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this is a crazy question, but.


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Not sure if this should be here.

I've found the process of drafting just as entertaining as the draft playthrough, so I'm just wondering if I'm just another wierdo for that.

Or does anyone else find that fun?

On a seperate note, I can't find the rules for the gimmick drafts

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No, I agree.

It shouldn't be weird.

I find it fun. There's plenty of strategy in the drafting process, so there's nothing weird about finding it fun.

Just had an idea for a forum game..

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Wow, can I take that idea and host a GBA draft? it may not even be your idea, just rather not have it get flamed. NOBODY ELSE DO THIS YET THOUGH hahahaa

You did not just attempt to betray the lor of Nonsense

Oh, ye'd better repent

For this idea will have you [censored]

And then your [censored] your



I was thinking about the rules for it.

Like, 1 unit from each FE.

Including enemies and NPCs, like Gheb and Eltoshan.

And, the most ridiculous team wins the round.

Inb4 Souls Tellius team for RD.

(Haar and Volug!!!)

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Haar , ziharkXvolug, elincia, and Calill+Largo.

And you got away with it :XD:

Well, is the idea any good.

Also, what would a combined Elibe/Tellius gigadraft be like?

Add archanea in the mix while you are at it.

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Drafing is fun. I like the process more than the gameplay*, even though the gameplay is a lot of fun as well.

*Exception: except when all the units I want get stol'd.

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Drafing is fun. I like the process more than the gameplay*, even though the gameplay is a lot of fun as well.

*Exception: except when all the units I want get stol'd.


When you end up with all of the pink armours and female shamans and male Peg Knights.

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I meant like... pick units from all of the GBA games. Any unit is fair game, so prioritize which you want more. You wanna draft Franz? Well, have fun in FE6 earlygame with only Wade and Thany. Or you draft Rutgar, then get stuck with Garcia and Ross in FE8. It'd probably either be with a lot of people or a lot of units per person...

Anywho, I call dibs on that. Wooohooo.

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Well, let's see. I just set up a SOYO HHM draft with a crapload of extra requirements/restrictions/errands that's shaping up to be absolute hell for everybody to actually play through. So yeah, I can see how the actual drafting process (not to mention designing rules and ensuring they'd be fair and would entice people to indulge their masochistic tendencies) can be more fun than actually playing :)

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I meant like... pick units from all of the GBA games. Any unit is fair game, so prioritize which you want more. You wanna draft Franz? Well, have fun in FE6 earlygame with only Wade and Thany. Or you draft Rutgar, then get stuck with Garcia and Ross in FE8. It'd probably either be with a lot of people or a lot of units per person...

Anywho, I call dibs on that. Wooohooo.

That'd be amazing. Thany can shave off turns ferrying Roy to the throne while Marcus barrel rolls all over the enemies. Wade can 1RKO loldiers even in HM. So yeah, why not. Ross is great for FE8 drafting I'll take him. Garcia is okay. Rutger is the beast in FE6.

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