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[FE7] Socialite Serra's Super-Sadistic SOYO of S-ness


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Yay drafting complete.

I figured Nagl would figure that he had to give you Florina, because she'd be too useful to the others and to leave you stacked with all the fliers (also with her lack of durability she looks really redundant once you get the other fliers). And then you would give Raven to Horace so he'd be stuck without high-Mov drafts and with only Oswin for added 1-2 range. I had to give Nagl a cav to make this possible. I chose Sain because (a) I think Kent is better for HHM and his team already looks pretty good; (b) so Harpoon wouldn't get both of Serra's "fast" supports. (Although that's a pretty minor consideration; keeping Sain next to Serra doesn't exactly sound like my idea of fun.)

I probably won't start actually playing this until the new year.

Sadly, I didn't think that hard about my picks.

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There's LHM~

Prologue - 0:13
Ch 1 - 0:50
Ch 2 - 2:20
Ch3 - 3:50
Ch 4 - 5:19
Ch 5 - 9:46
Ch 6 - 13:20
Ch 7 - 16:29
Ch 7x - 20:44
Ch 8 - 23:33
Ch 9 - 26:00 (I missed the first part of the chapter)
Ch 10 - 27:45 Edited by General Horace
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I was surprised when Horace gave him to you. You might actually manage to figure out a way through Cog of Destiny now.

Everybody has Erk. And having everybody who can do X is not necessarily a good thing. I gave you Lucius pretty much specifically because I felt he'd be redundant on a team that already has Canas.

Gl! :) Don't forget the rescue/drop tax.

Only as effectively as cavs who could also fight instead, and still with a rescue/drop tax.

Hector haxes a lot of HHM IMO.

You're going to need it. I think everyone will. Some more than others.

I think I have the best chance of not needing Marcus for Ch 15.


You gave me mixed blessings

I wish I had a cav/raven/dorcas/guy.....

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Why would you want Dorcas? He isn't anything special in HHM

Also, Chapters 11-15 done, except I derped and didn't record 15. I got the dracoshield and both chests with no Marcus Penalty. Oswin <3



11 - 6 (w Red Gem)

12 - 4

13 - 6 (w/out Guy, but whatever. Also, redid the last turn so I could sell the secret book to buy Javelins)

14 - 4 + 3 for Marcus

15 - 8 forced

16 - (recorded but not uploaded) 9, because Marcus would have to spam rescue/dropping, and Hector sucks ass against the sword users, probably could have done better, but meh. Too many enemies for base Florina to live through. Got White Gem and Red Gem, Sold Goddess Icon for cash, and bought shit.

Total turncount right now = 97 - 20 for white gem - 4 for red gems = 73 turns

UNIT       LEVEL     HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL                       SUPPORT
HECTOR     09.71     27 14 07 08 03 11 01 B AXE                           C ELIWOOD
ELIWOOD    06.71     23 09 07 09 11 08 03 A SWORD                         C HECTOR
LYN        11.44     23 07 12 15 09 04 03 B SWORD
OSWIN      12.41     31 15 10 06 04 15 03 B LANCE
SERRA      05.02     27 03 06 10 08 03 08 C STAFF
MATTHEW    09.14     24 06 05 16 06 04 01 C SWORD
ERK        09.48     21 10 10 13 03 04 06 B ANIMA
KENT    10/04.03     30 13 12 14 05 12 05 B LANCE C SWORD D AXE
MARCUS  ??/03.56     31 16 16 12 08 11 09 A LANCE A SWORD B AXE

Edited by General Horace
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  • 2 weeks later...


Prologue: 6 turns


Lyn |02/00|16| 5| 8|10| 6| 2| 0

Chapter 1: 4 turns


Lyn |03/00|16| 5| 9|10| 6| 3| 0
Sain|02/00|20| 9| 4| 6| 4| 6| 0

Chapter 2: 4 turns


Lyn |03/00|16| 5| 9|10| 6| 3| 0
Sain|03/00|21| 9| 4| 6| 5| 6| 0

Chapter 3: 4 turns


Lyn |04/00|17| 6| 9|10| 7| 3| 0
Sain|05/00|22|11| 5| 7| 5| 6| 0
Wil |02/00|20| 6| 5| 5| 6| 5| 0

Chapter 4: 8 turns


Name  |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Lyn   |05/00|18| 6| 9|10| 8| 3| 0
Sain  |07/00|24|12| 5| 7| 5| 7| 1
Wil   |04/00|22| 7| 7| 7| 7| 5| 0

Chapter 5: 5 turns


Name |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Lyn  |06/00|19| 6| 9|10| 8| 3| 0
Sain |08/00|25|13| 5| 7| 5| 8| 1
Wil  |04/00|22| 7| 7| 7| 7| 5| 0
Erk  |01/00|17| 5| 6| 7| 3| 2| 4
Serra|01/00|17| 2| 5| 8| 6| 2| 5

Chapter 6: 4 turns


Name   |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Lyn    |06/00|19| 6| 9|10| 8| 3| 0
Sain   |08/00|25|13| 5| 7| 5| 8| 1
Wil    |04/00|22| 7| 7| 7| 7| 5| 0
Erk    |02/00|17| 5| 6| 8| 3| 2| 5
Serra  |01/00|17| 2| 5| 8| 6| 2| 5
Matthew|02/00|18| 4| 4|11| 2| 3| 0

Chapter 7: 6 turns


Name   |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Lyn    |06/00|19| 6| 9|10| 8| 3| 0
Sain   |09/00|25|14| 5| 8| 5| 8| 1
Wil    |05/00|23| 7| 7| 7| 7| 5| 0
Erk    |02/00|17| 5| 6| 8| 3| 2| 5
Serra  |01/00|17| 2| 5| 8| 6| 2| 5
Matthew|02/00|18| 4| 4|11| 2| 3| 0

Chapter 7x: 1 turn (6-5)


Name   |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Lyn    |07/00|20| 7|10|11| 9| 4| 0
Sain   |12/00|26|17| 6|10| 6| 8| 1
Wil    |06/00|24| 8| 8| 7| 7| 5| 0
Erk    |04/00|18| 7| 6| 9| 3| 2| 5
Serra  |02/00|17| 3| 5| 9| 7| 2| 6
Matthew|02/00|18| 4| 4|11| 2| 3| 0

Chapter 8: 6 turns

forgetting to do stats

Chapter 9: 8 turns (6+2)


Name   |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Lyn    |08/00|21| 7|10|12| 9| 4| 0
Sain   |12/00|26|17| 6|10| 6| 8| 1
Wil    |07/00|24| 9| 8| 8| 7| 5| 1
Erk    |05/00|19| 8| 6|10| 3| 3| 5
Serra  |02/00|17| 3| 5| 9| 7| 2| 6
Matthew|03/00|19| 4| 4|12| 2| 3| 0

Okay, now someone remind me what happens to items after Lyn mode. It all disappears, right?

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37344g in liquid assets prior to the start of C10. Also, I kind of missed the hammer because I'm stupid. That would have been another... 800. Meh, the lancereaver is more accurate anyway just gotta get sain to c swords. Too bad I can't use the robe, but at least I have no real need for the knight crest. Sain rejoins in C16, one chapter before you get another one in C17.

Chapter 10: 12 turns


(erk used the energy ring)

Name   |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Lyn    |09/00|21| 7|11|12|10| 4| 1
Sain   |14/00|28|18| 7|11| 6| 8| 2
Wil    |07/00|24| 9| 8| 8| 7| 5| 1
Erk    |05/00|19|10| 6|10| 3| 3| 5
Serra  |03/00|18| 3| 6| 9| 7| 2| 6
Matthew|03/00|19| 4| 4|12| 2| 3| 0

Chapter 11: 6 turns


Name   |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Hector |02/00|20| 8| 5| 6| 3| 8| 0
Matthew|04/00|19| 5| 4|13| 3| 4| 0

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Chapter 12: 4 turns

Took me long enough to figure this out.

Name   |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Hector |04/00|22| 8| 5| 6| 3|10| 0
Serra  |03/00|18| 3| 6| 9| 7| 2| 6
Matthew|05/00|19| 6| 5|13| 4| 4| 0

Chapter 13: 6 turns

Guy doesn't cost any turns. This is basic efficiency play at this point, what with no battle preparations.

Name   |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Hector |04/00|22| 8| 5| 6| 3|10| 0
Guy    |03/00|25| 8|13|13| 5| 6| 1
Serra  |03/00|18| 3| 6| 9| 7| 2| 6
Matthew|05/00|19| 6| 5|13| 4| 4| 0

Chapter 14: 11 turns (8+3)

And now the draft's on in full swing. Marcus was deployed. I missed Priscilla, and not a single fuck etc.

Name   |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Hector |06/00|24|10| 5| 6| 4|12| 0
Guy    |04/00|26| 8|13|14| 5| 7| 1
Serra  |04/00|18| 4| 6|10| 8| 2| 6
Erk    |06/00|20|10| 7|11| 3| 3| 6
Matthew|05/00|19| 6| 5|13| 4| 4| 0

chapter 15: i have to do what

I'm going to do this without Marcus. Just you fucking wait and see.

c15 8 turns hector sat his ass on the throne for a while with serra on his lap for support points i guess?

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Chapter 15: 8 turns

hector sat his ass on the throne for a while with serra on his lap for support points i guess?

Annoying thing here is that Hector just loves gaining speed on failed runs, and not gaining it on successful ones.

Name   |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Hector |08/00|26|10| 6| 6| 5|13| 0
Guy    |04/00|26| 8|13|14| 5| 7| 1
Serra  |04/00|18| 4| 6|10| 8| 2| 6
Erk    |06/00|20|10| 7|11| 3| 3| 6
Matthew|05/00|19| 6| 5|13| 4| 4| 0

Chapter 16: 9 turns

Sain's back. He's not invincible but did most of the work in clearing the way. Hector had to deal with the boss, however, because his HP was too low. Something about Lyn and Wil. Florina got the gem. Yay forced units.

Name   |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Hector |09/00|27|11| 7| 6| 5|14| 1
Lyn    |09/00|21| 7|11|12|10| 4| 1
Serra  |05/00|18| 5| 7|10| 9| 2| 7
Guy    |05/00|27| 8|14|15| 5| 7| 2
Erk    |08/00|21|11| 7|13| 4| 3| 7
Sain   |16/00|30|19| 7|11| 7| 8| 2
Wil    |08/00|25| 9| 8| 8| 7| 5| 1
Matthew|07/00|21| 6| 5|15| 5| 4| 0

Chapter 17: 11 turns

Here are a bunch of those good level ups I was waiting for. Loads of enemies too. Got the knight crest and the silver sword, naturally.

Name   |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Hector |11/00|28|12| 9| 7| 6|15| 2
Lyn    |10/00|22| 7|12|13|11| 5| 1
Serra  |05/00|18| 5| 7|10| 9| 2| 7
Guy    |06/00|28| 8|15|16| 5| 7| 2
Erk    |09/00|22|12| 8|13| 4| 3| 7
Sain   |18/00|32|20| 7|13| 8| 9| 2
Wil    |09/00|26|10| 8| 9| 7| 5| 1
Matthew|07/00|21| 6| 5|15| 5| 4| 0

Chapter 18: 3 turns

paladin sain ohhh yeah

the hard part was making sure everyone else stayed alive

Name   |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Hector |12/00|29|12| 9| 7| 6|16| 2
Lyn    |11/00|23| 8|13|14|11| 5| 2
Serra  |06/00|19| 6| 7|11|10| 2| 8
Guy    |06/00|28| 8|15|16| 5| 7| 2
Erk    |10/00|23|12| 8|14| 5| 3| 7
Sain   |18/01|34|21| 8|14| 8|11| 3
Wil    |09/00|26|10| 8| 9| 7| 5| 1
Matthew|07/00|21| 6| 5|15| 5| 4| 0

Chapter 19: 7 turns

luck again

like seriously how do you even work with those hit rates

also, a pirate

Name   |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Hector |12/00|29|12| 9| 7| 6|16| 2
Lyn    |12/00|23| 9|14|14|12| 5| 3
Serra  |06/00|19| 6| 7|11|10| 2| 8
Guy    |07/00|29| 8|15|16| 5| 7| 2
Erk    |10/00|23|12| 8|14| 5| 3| 7
Sain   |18/03|36|23| 9|14|10|12| 3
Wil    |10/00|27|10| 8|10| 8| 5| 1
Dart   |09/00|35|13| 8| 9| 3| 6| 1
Matthew|08/00|22| 7| 5|16| 6| 4| 0

that's enough

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Chapter 20: 10 turns

Sain is great. Really.

Got everything except for the brave bow.

Name   |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Hector |13/00|30|13|10| 7| 7|17| 2
Lyn    |12/00|23| 9|14|14|12| 5| 3
Serra  |07/00|19| 7| 7|12|11| 2| 9
Guy    |09/00|30| 8|15|18| 6| 7| 2
Erk    |11/00|24|12| 9|15| 5| 3| 8
Sain   |18/05|37|23|11|15|10|12| 3
Wil    |11/00|28|11| 9|11| 8| 5| 1
Dart   |10/00|35|13| 8| 9| 4| 6| 2
Matthew|08/00|22| 7| 5|16| 6| 4| 0

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Chapter 21: 4 turns

haha, sain

I took an extra turn to get the whip and hero crest.

Name   |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Hector |14/00|31|13|11| 7| 8|18| 2
Lyn    |13/00|23| 9|14|14|13| 5| 3
Serra  |08/00|19| 8| 7|13|12| 2| 9
Guy    |10/00|31| 8|16|19| 7| 7| 2
Erk    |12/00|25|13|10|16| 5| 3| 8
Sain   |18/06|38|24|12|15|10|12| 3
Wil    |11/00|28|11| 9|11| 8| 5| 1
Dart   |10/00|35|13| 8| 9| 4| 6| 2
Matthew|08/00|22| 7| 5|16| 6| 4| 0

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Chapter 22: 4 turns


Name   |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Hector |14/00|31|13|11| 7| 8|18| 2
Lyn    |13/00|23| 9|14|14|13| 5| 3
Serra  |09/00|20| 9| 7|13|13| 2| 9
Guy    |11/00|32| 9|17|20| 8| 7| 3
Erk    |12/00|25|13|10|16| 5| 3| 8
Sain   |18/07|39|25|12|16|10|13| 4
Wil    |11/00|28|11| 9|11| 8| 5| 1
Dart   |10/00|35|13| 8| 9| 4| 6| 2
Heath  |07/00|32|13|10| 8| 7|11| 1
Matthew|09/00|22| 8| 5|17| 6| 5| 0

Chapter 23: 6 turns

god I hate deserts.

Got Filla's Might.

Name   |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Hector |14/00|31|13|11| 7| 8|18| 2
Lyn    |14/00|24| 9|15|14|13| 5| 3
Serra  |09/00|20| 9| 7|13|13| 2| 9
Guy    |11/00|32| 9|17|20| 8| 7| 3
Erk    |13/00|26|13|11|16| 5| 3| 8
Sain   |18/08|40|25|12|16|10|13| 5
Wil    |11/00|28|11| 9|11| 8| 5| 1
Dart   |10/00|35|13| 8| 9| 4| 6| 2
Heath  |07/00|32|13|10| 8| 7|11| 1
Matthew|09/00|22| 8| 5|17| 6| 5| 0

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm finished with this sadistic monstrousity.


All mages+only Hawkeye and Florina made it very hard.

350 Turns for this monster.

Half the game with frail units, and then Hawkeye and Hector were the only durable ones.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Woot, I'm finally starting this.

Planning for Lyn mode: I only have Dorcas drafted in addition to the freebies, which will be less than pleasant. The Energy Ring would be nice for Lyn, but to use both the Angelic Robe and Energy Ring while still claiming a White Gem is quite difficult; I'd need to scrape up basically everything (including stealing some Vulneraries in 7x) and still be careful. Also, I know how to get the Armorslayer in 6 normally and still 3-turn it, but it requires a rescue-drop, so that's ruled out. The Energy Ring thus effectively costs a turn in 6, probably several turns in 7x (I'm not sure my team can even get through it in 5 turns anyway) and a bunch of pain everywhere else... not worth it. The Angelic Robe will probably go to Matthew so that early-game sucks less.

I will be adding all the penalties and bonuses as I go, and tallying up the bonuses as the end, so this might seem a bit 'sandbagged' because apparently I changed my mind. Anyway, onwards! Every chapter starts from a hard reset, even in Lyn Mode, because yay consistency. I have wind affinity, of course.

Edited by zahlman
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  • 1 month later...

Chapter 24: 2 turns

purge :(

Name   |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Hector |14/00|31|13|11| 7| 8|18| 2
Lyn    |13/00|23| 9|14|14|13| 5| 3
Serra  |10/00|20|10| 8|13|13| 2| 9
Guy    |11/00|32| 9|17|20| 8| 7| 3
Erk    |14/00|26|14|11|17| 5| 3| 8
Sain   |18/09|48|25|12|17|11|13| 5
Wil    |11/00|28|11| 9|11| 8| 5| 1
Dart   |10/00|35|13| 8| 9| 4| 6| 2
Heath  |07/00|32|13|10| 8| 7|11| 1
Matthew|09/00|22| 8| 5|17| 6| 5| 0

Chapter 25: 11 turns


Name   |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Hector |17/00|33|15|13| 7| 8|18| 2
Lyn    |16/00|25|10|17|16|13| 6| 4
Serra  |10/01|23|11|10|14|13| 4|11
Guy    |13/00|33| 9|18|20| 9| 7| 4
Erk    |14/00|26|14|11|17| 5| 3| 8
Sain   |18/11|50|25|13|19|12|14| 5
Wil    |13/00|28|12|11|12| 9| 6| 1
Dart   |12/00|37|14| 8| 9| 5| 7| 2
Heath  |10/00|35|15|11|11| 7|12| 2
Matthew|09/00|22| 8| 5|17| 6| 5| 0

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Oh hey guess what

I'm not dead

and also I did a bunch for this draft. I'm counting up all bonuses and penalties as I go, since it's not hard to undo a ring/gem bonus if the unthinkable happens.

Also, I noticed yet another thing I missed when editing the OP, so that's taken care of now. The bonuses and penalties are all still the same (and that has been the "official" information); but I noticed that the rules summary text didn't match (even though Serra's flavourtext did).

Lyn mode - zzz. Turn counts

Prologue 5/5

Ch 1 4/9

Ch 2 4/13

Ch 3 4/17

Ch 4 8/25

Ch 5 4/29

Ch 6 4/33

Ch 7 6/39

Ch 7x 5-5/39

Ch 8 6/45

Ch 9 6/51

Ch 10 12/63

Scripts - each chapter is started from a hard reset, and each cutscene is skipped when the first bit of dialog starts:

Lyn 2N3W.
Lyn 1N4W, attack.
Lyn 3W1N, attack.
Lyn attack.
Lyn 1N, seize.

Ch 1
Kent 4E, attack. Lyn 2N1E, finish. Sain 5E.
Lyn 1N4E, avoiding the forests to avoid RN burn. Kent 2N2E. Sain 4E1N, trading Kent's sword en route.
Lyn 4E. Kent 4E. Sain take out E brigand.
Lyn attack boss (to finish on EP). Sain finish remaining brigand.

Ch 2
Lyn 4E1N. Sain 3E. Kent 1N3E, take the sword back.
Lyn 1S1E, finish. Sain 3E, attack wall. Kent 3E.
Sain finish wall. Kent 2N4E, attack Glass with lance. Lyn 4E1N.
Sain 2N3E, attack Glass (miss >_<). Kent finishes Glass (ffs). Lyn trades her sword and a Vulnerary to Sain before seizing.

Ch 3
Lyn 5E. Kent 6E1N, take out the Archer with sword. Sain 5E2N (sword equipped). Florina 6E.
Kent 2N2E, attack the bandit with sword. Florina 3E, finish. Sain 2E2N, attack with sword. Lyn 3E2N.
Florina 2N around merc and finish. Sain 3W2N, attack with sword. Kent 2N around wall, take out archer with sword. Lyn 2E2N, finishes brigand.
Kent 4N2E, attack Migal (he has to not get hit on both PP and EP). Lyn finishes the other brigand.

Ch 4
Sain 4W3S. Lyn 1W4S. Kent 5S. Wil 3W2S. Florina 2S. (This causes Dorcas to go south.)
Sain 2E5N. Lyn 1S1W, finish brigand. Kent 2N1E around merc, attack brigand.
Kent 2S1E, take out archer with sword. Lyn 1S3E, talk to Dorcas. Florina 1E6N. Wil 2N3E, attack brigand. Sain 1S2E, finish with sword. Dorcas 3W.
Lyn 1S3W, take out archer. Sain 4W3S, trade iron axe to Dorcas. Dorcas 1S2W, take out brigand with iron. Florina 4S3E.
Dorcas 2S. Lyn 2E1S, pwn Carjiga. Sain 3N4E, trade iron lance to Florina.
Dorcas finish N brigand. Kent 1W6N. Lyn 5N. Florina finish merc.
Lyn 4N, crit merc. Kent 1E. Sain 1S2W.

Ch 5
Sain 3E, finish archer with sword. Lyn 2E, talk to Serra. Serra 2E, heal Erk. Erk 2E. Dorcas 3E. Florina 7E. Kent 4N1E, attack with sword. Wil 3N.
Erk 2E, finish merc. Wil 3E, finish brigand. Kent 5E. Sain 2N5E. Florina 3N. Serra 1E1N, heal Florina. Lyn 4E.
Kent 5E2N, take out archer with sword. Sain 2W, finish brigand with sword. Wil 4E, learns about magic. Florina 2N4W, attack merc. Erk 1S3E, attack Bug. Lyn 2E. Serra 3E.
Florina 7E. Serra 2N, heal Florina. Lyn attack Bug. Erk finish.

Ch 6
Lyn 5N, find Matthew. Florina 2N4E, claim Door Key, canto 1E. Sain 2E, take the Door Key, canto 5E. Wil 4E, attack merc. Erk 4E, finish merc. Kent 4E. Matt 1S4E, unlock door. Rath 3E1N. Serra 2E3N (careful). Dorcas 2E3N.
Florina 7N, trigger switch. Matt 2S4E, claim Angelic Robe. Erk 2N1W, finish merc. Wil 1W4N, trade iron bow to Rath. Rath 6E, take out loldier with iron. Kent 5E. Sain 1S2E, take out loldier with iron. Serra 5E, talk to Matthew for lulz. Lyn 2S3E. Dorcas 5E. 
Sain 1E, door, canto 5W1N. Rath 1E, take out loldier. Kent trigger switch. Matt unlock door. Erk 4N1E. Dorcas 2E3N, attack archer. Serra 1N, heal Erk. Lyn 2S3E.
Lyn 1E2N, finish archer. Matt claim Armorslayer. Dorcas 1N, attack Bool with iron. Rath 3W2N, attack with iron. Erk 1E3N, finish. Serra triggers. "Eww. Is this the last trigger? Guess I'll try moving it around."

Ch 7

Erk 2N3E, take out archer. Rath 6E. Lyn 4E, danced, 3N2E. Dorcas 1N4E. Serra 4E1N. Lucius 2E3N. Matt 6E.
Dorcas 1N3E, attack with hand axe. Erk 3E, finish. Lyn 3E1S. Rath 4E around mountain. Serra 1N4E, danced, 1N2E (careful), heal Erk. Lucius 1N3E, attack shaman. Matt 1W, finish shaman.
Erk 2E3S, attack brigand. Lyn 1E3S, finish brigand. Lucius 4E, danced from S, 1S2E, attack. Dorcas 2E1S. Serra 2S. Matt 1N4E. Rath 3E4S.
Lyn 1S, take out mage. Matt 3E2S (careful), take out merc with Armorslayer. Lyn danced from N, 3S2W. Erk 2S. Rath 3S1W around cliff. Serra 1E1S. Dorcas 4E1S.
Erk 3S. Serra 2S, danced from S, 3S1W, heal Lyn. Lyn 1W2S, attack shaman. Rath 5W, finish shaman. Dorcas claim Pure Water. Matt 2S.
Serra 2W, heal Rath. Matt 4W2S. Rath 2W3S, attack shaman. Matt danced from W, 3W2S, finish shaman with iron. Lyn 3W, attack Heintz and finish exactly on EP (with a nice level-up) after missing once on PP.

Ch 7x
  S LX
M X  X

Erk 1E2N, take out loldier. Dorcas 3N2W, take out loldier. Rath 1W5N, take out brigand. Matt 4N1W. Lyn 3N2E. Serra 3W around pillar.
Erk 2E1N, take out cav. Lyn 5N. Dorcas 3W, attack wall. Matt 3W, finish wall. Rath 4W1S around walls. Serra 2N3W.
Rath 6N, take out loldier. Lyn 1N4W, attack with iron. Erk 1S3W, take out loldier. Dorcas 1E2N, finish archer with iron. Serra 1W3N, heal Dorcas. Matt 6N.
Erk 4W1S. Rath 1W2N, attack Beyard with short bow and crit. Dorcas 5N. Serra 3S2E. Matt claim Hammer. Lyn take out W merc (who has a Vulnerary).
Rath 1S. Serra 1E, heal Erk. Matt 5N, trade Hammer to Dorcas. Dorcas 2N1W, take out mage with iron with a totally unnecessary crit.

Ch 8

Erk 3E1S. Lyn 1E3S. Rath 5S1W (careful. Short bow equipped does it matter?). Dorcas 2S around cliff. Serra 3S.
Dorcas 3S1E, take out cav with hand axe crit. Rath 3E2S, take out loldier with iron. Lyn 1W3S, take out merc with MK. Erk 1S4E. Serra 2W2S, heal Lyn.
Rath 3E1N, take out ballista. Erk 3E2S. Lyn 3S2E, take out loldier with iron. Dorcas 1S1E, attack with iron. Serra 1S2E, heal Dorcas.
Dorcas 3S2E, finish cav with hand axe. Serra 3S1E, heal Lyn. Lyn 3E2S with armorslayer. Erk 1N. Rath 2S.
Dorcas 3S around river, take out loldier with iron. Serra 2E1S, heal Lyn. Lyn 2S2E with iron. Rath 4S2E, take out loldier. Erk claim Lancereaver.
Rath 3N around river, take out brigand. Dorcas 4E, attack merc. Lyn 1S3E, take out Yogi with Armorslayer. Serra 2E, heal Rath.

Ch 9
S  R

Erk 4E. Matt 4E. Wallace claim Torch. Rath 1S4E. Lyn 2S1E. Dorcas 3E. Serra 2S2E (careful).
Dorcas 3E2N, attack with iron. Rath 3E around merc, attack. Matt 4E around merc, finish with iron. Erk 5E. Lyn 3E. Serra 4E1N. Wallace 4S.
Matt 4E1S with armorslayer. Erk 2E. Rath 4E. Lyn 5E, take out cav with lancereaver. Serra 5E, switch Lyn to MK. Dorcas 2E around brigand, finish with iron. Wallace 1S1E.
Dorcas 2E, attack cav with hand axe. Rath 1E, finish with iron. Serra 1E, heal Dorcas. Lyn 2E1S. Erk 2E3S, attack. Matt 2E3S, equip iron, use Vul. Wallace 3E.
Serra 3E2S, heal Erk. Erk attack. Matt use Vul. Dorcas 1S, finish brigand with iron. Lyn 2S2E. Wallace 4E.
Serra heal Erk. Rath 4W3S, attack. Erk finish. Dorcas 5E, take out soldier with iron. Lyn seize.

Ch 10
X  S E
 X R

Dorcas 4E. Matt 3E. Lyn 1N4E. Erk 3E. Serra 1S3E. Rath 1N3E.
Rath 4E, take out archer with iron. Lyn 2E, take out loldier with lancereaver. Dorcas 4E, take out mage with hand axe (lucky crit). Erk 3E. Matt 2S. Serra 2E2S.
Rath 2E, finish with iron. Dorcas 3W, Visit. Erk 1S1E. Lyn 2S. Matt 2S. Serra 2E.
Rath 1E2S. Dorcas 2S. Erk 3E, Visit. Lyn 2E. Serra 2E. Matt 1E.
Lyn 1S. Matt 1S1W. Erk 5S. Dorcas 5S. Serra 3E1S, heal Rath. Rath 2E4S.
Lyn 3S. Matt 1W. Erk 2S2W. Dorcas 3W. Rath claim Energy Ring. Serra 4S1W.
Lyn 3S. Dorcas 2S2W, attack. Erk 1W2S. Rath 3W, finish with iron. Serra 2W. Matt attack merc.
Erk 4E, take out cav. Matt 1E, attack archer. Dorcas 3W, attack. Rath 3W, finish with iron (unnecessary crit 2nd). Lyn 2W2S. Serra 2W2S.
Lyn 2W. Dorcas 1W1S, attack. Rath 1W1N, finish with iron. Matt 1W, attack (miss twice). Erk 2W. Serra 2W.
Dorcas 3W2S, attack with iron. Rath 4W2S, switch Dorcas to Hammer, finish cav with iron. Lyn 3W, take and use Energy Ring. Erk 3W1S. Matt 1E, attack (finish with lucky crit). 
Rath 4S3W, attack with short bow. Lyn 1W4S. Erk 4S, attack. Dorcas 3S2W, attack with Hammer.
Erk finish. Serra heal Matt. Lyn seize.


I managed to keep pace for the first 7 chapters, losing 1 on 7x, 1 on 8, 2 on 9 and 2 on 10. Posting Horace's turncounts really requires a team effort with both Kent (or Sain I guess) and Nils as far as I can tell, since without Nils or Florina, Lyn can't cross the river early in Ch10 and must walk to the throne at normal speed in Ch 9. Rath is definitely no Kent or Sain, but he got to XL 10 which means he can insta-promote in HHM.

Florina could make Ch7 doable in 1+2 turns with a bit of RNG abuse, I think (Lucius can't OHKO Heintz with a crit, but maybe Lyn can double-crit?) Certainly within 2+2 - but I'm pretty sure 6 is minimal without her. She can probably only save turns on Ch10 if Lyn gets buff enough to handle Lundgren herself, which probably needs some RNG abuse for some Lundgren misses. Otherwise she'd have to ferry two units and wouldn't make up the rescue/drop tax.

The 5-turn for 7x was fairly hard to arrange; the short bow crit was lucky, but probably not needed with a bit of additional cleverness (need to avoid letting enemy units block paths). I also had to try a crapton of different things for Ch10 to optimize movement and get a quick bosskill. Eventually I figured out that the key with this team is *not* to rush Rath (because he can't 1-2 range anyway), but let him pick up the village, and make sure everyone else moves exactly right, exploiting the weather timing, the northeast hut and the pattern of forest tiles. Matthew crosses the river early (since he's the only one who can without Nils or Florina) and distracts a bunch of units, racking up quite a bit of Exp.

Under normal conditions, Ch6 can be 3-turned, but Serra just barely can't walk to the last switch in 3 turns, and it also requires either rescue-dropping Matt to get him closer to the Armorslayer chest, or skipping the Armorslayer.

I missed the 2k gold village and used a fair amount of expensive stuff (the Lancereaver was clutch for Lyn), but was still able to use one stat booster while keeping enough funds for a White Gem. I ended up using the Energy Ring on my Str-screwed Lyn. There was some attack reordering to make things work right, but no explicit RN burns for Lyn's tale.


Lyn     10.20 25hp 8/14/15/10/4/4
Dorcas   8.19 35hp 9/ 8/ 7/ 6/4/2
Erk      8.66 23hp 7/ 8/10/ 5/3/7
Serra    3.15 18hp 2/ 7/ 9/ 7/2/5
Rath    10.05 28hp 8/10/11/ 5/7/3
Matthew  6.66 20hp 4/ 5/14/ 4/4/0

Onwards, to HHM!

Ch 11 6-2/67

Yadda yadda RNG burn. The stats on my Matt don't mess it up.

Everyone knows how to do this (from a hard reset), but for completeness:

Hector attack wall with hand axe. Matt 2W1N, finish.
Hector 2W, take out with hand axe. Matt 3W, attack.
Matt 1W, finish. Hector 5W.
Matt 4W1S, unlock. Hector 2W2S, take Vulnerary (Hector's more likely to need it than Matt in Ch 12).
Hector 2S3W (over pillar to burn 1 RN). Matt 4E around wall.
Matt 1E1S, steal gem. Hector 2W3S, attack with Wolf Beil.

Ch 12 4/71

May as well use silver with Marcus because it will be forever before anyone else can use a silver lance, and I'll have money and shops by then.

Since I don't have Eliwood, I can sell the Rapier right away to get other useful things.

This was a little tricky and needed a little RNG manipulation to work right. Oswin got a lucky crit on one of the brigands, which helped a lot.

Hector 2S3E, attack. Oswin 3E, attack. Marcus 2S5E. Bartre 3E, Visit. Dorcas 1S3E. Lowen 2S5E. Becky 1S4E. Eliwood 1W3N. Matt 5S. Serra 1S.
Hector 1N, finish N peg with hand axe. Oswin 1W3S, attack merc. Serra 2N. Marcus 3N5E, take out brigand with silver. Becky 1E, take out peg (unnecessary crit). Dorcas 2N2E, attack archer. Lowen 1N, finish with lance. Bartre 2E, switch lowen to sword. Eliwood claim Secret Book.
Oswin 2E, finish merc with iron. Matt 5E1N, attack brigand. Hector finish E peg with hand axe. Marcus 3E. Becky 2E1N, finish SE brigand. Dorcas 1E1N, attack brigand. Lowen 1E1N, finish brigand with sword. Bartre 5N. Eliwood 4S. Serra 1S.
Matt 5W1N, finish peg. Hector finish brigand with Wolf Beil. Becky 1S, finish peg. Marcus 1N. Eliwood 1S, sell Rapier and Secret Book. Dorcas 1N2W, take hand axe. Bartre 2W, buy 1 of everything as a backup. Oswin 4W. Serra 3S2E, heal Oswin.

Ch 13 6/77

This required some RNG manipulation but I basically did what everyone else did.

I was a little conservative with Marcus so that Guy could be recruited, which means he only got one shot at Boies (that might be unavoidable anyway?). That means he needed either a Silver Lance crit or a double crit with Guy's Killing Edge. Some reordering of attacks made this possible.

I also had to try a few things at the beginning because when you start this chapter from a hard reset, you apparently get a really awful hit roll early on that effectively means you can't injure the Javelin!Cav on EP 1 even if you switch Oswin back to a Javelin. Also, because javelins and hand axes do 1 less damage each than iron lances and iron axes, respectively, I couldn't 2HKO that cav with any combination of Oswin, Bartre and Dorcas, so they *all* had to attack. If Dorcas hadn't been screwed by 1 point in Str then I wouldn't have this problem.

I did manage to keep Serra and Hector together for each turn but the last, where it's impossible because Marcus is blocking the spot in front of the throne.


Hector 1N4W. Oswin 2N2W, take out snag. Marcus 1S, take hand axe, switch to hand axe, canto 3E4S. Dorcas 1N4W, take Hand axe from Hector. Matt 2E3S. Lowen 1S. Eliwood 5E. Serra 2S2W. Bartre 1W.
Marcus 1W3S around enemies, take out archer with iron sword. Oswin attack with javelin. Bartre 1N2W, attack. Dorcas 2N1W, finish with hand axe. Hector 2N3W. Serra 2N3W, heal Bartre. Becky 3S2W, attack peg. Matt 3S2W, finish peg. Lowen 4S around hill, finish bandit with sword. Eliwood 2E3S.
Marcus 3W2S into fort, take out brigand with hand axe. Lowen 1E, attack peg with lance. Becky finish. Eliwood 1W3S. Matt 3S. Dorcas 1S3W, give hand axe back to Hector. Hector 3W, attack. Serra 3W, heal Hector. Oswin 3W1N. Bartre 4W1N.
Bartre 2W2S, attack snag. Dorcas 2W1S, take hand axe, finish snag. Hector 1W4S. Serra 1W4S, use Vul. Oswin 2W1S, finish S peg with iron. Marcus 1S4W, take out brigand with hand axe. Matt 4W2S. Eliwood claim Mine. Lowen 4W3S. Becky 3S1W.
Dorcas 3S around river, give back hand axe. Hector 2E3S, finish peg. Bartre 4S1E, finish cav (boo). Serra 2E3S, heal Hector. Marcus 2N4W. Matt 3W1N, talk to Guy. Guy 2N2W, trade Killing Edge to Marcus. Lowen 2W3S, attack loldier with lance. Becky 2W. Oswin 1S3W.
Becky 3S, attack archer. Lowen 1E, attack archer with lance. Matt 3E2S, finish loldier. Marcus 3W1N, crit Boies with Silver Lance. Dorcas buys 2 javelins and 2 hand axes. Serra buys 3 Heal. Oswin claim Torch. Hector seize.

I skipped 13x. It's not worth 3 turns for the village gold and random vulneraries and experience. I think everyone agrees on that. :)

Ch 14 4+3/84

I took the Marcus penalty obviously since the rain makes this brutally long otherwise, not to mention the difficulty of dealing with that many units without real powerhouses on the blue team.

So I thought this would be easy since Horace always seems to zzz through this on every mode, but. Apparently Marcus needs a speed proc in order to ORKO a bunch of enemies here (he can't double and the Silver Lance leaves them with 3-6HP), and he only got HP from the level-up on Boies. So that was really annoying. I'd hoped I could steal a Vulnerary with Matt, but I needed him to head south promptly and score a Killing Edge crit to finish the map.

The south village was saved obviously, which means I get a Mend staff and a Vulnerary (thanks, Prissy, now enjoy your seat on the bench). I also managed to keep Serra and Hector adjacent for the whole chapter.

Pre-chapter stats:

Hector 5.08 23hp 9/7/6/4/10/1

Becky 2.73 18hp 5/6/7/4/3/1

Lowen 3.47 24hp 7/5/8/3/7/1

Dorcas 8.55 35hp 9/8/7/6/4/2, neat pattern.

Serra 3.61 18hp 2/7/9/7/2/5

Matthew 8.52 22hp 5/5/15/6/4/0


  m X

M=Matt, m=Marcus.

Marcus 8W, attack SW merc with javelin (not the S merc! This is important - the other merc will prefer to attack Lowen, which baits Erk on NP. If you attack the S merc, the SW merc can't get to Lowen because of the forest tile, and attacks Marcus.). Lowen 4W1N, take out loldier with iron lance. Hector 4W1N. Serra 3W. Becky 3W. Dorcas 2E1S with iron. Matt 1S3W.
Lowen 3S2W, take out archer with iron lance. Marcus 6W1S with silver lance, use Vul. Serra 1W1S, talk to Erk. Erk 4S1W, take out loldier. Hector 2S2W. Becky 3S. Matt 3W. Dorcas finish knight.
Becky 4E, finish peg. Erk 1S3W, take out archer. Serra 3S1W, heal Lowen. Lowen 5S with sword. Hector 2S2W, finish knight with iron. Dorcas finish peg. Marcus 6W into castle, equip javelin, use Vul. Matt 1W4S with killing edge.
Hector 2S1W, finish cav with iron. Erk 3S, attack cav. Matt 1W2S, finish cav (crit 2nd). Lowen 2N1W, finish cav with javelin. Dorcas 5E. Marcus 2N2E around castle. Serra 2S1W, heal Hector.

Ch 15 8/92

Pre-chapter stats:

Hector  5.51 23hp  9/7/ 6/4/10/1
Becky   3.03 19hp  6/6/ 7/4/ 4/1
Lowen   4.72 25hp  7/5/ 9/3/ 7/1
Dorcas  9.33 36hp 10/9/ 8/7/ 4/2, got an awesome level-up last time.
Serra   3.83 18hp  2/7/ 9/7/ 2/5
Matthew 9.30 22hp  6/5/15/7/ 5/0
Erk     9.08 24hp  7/8/11/5/ 3/7

Matt goes out with just a Killing Edge and a Lockpick, since he'll be stealing the other Lockpick in addition to opening both chests, and he needs to use the first Lockpick for the turn 1 regrouping since the start area is dangerous for Lowen. The Dragonshield is pretty much unobtainable without Marcus (or Oswin?), I figure. But I do get both chests and keep Hector and Serra together fairly well. My turn 1 regrouping requires Matt to start out with a Lockpick, but he steals the other thief's Lockpick too. He starts out with just that and a Killing Edge, in order to have inventory space for everything.



Matt 1N2E, unlock door. Lowen 4W1N through door. Serra 1E.
Lowen 1W1S, take out SW loldier (crit 2nd). Hector 1W4S, take out knight with Wolf Beil. Matt 5W1S. Serra 1W2S, mend Matt. Dorcas 1E2S, take out loldier with hand axe (crit 2nd). Becky 1S. Erk finish nomad.
Hector take out knight with Wolf Beil. Erk 3W1S, finish knight. Matt 4S around archer and critblick with killing edge. Dorcas 1S, finish archer with iron. Lowen 2N2W, equip iron sword. Serra 1N1W, mend Lowen. Becky 2W.
Dorcas 1W4N, finish nomad with iron. Hector 2E3N, take out nomad with Wolf Beil. Erk 1W3 N onto throne, take out mage. Serra 3E2N, Mend Erk. Becky 1W, attack merc. Lowen attack merc with sword. Matt 1S3W, steal Lockpick.
Erk 2E, take out mage. Lowen 1E2S, finish merc with iron lance. Hector 2W, attack with hand axe. Becky finish NW fighter. Serra 2S2W, Mend Becky. Dorcas 2W. Matt claim silver axe.
Lowen attack merc with iron lance. Becky 1S, finish merc. Serra mend Lowen. Hector 1E1S with iron. Erk 2E, use Vul. Dorcas 1W, attack SW fighter with hand axe. Matt claim Mend.
Lowen finish S myrm. Dorcas 1W1S, finish fighter with iron. Erk finish cav. Hector finish merc with iron axe (unnecessary crit). Becky finish E myrm. Serra Mend Hector.

Ch 16 10-22/80

Pre-chapter stats:

Hector   6.66 23hp 10/8/ 6/4/10/1
Becky    4.71 19hp  6/7/ 7/5/ 4/1, who knew she'd get almost half her exp on THAT level?
Lowen    6.23 27hp  7/5/ 9/4/ 8/1
Dorcas  10.31 37hp 10/9/ 8/7/ 4/2, can't win 'em all...
Serra    4.58 18hp  3/7/ 9/8/ 2/6, and starting to charm Hector pretty effectively imo.
Matthew 10.22 23hp  6/6/16/7/ 5/0, seriously, no res yet.
Erk     10.41 25hp  7/9/12/6/ 3/8

The bad: pretty much my entire team seems to be RNG-screwed overall. The good: Dorcas already has A axes and is thus able to start using the Silver Axe right away. Also, I get Lyn back and she indeed has a White Gem. LYN I LOVE YOU :wub:

Lowen avoids carrying a vulnerary because he doesn't want it stolen on turn 1.

I guess I could rig this so that Hector gets the bosskill instead with a Wolf Beil crit (he 2HKOs exactly, but Bauker has throne healing), but Hector never has problems getting exp in HHM so I'd much rather help Lyn.

I think I lost a turn here compared to Horace. Again, I don't have Kent, and I kinda got held up early on (it's not very nice of those cavs to be wielding swords). I got some unnecessary crits that I couldn't find a way to make better use of, too. On the plus side, Matt stole a vulnerary.



Dorcas 2E with hand axe. Hector 5S. Serra 1E4S. Matt 5S1E. Erk 1E4S. Becky 4E1S. Lowen 3E4S, attack with javelin. Florina 3S, talk. Wil 2S, buy a steel bow and a javelin. Lyn 3W. Kent 2S.
Erk 2E, finish merc. Lyn 1E, critblick N peg with Mani Katti. Becky 3S, take out peg. Matt 3S around merc, take out with iron. Florina claim Red Gem, canto 1N. Lowen 1N1E, finish thief with javelin. Hector 3E2S (careful), take out W cav with Wolf Beil. Serra 4E1S, Mend Lowen. Dorcas finish peg with iron. Kent 1N, attack. Wil 1W, finish with iron. Sain 1E1N.
Erk 1E2S, take out cav. Matt 2S3E, finish brigand with iron. Hector 1E3N, finish mage with hand axe. Becky 4E, finish myrm. Lowen 2E2N (careful) with iron lance. Serra 1E3N, mend Lowen. Dorcas 1W4S. Kent finish merc. Lyn 1N2W, critblick merc. Wil 4W. Sain 1S4W. Florina 7E.
Lowen 1S2E, attack archer with iron. Hector 1E1N, attack archer with hand axe. Becky 1E2N, finish archer. Erk 4N1E, finish myrm. Serra switch Hector to Wolf Beil, take Fire, Mend. Dorcas 1S2E. Matt 3N2E. Lyn 2N. Wil 4E, buy a steel axe and a steel sword. Sain claim Heavy Spear, canto 1S1E. Florina 7N, attack with javelin.
Becky finish NE cav. Dorcas 1N1E, finish cav with hand axe. Erk 1N1E, take out cav. Lowen attack merc with iron lance. Matt 1N3E, steal Vul. Hector 1N, finish cav with Wolf Beil (unnecessary crit). Lyn 4W. Serra 1E, Mend Hector. Kent 5W. Wil 4W. Sain 1E2N. Florina 5S2E, finish merc (unnecessary crit).
Erk 1N1E. Becky 2N around cliff onto house, attack cav. Lyn 3N, take out merc (crit 2nd). Matt 3W, critblick brigand with killing edge. Florina attack NE cav with javelin. Dorcas 1E, finish E cav with hand axe. Hector 2E1S, finish S cav with hand axe. Serra 2N1E, mend Becky. Lowen 2N. Wil 5E. Kent 3N. Sain 3N.
Hector 4E1N with hand axe. Serra 5E, use Vul. Lowen 1N5E with Javelin. Lyn 4N, talk. Becky 2E1N, attack merc. Wil 2W. Kent 3N. Sain 3N. Matt 3E2N. Dorcas 3E. Florina 2N.
Matt 2E2N, finish merc (crit 2nd). Dorcas 1E4N, take out mage (lucky crit). Lowen 1N1E, attack archer with iron. Becky 4E1N, finish. Lyn 4E. Hector 4E. Serra 4E, mend Lyn. Wil 2N.
Lowen 2E, attack Bauker with Javelin. Lyn 4E, attack with MK (crit 2nd). Hector 1S2E, attack with hand axe. Serra 1E, mend lowen. Wil 4N.
Lyn 1E. Serra 1E, mend Lyn. Hector seize.

Preview: I've worked out how to do Ch 17 in 11 turns and save the soldiers for a Red Gem (it was quite hellish, since among other things, Hector can't ORKO the boss and others are even worse - not to mention that really only Lowen can get to the boss ahead of Hector), but I haven't posted it since I'm still seriously considering actually doing 17x. Ch 18 looks to be hell with this team and I don't want to take the Marcus penalty if I don't have to; but that means I want Lowen promoted before the chapter, not during. There's also some rather nice loot in 17x and I'm not exactly swimming in gold.

Edited by zahlman
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Chapter 26: 12 turns


Name   |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Hector |17/00|33|15|13| 7| 8|18| 2
Lyn    |16/01|28|12|19|16|13| 9| 9
Serra  |10/02|24|12|10|14|14| 4|11
Guy    |14/00|34| 9|19|20|10| 7| 4
Erk    |15/00|27|14|12|18| 5| 3| 8
Sain   |18/11|50|25|13|19|12|14| 5
Wil    |14/00|29|12|12|13|10| 6| 1
Dart   |16/00|40|17| 9|12| 6| 9| 3
Heath  |14/00|39|19|12|13| 8|14| 3
Matthew|09/00|22| 8| 5|17| 6| 5| 0
Louise |--/04|28|12|14|17|16| 9|12

Edited by Naglfar
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Holy shit I've heard of people insta-promoting in Lyn mode, but you got Sain to lv 14 there? And then got him 2 more levels each on the next couple of maps in HHM... crazy. I'd have skipped both stat boosters to use the Knight Crest early but it looks like it's really worked out for you.


Ch 17 11-2/89

Pre-chapter stats:

Hector  7.97 24hp 10/ 9/ 6/ 4/10/2
Becky   6.32 20hp  6/ 9/ 7/ 6/ 6/2
Lowen   7.64 28hp  8/ 5/ 9/ 4/ 8/2
Dorcas 11.10 38hp 10/ 9/ 8/ 8/ 4/2
Serra   5.57 19hp  3/ 7/ 9/ 9/ 2/7, and B staves already.
Matt   11.57 24hp  6/ 6/16/ 7/ 5/0, still no res.
Erk    10.83 25hp  7/ 9/12/ 6/ 3/8
Lyn    11.55 26hp  8/15/16/10/ 4/4

This took careful planning and a bit of rng opportunism, but no real abuse. Lowen needs the Steel Sword to do enough damage in a couple clutch situations. He collects the Hammer and Silver Sword, so he only brings in the steel sword, iron lance and a 17-use javelin. Becky also needs the steel bow to finish off Raven, after Lyn can't get the KO without messing things up. Lyn brings an iron sword so that Erk can get a little extra xp.


    X MSL l
   X E D R
L=Lowen, l=Lyn.
Merlinus not deployed.

Dorcas 5N, take out knight with silver axe. Hector 4N1W, attack with iron. Lyn 2W3N, critblick with MK. Erk 1E4N, finish myrm. Matt 6N. Lowen 6N with javelin. Serra 5N, Mend Hector. Becky 2W3N.
Erk 3N1E onto pillar, take out cav. Lyn 4N, take out nomad with MK. Dorcas 1W3N, take out W archer with iron. Matt 2N1E, crit archer with Killing Edge. Lowen 5N2W (careful), attack with javelin. Hector 5N. Serra 1W4N. Becky 1W4N with iron bow.
Lowen 1N, finish with iron lance. Hector 2N2W with Wolf Beil. Serra 3N1W, mend Lowen. Matt 4N. Dorcas 4N1W. Becky 5N. Dorcas 5N. Lyn 5N, Vul. Erk 1W3N.
Lyn 5W, attack archer with iron. Erk 2N3W, finish. Dorcas 5W, take out knight with silver axe. Hector 4W, take out nomad with Wolf Beil. Lowen 7W, attack nomad with javelin (miss). Becky 2S, finish archer. Matt 5W. Serra 4W, mend Matt.
Erk 4W, take out cav. Lyn 5W, take out nomad with MK. Lowen 2W3N, attack archer with steel sword. Matt 5W1N. Dorcas 4W1N. Serra 4W, mend Lyn. Hector 3W2N, attack with hand axe. Becky 2N3W.
Dorcas 5N, attack archer with iron. Hector 1W4N, finish archer with hand axe. Erk 2W3N, finish archer. Lowen 7N, attack thief with javelin. Lyn 3N around wall, wait with MK. Serra 3N, mend Erk. Matt 4N. Becky 5W.
Matt 5N1E. Erk 3N, attack. Hector 3N2E. Lowen 2E2N, finish thief with javelin. Dorcas 5N. Serra 2N1W, mend Erk. Becky 1W4N, finish Raven with steel.
Matt 3E3S, critblick archer with KE. Becky 2E, finish archer with iron. Lyn 5E. Serra 4N1E, mend Hector. Dorcas 5E. Hector 1N4E, grab Vul from Dorcas. Lowen 2S4E, trade Vul for Hammer, use Vul. Erk 4N1E.
Lyn 1E, critblick archer with MK. Lowen 1S2E, finish mage with steel sword. Dorcas 3E, finish knight with silver. Serra 1N1E, mend Erk. Erk 3E1S, attack archer. Matt 4N2W. Hector 5E. Becky 3W2N.
Lowen 2N2E, finish knight with iron lance. Hector 3E2N, attack Bauker with Wolf Beil (crit 2nd). Dorcas 4E, finish knight with iron. Erk 1S, take out archer. Serra mend Erk. Matt claim Knight crest. Becky 5S.
Lyn 5W, talk to the soldiers for funsies. Becky 2E, attack cav with iron. Lowen 1S6W. Serra 1N, mend Lowen. Hector seize.

Ch 17x 5-5/89

Pre-chapter stats:

Hector 10.13 26hp 13/ 9/ 8/ 5/13/ 5, got absolute hax level-ups last time.
Becky   7.40 21hp  6/ 9/ 8/ 7/ 6/ 2
Lowen   9.69 30hp  9/ 5/10/ 5/ 9/ 2
Dorcas 11.89 38hp 10/ 9/ 8/ 8/ 4/ 2
Serra   6.78 19hp  3/ 8/ 9/ 9/ 2/ 8
Matt   12.28 25hp  6/ 6/16/ 7/ 5/ 0, STILL no res.
Erk    12.53 26hp  9/ 9/14/ 7/ 3/10
Lyn    12.33 26hp  8/15/17/10/ 4/ 4

The RNG is ridiculous on this map. This script looks like such hax, but there are no explicit RN burns. A few things had to be tried to get it to work in my favour, since this is heavily dependent on dodging powerful enemies. But when it worked, it really worked. Lyn got a perfect level-up on EP 3 and another great one on EP 4 while dodging everything even though no longer on the forest tile. The basic strategy here is to get Lyn and Matthew into the two center forest tiles ASAP and have them dodge all the things (while Lyn also gets a bunch of MK crits). This requires them to hold back 1 tile each on turn 1 so that they don't trigger the Mooncalf Zone before they're ready. Originally I thought a 4-turn was possible, but the ranged attackers keep getting in the way and standing where they can't be attacked safely, requiring caution on turn 3 to thin out the field a bit more first.

Horace's team can probably 4-turn this map effortlessly, and maybe 3-turn it with effort because promoted Kent can pwn stuff with hand axes. If I'd been smarter, I'd have focussed more exp on Lowen earlier (and less on Rebecca, lol) so that he'd be promoted before this chapter (ideally well before), but he's been doing badly the whole time which is really annoying.

Canas was used as bait on EP 2 after transferring his Vulnerary and Secret Book. He survived the first hit with 1HP to counter with a crit, and died a warrior shaman's death to the next attacker. Awesome contribution for a cameo unit.

In order to ensure that Lowen gets some exp and makes Lv 10, Serra needs to heal Lyn on turn 4 so that Lyn doesn't draw everyone. This leaves her vulnerable to one attack from the Killer Bow!Archer, who exactly OHKOs. Thanks to the ridiculous RNG, however, she dodges 72% display hit, and Lowen gets a great level-up to Lv10, allowing promotion after the chapter.

The Devil Axe (probably fairly useless), Short Bow (kinda pointless but maybe a later strat will require a key crit before I get a killer bow, somehow... ?!) and Sleep staff (this will be awesome for Serra IF SHE EVER PROCS SOME DAMNED MAG) are obtained; the Lancereaver is ignored as it's way too far out there without a flier.

After the chapter, a whole bunch of stuff is sold in order to buy things on the pirate ship: the Secret Book, Goddess icon, 10-use Lockpick, two of those Heal staves I stupidly bought in Ch13, and some low-use hand axes and javelins that will get refreshed.


l  L
D  S
Merlinus not deployed, but it probably doesn't matter.

Lyn 1N3W. Matt 5W. Lowen recruit Canas. Canas trade Secret Book to Lyn. Dorcas claim Devil Axe. Hector 1S4W. Serra 4W.
Matt 1N4W. Lyn 4W with MK. Canas 4W1N. Lowen 5W around houses, take Vul from Canas. Hector 2W, attack with hand axe. Dorcas 1S1W, finish with silver. Serra 3W1S. Canas dies on EP and no fucks are given.
Dorcas 1S, attack nomad with hand axe. Serra mend Dorcas. Hector 1W, critblick Damian with Wolf Beil. Matt claim short bow. Lowen 1W, attack shaman with javelin. Lyn wait with silver.
Hector take out troubadour with Wolf Beil. Lyn 1S, finish shaman with iron. Dorcas 3N1W, switch Lyn to silver, finish nomad with hand axe. Matt 4S1W, critblick W pirate with KE. Lowen 2S1W around everyone, equip steel sword. Serra 2N3W, mend Lyn.
Dorcas 4W1N, take out pirate with iron. Lyn 4W1N, take out pirate with iron. Hector 1W2N, take out pirate with iron. Matt claim Sleep. Serra 1N, mend Hector. Lowen 7W, Talk.

Ch 18 5/94

Pre-chapter stats:

Hector    11.41 27hp 13/ 9/ 9/ 5/14/ 5
Becky      7.40 21hp  6/ 9/ 8/ 7/ 6/ 2
Lowen  10/ 1.00 33hp 11/ 6/11/ 6/12/ 4
Dorcas    13.16 40hp 11/11/ 8/10/ 4/ 2
Serra      7.15 19hp  3/ 8/ 9/10/ 2/ 8, FFS.
Matt      12.68 25hp  6/ 6/16/ 7/ 5/ 0
Erk       12.53 26hp  9/ 9/14/ 7/ 3/10
Lyn       14.72 28hp 10/17/18/11/ 5/ 5, very nice.

This was not all that fun, but it was much less painful than when I tried to do it without a promoted Lowen. You board a pirate ship without a Paladin, you're gonna have a bad time.

Merlinus is deployed because shopping. He serves as bait for the NW pegs, keeping them away until other stuff is dealt with, but survives long enough for all the shopping to be done. Those pegs are killed later, sacrificing the Elysian Whip and Vulnerary for a 5-turn clear claiming the much more important Guiding Ring and a Pure Water - getting both promotion items in 5 turns is beyond me. Hector also claims a Flux from one of the shamans after brutally OHKOing it with a Steel Axe, so he needs 2 slots free at the start of the chapter so he can hold onto the Flux and also a hand axe that he takes from Serra on turn 1. After the chapter, that Flux is sold, and Erk promotes immediately.

I had to slow down a little compared to what's possible with Marcus or a really good Paladin because Lowen is just not cutting it. His path is obstructed on turn 2, and I really need Lyn (who takes 5 turns to walk to Zoldam) for the bosskill anyway. Also, if he rushes, the center area will have too many enemies and stragglers like Rebecca will get swarmed. He ends up doubling back for some turn 2 shopping while also contributing to a defensive formation that allows the less durable units to advance.

Str-screwed Lyn just barely misses the 2HKO on Zoldam with a Silver Sword, so she needs to either rig an MK crit or get an assist from Lowen, which is what I did in the run I kept. I encountered some really weird RNG oddities on alternate runs, like a turn where Dorcas gets hit all three times (a merc and then the two NW pegs, who have been in pursuit the whole time) and dies if he wields an Iron Axe, but dodges the third hit with a Silver Axe, even though his evade ought to be the same and it's against the same enemy. The Silver Axe OHKOs the first peg which is the only real difference... it's almost as if they were getting a support bonus from each other o_O

The shopping list:

Vendor: 2 Thunder, 2 Mend.

Armory: 2 Hand Axe, 2 Javelin, 2 Steel Sword, 2 Steel Lance, 2 Steel Axe, 2 Steel Bow.


Merlinus is deployed.

Erk 1E3S, attack. Lyn 1W4S, critblick merc with MK. Matt 1E5S, steal Pure Water. Becky 3S, finish merc with iron. Lowen 7S1W, take out shaman with javelin. Dorcas 1W4S, take out shaman with hand axe. Serra 3S2W, shopping (buy hand axes first). Hector 3S, take hand axe.
Hector 2S2W, attack merc with hand axe. Erk 2W3S, take out archer. Becky 2W3S, take out peg with iron. Lowen 4N3E, shop (buy Thunder first), canto 1S. Matt 1S1W, finish merc with iron. Lyn 1W4S with silver. Serra 3S1W. Dorcas 3W with silver. Lowen sends Longsword to Merlinus on EP.
Lowen 4S4S, take out peg with hand axe. Hector 2S3W, take out shaman with steel. Serra 3W2S, mend Lowen. Erk 2W3S. Lyn 5W. Matt 2S4W. Dorcas 1W3S with iron. Becky 3W2S.
Becky 4W, critblick with iron (yay luck). Lowen 4W4S, take out shaman with iron lance. Lyn 2S. Dorcas 5W. Serra 4W, mend Dorcas. Hector 4W. Erk 5W. Matt 1W2S.
Becky 1W2N, finish peg with iron. Erk 2N, finish peg. Dorcas 4S1W, take out shaman with hand axe (unnecessary crit). Matt 5S1W, steal Guiding Ring. Lowen 4S, attack Zoldam with Javelin. Serra 1E1S, mend Lyn. Hector 2E. Lyn 5S, finish Zoldam with silver.

Edited by zahlman
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Chapter 27: 13 turns


Name   |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Hector |18/00|34|15|13| 7| 8|19| 3
Lyn    |16/01|28|12|19|16|13| 9| 9
Serra  |10/03|25|13|10|14|15| 5|12
Guy    |15/01|40|11|20|20|10| 9| 5
Erk    |16/00|28|14|12|18| 5| 3| 8
Sain   |18/12|51|25|14|19|12|14| 5
Wil    |15/00|29|13|13|13|11| 6| 1
Dart   |16/00|40|17| 9|12| 6| 9| 3
Heath  |18/00|43|20|14|16| 9|14| 4
Matthew|09/00|22| 8| 5|17| 6| 5| 0
Louise |--/04|28|12|14|17|16| 9|12

Chapter 28: 16 turns

terrible design. not gonna bother with the hassle of the 28x requirements.

Name   |Level|HP|ST|SK|SP|LK|DF|RS
Hector |18/00|34|15|13| 7| 8|19| 3
Lyn    |16/02|29|12|19|16|14| 9|10
Serra  |10/05|26|15|10|15|16| 5|12
Guy    |15/01|40|11|20|20|10| 9| 5
Erk    |17/00|28|15|12|18| 5| 3| 8
Sain   |18/13|52|25|15|20|13|15| 5
Wil    |16/00|30|13|14|13|11| 6| 2
Dart   |17/00|40|18| 9|15| 6| 9| 3
Heath  |20/03|49|21|18|19|10|15| 7
Matthew|09/00|22| 8| 5|17| 6| 5| 0
Louise |--/05|28|13|14|18|16| 9|13

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so i uh, accidently deleted my save for this, so i'll have to restart this from the beginning sometime in the near future.


Update (excruciating details to come later): I'm up to Ch25. I did 19x (6-5 turns) because the silver card appears with such incredibly awesome timing in this game. I managed to steal a Pure Water on the pirate ship (which is one more than I expected/feared would happen) and required a use of it for 19x. 20 required delaying because I wanted to use the far secret shop, and because earlier I sold a Lockpick so I couldn't trade one to Legault, and I forgot that in hard mode he has 2 Chest Keys instead of a Lockpick. So he ends up having to steal two more off of the other thieves before getting the other thieves. I basically finish up everything simultaneously and shit's awesome.

Starting with Ch21 I started showing massive favouritism to Dorcas because as awesome as Erk is, I want to do Jerme's chapter because I'm confident I can do it inside 21 turns (so with the White Gem instead of Blue, it'll be a net win) and because it doesn't require delaying for the Brave Sword. Also because my previous experience with HHM is that if you just let Hector do all the axe-y things, he ends up stuck at 20.00 for approximately forever before he can promote, and that's just a waste. Although on 22-24 it's actually balls-hard to get him meaningful experience besides bosskills. He was a machine on 21 though.

I studied how to manipulate the secondary RNG for the desert so that I can guarantee getting Ocean Seal and Body Ring, so that that's reproducible in the script. If you guys think that's lame, I have no objection to discarding the body ring, although my script does offer 12 "normal" chances at the ocean seal if you don't hax it (68% cumulative chance), so I think I deserve to keep that. I didn't even come close to qualifying for 23x. I also learned a bunch about how the secondary RNG works that I don't think was actually known yet, although not in massive detail.

Ch24 requires Isadora to get two rather lucky dodges (or Lowen to get one *stupidly* lucky dodge) for a 2-turn (seriously, it's dependent on Hector moving 4E on the first turn, even though that doesn't put him anywhere near anything, and I don't even know how that somehow causes the AI to have to draw a different number of RNs); I can instead do a totally different 3-turn that gets the Earth Seal. Either way I get the Red Gem, but either way I also have to rig a KE crit because honestly, fuck Lloyd.

ETA: Actually, maybe it doesn't require Lowen's dodge to be that ridiculous. The Iron Ballista is pretty inaccurate. I might revisit this.

Edited by zahlman
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