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ITT James Plays Thracia 776

Smiley Jim

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Half of those aren't even needed. The Rapier that you get in Chapter 4 is more than enough to deal with the majority of the armours until Chapter 5. Then you have room for 2 range Light Sword, Earth Sword, Fire Sword and Asvel.

There has never been a time where I've said "damn it, I wish I had the Armourslayer or Brave Axe". Not to mention that the Hezel Scroll isn't that great.

I brought the Fire Sword, Lockpick, Light Sword and an Iron Sword. That's it. I'm not even close to strapped for weapons.

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Chapter 4: Manster Prison Escape

Units Deployed:

Leaf, Lifis, Fergus, Karin, Brighton, Machua, Lara

Units Acquired:


New Units:

Brighton: A more defensive unit that comes with Wrath. He's likely your most useful unit in the Manster saga.

Machua: She's basically Othin that uses swords, and has no Pugi or Wrath to fall back on.

Lara: Another thief. She's way too weak and frail to do much fighting, but there's a surprise ahead in C12x.

Fergus: A hotshot with a lot of PCC. Like Othin, he's one of the best characters in this game.

Karin: Fliers are useful in any FE game, and this one is no exception. Karin's combat is kind of ass, though.

Dalshien: A fat bastard with high HP/str/def, but shitty speed and move. He's fine now, but has issues catching up past C5.

Ok, you've got Leaf, Lifis, and 2 others locked up, and you need to free the NPC hostages, as well. Oh, and reinforcements are bloody everywhere.

Anyway, I had Lara open the SE chest room(containing my killing edge, Hezul scroll, and rapier), and because she activated her MS, I was also able to free Lifis on turn 1, and hadhim claim Lara's weapon and lockpick. After some uneventful stuff, I freed Leaf and friends, and started scavenging the treasure rooms, while I sent people to block escape routes so the villagers wouldn't get captured. I cleared out the first 3 treasure rooms by turn 8, while Lara and Lifis were able to free hostages. After clearing out the chest rooms and having the hostages escape, which took up until turn 11(I skipped an iron sword and a vuln), I had my units crash into the northern prison room, and Leaf recruited Dalshien, and using him and Rapier!Fergus, I tanked some armors. After killing the rest of the armors, I sent all my units into the exit arrows and had Leaf escape on turn 17.

17 turns.

Leaf 		08  00  33  07  00  07  10  08  08  06  Adept
Lifis   	05  00  21  04  00  05  10  01  02  06  Steal
Machua   	03  00  25  04  01  10  12  03  04  06  Vantage
Bryton   	00  05  28  06  01  06  06  02  06  11  Wrath
Lara 		01  00  14  00  00  01  10  06  00  03  Steal
Fergus   	06  00  28  08  01  10  09  07  04  09  
Karin   	01  00  18  04  07  04  14  12  04  04  
Dalshien   	07  00  30  10  00  05  03  00  12  16  

Note that the stats for the mounted dudes are their mounted stats, not their dismounted ones.

Also, Fergus is a beast. No joke. 5 PCC does that for ya. And lol at Dalshien getting spd on his first level.

Brighton and Karin didn't exactly enter combat, but they still helped in getting swag(and my confiscated property.)

Swag: Steel sword, Javelin, Hand axe, Rapier

Edited by darkandroid125
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Fergus is better than Brighton when it comes to... I'd say Manster but he's better than Brighton after it too.

First off, Rapier. 12 effective Mt vs. Armours along with 5 PCC is hilarious. As in, nothing lives. This is base Fergus in his first chapter and he's already ORKOing Armours. He'll do it for 4 and 4x, the Rapier will come close to breaking and then by that time, he's a couple of shots away from Brave Sword and Fire Sword usage.

Secondly, Brave Sword. Fuck that thing. It single-handly got me through the more ridiculous parts of Chapter 5 including capturing the Sniper for his Silver Bow (sold it for 1920 which made up for the funds I had to spend next chapter on a new Axe and Lance for Dalshin and Karin since I was too busy killing soldiers rather than taking the time to capture them). 15 fucking Might on that thing and it hits twice.

Thirdly, he's just a flat out beast. I promoted him at the start of Chapter 7 with my second Hero Proof and he's raping the place.

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Chapter 4x: Manster Prison Escape part 2

Units Deployed:

Leaf, Lifis, Fergus, Karin, Brighton, Machua, Lara, Dalshien

Units Acquired:


Sir Not-Joining-At-This-Time:


New Units:

Asvel: A shota mage with an obsession with wind magic. Another incredibly awesome character.

The hardest part about this map is the beginning where you are literally swarmed with enemies. Again, Rapiers and the Light sword are your best friends here.

I used Dalshien's torch in the beginning of this map, then had him, Brighton, Fergus, and Leaf form a wall. Fergus gained two levels here and also gained B swords, allowing him to use the fire sword. Anyway, I killed the remaining knights and nabbed a fire tome. Lara also freed both sets of children(thanks to her movement stars). On turn 3, Lifis opened the doorway leading to the chest rooms, allowing Asvel to talk to Leaf, recruiting himself. All the kids escaped on turn 3, as well. After Karin talked to Sety to grab his scroll, Machua killed something and gained movement(I'm not shitting you.) I busted my way into the middle room first, killing most of the enemies(with Machua almost dying)and grabbing a physic and torch. I then grab shit in the treasure room, mostly the brave sword. I escape on turn 10.

10 turns.

Leaf 		10  00  35  07  00  08  11  10  08  07  Adept
Lifis   	05  00  21  04  00  05  10  01  02  06  Steal
Machua   	05  00  26  04  01  11  13  07  04  06  Vantage
Bryton   	00  06  29  07  01  07  06  02  06  11  Wrath
Lara 		02  00  14  00  00  01  10  06  00  03  Steal
Fergus   	08  00  30  09  01  10  09  07  07  09  
Karin   	01  00  19  04  07  05  15  13  04  04  
Dalshien   	09  00  31  12  00  05  03  00  13  16  
Asvel   	02  00  22  00  05  03  08  06  00  04  Adept

Dear Life/Bblader,

Machua has not yet reached C swords, but Fergus has reached B rank.


Oh, and I checked item locations on FEWOD. I am almost definitively NOT getting that magic ring as it's too far out and I'd have to abuse movement stars to get it in any reasonable timeframe.

Swag: Brave sword, Iron blade, Life ring, Grafcalibur, Sety scroll, Physic

Edited by darkandroid125
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Chapter 5: Manster Prison Escape part 3

Units Deployed:

Leaf, Lifis, Fergus, Karin, Brighton, Machua, Lara, Dalshien, Asvel, Eyvel

Units Acquired:


Sir Not-Joining-At-This-Time:

Marita, Galzus

New Units:

Nanna: A healer on a horse. Which is definitely cool. Unlike Saphy, Nanna actually has combat, even if it is mediocre without the earth sword.

Long map. And I mean very long, as unless your units got lucky with movement growth, you are running around with 5-6 move units. Nice, huh? Also, use Eyvel to protect Nanna from those big scary promoted units.

I formed a barricade using Fergus, Leaf, and Brighton, who proceeded to not kill armors because either they missed or their atk was too low. At least I was able to kill all of them, with Karin gaining some str in the process. After leaving one mage alive and killing the rest, I headed up, which triggered Marita to spawn out of the gates. Thankfully, Marita didn't get the chance to attack me because the turn after she appeared, I opened the door with Lifis. Unfortunately, I wasn't out of the woods yet, as I had to deal with several mages. Not too threatening, but considering no one but Nanna and Karin has any res, they actually kind of hurt. While this was happening, the archers also get interested, so I took them out as well as the boss(Asvel got the boss kill.). During turns 11 and 12, I also dealt with the western armor and soldier group as well as the almighty Meteor guy. Of course, I captured the bishop and the armor(mostly for that battle axe), and wiped out everything else. After that, I disposed of the two Jormung dudes and captured two thunder mages and killed the sniper. I was out by turn 19.

19 turns.

Leaf 		12  00  37  08  00  08  12  11  08  07  Adept
Lifis   	06  00  22  05  00  05  11  01  02  06  Steal
Machua   	10  00  31  07  01  14  16  09  05  07  Vantage
Bryton   	11  00  33  08  01  08  08  04  10  12  Wrath
Lara 		02  00  14  00  00  01  10  06  00  03  Steal
Fergus   	11  00  33  10  01  12  12  10  08  09  
Karin   	05  00  19  07  07  06  18  16  05  04  
Dalshien   	12  00  34  14  00  05  05  01  14  18  
Asvel   	11  00  28  00  11  07  17  11  00  04  Adept
Nanna   	06  00  21  04  06  09  09  11  04  06  Charisma

Asvel is ridiculous. Seriously, he grew 9 levels in one chapter. Yeah, he's definitely promoting next map.

Swag: Fire x2, Thunder x2, Battle axe, Meteor, Skill ring, Magic ring, Lockpick

Yes, I actually got the magic ring.

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Chapter 6: Escape from Manster part 1

Units Deployed:

Leaf, Lifis, Fergus, Karin, Brighton, Machua, Lara, Dalshien, Asvel, Nanna

Units Acquired:


Sir Not-Joining-At-This-Time:


New Units:

Hicks: He's basically Brighton with better bases and growths, but no Wrath. He's worth using, I guess.

There are two ways to get through this map: You can either fight the bastards to the west of your starting position or you could go east, trail around them, and save yourself the time of fighting them. Also, get off this map as quickly as you can or else Galzus will show up and kill basically any unit he come in contact with.

I started by having all my mounts, well, mount, then had my thieves open the doors leading to the big city. I capture two of the short lance dudes so Karin could actually attack. I grab the rapier house on turn 4, followed by Hicks and the master seal/pure water villages. Asvel also grew to Lv12 and promoted on turn 6. I then sent my mounts and Dalshien west to deal with the armor squad while Hicks, Machua, and the thieves made a break for it. Karin successfully grabs the Odo scroll and Paragon scroll houses and I escape on turn 11.

11 turns.

Leaf 		12  00  37  08  00  08  12  11  08  07  Adept
Lifis   	06  00  22  05  00  05  11  01  02  06  Steal
Machua   	10  00  31  07  01  14  16  09  05  07  Vantage
Bryton   	11  00  34  08  01  08  08  04  11  12  Wrath
Lara 		02  00  14  00  00  01  10  06  00  03  Steal
Fergus   	13  00  35  12  01  13  14  11  08  09  
Karin   	06  00  20  07  07  07  19  17  05  04  
Dalshien   	13  00  35  15  00  06  06  01  15  19  
Asvel   	12  01  29  00  16  12  20  11  04  05  Adept
Nanna   	10  00  23  05  06  13  11  14  04  06  Charisma
Hicks   	06  00  30  07  00  06  05  06  08  15

I'll decide whether to promote Fergus first or Dalshien.

Give me suggestions on who I should give that Paragon scroll to.

Swag: Short lance x2, Halberd, Rapier, Master Seal, Pure Water, Odo scroll, Paragon manual, Long lance

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Karin would make sense for Paragon, I agree.

Give it to MachuaShut up favoritism.

Dalshien has shitty move anyway and Fergus is awesome on a horse. Plus capturing outdoors is even better when you're on a horse.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Chapter 7: Escape from Manster part 2

Units Deployed:

Leaf, Lifis, Fergus, Karin, Brighton, Machua, Lara, Dalshien, Asvel, Nanna, Hicks, Fin, Saphy

Units Acquired:


New Units:

Shiva: He has overkill offense in a game where you don't need a lot to kill most enemies and has goodish durability. A good, if not excellent, unit.

All you need to do is run away from Eisenhower and his band of 'killer' knights, but do mind Shiva's gang(and the douchebags to the north of Fin and Saphy, but they don't move unless provoked).

While Karin grabbed the houses, Leaf and the others went south. After the first EP, I sent my units back a bit to manipulate most of the mercs to come to me, except Shiva and two of his lackeys. I then respond by killing the two IB dudes and capturing the ones with the KE and silver sword. I also stole a few rapiers from those cavs. While my units were fleeing in terror, Saphy managed to recruit Shiva, who helped Fin take out the remaining merc. I sent Shiva into the arena for a few levels while the rest of my party ran towards the goal(and Asvel killing knights, I guess). Oh, and by the way, Fergus promoted. I escaped on turn 11(and no one got left behind!).

11 turns.

Leaf 		13  00  37  09  00  09  13  11  08  07  Adept
Fin      	11  00  31  10  01  10  12  07  10  10  Prayer
Othin   	07  00  33  09  00  08  12  06  05  13  Wrath
Halvan   	08  00  31  11  01  09  09  03  07  14  Vantage
Lifis   	07  00  23  05  00  05  12  01  03  06  Steal
Machua   	11  00  32  07  01  15  17  09  06  07  Vantage
Bryton   	11  00  34  08  01  08  08  04  11  12  Wrath
Lara 		03  00  14  00  00  01  11  07  00  03  Steal
Fergus   	14  01  35  14  01  17  18  11  10  11  
Karin   	06  00  20  07  07  07  19  17  05  04  
Dalshien   	13  00  35  15  00  06  06  01  15  19  
Asvel   	12  02  30  01  16  13  20  12  04  05  Adept
Nanna   	11  00  24  06  06  14  11  14  04  06  Charisma
Hicks   	06  00  30  07  00  06  05  06  08  15
Saphy   	04  00  15  01  07  06  07  09  00  03
Shiva   	06  00  26  08  00  11  14  06  05  07  Sol
Ronan   	01  00  20  04  00  03  07  03  02  07  Adept

Fergus.gif: I accident the game. U mad?

Hugh2.gif: Of course not. At least you don't have 5 move like that bastard Dalshien.

Fergus.gif: Cool beans. And how 'bout givin' my friends Othin and Shiva the same lovin' you gave me.

Delmud.gif: What about me... and my hair?

Fergus.gif: Shut up foo'! You don't even show up until chapter 21 in this game! Now go to the kitchen and make me a sandwich!

And surprisingly, none of my units are fatigued(Dalshien is very close, at 35/35. What a beast. Machua, Asvel, and Fergus are also on the brink.)

Swag: Killing edge, Silver sword, Rapier x4, Master seal, Antidote, Pure water

Remember doyles, be safe, don't drink and drive, and have a merry Christmas!

Or Hanukkah or whatever else your religion celebrates.

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Chapter 8: Attack of the Poison Weapons

Units Deployed:

Leaf, Fin, Othin, Halvan, Saphy, Lifis, Karin, Shiva, Carrion

Units Acquired:


New Units:

Carrion: He joins underleveled, but is still better than half the dudes you have right now. He's fairly useful, so I suggest you check him out.

Lots of poison weapons. Take care to not get hit by these, and remember that status conditions do not wear off in this game.

Gaiden Alert: Capture the boss of this map and DON'T LET GO! The boss mounts on turn 16.

And by the way, my computer sucks and needs cleaning, so expect less updates until that happens.

Anyway, I started by having Othin and Carrion stand on the shrubbery while everyone else attempted to catch up. After Carrion weakened two d00ds and Karin got a movement level after further weakening one, Lifis gets his first con level(thank god.). Carrion gets his first kill, then makes a second after doing away with that second axe guy(thankfully he didn't kill Marty). Marty was subsequently drafted, and I kill two more enemies on my turn as well. I manage to reach the boss, and captured him after Lifis stole his weapon(saved me the trouble of having to do it the hard way.) Oh, and Carrion got movement on his fourth level up. Just wanted you to know that.

6 turns.

Leaf 		13  00  37  09  00  09  13  11  08  07  Adept
Fin      	11  00  31  10  01  10  12  07  10  10  Prayer
Othin   	07  00  33  09  00  08  12  06  05  13  Wrath
Halvan   	08  00  33  12  01  09  09  03  07  14  Vantage
Lifis   	08  00  23  06  00  06  12  01  03  07  Steal
Karin   	07  00  21  07  08  07  20  18  05  04  
Saphy   	05  00  22  01  08  06  07  09  00  03
Shiva   	08  00  28  10  00  13  14  07  05  07  Sol
Carion   	05  00  27  07  01  07  12  09  08  07
Marty   	01  00  32  09  00  00  00  06  06  15  

Saphy used a Life ring here. This should counter fatigue issues.

Halvan's stats had a typo. Sry. Also, Carrion is ridiculous. 4 levles in 1 map that I only took 6 turns to complete? What a badass.

I just found out that Gomes is a real asshole and only Asvel and Fergus can kill him quickly enough(Fergus doubles for 40 damage using a silver sword/39 with a fire sword, factoring in his 5 PCC and Asvel nukes him instantly if he crits with Graphcal.)

Swag: Master seal x2, Luck ring, Horseslayer

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 8: Mansion Break-In

Units Deployed:

Leaf, Lifis, Saphy, Othin, Halvan, Dalshien, Dagdar, Tanya

Another FoW map. Make sure Dagdar has either the brave axe or a full use iron axe in Chapter 3. That is all.

I send Leaf, Saphy, and Halvan down the west path while Dal, Othin, and Lifis take the east path. Dal and Halvan kill some fighters, while Othin and Leaf chilled forward and back, respectively. Dagda, of course, kills a bunch of fighters on the EP, while Othin and Halvan do some killing of their own. Dal promotes the next turn, after Othin removes the fighter so Dal and Lifis could move forward. Anyway, Dagdar still continues to kill shit, while Saphy keeps his HP in check. And of course, Lifis gets a few cheap hits in(and gains a lot of con for some reason. Maybe he's telling me to use him over Pahn). In any case, I managed to get over to where Gomes is by turn 7, and actually managed to kill him on turn 9(Used Dal for the killing blow because he's more accurate than Othin.)

10 turns.

Leaf 		14  00  37  09  00  09  14  12  08  07  Adept
Othin   	12  00  37  10  02  09  15  08  07  14  Wrath
Halvan   	10  00  35  12  01  09  09  03  08  14  Vantage
Lifis   	10  00  25  07  00  07  12  01  03  09  Steal
Saphy   	08  00  24  01  09  08  08  09  00  03
Dalshien   	14  02  37  20  01  12  09  01  20  20
Dagdar   	00  09  43  14  01  12  10  05  11  15  Charge
Tanya   	10  00  26  07  03  12  17  08  05  07  

lolLifishaving9bld by Lv10. And Othin worked up a storm. And Saphy got B staves. But she still can't promote despite using Physic 4 times here.

Swag: Neir scroll, Wrath M, Leg ring, Hand axe

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Chapter 9: Dorias Mansion Defense

Units Deployed:

Leaf, Fin, Asvel, Nanna, Fergus, Brighton, Carrion, Karin

Units Acquired:

Selphina, Kein, Alba, Robert

New Units:

Selphina: The best of the lot here, if only due to her offense. Has B bows at base, which is pretty nice.

Kein: This guy is throughtly mediocre, and isn't worth using over Fin.

Alba: See Kein.

Robert: Some say he's better than Selphina; but I just don't buy it. Avoid.

Alright, you need to keep the bastards heading towards Dorias' castle from actually seizing the place. Also, take note of the DK squad down south.

Disclaimer: This map can be done in 2 turns, but I wanted that S drink, so yeah.

I sent all my units southward, except Carrion, who was dragged by Karin to see Selphina. I lured Merlock's thugs down to my main group on turn 2 EP, and get rid of Merlock on the following PP. Meanwhile, I had the rest of the crew leave whiel Carrion and Selphina take on the enemies, with Carrion blocking the fortress. I did make a stupid play with putting Karin directly in the kill zone of the KL draco, but she survives easily, and Selphina got incredibly lucky with enemy dodges. My main group does help out by luring away several enemies, though that was mostly Fergus anyway. I managed to leave on turn 10 after getting everyone else out of the area.

10 turns.

Leaf 		14  00  37  09  00  09  14  12  08  07  Adept
Fin      	12  00  32  11  01  11  13  07  10  10  Prayer
Bryton   	12  00  35  09  01  08  08  04  11  12  Wrath
Fergus   	14  03  37  15  03  18  18  12  10  11  
Karin   	08  00  22  08  08  08  20  19  06  05  
Asvel   	12  03  31  01  16  14  20  13  04  05  Adept
Nanna   	12  00  24  06  06  15  12  15  04  06  Charisma
Carion   	08  00  29  09  04  10  15  09  10  07
Selphina   	10  00  24  05  03  08  10  09  07  05  Charge
Kein 		02  00  26  07  00  04  07  03  06  10
Alba 		02  00  24  06  00  05  09  04  05  09 
Robert   	01  00  23  05  00  04  08  06  04  07

Swag: Master seal, S drink, Fala scroll

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Chapter 10: Noel Canyon

Units Deployed:

Leaf, Fin, Fergus, Asvel, Nanna, Brighton, Dalshien, Othin, Karin, Carrion, Lifis, Saphy, Shiva, Tanya

No New Units

This map introduces ballistae, which are basically giant pegasus killing machines. If Karin goes in this range, she is simply dead. That being said, also watch out for Olwen and Fred when they show up. That is all.

I sent my units west to deal with the knight squad and the thieves. Fin promoted here on turn 1, while Fergus captured the fire sword armor. I also had Karin go out and grab the M-shield village(not, because even with 9 move, she can't clear the ballista's range and grab the house at the same time.) Anyway, on turn 3 I went far enough into the map Olwen and fred spawned, though thankfully, they weren't what I'd call a huge threat, as Olwen's hit with Dime Thunder is shaky at best and Fred can't double most of my units anyway. I decided to hold back until turn 6, due to the huge risk of Olwen killing one of my units, where I finally moved out. After killing some cavaliers, promoting Othin, and grabbing Fred's thunder sword, I engage Largo on turn 10, and with Fergus's help, was able to capture him(I wanted to have Lifis steal his KC, but he was one space short.). I was out by turn 10.

10 turns.

Leaf 		14  00  37  10  00  09  14  12  09  07  Adept
Fin      	12  01  32  13  02  14  15  07  12  11  Prayer
Othin   	14  01  37  14  03  12  18  10  12  15  Wrath
Lifis   	14  00  28  09  00  08  15  02  06  10  Steal
Saphy   	10  00  25  01  10  08  10  09  00  03
Shiva   	11  00  31  12  00  16  16  09  06  07  Sol
Dalshien   	14  03  38  20  02  12  09  01  20  20
Tanya   	12  00  26  09  03  13  19  09  05  07  
Bryton   	14  00  36  09  01  08  08  04  12  12  Wrath
Fergus   	14  05  38  17  03  19  20  14  11  12  
Karin   	08  00  22  08  08  08  20  19  06  05  
Asvel   	12  03  32  01  16  14  20  13  04  05  Adept
Nanna   	12  00  24  06  06  15  13  17  05  06  Charisma
Carion   	09  00  29  10  04  10  15  11  10  08

Swag: Fire sword, Thunder sword, Master seal, S drink, Barrier, Rescue, Great lance, Great bow, Horselayer, Rapier

Edited by darkandroid125
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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 11: Operation Portcullis

Units Deployed:

Leaf, Fin, Fergus, Asvel, Nanna, Brighton, Dalshien, Othin, Karin, Carrion, Lifis, Saphy, Shiva, Tanya

No New Units


See this pic here? If you enter this room(anywhere in that 7*4 space)with Leaf, you will enact a trap involving closed doors and ballistae. This will also turn Fred into an NPC.

Gaiden Alert: Complete this map in 30 turns or less WITH the Portcullis triggered AND Fred alive(he doesn't need to FLEE the map, just live, and he can survive two 25 atk hits, if only barely.)


Oh and the guy who made Kemph say this should be tarred and feathered because 'In America' is no longer funny.

I started off fairly slow due to the forests near my start point, but I was able to manage to get the bulk of my units out by turn 3 and remove the gang of archers and soldiers near the entrance(and using a MS on Tanya so she could use my Great Bow), at which point, I stormed the center part of the map and took out the knights by turn 5. I activated Portcullis on turn 6 due to my unit's poor positioning on turn 5. In any case, I unlocked all the doors leading in and out(and needed to move quickly because the long arches OHKO Saphy even with the robe and +4 HP over base)and started taking my rage on some more loldiers and mages, and also took a bishop hostage for his physic staff. I make Kemph flee on turn 9 EP, after which I seized.

10 turns

Leaf 		14  00  37  10  00  09  14  12  09  07  Adept
Fin      	12  01  32  13  02  14  15  07  12  11  Prayer
Othin   	14  02  39  14  03  13  19  10  13  15  Wrath
Lifis   	14  00  28  09  00  08  15  02  06  10  Steal
Saphy   	10  00  25  01  10  08  10  09  00  03
Shiva   	15  00  35  14  01  20  19  12  08  08  Sol
Dalshien   	14  04  39  20  02  13  09  01  20  20
Tanya   	12  01  26  11  04  16  20  09  07  08  
Bryton   	14  00  36  09  01  08  08  04  12  12  Wrath
Fergus   	14  05  38  17  03  19  20  14  11  12  
Karin   	09  00  23  09  08  08  20  19  06  05  
Asvel   	12  04  33  01  16  15  20  14  04  06  Adept
Nanna   	12  00  24  06  06  15  13  17  05  06  Charisma
Carion   	09  00  29  10  04  10  15  11  10  08

Not too much in the way of levels, except Shiva who gained 4 this map. And Tanya promoted I guess.

Swag: Javelin x2, Thunder sword, Torch staff, Thunder, Physic, Killer bow, Longbow

Edited by darkandroid125
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Oh and the guy who made Kemph say this should be tarred and feathered because 'In America' is no longer funny.

Says the guy who has that joke in his location label...

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He could also have forgotten. His location has been set for as long as I've been mocking his playlogs, which has to be going on something like a year now?

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Chapter 11x: Murder Hollace

Units Deployed:

Leaf, Asvel, Dalshien, Othin, Lifis, Saphy, Shiva, Tanya

Units Acquired:

Fred, Olwen

New Units:

Fred: He's decent, as he has 9 move and usable base stats and weapon ranks. He's just not as good as Fin or Fergus is all.

Olwen: Your first Mage Knight. She's mad good with Dime Thunder and Ambush, but her durability is lacking. A solid pick overall.

Ok, if you want the swag in Chapter 12, you need to let these little bastards escape the map. You can recruit a good unit here if she survives her encounter with the javelin soldier, but you cannot have her and another unit that joins later at the same time, so choose wisely.

Also, this map can be done in 2 turns, but doing so voids you Olwen or the swag in C12. For reasons beyond my control, this is not what is happening. Mainly because Saphy does not have enough staff rank to use warp and I do not have a master seal handy.

I had my units kill multiple ranged users on turn 1 and 2, then I send my units their seperate ways on turn 3, having Othin and Dalshien help out the kiddies while Leaf and the others head for the throne. After Lifis unlocked both the back door as well as Olwen's cell, Fred talked to Olwen, and using her, and the other three stooges, helped the kids escape the map, with some ferrying because they only have 4 move. As for Leaf, I had him and his gang kill several mooks, and by turn 10, capture the boss. I seized on turn 10 at the same time the last of the kids left.

10 turns.

Leaf 		16  00  38  10  00  09  15  12  09  07  Adept
Fin      	12  01  32  13  02  14  15  07  12  11  Prayer
Othin   	14  03  40  15  03  14  19  11  13  15  Wrath
Lifis   	16  00  29  10  00  09  17  02  06  10  Steal
Saphy   	15  00  28  01  13  11  12  10  00  03
Shiva   	15  00  35  14  01  20  19  12  08  08  Sol
Dalshien   	14  05  40  20  02  14  09  01  20  20
Tanya   	12  02  26  12  04  17  20  10  07  08  
Bryton   	14  00  36  09  01  08  08  04  12  12  Wrath
Fergus   	14  05  38  17  03  19  20  14  11  12  
Karin   	09  00  23  09  08  08  20  19  06  05  
Asvel   	12  06  34  01  16  16  20  14  05  06  Adept
Nanna   	12  00  24  06  06  15  13  17  05  06  Charisma
Fred 		00  03  36  11  04  11  10  04  09  11  
Olwen   	00  02  24  05  10  08  10  05  04  05  

I will not be killing off Olwen or getting Eyrios, so don't ask. Also, Saphy needs an S-drink for C12 as she's fatigued from using high-end staves so she can use warp(which she didn't reach this map.)

Swag: Dime Thunder, Thunder sword, Bolting, Meteor, Physic

Yeah, I did forget I had my 'In America' location label still in effect. I'm probably going to change it to a more serious location.

Edited by darkandroid125
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