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I've tried out Mega Man, and I could only beat Cut Man and Bomb Man. That game is ridiculous and frustrating (especially the disappearing platforms in Ice Man's level, which I couldn't get past for the 2nd set).

So Boney, you probably wouldn't be interested in seeing some of the lyrics I made to video game music, huh? (you didn't really like brentalfloss', so you might not like mine either) I've written quite a few lyrics, but I really only shared them with ZM.

Aww, thank you for your kindness, but I'm hardly inspiring. *blush*

Edit: Yeah, I'm in New York.

Well, it's a relief to see mild-mannered and modest people around in this era that's full of arrogance.

Ah, so much for thinking you lived in the same city I did.

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Aaaaaaaand.... I'm gonna just post the huge progress update on the Nuzlocke casual run here since I should probably be heading to bed... Urgh, I don't wanna yet... I'll probably pass out soon. -_- Need something to distract me.

Anyway, without further ado~

[spoiler=LTP Awakening]

Premonition: lolwut.


Deployed: Shirley, Acacia, BLS, Criz. (forced)

MVP: Shirley & Criz, 5 turns.

Skeptical BLS is skeptical and with that, I'm part of the Shepherds.

Chapter 1.

Deployed: Shirley, Acacia, BLS, Criz. (forced)

MVP: Shirley & Acacia, 3 turns... I think.

Undead monsters and a Marth appearing from the sky to warn everyone about the future. And then it suddenly becomes less despairing as we enter Ylisstol, and we meet Emm--Ayanami.

BLS the Wary and yet Ayanami will trust me because of Acacia. Huh...


AcaciaxShirley: Getting mad because he doesn't see me as a lady... and I don't see him as a prince.

CrizxShirley: Drawing on my face while I nap, huh? And Risen riding wolves.

Chapter 2.

Deployed: Shirley, Acacia, BLS, Criz, Kalas, Jprebs, ZM, Ace. (forced)

And then Emerald joins midway to find Kalas' axe. Good job. And for the boss, I...accidentally killed it because Acacia decided to do a dual strike.

MVP: Shirley & Acacia, 7 turns, I think.

Time for Freohr to shine again.

Chapter 3.

Deployed: Shirley, Acacia, Kalas, ZM, Emerald, Criz, Jprebs, BLS.

Lovebirds. Staph it, game. So let's go grab NM again because.... because, yeah.

MVP: BLS & Freohr. Yay. I forgot how many turns, but who cares? I'm not doing this for turncount.


AcaciaxShirley: ......Walked in on me. All just to discuss strategy on our march.

AcaciaxKalas: One-sided rivalry? "Loser has to sneak up behind BLS and pull down his pantaloons!" - Kalas. LOL.

Chapter 4.

Deployed: Shirley, Acacia, NM, Ace, Freohr, ZM.

MVP: Shirley & ZM, 9 turns.

Fack, that was a tough battle. Now you got your stupid throne, Slayer... and then DLV is like, "here have my best man even though you just removed me from power." THANKS FOR EIN, DUDE. After Criz goes all dreamy about "Marth." Legit.

"He gives orders. I stab people. I think our rules are clear." Ein. XD

Now let's head back over to Ylisstol with this so-called grand news... Only to learn that Levant has been kidnapped by PKLucas and Ayanami is insistent on holding a parley with him.


AcaciaxFreohr: Blackmail.

ZMxShirley: Mindreading for a gift for Acacia and then a planned cooperation thing.

NMxAce: Ace doesn't like it that NM wants to protect her when it's just a habit of his.

Chapter 5.

Deployed: Shirley, Acacia, Freohr, BLS, Emerald, Criz, Jprebs, Kalas, Ein

PeppyxLevant OTP. PKLucas and Iris showdown. Oh wait, no it's not, it's just some derpface.

MVP: Shirley & Ein, 9 turns. I don't know why I'm counting turns lolol. Whatever. Let's end this already with some Criz/Levant OTP while Levant "humbly" thanks me for saving his...butt.

Looks like we instigated a war with PKLucas anyway, OH WELL. Mad King PKLucas. Let's go make some plans.


KalasxCriz: Rivalry with her brother but actually admires him. FIRST SECRET SHARED.

Chapter 6.

Deployed: Shirley, Acacia, Levant, NM, ZM, Ace, Freohr, Ein, Emerald, Kalas.

Acacia's dueling with unpleasant thoughts and reveals to me about some of Ylisse/Iris past. Acacia is the agent of death. And then Marth shows up! ...As a foreseer and proves it to us. Wow, in the cutscene, I'm shown with my hood over my head and then it comes off when cutscene is over, lol. Oh yeah, Marth happens to be female!

Oh look, mewyeon joins us in mid-battle. Oh, and so does Zak, but I said that in last progress. ZM, at level 4, has 8 speed. I'm not sure how I should feel. And then near the boss part:

[11:51:27 PM] Shirley: wow me why didn't you fucking dual strike with Ein

:C And as if in rage, Ein crits Validar after Acacia weakens him...

MVP: Shirley & Ein, 8 turns. Just because it states so in the game.

Now to end this, for Acacia to find Miss Marth and I'm introduced to mewyeon... who calls us man-spawn and distrusts us yet will follow us.


AcaciaxFreohr: Rhubarb pies and laundry. Wait, smallclothes? Really now?

EinxShirley: Figs and more figs.

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I'm finally done with Les Miserables for good, and I'm so relieved I am. Working 8 straight shifts of it was quite tiring and frustrating, especially since it took up practically all of yesterday and today. Thanks for asking.

How about you?

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I've tried out Mega Man, and I could only beat Cut Man and Bomb Man. That game is ridiculous and frustrating (especially the disappearing platforms in Ice Man's level, which I couldn't get past for the 2nd set).

Admittedly, the first one was a bit unpolished compared to the rest.

So Boney, you probably wouldn't be interested in seeing some of the lyrics I made to video game music, huh? (you didn't really like brentalfloss', so you might not like mine either) I've written quite a few lyrics, but I really only shared them with ZM.

If you'd be alright with sharing, I'd be interested.
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I've tried out Mega Man, and I could only beat Cut Man and Bomb Man. That game is ridiculous and frustrating (especially the disappearing platforms in Ice Man's level, which I couldn't get past for the 2nd set).

the boss enemies have a weakness circle. mega man games are really short and replayable, because it makes you mad the first time and feels great after you learn it.

So Boney, you probably wouldn't be interested in seeing some of the lyrics I made to video game music, huh? (you didn't really like brentalfloss', so you might not like mine either) I've written quite a few lyrics, but I really only shared them with ZM.

the idea's not bad, that guy just bugs me a lot.

Well, it's a relief to see mild-mannered and modest people around in this era that's full of arrogance.

it's not just anyone, it's CRIZZIE!! that's why i love her~

sadly, crizix didn't have a good day, it seems ;_;

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Well, since you guys asked, here's some of my lyrics to The Second Level of The Goonies for the NES:

First Stanza:

I like the way you scrub those dishes
It's so exciting and so delicious
The way you clean those bowls that are creamy
I happen to find it so wonderful and dreamy
I like the way you scrub that pot
I happen to find it ludicrously hot

I like the way you clean out jars of molasses

And I like the way you rinse out wine glasses

Oh it's oh so appealing to me

Seeing you scrub dishes makes me happy

Second Stanza:

I like the way you scrub those dishes
Because it fulfills all my hearts deepest wishes

To see you scrub and you see you clean

I happen to think it's such a spectacular scene

I like the way you clean that fork

And the way you clean off those pieces of pork

I like the way that you soak up and scrape off that pan

It has converted me to become your biggest fan

Seeing you scrub dishes fills me with glee

I think that must mean it's your destiny

I'm aware of the weaknesses of bosses in Mega Man and how it's a circle (I mean, a lot of people mention that when talking about key features in Mega Man). It's a shame I can't even reach Guts Man or Ice Man. Maybe the first one isn't a good place to start (even though I want to be chronological about it), since I've heard a lot of things about the first one being ridiculously hard compared to the rest and a bad place to start.

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I agree about phones and browsing SF on it. :C And I have no clue on those weapons.

Oh oh, I see. But yeah, I bet the rain would ruin your day... especially without an umbrella. It just started raining over here, or maybe it has been for a while but I never noticed until now.

I KNOW IT IS. :D I can get lost in the city too, you know.

And I also restarted the Nuzlocke and changed a few characters. HUGEEEEE progress update.

I wish there was an SF Mobile so posting would be easier. :c

Is the rain coming down hard?

I almost got lost there already, lolol.

Crizzie I love you! Don't sell yourself short.

I love you too. ^^

Well, it's a relief to see mild-mannered and modest people around in this era that's full of arrogance.

Ah, so much for thinking you lived in the same city I did.

I'm sure there's just as many reserved people as there are arrogant ones. ^^;

You're Murican? :o

Nice lyrics.

it's not just anyone, it's CRIZZIE!! that's why i love her~

sadly, crizix didn't have a good day, it seems ;_;

All of you guys love to make me blush, huh? Well, I love you too, of course. ^^

Well, it could have gone better, but it was okay...

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Ignoring? What's that? ;ooooo

White Line.

I'm gonna post another progress of the LTP Nuzlocke before I go shower.

[spoiler=LTP Nuzlocke]

Chapter 6:

Deployed: Acacia, Shirley, Peppy, Levant, Ace, NM, Ein, Jprebs, Freohr, ZM

Acacia dueling with unpleasant thoughts and I stalk him. Huh... and learn more about the exalted family! And then "Marth" comes. FORESEER. And then we learn that Marth is really a woman.

OH LOOK TIME TO RECRUIT ZAK. Oh god, so squishy... But he doesn't want to kill Ayanami. Wait, you follow along a bunch of bad guys and not know what you're getting into? >_> and then Validar recognizes me...and sees a "Marth" doesn't belong here.

Battle: HOLY CRAP ZM YOU GAINED SPEED. Level 5 and 8 speed. And then Charlie joins midway into the battle. So rude, he calls us man-spawn. You're gonna go keep Zak safe, Charlie, but you're not pairing with him.

And this is how the battle ends, with Fre and Acacia:

[10:14:08 AM] Shirley: FINE ACACIA FINE


[10:14:21 AM] Shirley: I WAS GONNA GIVE THE KILL TO ZM

MVP: ZM & NM. 11 turns. I'm not really keeping track of turncounts though.

Then "Marth" disappears once again...but Acacia finds her... Deep talk and stuff. You don't take much to convince, Acacia. *shot* All the while, Charlie finds that he...er...she...he-she... can trust Ayanami... Because I'm just clueless but apparently that's a crime.

Talks about moving Ayanami but Ayanami refuses... except to another part of the castle? EXCEPT WE KNOW HOW THAT TURNS OUT.

Casualties: None.


AcaciaxAce: OH FUCK WHY BARRACKS. *shot* Ace doesn't get mad at Acacia for saying she's not much a woman unlike me...

ShirleyxEin: FINALLY. Training session turns into... throwing figs at Ein? What. XD

ZMxNM: NM surprises ZM even though ZM's been looking for him. To ask how they feel during combat... turns out instead of NM helping ZM, ZM helped NM. To be more invisible on the battlefield? Hahaha, what.

ZMxAce: Cain and Abel, Bull and Panther.

Chapter 7: because I'm a loser.

Deployed: Acacia, Shirley, Levant, NM, Ace, Jprebs, ZM, Charlie, Ein, Freohr, BLS.

Carry...me...? Hierarch is suspicious... and he certainly is! But traitors only get killed in the end.

Time for the showdown! Sask joins us... Oh geez... when Sask joins, this is what happens:

[11:16:13 AM] Shirley: I JUST PLACED EIN TOO FAR IN

[11:16:14 AM] Shirley: OH SHIT

[11:16:23 AM] Shirley: MOVE IT, ACACIA

[11:16:33 AM] Shirley: SHIT I CAN'T

[11:19:04 AM] Shirley: ZM TO THE RESCUE

[11:21:20 AM] Shirley: SAVED

[11:21:22 AM] Shirley: IT'S FINE


And then boss time:

[11:25:12 AM] Shirley: wow

[11:25:14 AM] Shirley: why boss

[11:25:20 AM] Shirley: Why Acacia and not Ein, bitch?

MVP: Acacia and Ace, 5 turns. And Sask is trying to tell Acacia to run while beating himself up. He also wanted in ZM's pants. So Ayanami sacrifices himself to return to the capital while we get the Fire Emblem... in spite of Acacia and Criz's protests.

So DLV is Slayer's insignificant other. And it is DLV who reports to us that Ayanami has been captured. No surprise there, really. And public execution, whoooa. That makes Acacia lose his cool and I have to promise to formulate some strategy.

Casualties: None.


FreohrxBLS: BLS is devoted as fuck to Acacia and Fre admires that, much to BLS'....surprise? And wants to help him!

Skirmish 1:

Deployed: Criz, Peppy, Garland, Emerald, Jprebs, Ein, Shirley, Sask

Casualties: None.


JprebsxCriz: J got caught in the act of sending a letter through a carrier pigeon and reveals he's a foreigner...and doesn't want anyone else to know lest it be suspicious. I think that's more suspicious.

ShirleyxEin: I...attacked Ein with figs while he was sleeping too. And made him laugh, but he denies it. NEW MISSION: Make Ein laugh again. I should do that for real.

Sounds like that was fun progress.

I was going to say the same thing.

Blood is boiling right now...

[spoiler=Nintendo, why do you want to dig yourself into a PR hole every other month?]


You know, I was expecting Nintendo to do some middle ground bullshit after pulling back on the Let's Play revenue claiming, but seriously?

*sigh* I hope the backlash for this is large too...

Edit: Seems they pulled back on this too...? Trying to find evidence.


No story mode is fine with me. Although the reason for not having it is kinda dumb.

Heya, DLV.

Adorable. <3
They can take falls better than humans.

That cat is giving zero fuck.


For everyone who wanted me to stop being rude, you got your wish.

Never coming back to this thread.

good riddance


what did you say about not losing anyone in normal mode?

I just lost BLS due to an unlucky fucking crit from a fucking mage in this skirmish. How the fuck does it happen and how the fuck did it happen. Oh my god. It's taking so much not to restart.

Oh never mind, bye Jprebs.

At least you tried.
Maybe Marthur can further help you.

I can't if it started. >_> Besides, I need a slot anyway... and I also have people who has never posted in this thread.

I'm sorry Jprebs.

Ugh I think I quit this thing though. Losing units make me sad. Now why did I even think of doing a Nuzlocke again? *deletes file*

Just don't make it a nuzlocke.

Nuzlockes are dumb.

What plant type.

Why'd Breezy leave. What is it about this thread that makes it ooze drama.

Things sure have got out of hand this week. I suppose that it couldn't be helped.

He does, and then I started losing units so I erased my file.

Way faster than me. Still prologue.



Oh oh. Acacia gave me a better idea. I'll restart the Nuzlocke but instead, I'm gonna do Casual mode... and skip over units that die so they don't count to the run. NO MORE SLEEPINESS. Same cast.


I hope I'm defense blessed.

Azelf is a smelly jerk.

Nasty Plot..huh?
Makes it a pain to catch because of that.

I accedentally named my Azelf, JERK FACE. I like Uxie more anyway,

Coming Soon: Ace Combat: Last to Post Wins

Cordelia: I do know what you're reffering to, 'course it's a secret.

At least you got it now. =)

And lol, Ardan's passing down a Magic ring to Ced.

I call him Seti.
As in Forseti.

.I have no clue which you're referring to, but... well, it's not like I always go to Central Park either.

Grown men even get scared to go there at night.

>__> DonnyxPanne is cute so there you go. I edited my post.


The other set pairing besides Jprebs and Criz is Acacia/Freohr. And I guess Boney/mewyeon. And Ein's.

There is nothing against the rules to start the entire game over. That'll do. =)

Yeah, that's why I said to switch their positions.

TE huh... yes, you took Hatari off the list.

I don't think she'd want to be part of such nonsense.

Did someone mention Frog?!


Chrono Trigger is always one of my favorite RPG's. Glenn was a legend in his own time.

Until Janus turned Glenn into a frog.

I find this funnier than I should... XD

Or that Lyn ispretending not to notice.
Kent is going Kellam here.
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the final boss omg made me rage so much

Same here. You know it's bad when "Just get hit by the yellow orbs. They hurt less." is a perfectly valid strategy.

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You're Murican? :o

Nice lyrics.

No. I have been to the US though and have visited some American cities like Chicago, Minneapolis, and New York (I'm envious that you can go to Nintendo World so easily).

Thanks. The line "I like the way you scrub those dishes" started off as a pick up line my cousin invented, and I decided to take it a big step further and make it a full fledged song.

That's quite the song, Rando.

Don't worry, I've never actually sung that to a woman scrubbing dishes before, unless you count my younger sister (as a joke).

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Same here.

i Bought like 4 e-tanks

i think i used them all just for him

hardest wily fight imo

when it comes to the X series i think sigma in X3 is pretty damn hard

i find the X4 and X6 battles easy

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I agree about phones and browsing SF on it. :C And I have no clue on those weapons.

They were all air planes, by the way.

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You Mega Man fans must be insane or something, seeing how you enjoy the series and can stomach the difficulty (I mean insane in a good way, since Mega Man is ridiculously difficult). I even find the Contra series easier than the mainstream Mega Man series.

I-I m-might harbor some tsundere tendencies to Lyn. I-It's embarrassing. >_>

That's rather fitting, since Lyn herself is quite tsundere.

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Good night everyone!

No. I have been to the US though and have visited some American cities like Chicago, Minneapolis, and New York (I'm envious that you can go to Nintendo World so easily).

Thanks. The line "I like the way you scrub those dishes" started off as a pick up line my cousin invented, and I decided to take it a big step further and make it a full fledged song.

I don't live in NYC. I don't live that far from it, though I've only been to Nintendo World twice in my life. I want to go again.

Lol. I think that's a terrible pick-up line, though. XD

crizzie, believe me...you are so likeable, and i mean every thing i say <3

You're so sweet~! *glomp and cuddle* <3

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