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Nowi's amusing. I don't care for her, though.

Cynthia's amusing. I don't care for her, though.

I can respect that ZM.

You don't bash a character then give no actual legitimate reason why you dislike them and then never even expand on a legitimate reason when one is brought up.

I respect you ZM sire.

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YES. ;o; And what, I'm still in the beginning. I don't think I've seen a Malboro.

And back off the penguin.

Their weakness is generally color coded, IIRC. (Red Flans are fire weak, etc.) And since it's early on, you don't need to worry about Malboros yet - they're generally mid-to-lategame enemies. (IIRC, they appear in the Sylvan Cave, but of course, that's not until much later in the game)

Edited by Levant Fortner
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ZM's FE13 Character Analysis

First five:

Avatar: Personally...I can't stand the Avatar. The FE12!Avatar at least was tolerable because he/she wasn't as plot-important. The FE13!Avatar just...wow. I know the Avatar was made so the players themselves could be present in the game, but I just about lost it at times during a few crucial moments: The end of Chapter 14, the whole Validar/Grima plot point, how the Avatar is praised by just about every character because they're so super special awesome, etc. It got pretty ridiculous after a while. Thankfully I skip the story scenes. All in all... screw you, Robin. You're only good so I can have an insanely good Morgan with Cynthia.

Chrom: As a lord, I think he's a bit underrated in terms of personality. He's not as bland as people say he is (he's a cooler character than say Roy, Seliph, and FE10!Ike, at least), and he has a few moments of snarky dialogue that amuse me. Still, I don't think much of this guy. The fangirls overrate him for some amazing guy he's not, and that gets pretty annoying. Overall, he's an alright character.

Frederick: Pretty much the Seth of FE13, but goofier and a pyro. I don't think much of this guy, but he has his moments that make me chuckle. He's a pretty cool guy, but rather 'meh' on my scale.

Lissa: She's okay. I like her interactions with Owain, Henry, Donnel, and Gaius, but she's not a character that really strikes out to me. She's definitely cute, though. Overall, I'm okay with her, though I don't think much of her.

Sully: Oh wow, a tough girl who thinks she's one of the guys. I only really like her supports with Chrom and Sumia as well as her Summer Scramble conversation with Nowi. Other than those, she's rather 'meh'.

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So like, team update and all that.

Badges: 7

Cyperra the Torterra, Sassy, Level 46,

Kreiden the Luxray, Lax, Level 46

Silky the Gardevoir, Hardy, Level 45

Jealousy the Leafeon, Impish, Level 45

Coronatus the Kingdra, Modest, Level 46

Ascelon the Sneasel, Adamant, Level 46

Full team yay. What kind of person uses grass types in an ice type gym. This guy. Be back saving the workd from destruction luuul

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Ohhh... And then I guess I can revisit them then?

Well no, they're not difficult than being annoying though. And the thing is, I don't / can't remember which one is weak to Ice or Thunder... and wait what. You can use her weapon as an item without expending a use? >_>

I don't want Rydia to leave my party dude. I NEED A MAGIC USER.

Yes, once you leave the dungeon, when you come back the RNG will give you another combination of visit-able maps.

Yes, some weapons, mostly the rods and staves, but there are also some from the other types, can be used as items to cast a spell, for no MP cost, and as much times as you want. I don't remember which one did what, except for the obvious ones, though.

Eh.... all I'll say is that you don't need to worry for long.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Their weakness is generally color coded, IIRC. (Red Flans are fire weak, etc.) And since it's early on, you don't need to worry about Malboros yet - they're generally mid-to-lategame enemies. (IIRC, they appear in the Sylvan Cave, but of course, that's not until much later in the game)

Oh oh, really now...

ZM's FE13 Character Analysis

First five:

Avatar: Personally...I can't stand the Avatar. The FE12!Avatar at least was tolerable because he/she wasn't as plot-important. The FE13!Avatar just...wow. I know the Avatar was made so the players themselves could be present in the game, but I just about lost it at times during a few crucial moments: The end of Chapter 14, the whole Validar/Grima plot point, how the Avatar is praised by just about every character because they're so super special awesome, etc. It got pretty ridiculous after a while. Thankfully I skip the story scenes. All in all... screw you, Robin. You're only good so I can have an insanely good Morgan with Cynthia.

Chrom: As a lord, I think he's a bit underrated in terms of personality. He's not as bland as people say he is (he's a cooler character than say Roy, Seliph, and FE10!Ike, at least), and he has a few moments of snarky dialogue that amuse me. Still, I don't think much of this guy. The fangirls overrate him for some amazing guy he's not, and that gets pretty annoying. Overall, he's an alright character.

Frederick: Pretty much the Seth of FE13, but goofier and a pyro. I don't think much of this guy, but he has his moments that make me chuckle. He's a pretty cool guy, but rather 'meh' on my scale.

Lissa: She's okay. I like her interactions with Owain, Henry, Donnel, and Gaius, but she's not a character that really strikes out to me. She's definitely cute, though. Overall, I'm okay with her, though I don't think much of her.

Sully: Oh wow, a tough girl who thinks she's one of the guys. I only really like her supports with Chrom and Sumia as well as her Summer Scramble conversation with Nowi. Other than those, she's rather 'meh'.

Your Robin/MU is for male. >_> But I agree. Although I never saw MU as self-insert or anything.

CHROM IS AMAZING. Meh. He's better than some.

I never use Frederick and I hate Lissa and Sully so I'll leave those alone.

Yes, once you leave the dungeon, when you come back the RNG will give you another combination of visit-able maps.

Yes, some weapons, mostly the rods and staves, but there are also some from the other types, can be used as items to cast a spell, for no MP cost, and as much times as you want. I don't remember which one did what, except for the obvious ones, though.

Eh.... all I'll say is that you don't need to worry for long.

Ohhh... Sounds kinda annoying too.
Hmmm, I see... But will I know which weapons those are? That I can use as many times as I want.
....For long.
Edited by Shirley
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Okay you are very fucking subtle Jprebs.

It is apparently illegal to have different fucking opinions around here

I'm fine with different opinions.

If you don't expand on them at all and just say I hate this person I can't really even partially agree with you...

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Jprebs, I don't particularly like Nowi either. She's pretty much a ripoff of FE11!Tiki to me.

ZM's FE13 Character Analysis

First five:

Avatar: Personally...I can't stand the Avatar. The FE12!Avatar at least was tolerable because he/she wasn't as plot-important. The FE13!Avatar just...wow. I know the Avatar was made so the players themselves could be present in the game, but I just about lost it at times during a few crucial moments: The end of Chapter 14, the whole Validar/Grima plot point, how the Avatar is praised by just about every character because they're so super special awesome, etc. It got pretty ridiculous after a while. Thankfully I skip the story scenes. All in all... screw you, Robin. You're only good so I can have an insanely good Morgan with Cynthia.

Chrom: As a lord, I think he's a bit underrated in terms of personality. He's not as bland as people say he is (he's a cooler character than say Roy, Seliph, and FE10!Ike, at least), and he has a few moments of snarky dialogue that amuse me. Still, I don't think much of this guy. The fangirls overrate him for some amazing guy he's not, and that gets pretty annoying. Overall, he's an alright character.

Frederick: Pretty much the Seth of FE13, but goofier and a pyro. I don't think much of this guy, but he has his moments that make me chuckle. He's a pretty cool guy, but rather 'meh' on my scale.

Lissa: She's okay. I like her interactions with Owain, Henry, Donnel, and Gaius, but she's not a character that really strikes out to me. She's definitely cute, though. Overall, I'm okay with her, though I don't think much of her.

Sully: Oh wow, a tough girl who thinks she's one of the guys. I only really like her supports with Chrom and Sumia as well as her Summer Scramble conversation with Nowi. Other than those, she's rather 'meh'.

Isn't every Awakening character centered on one or two tropes? That's not how you build a character.

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Whatever for Faerie types.

But you never expanded on your opinion Breezy.

FE13 is not the best FE game.

But you never expanded on your opinion Breezy.

Jprebs, I don't particularly like Nowi either. She's pretty much a ripoff of FE11!Tiki to me.

That's fine.

You gave a reason.

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Ohhh... Sounds kinda annoying too.

Hmmm, I see... But will I know which weapons those are? That I can use as many times as I want.
....For long.

Trust me, it can become like that when you only need to visit one more floor and it keeps not appearing. Especially when you need to reach deep into the dungeon.

Well, almost all staves and rods are certain to have a spell assigned to them. I don't know much of other weapons, though. You'll have to find that out on your own. Or search it up in a guide, maybe...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Can't I do my list without people arguing? If you want to stay away from it, don't comment on it. If you want to pay attention to my thoughts, then keep watchin'. I like the attention.

And I dunno, Crizix. I'm just giving my thoughts on them. >_>

Virion: LEGEND. Absolute magnificence. I used to not think much of Virion, but after reading his supports, he's quite an amazing character. His dialogue is some of the best in the game, and as far as womanizers go, he's second to Sain on my list. Overall, he's pretty rad. Not one of my favorites, but definitely a cool one.

Vaike: TEACH. GOT TENURE. He's in the same boat as Virion for me. I think he has a great character (especially when supported with Panne), and he's just a really cool guy. Probably my favorite fighter in the series along with Boyd, and one of FE13's funniest characters.

Stahl: My favorite Gen I character. No contest. The thing I like about Stahl is that I can actually relate to him (the things he does in his supports is stuff I'd probably do), and he's definitely a very likable character. My respect points upped a ton seeing his Future of Despair/Future Past conversation with Inigo (Stahl/Olivia OTP), and overall...just an awesome guy.

Miriel: There's not really much I can say about her. She's an interesting character, but she's no Lute. Lute at least had strange quirks that made her amusing and likable. I can't really say that for Miriel, though I don't not like her. I'm neutral on her. I can see why people do like her, but I don't care for her too much.

Sumia: Cynthia's mom! MILF. And pies aren't as overdone as everyone says they are. Anyway, I actually find her personality rather endearing, and I wish Chrom fangirls didn't bash her for petty reasons. Her clumsiness was rather amusing when it sprang up, but how does she not know the difference between a slap and a punch? GG Sumia. Overall, I like her.

Edited by Invader ZM
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Fairy types suck because if they want to fucking balance dragon types which is THE ONLY REASON THEY ADEED FAIRY types they should make dragons less OP in the first damn place.

FE13 is the not the best because it tries too hard to be the best and it fails.

Are you fucking happy now or do I have to write you a 12 page essay?

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Isn't every Awakening character centered on one or two tropes? That's not how you build a character.

I don't mean to call you out on it, but considering the FE game you favor...

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That's fine Breezy.

Just expand on your opinions.

Don't just say I hate this it sucks

Because even if I agree I'm not going to defend your opinion.

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Fair enough, ZM.

Well might as well get some of my "wrong" opinions out

FE13 is not the best FE game

The fuck are you talking about? That's the best opinion ever.

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