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Prince of Tennis Mafia - Game Over


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Prims, did you even bother reading everything?

I think the disrepency that we're getting here is:

-Prims doesn't believe Kevin acting scummy on D1 means much not considering his recent behavior,

-eclipse is still disgruntled over the fact that Kevin basically used "I always play like this" as an excuse to act like scum, even if he isn't necessarily acting like scum now. Naglfar used a similar argument.

Needless to say, isn't this a bit irrelevant to be discussing right now?

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I'm actually quite confused as to who the main suspects are for today anymore /: Everyone's opinions seem to be all over the place anymore

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Ugh, okay, I'm pretty sure I misunderstood what eclipse was getting at with the bolded text at the bottom of that post.

I guess it's irrelevant right now. Proto is still long overdue for a post. <___<

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I'm useless in every game. You being in this has no bearing. Honestly, you think every time you're in a game with me Bizz I act differently and target you. You'd be wrong. Stop acting so conceited and focus on other people.

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Honestly, you think every time you're in a game with me Bizz I act differently and target you.

Because you do.

I'm just going to ignore you after this post.

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f you are honestly blinkering me because of my playstyle then I'd be very surprised at you.

You're scummy because you have immediately targetted me and will not listen to reason.

Do you even TALK to anyone outside of a game? I suggest you start doing so, because I'm not the only one that's discontent with the current trend of things. I will NOT name names, because that would be a betrayal of their trust. If they want to voice their opinions, they can do so themselves at a later date, preferably outside of this thread.

Also, "you're scummy because you're attacking only me" is both childish and wrong. I made a scum tier list a while back - are you on top? Did I vote for you at all this phase? Whether I change my vote to you or not depends on the flow of this phase. You aren't making a good case for yourself by whining about it.

1. People's lives have gotten busier.

2. People target the good players, making them not want to play.

3. Everything gets boring if you have too much of it, and a lot of people are realising this and taking freqeuent breaks to try and keep things fresh. It doesn't help that we have the same old formulas every game. PB's MtG Mafia was incredibly fun to play and I would love to see more styles like that in the future. Also less fun roles IMO. I'm thinking tailors, yakuzas, rogues, framers etc etc. Not crazy roles that make 50 different effects occur when they die. Fun roles which require stealth and intelligent play, and reward such play greatly.

There's a few things which may or may not be contributing to some. If stupid play is the problem then unfortunately that's never going to change.

1. That's true, to some extent. This is the holidays, but it doesn't seem to be affecting this game in the least.

2. That is untrue, and I will use myself as a counter-example. The other "good players" can confirm/deny this later.

3. I have yet to be bored of a mafia game for the reason you're stating. From those that I've talked to, it's not that, either. And for the record, I really fucking hated being recruited in Itemafia. Again, this is only me. I'd like to hear other opinions about this, as well.

Either way, this community's stagnating, and I firmly believe it's stupid play and apathy that are doing it in.

Hold on, if you think I'm acting like scum and Psych is voting like scum why don't you pressure us to explain? LaLu is good an all but only in the face of no scummy players worth lynching.

Proto's the final voice that's missing. So far, no one has said anything about being a cop. If Proto doesn't come in here screaming about it, I'm claiming to Bal.

Psych just explained himself, so I'm fine with it now.

I'm really not liking the way you're tunneling on me. I'm also wary of the way Nags has been handling things, and Strawman's apparent lack of content, but they aren't quite enough to warrant a vote yet.

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Stop acting so conceited and focus on other people.

Last I checked you're tunneling a lot more than she is.

Last I checked, you also still haven't responded to my question.

You know what? Let's lynch Psych. Tables didn't really do anything memorable on D1 last I checked, and Psych's posts have actually made the player slot look worse because he's barely taking anything into account and seems to just be voting Levity because he can. Pretty convenient way for him to not tie himself to any wagons since Levity obviously isn't getting lynched today on account of roleblock shenanigans.


##Vote Psych

Naglfar, eclipse and Psych are all troubling to me. I've been contemplating switching to Naglfar for some time but wanted to actually hear something from Proto/Kay first before posting about that, and I'm not sure if my reasons for suspecting him are that solid anyway. Proto/Kay need to stop stalling out the day with their inaction even if people seem to generally accept that their player slot is town, it's pretty fucking irritating. If there are IRL reasons then they should post about it instead of leaving us hanging. 

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I'm useless in every game.

By the way lol at the conversation we JUST went through about players that use meta to make playing as scum okay because they "always do it"

"I'm always useless when I play"

##Unvote: Strawman

##Vote: Psych

whatever, I'm just going to do this

Naglfar and Strawman still make me uneasy, and eclipse is in the middle, honestly.

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Seriously, guys, I really didn't want to make a single post here until after I had the chance to at least talk to Kay about the game. But she hasn't come online in a while, and it looks like you guys really want my thoughts. Please note that what I say in this post may not reflect Kay's thoughts. I intend to make more proper posts after I talk to her about the game.

zak's message... is interesting. I'm completely convinced that it was indeed a real Cop that sent a message to zak. I'm not sure if I (we) will end up claiming to him though, because of the Godfather possibility. The idea of the Town's only Cop being Naive or Insane is ridiculous though, so I don't find Naggy's reasoning very strong. It doesn't seem very suspicious to me though, because Naggy is relatively new at Mafia, and his paranoia is not without reason. Regardless, I personally think it would be better to wait until we have a second clear before roleclaiming, but I'm not sure what we'll do.

About Strawman, I do find it very suspicious that he voted for Joshaymin near the ending. But one thing I noticed from the times when I played as Mafia, is that the whole tactic of the Mafia voting off their scumbuddy when it's too late to save them, is just not done anymore, because the possibility is always brought up. I think if Strawman were Mafia, he'd know that trying to vote for his scumbuddy to look good, is actually NOT going to look good. Rather, I think he's Town and merely made that vote to help in securing the lynch against the most suspicious player.

Kirsche seems very scummy to me, though, because seriously, he doesn't talk this much when he's Town. This has already been pointed out before, and the biggest example that comes to my mind is Ivalice Mafia, where he transformed from a silent sheep that unquestionably follows the Town Leader, to a Cultist that started making loud arguments against the Town Leader, and suddenly becoming very active. So yeah, I do find his C1 outburst quite suspicious.

I have some more thoughts, but I really want to discuss them with Kay before saying anything.

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Unlike I believe it was Prims, I didn't find Snike's list and associated thoughts to be all that clearing. It was mostly "I will answer the current set of important questions" type of vibes, and while there was some new content in there, some of it seemed a little questionable to me.

I'm perhaps reading this the wrong way, and maybe he's drawing a distinction between power roles and passive roles that I personally wouldn't (I would for example generally refer to mayor/doublevoter as a power role, this may not be correct usage, but I've gotten into the habit), but drawing the numbers that way explicitly felt off to me. If there are only four power roles, are you trying to suggest the game has vanilla? There's nothing wrong with those kinds of set-ups, and they could indeed be refreshing to play from time to time. It's just we haven't had one here in ages. This issue will probably work itself out when the issue regarding SMS claims gets resolved, so I'm not putting it on top priority, but I did find it a bit of concern, and thought I should note it.

I'm suggesting that since it's a mini before the new system came about, it would have vanillas. That might be a bit of a mistake to say for sure, though. Also, I define 'power roles' as investigative roles and kill-affecting roles. These major roles usually comprise about 1/3 of the game, hence the guess of of 4 PRs.

Also so much meta. I'd go over it, but I'm leaving in like 5 minutes.

Can someone get a votal up by tomorrow? I want to see if there's a bit of a counter-wagon rolling. =/

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Psych (3): Balcerzak, Prims, Levity

eclipse (2): Kevin, Strawman

Strawman (2): Snike, Naglfar

Levity (1): Psych

Naglfar (1): Paperblade

Not Voting: eclipse, ProtoKay

Psych, eclipse and Strawman seem to be the most viable lynches right now.

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Prims votes eclipse (1)

Snike votes StSS (1)

Bal votes StSS (2)

Bizz votes StSS (3)

Kevin votes eclipse (2)

Nag votes StSS (4)

Paper votes Nag (1)

Psych votes Bizz (1)

Bal changes from StSS (3) to Psych (1)

StSS votes eclipse (3)

Eclipse votes Proto (1)

Prims changes from eclipse (2) to Psych (2)

Bizz changes from StSS (2) to Psych (3)

Eclipse unvotes Proto (0)

Giving us

Psych (3): Bal, Prims, Bizz

StSS (2): Snike, Nag

Eclipse (2): Kevin, StSS

Nag (1): Paperblade

Bizz (1): Psych

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I'm useless in every game. You being in this has no bearing. Honestly, you think every time you're in a game with me Bizz I act differently and target you. You'd be wrong. Stop acting so conceited and focus on other people.


please vote/reply to/talk about someone who isn't Bizz

I guess I'll claim to Bal if a few more people do? We'll be all in by then anyway.

Meanwhile, somebody explain to me how to play like town, since apparently my natural thought processes are suspicious

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