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[FE8] Sacred Stones As-is Draft


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Chapter 3- 7/21 turns

Well, this went suprisingly well. I had Garcia break down the breakable wall and moved Eirika to attack on turn 1. Then after I recruited Colm, I had him go to the door (the bandit by the chests moved too far away to reach him, and his AI isn't programmed to attack when units aren't in his range, so that was a chip off of my back) to divert the archer while Eirika made a beeline towards the boss. Garcia helped Colm while Eirika attacked the Steel Axe and Mercenary guys, while letting Garcia attack them (I had Colm finish Mercenary guy). Oh, and before I forgot, Eirika totally critted the hand axe guy AND the thief. Not that it saved me a turn, what with Eirika's god awful strength. She's procced strength ONCE in eight levels. All I can say is, THANK GOD I picked Colm. Eirika critted the boss one turn too late too, and it wouldn't have made a difference, because I had Garcia and Colm ready to take on his weakened ass. Oh well, I'm sad that I had to waste so many Rapier uses.

Chapter 4- 6/27 turns

Wow, another chapter that went suprisingly well. So I had Eirika move down (on the left side) so that she could attack all of the monsters with the STEAL SWORD while Garcia proceeded to solo the right side (thank god for the hatchet with its reliable hit rate). Colm helped Eirika destroy the branch so she could move onwards while Garcia did what Garcia does. Note that I needed to get to the bottom half by turn 4 for the six turn clear, as Colm 2RKOs all of the zombies up above and I needed Garcia to ORKO the boss. Anyways, Eirika got a fantastic level up, and Garcia got some speed, but then Colm ruined it by getting an HP only level up and a speed only level up, so I'll consider it a wash.

Chapter 5- 6/33 turns

This chapter went well enough. I totally ignored the left side, and had everyone go to the right. I basically moved everyone forward (to the right) and on turn 2, all of the enemies (including Joshua) attacked Garcia (well, maybe missing one or two who attacked my tank Eirika). Then I had Garcia and recently recruited Joshua back into a corner, with Natasha recruited Joshua and getting Rescued by Garcia (who had like...1HP; thank god the archer in the back couldn't reach him). Colm and Eirika protected them, and Colm had to survive like...6-8 38% hits. Eirika killed one of the archers and then bumrushed ahead. Oh, and Moulder was visiting the Dragon Shield village while this was happening. At the final turn, the Fighter from the left managed to make it close, and I got Garcia to visit the Armor Slayer village while Eirika attacked Saar with the Rapier. While my units most certainly would've died on the next turn, Saar being the idiot that he is decided to get himself killed and allow my weakened units to survive by means of the chapter ending. Moulder didn't get any healing done, but otherwise, this went off rather fantastically. Garcia not getting critted by Joshua's Killing Edge (which I gave to Eirika so she could ORKO the soldiers by sheer power or critical prowess) was very nice as well.


Chapter 5x- 8/41

Eh, I took the standard 8 turn clear here, with Ephraim and Orson going ahead, Ephraim getting a lot of kills and some VERY good level ups, with Forde trailing along, getting ONE VERY mediocre level up. Nothing really special of note here.

Chapter 6- 6/47

Well, this was a pain. So I moved everyone to the north, with Garcia hiting both of the Cavaliers on enemy phase. Eirika used her last Rapier use (which is unfortunate, I'll probably need to have Garcia kill the boss. Then I moved Garcia to the mountain, because Halberd dude will attack him with the Iron Axe, and I need the Halberd. Then everyone moves to the right, and to beat the boss in 6 turns, I need to have Colm survive two 44% attacks, which I didn't think was unreasonable, but apparently the game disagreed with me. Oh, and Colm and Eirika got some more lame level ups, but at least Garcia got some speed and defense!

Chapter 7- 10/57 turns

Hmmm...The turn count is really high. Screw this, I'm taking a penalty and using Vanessa. *replays level*

Chapter 7 REDACTED- 9 (5+4 turn penalty)/66 turns

You know there's some balance issues with a draft when you do BETTER with a penalty. It's like not making Hector/Oswin free in Ch. 12 of FE7. Also because Colm can walk across rivers, he can bait the Energy Ring mage and steal it next turn. It's easy enough. Funnily enough, Eirika had JUST enough health to not get killed on the enemy phase.


Chapter 8- 9/75 turns


Welp, this went well enough. I gave Eirika the Dragon Shield and the Power Ring before this chapter, so that not only offset her rather meh strength, but also made her boss defense stat even more so. Anyways, Eirika and co went north, with Eirika soloing all of the Knights with the Armor Slayer (yes, her defense was that boss) and gaining even more defense, which is rather ridiculous. She then went towards the boss with Garcia, Colm, and Moulder following after her. Ephraim and Forde took care of all of the guys on the bottom. To beat the boss in 9 turns, I had to hit with 2 68%s and 2 64%s, which was the most annoying part of this chapter. All in all though, it went well, and Eirika's defense is pretty ridiculous. But, since I've finished the first segment of the game, I'll let you see for yourself.


Her strength is slightly below average (keep in mind I gave her the Energy Ring), which is kind of annoying, but also why I gave her the Energy Ring. Her HP, skill, luck, and resistance are average enough, although she's suprisingly below average on speed. This is all made up for by her rather ridiculous defence. This is 5 points above the average, well 3 because I gave her the Energy Ring. All in all, without Franz or Vanessa (or he who must not be named), Eirika is definetely the MVP of my team.


Moulder will be Moulder. A healer who's main use will be warping in the later chapters.


Garcia is also doing incredibly well. He's 2 points of speed and 3 points of defense above average, which means he's much more useful than he ordinarily would've been. His having at least 10AS allowed him to double Tirado with a Steel Axe and let me have the not so impressive 9 turn clear.


Colm's...good enough, I guess.

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13 Def Eirika, jeeeeeeez. In my draft Franz just got up to 13 Def (granted he's been Def screwed and didn't get a dragonshield) and he's at 15/9. Of course, my Eirika has ridiculous Str blessing instead o_O

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Chapter 9- 13/88 turns

So this...could've gone better. Because Eirika is such a boss, I had Tana ferry her to the south to take care of EVERYTHING, while everyone else went left and later south. I probably meandered too much, but oh well. I'll deal with it. Also the pirates AI is really wierd, because when Tana was near the village, one of them attacked her and the other one...just waited. Surreal. Anways, here's a picture so you can see the insanity I went through (but really Eirika had no chance of dying; it was fucking Forde dealing with that KE myrmidon that doubled him that was a pain in the ass; not to mention that sniper).


Chapter 10- 3/91 turns

OK, this went easily enough, had Tana rescue Eirika, drop her near the boss, and profit. I had to RnG abuse for an Eirika critical with the Killing Edge, otherwise it would have been a 4 turn clear. I also gave Tana an Angelic Robe to improve her lastibility. Oh, and everyone else killed some enemies and I got a Killer Axe which proved to be super useful for the next chapter.


Chapter 11- 13/104 turns


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Prologue - 3/3

Of course.

Chapter 1 - 6/9

RNG was kind to me.

Chapter 2 - 7/16

Perhaps I shouldn't have gone for both villages... Anyhow, it wasn't a contest.

Chapter 3 - 9/25

Eirika charged forward, only one thing in mind - killing the boss and seizing. Neimi chipped when she could, and recruited Colm after the AI had cleaned out the chests.

Chapter 4 - 9/34

Artur jumped from forest to forest down towards the boss, managing to not die (he did burn two Vulneraries, though :/) Eirika and Neimi went to kill the enemies beyond the village, then doubled back to handle reinforcements. Dozla would be nice in this chapter.

Stats I'll post tomorrow. There are no major surprises, though.

Name  Level HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Eirik 12.28 23  8 13 16 11  6  6
Neimi  3.82 17  5  7  8  5  3  3
Artur  6.97 20  8  8 11  4  3  9

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Chapter 5: 8/42

Neimi went to get the Dragonshield, then drew any enemies that approached the main group. Natasha stood behind Eirika and Artur while they worked their way up. When Joshua was in range, he was recruited. Eirika grabbed the Armorslayer, and her and Joshua moved up towards the boss. Joshua reached the boss on turn 8; he needed the boss to miss at 48 in order to not die.

Chapter 5x: 7/49

I was determined to get some advantage in this chapter. Orson charged ahead, while Kyle and Ephraim mopped up. Orson got to the end of the corridor, using the Javelin to clear enemies in his way, by turn 5, and Ephraim was rescued by Kyle on the same turn. Next turn, Kyle gave Ephraim to Orson, who dropped him within range of the throne. Ephraim insisted on dying a lot but eventually he survived a run. Orson killed the boss and Ephraim seized on turn 7.

Chapter 6: 7/56

Everybody hit the forests and the fort, waiting for an opportunity to rush across the plain. Joshua had to rescue Neimi on turn 6, but still managed to land the killing blow on Novala (after Eirika had weakened him)

Name  Level HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs
Eirik 14.54 25  9 14 16 12  7  7
Neimi  5.22 17  6  7  9  6  5  5
Artur 12.71 20 11 11 13  5  5 12
Joshu  9.44 27  8 15 16  9  5  4

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  • 5 weeks later...

i'm taking over silver harpoon's team from now on. personally i would have liked to draft my own characters but they seem alright.

Prologue - 3/3

No crap

Chapter 1 - 5/8

Lucky Crit :D. was tempted to let franz finish the 3 reinforcements but decided against it.

going to make vids of chapters can anyone suggest a good video sharing site?

also im not going to have much time but will make infrequent chapter progress reports

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Fire Emblem videos are long and plodding and generally not very interesting unless you have a list of exactly where and when you're moving every units, and manage to do that at a brisk pace. Something similar to say, dondon's videos. I recommend screenshots.

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Endgame is why I wanted the lords promoted, even though by the rules, it probably should have been banned.

Chapter 2 is all axemen, so Eirika should be able to tank. What worries me is a lack of fliers. (Though it shouldn't hurt too much, I don't think there are any chapters like Ch 15 of FE6).

Kyle was probably a wrong choice. I was thinking of an easier time in 5x, and I thought Saleh would be safe since Duessel > Saleh and you wouldn't pick both. I'd forgotten about Phantom Ship :facepalm: which is why I picked Dozla instead.

You know Duessel COMES BEFORE DOZLA on Ephraim Route?


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Chapter 2 - 7/15

Garcia as green had really shit accuracy needing franz to finish off the archer

Chapter 3 - 8/23

Rush boss, let colm as green take chests. nothing special

Chapter 4 - 8/31

Geez this level was hard without artur, franz almost died and drank a few vulnararies. Ross was good though taking out all the reinforcement undeads. managed to get lute in time to save franz. Stupid Mogells hit him twice with 47% hit chance.

Name Level HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs

Eirika 10.23 23 7 13 14 10 4 5

Franz 8.14 26 9 8 9 6 8 2

Ross 8.15 21 9 2 7 9 5 2

Lute 1.32 17 6 6 7 8 3 5

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You know Duessel COMES BEFORE DOZLA on Ephraim Route?


Yeah, so if I planned to do Ephraim route, I would've picked Dozla.

I've made it to chapter 13, but a bear ate the document I had my turncounts in, so I'll wait until I finish to update them rather than try and guess.

I finished, so I can see them.

Chapter 7 - 4+4/64

I skipped with Vanessa. The reason I didn't use her later, I found, was because she died in this chapter.

Chapter 8 - 11/75

Artur went up to kill the armorknights, the rest of the team went one room east so Ephraim and Kyle had less enemies to rout. Forde followed them at a safe distance so that reinforcements could not attack him. Neimi and Joshua backed up Artur. Ephraim and Kyle caught up outside the boss room. Damn thieves are too aggressive in this game, I lost a Vulnerary.

Chapter 9 - 16+4/95

Eirika route, natch. Tana got me a second Rapier, and made this chapter slightly easier. There are too many enemies in this chapter. The sniper in particular was troublesome.

Chapter 10 - 11/106

Probably could have sacrificed Vanessa, but I insisted on going the long way, for some reason. At least I got some new toys. Innes came out of the fortress and helped me out, by which I mean he wasted Silver Bow uses. lolMarisa.

Chapter 11 - 13/119

DOZLA GET! At least, once I fight my way down to them. Gerik, Tethys, Artur and Eirika took the western path, Joshua, Neimi, and Kyle went east. L'Arachel was recruited and immediately started spamming Torch. Dozla wrecked the opposition's shit.

Chapter 12 - 13/132

No break? Dozla led from the front. Artur and Eirika handled the southern reinforcements, Gerik and Neimi recruited Energy Ring and then went boss killing with Kyle, Joshua went to clear the NE corner. Dozla helped out wherever he was needed.

Name   Level HP Stats
Eirika 19.62 28 11 17 19 15 10  7
Artur  19.04 23 14 15 15  7  5 16
Joshua 18.33 34 14 20 20 11  6  4
Kyle   17.27 36 15 13 15  9 13  5
Neimi  16.12 25 10 13 15 10  6  8
Gerik  14.56 35 17 15 13  9 13  5
L'Arac  6.25 20  8  6 11 15  6 10
Dozla   3.42 44 18 12  9  4 11  7

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Chapter 12- 9/113 turns

Well, this went well enough with some pretty genius planningon my part. I first had to NOT deploy Moulder, Colm, and Forde. Why? Becausethey all suck and their very existence would make this chapter harder than itshould be. Anyways, first I left Eirika back to take care of thereinforcements. God damn, the reinforcements. SO DAMN MANY REINFORCEMENTS. Tanaferried Saleh who basically soloed the entire northern half of the map. Deargod, Saleh is so fucking awesome. Tana helped around a little bit too. Garciawent right to take care of another big mass of enemies. Also I had to waste oneturn because there was a spider who take way too damn long to get his off ofthe mountain which spawned him. All in all, a rather obnoxious chapter, what withthe kill all the enemies and the way too damn many reinforcements. Oh, and Ifed Saleh Ewan's Energy Ring.

Chapter 13- 4/117 turns

I probably could've done better on this, but whatever. Salehgot a FANTASTIC level up, so it was worth it. Also Amelia died, so no freeSpeedwing for me.

Chapter 14- 10/127 turns

Wow, that was easier than I thought. I moved everyone downthe RIGHT path, and I had Tana take Rennac's Member Card and buy a bunch ofKiller Weapons and a few Physics from the SS while Eirika, Saleh, and Garciateamed up to take down Carl Jr.

Chapter 15- 12 (+4 penalty)/143 turns

Because Duessel is a bastard, I took a penalty. And Ibasically wasted 2 turns killing Caellach. I could probably have Colm steal hisfucking Hoplon Guard, but I'm too lazy to bother with that.

Chapter 16- 7/150 turns

Saleh is GOD. Now I may need to work on Hammerineing thatpretty much as good as Holsety for the purposes of this game Excalibur tome.Shame that the animation isn't that awesome though. Oh yeah, and thanks to theno promotion thing, I have no qualms about giving both Eirika and Ephraim twosacred weapons each. Fuck yeah!

Chapter 17- 3/153 turns

Turns out while Saleh was kicking ass and taking names, hewasn't increasing his staff rank. So no warping for him. Moulder ALMOST hadenough rank to be able to use it. So new plan. I had Saleh spam Warp because hewasn't going to kill the boss, Moulder Hammerine Excalibur because Excaliburhad 11 uses (not Hammerine worthy by itself, but...) and pushing Moulder'sstaff rank to A. I moved everyone ahead, with Myrrh taking the Heroes below andTana taking the army to the west. Eirika 2RKOed the boss with SIeglinde.

Chapter 18- 8/161 turns

Brave Axe Garcia is so boss. He cleanly OHKOed (? Does itcount as that if its a double attack from the Brave Axe) the boss, and he totallyowned those spiders. Oh...and everyone else was actually useful. Heck, evenKnoll did something!

Chapter 19- 2/163 turns

Eirika owned Riev as hard as that Rausten Knight that gotcritted by a random myrmidon. Oh, and Franz bought some more physics.

Chapter 20- 4/167 turns

Thanks Warp! Myrrh took care of Morva with a crit, otherwisehe would've killed her (maybe I should've given her an Angelic Robe).

Final Chapter Part 1- 4/171 turns

This was easy enough, I warped everyone ahead (everyonebeing Saleh, Tana, Eirika, and Ephraim, with Eirika and Myrrh finishing offLyon.

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Final Chapter 2- 2/173 turns

All of my Holy weapon users sans Saleh because he didn't have enough health took care of the Demon King. Yay teamwork!

Also my final turncount says 155 turns in game, so either I took 18 turns worth of penalties or I misrecorded somewhere.

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Refa, you counted both attempts at chapter 7. So it should be 163 turns clear.

Chapter 13 - 3 turns / 135

Dozla killed the boss, and took his gratuitous vowels as a trophy.

Chapter 14 - 12 turns / 147

Artur and Neimi went treasure hunting. Artur took no damage from the magic users, hooray! Meanwhile, the rest of the dudes went up the east side. Eirika recruited Rennac once he got the Hammerne, partly because I feel guilty using L'Arachel, but mostly because she can't spend a single turn not rescue dropping or staff spamming. Carlyle took a few turns because Dozlaia and Joshua were the only significant damage dealers, and Dozlaia had ~40 hit even with the Reaver. I'm not used to these hit rates!

Chapter 15 - 12 turns / 159

Joshua and Kyle cleared the north side, Caellaech and all, like a couple of bosses (Josh cut deep into his Silver Sword usage to get it done). Colm got Warp. The rest went south. Renny nabbed me a Killer Bow, Wyrmslayer and Metis Tome, but couldn't reach the Silver Card in time. Then, Ephraim soloed most of the south side with his prf weapon. Dozlaia used his brand new Dragon Axe to teach Valter a valuable lesson; don't be creepy as fuck. (He actually only took 45 of 47 HP out, and was doubled, so Eirika had to weaken him first)

Chapter 16 - 8 turns / 167

Everyone gathers just outside the spawn zone. I had hoped to rush Orson, but it didn't work too well. Oh god too many heroes. Ephraim killed two of them to reach level 20. L'Arachel hit A Staves! She promptly ate a Guiding Energy Ring. She now has 6 range with Warp! I just hope it'll be enough.

Dozla reached double figures for speed on literally the last turn of that chapter.

Name   Level HP Stats
Eirika 20/01 33 14 20 20 16 14 12
Artur  20.00 23 15 16 16  7  5 17
Joshua 20.00 36 15 20 20 13  6  5
Kyle   20.00 39 17 15 15 10 13  7
Neimi  19.96 27 12 14 17 13  6  9
Gerik  19.76 39 19 18 15 12 15  6
L'Arac 10.10 20 12  7 12 19  7 14
Dozla   9.34 44 21 13 10  5 15  8
Ephram 20/01 40 16 22 20 18 13 11
Myrrh   4.93 20  6  3  7  3  7  8

You can do it, Gerik! Cap that strength!

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Man, your Gerik is one bad ass mother fucker. Can't wait until it's Hero time, although if you promote him to a ranger... Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

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Man, your Gerik is one bad ass mother fucker. Can't wait until it's Hero time, although if you promote him to a ranger... Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Meanie! :(:

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Drats, I realized I hadn't posted my final unit stats.


Being one of the 3 or so units who could kick ass and finish off the Demon King, OF COURSE Eirika was fantastic, why do you even ask? She was like defense blessed too, which was really awesome actually.


Ephraim is Ephraim, which is to say, really awesome. Only maxed out speed this time around, although he was close on a lot of his other stats.


Completely useless. His stats aren't half bad, but having a plain jane healer is not much fun at all in the later chapter. I think I used him for Warping, in which case he wasn't completely useless, just sort of lame.


After Franz and Saleh, Garcia is the secret best unit to draft onto your team. Even in a draft such as this one.


How did he manage to get to level 20? Definetely not very helpful, except for thieving and some early game chips and salsa.


I think Forde was blessed, but either way, he's like the worst cavalier in this game. Whatever man, I'd rather have Kyle instead.


Fantastic, especially for this draft. Tana is the best GBA Pegasus Knight, or at least ties with Farina.


Saleh is the best unit to draft besides maybe Franz. He's fucking fantastic, even for how late in the game he comes.


Way better than she was in my other drafts, her stats are pretty ridiculous and she's pretty cool herself.

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Chapter 17 - 5 turns / 172

Turn 1, Eirika rescue Myrrh, get danced, drops Myrrh off on the mountain. Kyle rescue-carries Artur, who is dropped by Dozla. Ephraim chugs a Pure Water

Turn 2, Ephraim rescues a civ, Dozla takes him, Tethys dances Ephraim; Ephraim goes above Syrene to handle the druids, Myrrh goes east of her to weaken the dragon knights.

Turn 3, the druid on the forest is killed so that Eirika can sit on the forest and kill the other druid. The rest get to work on protecting the civilians. Dozla, Artur, and Neimi handle the north side. Gerik and Joshua handle the south side. L’Arachel heals, and Kyle plugs any gaps.

Turn 4, Myrrh and the twins assault the reinforcement druids (actually only Myrrh and Eirika get kills)

Turn 5, Myrrh attacks Lyon, Ephraim rescues, Eirika finishes him. Warp is preserved.

Chapter 18 – 9 turns / 181

Artur, Neimi and Gerik go south to handle those guys, the rest go north. Eirika’s lack of 2-range costs me an 8-turner.

Chapter 19 – 2 turns / 183

Eirika rescues Myrrh, and is danced, and then Warped. She drops Myrrh so that Riev is revealed. Next turn, they go for the kill.

Chapter 20 – 4 turns / 187

Ephraim is Warped, post movement, on turn 3. Eirika is warped on turn 4, and L’Arachel is danced, then she Hammernes Warp. (I forgot staves could be Hammerned.) Ephraim finally hits 18 strength, which allows him to ORKO Morva.

Name   Level HP Stats
Eirika  5.55 35 15 21 22 19 16 12
Artur  20.00 23 15 16 16  7  5 17
Joshua 20.00 36 15 20 20 13  6  5
Kyle   20.00 39 17 15 15 10 13  7
Neimi  20.00 27 12 14 18 13  6  9
Gerik  20.00 40 20 18 16 12 16  7
L'Arac 15.91 26 13 10 15 22  7 18
Dozla  12.21 51 21 14 11  7 16  9
Ephraim 7.41 45 19 26 21 24 15 13
Myrrh  13.77 30 15  9 13  5 19 14

Chapter F, Part 1 – 3 turns / 190

The twins, Myrrh, and Dozla all chug a water, and move up. Dozla is dances do he is at the ledge, and Ephraim is also at the ledge. Kyle and Gerik rescue Myrrh and Eirika.

Turn 2, Kyle and Gerik give to the guys at the ledge, and L’Arachel warps both of them. Dozla and Ephraim drop their rescuees.

Turn 3, I manage to get it so that only two enemies are between my group and Lyon. Gerik and Joshua are warped to kill them. There are two spaces available. Versus Lyon, Ephraim and Eirika weaken him (with Audhulma + 5 from Pure Water, Eirika can survive Naglfar). Dozla rescues Eirika, and Myrrh finishes.

Chapter F, Part 2 - 2 turns / 192

It’s on like Donkey Kong! Everyone with a legendary weapon chipped in, except Dozla, who was too inaccurate and couldn’t reach in time.

Name   Level HP SM Sk Sp Lk Df Rs    B   W
Eirika  6.34 36 16 21 22 20 17 12  175  84
Artur  20.00 23 15 16 16  7  5 17  157 108
Joshua 20.00 36 15 20 20 13  6  5  154  72
Kyle   20.00 39 17 15 15 10 13  7  131  69
Neimi  20.00 27 12 14 18 13  6  9  151  70
Gerik  20.00 40 20 18 16 12 16  7   65  35
L'Arac 20.00 27 16 12 16 25  8 20   18   0
Dozla  12.33 51 21 14 11  7 16  9   92  48
Ephraim 7.84 45 19 26 21 24 15 13   79  46
Myrrh  15.96 33 17 11 14  6 20 14   35  16
Tana                                13   4

So, I found out my lost turncounts, which if I calculated them correctly, means I finished in 192 turns. Which I did.

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