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On the eleventh Fire Emblem, my true love gave to me...


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Eleven pickers picking!


1. Marth, Gotoh and the Christmas cavaliers are free to use.

2. The other 11 units are to be picked. If you don't select a class set for it, I will choose one that pleases me.

3. The game will be played on H4.

4. Warp staff is banned, apart from in Final. I hate that chapter :/

5. Athena, Horace, Etzel and Ymir are unpickable, because mass killing guys off is lame. I may be willing to change my mind on Athena, though.

6. Jeigan will be used as he was intended. Sparingly in the early chapters, not at all past a certain point (unless he is picked).

7. No Arena abuse, Wi-fi Shop or Forging.

8. Unpicked units may not be fielded beyond chapter 3, unless to recruit a picked unit.


1. Marth Lord -> Lord

2. Nagi Manakete (lightli drumming)

3. Cain Myrm -> Pala

4. Abel Mage -> Bish

5. Tomas Cava -> DrKn (eclipse piping, instead)

6. Barst Fter -> Zerk (Kirby a-leaping)

7. Midia DrKn (Integrity dancing)

8. Radd Cura -> Swrd (Bblader a-milking)

9. Lorenz Sorc (Darros a-swimming)

10. Rickard Thief (KALLLucas a-laying)

11. Maria Arc -> Snip (FIVE ETHER RINGS)

12. Wolf Sorc (Four Venusaurs [+2 HM slaves])

13. Wrys Cura -> DrKn (Three FrenchEmblemReignsSupreme hens)

14. Nabarl My -> Snip (Two Luminescent Blades)

15. Caesar Me -> Hors (Vicious Sal in a pear tree)

15.5 Jeigan

Hm, I've got too many picks. I'll leave the last two in reserve. When I can deploy more than 15, maybe I'll choose them.

R1. Macellan Hunt -> Warr (Tiny arvilino)

R2. Lena Arch -> Snip (Kris Kopfjager)

Edited by Baldrick
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(in other words, Tomas, Cavalier -> Dracoknight. Yes, I know I'm sadistic. That's what you get for making Cain and Abel free)

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(in other words, Tomas, Cavalier -> Dracoknight. Yes, I know I'm sadistic. That's what you get for making Cain and Abel free)

It's funny, because I gave myself Cain and Abel mostly because I expected people to be sadistic. :lol:

I feel like being nice, have Fighter -> Berserker!Barst!

Awesome. :B):

Oh, and I forgot to mention:

Abel will be Mage -> Bishop (so I can kill Garny)

Cain will be Myrmidon -> Paladin (for the sword rank)

Edited by Baldrick
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Midia, Dra-


nah, let's shake it up. Catria, Pegasus -> Falco (if possible) / Paladin (if not).

EDIT: No, fuck it. Midia, Dracoknight.

Edited by Integrity
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Don't forget Lorenz, someone suggested that too. I agree, he may want to get rid of one of the prepromoted sorcerors.

I would suggest getting rid of Lorenz in that case, since Wolf at least gets time to build ranks, along with better growths. Or, alternatively, he could go with the "first come, first served" approach and simply take the two pre-promos.

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This filled up pretty quickly.

EDIT: No, fuck it. Midia, Dracoknight.

Welcome back.

Hmm... How does Curate -> Swordmaster!Radd sound? Great!

Potential Levin Sworder? No, because Cleric's Mag growth sucks.

Have Sorcerer Lorenz.

Thankyou, sir, may I have another?

Rickard. Thief, obviously :awesome:

someone give Bantu please

I shall promote him into a Whisper.



Not... what I had in mind, but I can make it work. I'll need an extra guy since I won't have Gotoh.

Archer -> Sniper Maria

Chip damage is never bad, I guess.

On the 13th day of... wait a second...

Well, how about a Sorceror Wolf?

My and my big mouth. :o:

Accepted subject to whether Etzel counts if I don't recruit him.

Bord Dark Mage -> General

Or if that's too difficult try

Wrys Curate -> Dracoknight

Or both even.

I definitely can't fit in another Dark Mage. So I'll take Wrys for healing and nothing else.

Myrmidon->Sniper Navarre, gogo.

Not a bad pick at all. He'll see a lot of use.

Caesar! Going from Dark Mage to..... Horseman

There are plenty of nice physical class B classes, you know. :mellow: I'll take him as a merc, then.

I think there might be too many Dark Mages/Sorcerors at the same time currently(Wolf,Bord and Caeser).


Macellan: Hunter-->Warrior

I finally get another non-sucky class B, and it's Macellan. AGAIN.

I Grant you Lena.

Archer->Sniper Lena that is.

This playthrough will have a high concentration of red-haired permanently bow-locked ex-clerics, it seems.

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I would suggest getting rid of Lorenz in that case, since Wolf at least gets time to build ranks, along with better growths.

I agree with this, and not just because the alternative would mean my post was disregarded.

Using Wrys should still be interesting enough, but I wonder how bad a Dark Mage -> General Cord or Bord would turn out?

Edited by FireEmblemReignsSupreme
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