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41 minutes ago, Chen said:

>tryhard posting conjueror

i see that my shillposting has worked

i had the website saved, i don't know who the guy is


i keep playing 100 hour games and restarting constantly

this is why i'll never beat baldur's gate 2

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playing both morrowind and oblivion helped highlight the differences between them to myself though

in morrowind, you can just break the game immediately if you know where to go. i got 6000 gold, a daedric dai-katana (yes thats its name) that does 1-60 damage and is pretty much an endgame weapon, a good light armor set without raising any skills at level 1. the general economy and alchemy are beyond broken from the get go, and as far as I know nothing really scales so you only become more powerful even though in morrowind the real challenge is lower levels.

in oblivion, items scale so much you have to wait around and level up for the good gear, but enemies scale as well so if you don't level properly you end up being weaker than if you stayed at level 1, especially if you train in non-combat skills, leading to memes about bandits with glass and daedric armour and weapons. because of that, there's "optimal levels" to do certain things at certain times and it's just a massive pain in the ass.

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On 22-11-2017 at 10:35 PM, Nobody said:

Today I read that Belgium is trying to get loot boxes banned. Am I a chill for being against that? Like, I'm all for people speaking with their pockets, but like, I don't see why anyone who wants to deal with that bullshit should be forbidden from doing so.

tbh i'm concerned about how that could affect my gatcha addiction because from Belgium it could go to the entirety of Europe and Europe is a big market that they'd not liek to miss, so they'd have to change the game.

From what I've heard, the primary concern is that a lot of children play video games and the gambling aspect of lootboxes have a bad influence on them / is not suitable for them.

On 22-11-2017 at 11:42 PM, Tryhard said:

yeah but nobody cares about Belgium


This is true though.

On 23-11-2017 at 5:13 AM, Tryhard said:


The other day I was talking to a friend who's playing FE4 for the first time and she said: "The horse archer girl seems okay." I told her we all made the mistake of thinking Midir was a woman.

Then last week she told me she'd been looking up artwork of Midir and still couldn't understand how he's a guy.

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I hate to fanboy over things, but the Tamriel Rebuilt project for Morrowind is such a work of art. I've spent the past few days testing my installation by wandering around random bits of it. Such amazing work.

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i never saw that mod, that for the rest of the mainland in Morrowind I believe?

I believe just hearing about it being an idea since before the game was even released and never really hearing it was ever released

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Yeah, it's still going after fifteen years. Kind of an ongoing thing, but I'd say around a quarter of the project is actually fully playable, with quests and all that. It's mostly the north eastern Telvanni/Indoril areas.


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to be fair I don't think even religious people would say you would be able to feel god's presence from one church visit

maybe I'm just a bit coloured because I recently went to a Christian funeral for my Protestant granddad with a gay pastor presenting it and it was a very pleasant ceremony, so the euphoria of people wanting to destroy all religion despite them probably respecting either family members or people in the public that are religious might be getting to me unnecessarily.

but if anything I suppose my religious affiliation changes every time I think about it so I don't even know. I have trouble believing that god would interfere in this world and the answers to suffering like in the Book of Job don't appeal to me. I would believe that god does not interfere at all and would likely be classified as a deist if anything. 

so they made the program and let it run like a programmer

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religion ties in so greatly with culture and history that i'm pretty (lol) at the concept that religion is some horrible menace destroying education and scientific advancement. in fact, many scientists (see: isaac newton for an example of one) did their experiments in the name of religion or some other higher being. removing religion completely would mean removing a huge chunk of culture from people and it's also a huge assumption that religion makes people into dumb animals (a big implication here). and even if religion disappears, something else will spring back up to replace it. most grievances toward religion are misdirected and misplaced and should be put toward actual issues

yhvh did nothing wrong tbh

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Tryhard, you’re on a very provileged position on the matter of religion. Isn’t like over half the population of the uk not religious?

like, it’s hard to have a positive opinion on very religious people when you live in a country full of fundamentalists. Like, I activelly try super hard to not generalize, since I myself know evangelic people who are progressive, but like,  when crazy evangelicals try to force their morals and religion on everyone else through politics and lobbying, like it’s been happening here, you won’t feel positive about them. 

As I’ve said before, almost half of my city’s “city/state concil” is evangelical, and the amount of bigoted shit they try to pass dusgusts me. Like, evangelicals are trying to ban abortion resulting from rape here in Brazil, they always try to censor things they consider “against family values”, are always persecuting afro-brazilian religions, are often trying to break the state/religion split, and the like.

hell, a while back, it was on the news that masses were being held on a government body and the public servants that didn’t join were “boycotted” and given hard works, and this is considering my city’s governor is progressive. Like, whenever he does something more progressive, city concil boycotts him.

fedora atheists hardly have any impact on a regilious person’s life. On the other hand, religious policies have a lot of impact on other people’s lives.

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yeah, i think so. it's hard to find young religious people here. And the religion that is practised tends to be a lot less crazy or fanatical.

And yeah, what you said I also think too. I understand why an anti-theist would lash out at religion because of bad policy of religion throughout human history, not even to mention the familial or personal conflicts it can cause. But I do seem to notice that there is pretty much a general anti-religion backlash these days.  Is it warranted? Maybe, somewhat if you live in places like America where policies can borderline be dictated by theocracy. I hate that too, truly (if I was to go ahead and say I was a deist it doesn't necessarily mean I don't have dislike for organised religion), but it goes far beyond criticising fundamentalism and theocracy - it goes to mocking spiritual beliefs of anyone who happens to be religious. Which, go right ahead, but I'm not going to consider you moral or mature for doing so.

(for what it's worth I do have a poorer view of Evangelicals because of their tendencies for authoritarianism)

People seem to forget that religion is so diverse that Stephen Colbert and Bill O'Reilly are both devout Catholics, for example.

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to be honest here would be a lot better than serious discussion

i mean, I have Muslims, Christians and non-religious in my family. we set aside our differences and it seems to work well enough

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10 minutes ago, Tryhard said:

yeah, i think so. it's hard to find young religious people here. And the religion that is practised tends to be a lot less crazy or fanatical.

And yeah, what you said I also think too. I understand why an anti-theist would lash out at religion because of bad policy of religion throughout human history, not even to mention the familial or personal conflicts it can cause. But I do seem to notice that there is pretty much a general anti-religion backlash these days.  Is it warranted? Maybe, somewhat if you live in places like America where policies can borderline be dictated by theocracy. I hate that too, truly, but it goes far beyond criticising fundamentalism and theocracy - it goes to mocking spiritual beliefs of anyone who happens to be religious. Which, go right ahead, but I'm not going to consider you moral or mature for doing so.

People seem to forget that religion is so diverse that Stephen Colbert and Bill O'Reilly are both devout Catholics, for example.

The Us vs Them mentality is something natural to people, so yeah, there is an atheist backlash against religious people in general. Like, I don’t know how it is in the Uk or Europe in general, since all the experience I have with those places were as a tourist visiting them, but like, at least here in Brazil, that backlash is almost always directed towards fundamentalists, or at least evangelicals. In fact, almost all of the anti-catholic backlash i’ve seen has came from evangelicals. Of course there are the infamous “fedora” atheists, but I’ve never seen anyone vocalising that IRL, much less in politcs. Like, have you ever seen someone doing that, specially in poliics?

my point is that every group has suffered backlash in one way or the other, but I legitimately think the backlash christians receive, specially moderate/secular ones is minimal compared to the backlash other groups receive from christians themselves, specially the LGBT and women looking for abortions.

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well it's not like I agree at all with people who say Christians are oppressed or discriminated against heavily in western nations - I think that's dumb. I think you're confusing me for saying that religion + politics is a good thing, which I don't think at all. You've seen me criticising the Republicans all the time for their kowtowing to religious extremists and theocracy and I don't agree with anti-abortion laws. It just goes the other way too, and I'm just pointing out what I see as stupidity. Is it a bigger problem to have religious extremists that have control of policies and laws? Yeah, but I'm talking about personal interactions. I just think bigotry of any kind is wrong, not really a shocker there. You've seen me showing articles like that Republican that said rape and incest are part of God's will (and other stuff I'm not sure if I posted like Ted Cruz saying atheists shouldn't be able to be president), it's not like I ignore the other side of this.

I think it's also strange that some atheists in America would do that sort of thing considering the vast majority of politicians they support (usually more on the left or center), are religious, and there is such a thing as the religious left-wing, too.

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