town Persuader.


You are a member of House Velthomer, as well as Blume’s wife. You are the one responsible for Tiltyu’s death. Yurius has asked you to assist in ratting out the infiltrators, and you are only happy to do so.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your Role PM with “Night X – Forcefully convincing USER1 about USER2”. You will ambush USER1 during the night, and “convince” USER1 to vote for USER2 in order to save their own skin.

You are allied with The Empire. You win when all members of The Liberation Army have been eliminated, and all hostile third-party characters have been removed from the game.

Night Actions:

Night 0 - Proto -> Kay

Night 1 - Idle

Night 2 - Kay -> Shinori

Night 3 - Idle

Died: Night 3

Raymond played with his head intact before subbing out because he was sick. Balcerzak took over and did alright. Not much to say here.

Dear arachnidsGrip (Psych),

You are Areone, Town Tracker.


You are the prince of Thracia, successor to the throne after Trabant. Yurius wants you to provide backup against the infiltrators, and you have no choice but to obey.

During the night phase, you may reply to your Role PM with “Night X – Follow USER”. You will track USER from the skies throughout the night, finding out who USER targeted.

You are also aware that Altenna and Trabant in this game. If you were to die, something would probably happen to either of them…

You are allied with The Empire. You win when all members of The Liberation Army have been eliminated, and all hostile third-party characters have been removed from the game.

Night Actions:

Night 0 - Snike

Night 1 - Nightmare

Night 2 - Balcerzak

Night 3 - Kay

Died: Night 4

Psych claimed on Day 2 for no reason and didn't do very much.

That's it.

Dear Iris,

You are Scorpio, Town Hunter.


You are the son of Andrei, and the commander of the Beige Ritter. You want nothing but revenge for your father, and the son of the man who killed him is now here. It’s your perfect chance.

During the Night or Day Phase, if you are killed or lynched, you will take your final revenge. If you are killed, your killer will die; if you are lynched, the last person to vote for you will be killed as well.

You are allied with The Empire. You win when all members of The Liberation Army have been eliminated, and all hostile third-party characters have been removed from the game.

Night Actions: None

Died: Night 4

Oh, Iris~ Missed quite a bit because of exams and things like that, but came back very well. Was active during Day 4, talked quite a bit, correctly guessed the entire mafia over Skype (Though 3 members were really fucking obvious), and did better than a lot of people here, who've played in multiple games while this was her first game. Great game for a newcomer.

Dear Skasaher (Darros),

You are Burian, Town Doctor


You are the holder of the Swanchika, and the Duke of Dozel. You hope to avenge your father’s death, and since Yurius has asked for your assistance, now is the perfect time.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your Role PM with “Night X – Guard over USER”. If USER is attacked during the Night Phase, you will take the attack for them, but because of Swanchika, you will easily survive.

You are allied with The Empire. You win when all members of The Liberation Army have been eliminated, and all hostile third-party characters have been removed from the game.

Night Actions: None

Died: Day 1





Dear Dave Strider (Rein),

You are Vampa, Town Bulletproof


You are Fetra and Eliu’s sister, and a mage of Freege. You might not be able to do much, but at the very least you could try to keep each other alive, right?

During the night phase, if one of you is attacked, the other sisters will help to defend against the attacker. However, you will not be able to defend against subsequent attacks for the following night. This ability is nullified when there is only one sister alive.

You are allied with The Empire. You win when all members of The Liberation Army have been eliminated, and all hostile third-party characters have been removed from the game.





Dear Snike/13thshadow/Kaoz,

You are Eliu, Town Bulletproof


You are Vampa and Fetra’s sister, and a mage of Freege. You might not be able to do much, but at the very least you could try to keep each other alive, right?

During the night phase, if one of you is attacked, the other sisters will help to defend against the attacker. However, you will not be able to defend against subsequent attacks for the following night. This ability is nullified when there is only one sister alive.

You are allied with The Empire. You win when all members of The Liberation Army have been eliminated, and all hostile third-party characters have been removed from the game.

Night Actions: None

Died: Night 4

Snike needed a sub because of school, 13th basically played like retarded Bizz on steroids, then Kaoz came in and kept a cool head and did alright. He actually told us his thoughts in his role PM, which was kind of cool.

Dear Kiku-Ichimonji (Proto),

You are Fetra, Town Bulletproof


You are Vampa and Eliu’s sister, and a mage of Freege. You might not be able to do much, but at the very least you could try to keep each other alive, right?

During the night phase, if one of you is attacked, the other sisters will help to defend against the attacker. However, you will not be able to defend against subsequent attacks for the following night. This ability is nullified when there is only one sister alive.

You are allied with The Empire. You win when all members of The Liberation Army have been eliminated, and all hostile third-party characters have been removed from the game.

Night Actions: None

Died: Night 4

I think Proto forgot this game existed until Day 4, where he made one nice post. He did nothing else of note.

Dear Furet/Rapier (Domu),

You are Celice, Mafia Reverse Martyr.


You are the leader of the Liberation Army, and the son of Sigurd of Chalphy. You can’t see how to defeat the Empire in a normal attack; sneaky tactics is your method of choice. Now, you just need to find a way to end the Empire, and drag Jugdral out of the hellhole it’s in.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your Role PM with “Night X – Distracting USER”. You will appear during the middle of the night to USER, causing USER to panic and use their night action on you instead of their original target.

You are allied with The Liberation Army. You win when The Liberation Army has achieved parity with The Empire, and all hostile third-party characters have been removed from the game.

Night Actions:

Night 0 - Idle

Night 1 - Idle

Night 2 - Idle

Died: Day 3

Got lynched on Day 3 because he said something retarded WRT Kay and being Safeguard, IDK.

Dear Nightmare,

You are Aless, Mafia Roleblocker.


The blood of the Crusader Hezul runs through your veins, allowing you to use the Demon Sword, Mistolin. Celice has asked you to help him because of your heritage, and you are determined to see this through in order to defeat the empire.

During the night phase, you may reply to your role PM with “Night X – Attacking USER”. You will chase USER with Mistolin, causing USER to flee from you in fear. USER will spend the entire night trying to escape, preventing them from completing their night actions.

You are allied with The Liberation Army. You win when The Liberation Army has achieved parity with The Empire, and all hostile third-party characters have been removed from the game.

Night Actions:

Night 0 - Proto

Night 1 - Snike

Night 2 - StSS

Night 3 - Slayer

Night 4 - StSS


I LOVE NIGHTMARE but he did nothing much. Hooked StSS to prevent Domu from dying, I guess?

Dear Diavolo (Core),

You are Sety, Mafia Redirector


You are Fury's son, and a very powerful mage. Celice needs your help in this final attempt at defeating Grandbell, and you aren't one to refuse a friend in need.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your Role PM with "Night X – Blowing USER1 away to USER2". You will attack USER1 with such force that they will be blown to where USER2 is, causing USER1 to target USER2 instead of his original target.

You are allied with The Liberation Army. You win when The Liberation Army has achieved parity with The Empire, and all hostile third-party characters have been removed from the game.

Night Actions:

Night 0 - Rein -> Darros

Night 1 - Rein -> Kay

Night 2 - Iris -> Balcerzak

Night 3 - StSS -> Slayer


This role was probably broken alongside the role cop =( In any case, Core... led? the mafia, and stuff happened. Not very nice stuff. Also claiming deputy was a really stupid idea, but I guessed it worked. Which it shouldn't have.

Dear Hika/Shinori,

You are Shanan, Mafia Role Checker.


You are the successor to the throne of Isaac, and the wielder of the Balmung. One of Celice’s powerful warriors and friends, you’ve decided to assist him in this infiltration attempt into the Empire.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your Role PM with “Night X – Stealing USER’s information”. You will seek out USER during the night, using the speed of Balmung to continuously appear hidden from USER, thus finding out what USER’s role is via observation.

You are allied with The Liberation Army. You win when The Liberation Army has achieved parity with The Empire, and all hostile third-party characters have been removed from the game.

Night Actions:

Night 0 - Paperblade (Failed)

Night 1 - Proto

Night 2 - Kay

Night 3 - StSS


Eclipse basically said he needed to be more active. Aside from that, he apparently went into the ER or something on Night 3/Day 4, which hurt his later activity. Nyeh.

Dear Ether/Kirsche,

You are Altenna, Mafia Godfather


You are the daughter of Cuan and Ethlin, but have been raised as Trabant’s child. Now aware of your true parentage, you have joined the Liberation Army, and Celice has chosen you to help him on his attack on Grandbell.

During the night phase, you will appear as being a Town Member in investigations, due to others believing you to be Trabant’s daughter.

You are also aware that Areone and Trabant in this game. If you were to die, something would probably happen to either of them…

You are allied with The Liberation Army. You win when The Liberation Army has achieved parity with The Empire, and all hostile third-party characters have been removed from the game.

Night Actions: None


Ether was inactive for a hilarious amount of time before Kirsche subbed in. Kirsche caused Kay to be lynched because he didn't trust her fsr =(

Mafia Nightkills:

Night 1 - Prims

Night 2 - Kirsche

Night 3 - Balcerzak

Night 4 - StSS

Ether/Kirsche performed all kills.

Dear Kay,

You are Trabant, Self-Aligned Safeguard/Survivor


You are the king of Thracia. You might appear a cruel man, but you really have one true wish – To see Thracia prosper again. You will go to any lengths to ensure this happens.

During the Night Phase, you may reply to your Role PM with “Night X – Offering USER some assistance”. You will protect USER from any non-killing actions that night. However, if USER is attacked, you will stop protecting USER, opting to save your own skin instead.

You are also aware that Areone and Altenna in this game. If you were to die, something would probably happen to either of them…

You are allied with yourself. You win if you survive.

Night Actions:

Night 0 - Paperblade

Night 1 - Snike (Failed)

Night 2 - Core

Night 3 - Core

Died: Day 4

I don't understand why she died. What the hell can a survivor even do, anyway?

Also, might as well explain the failed Night 1 - Roleblocker had a better priority than Safeguard, and since Nightmare already targeted Snike, Kay's action "failed" as she had not prevented a non-fatal night action from targeting Snike. Stupid reasoning, but that's what I went with.

So, yes, that's the entire postgame. And spreadsheet is...



Edited by JBCWK
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