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Ok, gonna change my avi to alphes' art!Yuugi. If something happens to me, I blame Ein.

Why me?

Maybe they wanted to balance out the shorter main dungeons with jerks monsters in the last dungeon.

Probably just the Atlus being Atlus only they actually succeeded in making a legitamately difficult area with some cheapness for good measure.

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I might not enjoy the sixth area lul. But I'll have to go there if I want the best armor for everyone.

Also, Kalas, you should make a character sheet too with the same format one page back.

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Ohlul, that's awful. But, in a moment like that, who takes the most priority? The buffer? Or the monster receiving the buff? As in who should die first.
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Ohlul, that's awful. But, in a moment like that, who takes the most priority? The buffer? Or the monster receiving the buff? As in who should die first.

Personally, I'd target whoever got the buff first.

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Ohlul, that's awful. But, in a moment like that, who takes the most priority? The buffer? Or the monster receiving the buff? As in who should die first.

Uh.... I'm thinking binding the buffer's arms would be the highest priority otherwise you're dead.

Then again there are other enemies that get mad when you kill other monsters and will quite literally tear you apart since they WILL go first. @_@

oh yeah Gonna work on that character thing Emerald. I wanna flex my creative muscles as they are severely underused.

[spoiler=Why am I so corny?]Hushed Silver Knight

Head: Dark brown hair. Long ponytail. Random strands of hair go over his face. Bandanna with no special effect that wraps around the forehead and covers the left eye.

Neck: A light brown scarf that covers the mouth with no special effect that makes it difficult to gauge the wearer's mood.

R. Hand: Sturdy long sword made of high quality steel that can cut and slice cleanly. Shines like silver and is called 'The Silver Blade' by its wilder.

L. Hand: A medium sized shield made of high quality steel with a blade affixed to the face. Shines like and silver and is called 'The Silver Shield' by its wielder. A rose crest decorates it which has a soothing property increasing endurance.

Under Armor: Light weight pauldrons made of high quality steel that shine like silver.

Upper Body Armor: Light weight breastplate made of high quality steel that shines like silver. Light enough for a dark green long coat to accompany it making for a striking look.

Lower Body Armor: Light greaves made of high quality steel that shines like silver. Used for offense as well as defense when needed.

Arm Armor: Light weight gauntlets made of high quality steel that shines like silver that go over the sleeves of the long coat. Used for offense as well as defense when needed.

Acces. 1: A small white pendant. Holds fond memories which helps strengthen resolve. Seems to give the wearer's armor a silver shine for some unknown reason...

Acces. 2: A small black pendant. A mysterious object. Has a negative aura around it. Why does he carry such a thing...?

Pet: A round and fluffy creature known as a kesaran-pasaran whihc is said to bring good fortune. Easily pushed around by the wind and tends to have a blank expression on its face. Sometimes strikes poses with its stubby arms for no apparent reason. Tends to explode when provoked but suffers no negative effects from doing so. It seems to express the its masters true mood.


Silver Shift: Release the power of the white pendant.

Silver Force: Slash at a foe with a swift and powerful motion. Recovers health.

Silver Flash: Surround oneself an allies with a soothing aura. Raises attack and defense of allies and recovers a small amount of health.

Selflessness: Protects an ally and sustains all damage they would take in their stead. If defeated by doing so, increases the attack and defense of allies.

Darkness Shift: Release the power of the black pendant.

Dark Force: Strike all foes with reckless abandon. Damages self.

Dark Flash: Surround oneself with a dark aura. Sacrifices health and defense for increased offense. Increases likelihood of being attacked.

Voraciousness: Force an ally to sustain damage to increase attack while reducing defense.

Affinity Shift: Switch from Silver to Darkness Shift and vice versa. Negates any effects that were active from either Shift.

Pasaran Party: Summons 2-3 kesaran-pasaran that explode when a sufficient amount have been summoned in an explosion of fluffy happiness.

Edited by The Big Kazam
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Welp, I just made a topic. Better hold up mah shield. *hides behind trashcan lid*

At least it's not the same as the crap that plagues the Awakening board these days...

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Also, Kalas, you should do a character sheet in the same format one page back.

I don't know much about EO, but sure.

It isn't about Etrian Odyssey though, lul. Too many equipment pieces. It's just something random, a Serenes Fantasy. But you can talk to Ein about your EO character's backstory if you want.

Edited by Leafeon
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