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Actually you may just want to make yourself level 5 or you're probably not going to kill anything and then get run over by those elite units. (the level 15+ promoted units)

And no, I won't. I have an idea for my backstory and recruitment stuff.

Holy shit. Level 5 it is.


Hi ZM~ Gasap so you are a bow-user too?? =D



Zeem is an Archer Jeigan Lord?


I'll be the next Sigurd~

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Still really damn good stats, and you want to buff him?

If those are promoted stats, how are you "planning" them, unless those are averages.

Well actually I wanted to make them higher so the map can actually be doable. Also I did say "increase level" too.

Hmmmm yeah I did think those numbers looked a little high, not that I'm good at knowing what stats are good in FE and what isn't~ Edit: Oh promoted =o Yeah that would make a difference huh~

Nuuuuu Interest I didn't ignore it I just didn't really have a decent response to it~

Nidhogg spammmmm D:

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This is just me, but you should outline the story before you do the maps. So when you make the maps, you can fit them/base them off of the story, and not base the story off of the already made maps so the story won't suffer as a result.

Kinda like "Why are you making a Chapter 16 map, if Chapter 1 doesn't even exist" is what I'm getting at, I guess.

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Rapier!Bow HYPE



This is just me, but you should outline the story before you do the maps. So when you make the maps, you can fit them/base them off of the story, and not base the story off of the already made maps so the story won't suffer as a result.

Kinda like "Why are you making a Chapter 16 map, if Chapter 1 doesn't even exist" is what I'm getting at, I guess.

This is a really good point.

I just wanted to make a small demo for this map, though.

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It's what I got from Infinite Regalia all the freaking time while farming Gradivus (for op 50 Gradivus Trollpass team, which I still haven't done yet).

Chapter 16xx is a placeholder value, btw. It could be as late as 20+xx

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This is a really good point.

I just wanted to make a small demo for this map, though.

Let me bring up an example of why it's way better to do it that way, since it gives way more context.

Before Yeti released the FE7x demo, he asked me and a couple of others to playtest Hard Mode on the 3 new maps the demo would have(effectively Chapters 1, 2 and 3)

We both played differently, he was maximum LTC and I was maximum turtling, but the one constant was that Isadora massively sucked and barely contributed no matter what style of play it was. I'm talking barely damaging things in the Prologue and tinking 90% of enemies in Chapter 1.

So Yeti made a note to buff her in some way to not be useless for the next release. It makes sense to balance that out early, because it was a clear sign of no hope for her as a unit ever, since I couldn't even feed her kills.

So by having everyone start from the beginning(like, story guy says the basic story for Prologue, map guy makes a small basic map, stats guy works his magic on the units) everyone will be on the same page, and since you're beginners, it's better to work small and improve as it goes along instead of jumping right into mid-game.

Also not to mention you can't insert a map without the underlying events anyways, ololol.

But I might just be really biased since I'm in a skype group where most people are hackers so \o/

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I remember trying mapping before =D

I think I didn't have the patience for it and thought mug spriting would be good enough~

Though creating my own places and designs really does seem like fuuuuuuuuun

If I ever get into it again though, I'd probably keep being bad at matching the tiles together again x3 But if I want to enough maybe I will try to be more patient and persistent =3

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But I might just be really biased since I'm in a skype group where most people are hackers so \o/

Could you get some of their assistance then?

Also, it's worth noting this is a demo. It's more to see if it'll work or not. Obviously it won't be the final product. I can easily tweak numbers as much as I want and even modify the map (though I think it's in a decent spot right now).

Anyways, time to sleep.

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Let me bring up an example of why it's way better to do it that way, since it gives way more context.

Before Yeti released the FE7x demo, he asked me and a couple of others to playtest Hard Mode on the 3 new maps the demo would have(effectively Chapters 1, 2 and 3)

We both played differently, he was maximum LTC and I was maximum turtling, but the one constant was that Isadora massively sucked and barely contributed no matter what style of play it was. I'm talking barely damaging things in the Prologue and tinking 90% of enemies in Chapter 1.

So Yeti made a note to buff her in some way to not be useless for the next release. It makes sense to balance that out early, because it was a clear sign of no hope for her as a unit ever, since I couldn't even feed her kills.

So by having everyone start from the beginning(like, story guy says the basic story for Prologue, map guy makes a small basic map, stats guy works his magic on the units) everyone will be on the same page, and since you're beginners, it's better to work small and improve as it goes along instead of jumping right into mid-game.

Also not to mention you can't insert a map without the underlying events anyways, ololol.

But I might just be really biased since I'm in a skype group where most people are hackers so \o/

I see...

But uh, you all should add me on Skype, yes.

Sure. Want to know my Skype?

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