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FEEditor Adv help


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I recently downloaded FEEditor Adv. WinZip extracted the files, and I have trouble loading the program, because when I click on the application I get an error message stating, "Could not find the main class: FEEditor Adv.App." There are loads of text files and images when Win Zip extracted the file.

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I found the direct link here:


Once I downloaded it, WinZip automatically extracted the file. It had a bunch of .exe, .txt, and Image files that were in the directory. I made a separate folder for the items extracted and moved all 300+ items there. I found the FEEditor application file and opened it, but got the error message.

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download and install the latest version of Java

try using run.bat or whatever

or try loading the .jar file for FEditor Adv itself, wherever that is (I forgot where)

Also you need 7-zip real bad. or at LEAST winRAR.

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It had a bunch of .exe, .txt, and Image files that were in the directory.

There should only be one .exe, and it's totally not actually important for anything and is hidden deep in the doc folders.

The actual program is a .jar. It's somewhat less deep into the folders, in 'dist'.

You should not rearrange anything and you shouldn't need to copy anything to anywhere. Leave it all organized the way it is.

The root folder should contain mostly subfolders and .bat files. One of those is called run.bat. That's what you want to use.

Most of the text files are in 'doc'. 'doc' is short for 'documentation', as in "this is a bunch of stuff that tells you how everything works". You should read it. There should also be a text file in the main folder called "README". It's called that because you're especially supposed to read that one before you try to do anything else.

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