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The overuse of the F word


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I don't curse, and all cursing does is let people who don't know you to immediately assume you are an idiot who can't come up with a better word. When the first word I hear someone say if the f-bomb I instantly decide that I wouldn't really care to get to know them.

I'm going to be honest, that is possibly the shittiest method of deducing somebody's worth I have ever heard, barring doing it based on ethnicity or something even more batshit insane. The logic behind that claim is completely incomprehensible anyway.

3 words

Tyler the Creator

Gotta love that motherfucker.

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90% of the time I use it just for jokes.

The other 10% actually goes on in my mind when I'm annoyed with someone. Note that I never really think of using it if I'm furious.

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I don't curse, and all cursing does is let people who don't know you to immediately assume you are an idiot who can't come up with a better word. When the first word I hear someone say if the f-bomb I instantly decide that I wouldn't really care to get to know them.

Can to elaborate? Is there actually any logic behind this reasoning, or do you just deem them unworthy?

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I'm going to be honest, that is possibly the shittiest method of deducing somebody's worth I have ever heard...

Perhaps he was implying that it makes a bad first impression? I would certainly agree if that were the case, although it probably wouldn't stop me from attempting to get to know the person anyways. :3

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I've actually nearly slipped a few times with a math teacher I respect a lot since we were like, best friends back when I was in his class, so I'm a lot more familiar around him than other teachers. I go to him for questions because he teaches better than my math professor, and one time I had to retype something like "solve the fucker completely" (in the context of matrix multiplication because fuck math finals) to "solve the thing completely" before showing him my notes. XD

I laughed at this. That might be taking it a BIT too far.

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Well, it was just in my notes and I didn't plan on showing my math teacher until I went to him for help and I did edit it out before hand. It's a little more concise than "solve the matrix multiplication system completely" and it was a pretty messy fucker so... :P

Ya know, taking notes. Gotta do it efficiently.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I agree. The use of the F-word is far too overused. Yesterday I was playing with some children at a party when one of them came up to me and asked me if I wanted the F-word! How crud! How disgusting! I even caught my parents using the f-word a few nights ago while watching late-night T.V. They said that they were having a lot of it and it utterly grossed me out. PEOPLE SHOULD NOT USE THE F-WORD! "FUN" SHOULD BE BANNED!

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Okay, lay off the sarcasm. I can't put that curse words as topic titles because I'll get warned.

Like blllllllack said, it's just the overuse that's annoying, not the use. Use with moderation like everything, just don't overuse it to sound like an 11-year old playing Call of Duty online. What triggered me to make this topic was that video about that guy ranting over Facebook.

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I don't like overused swears myself, though I admit they definitely have their uses in moderation. When in doubt, I'd actually say to err towards underuse, having the chance to leave a point underemphasised in return for having less chance to offend people and making the swearing "count" more when you actually go through with it sounds like a good tradeoff to me (Though I can 100% appreciate why you might not agree).

As for actually swearing, I casually throw around minor one like "crap" but I tend to reserve "severe" swears for when I'm really inraged or upset... sometimes it ends up sounding really awkwark, as if I'm nervously tripping over the swear or blurting it out because I don't use the big ones enough to be comfortable with it. ._.

Though I always try to preserve swears and offensive language when I quote someone, trying to make it clear that I'm doing that beforehand.

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