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I like how suddenly we're all splintered off in our own groups and marginalized like products you buy at a store. I am part of no "Group" except my IRL friends.

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what are you referencing to before I call you a tsundere


I'm only tsundere for Lyn.

I do care. I wanted to talk to you.

I like how suddenly we're all splintered off in our own groups and marginalized like products you buy at a store. I am part of no "Group" except my IRL friends.

I'm sorry my post was careless.

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[spoiler=SRW A Playthrough]Scenario 6 – The gone ones, the chased ones

Before the message arrives, discussions over the recent events happen. The Nadesico is still the main topic, but just then the transmission starts.

Saint is cheery for once. A miracle! Looks like the Federation will supply us with a new weapon. He is still set on sinking the Nadesico, but before we can even try to argue again, he tells us to head to Torrington base, in Australia, to pick up the weapon, resupply, and finish repairs. He sends the data of all the info before cutting the transmission, which reveals we’ll also be getting a couple pilots and Mobile Suits as well. Not that it would help much against the Nadesico, due to its Distortion Field, oh well.

Meanwhile, the Dragonar team is happy to learn they can erase their mecha registry at Torrington. Paulina and Laylea worry about Cammy, due to her horn scar, but they easily solve that problem with a bandage and a cover-up story of a head injury.

Meanwhile, I ask why Majestic is here with us instead with his platoon, and I’m told he’s here under suspicion of being a spy. Pikachu caught info about it with the D-3’s intercepting system. Apparently, Majestic got himself a girlfriend over at the enemy. What’s this, this is like the second Romeo and Juliet type couple here… and why is it that the girlfriends are the ones from the enemy factions anyway? Can’t we have it in reverse too alongside them?

Now at Torrington, Saint is upset we let the Nadesico escape and the aliens are still alive. Either way, he introduces us to CrystalShards, an engineer from Anaheim Electronics. Saint notices Noctali, and Zerker quickly says he’s a volunteer from the colonies. This pleases Saint, though at the same times shows how condescending he is to the Spacenoids. This angers Noctali, but Ethlyn is quick to don’t let him speak up. Once Saint leaves, Zerker apologizes, but Ethlyn says it’s no problem if it lets them avoid trouble.

Meanwhile at the hangar, we meet Sanger, who is one of the pilots who will join us. Saint tells Crystal to explain the MS’s we’ll be getting, the Gundam Test Types. Sanger is quick to note the Type 2 is heavily armored. Crystal explains is to protect it from nuclear warheads, as its shoulder-mounted bazooka coms equipped with… a nuke!?

Everyone starts to protest, bringing up the Antarctic Treaty, but Saint rants that it will be for use against the aliens. However, he wants them to test it first against… the Nadesico!? Dude, you’re so messed up, who appointed you chief anyway?

More shockingly, Nightmare decides to let him give us the nuke. However, once Saint leaves he explains it’s better to have it and not use it, than let the Federation keep it and use it. Zerker figures out the Federation might plan to use it against the Devil Gundam as well, and Crystal gets surprised at hearing there’s such thing. Just then Nightmare and Polaris detect something. Hmm…

Well, what-da-ya-know, there is a platoon of Zeon remnants near Torrington. Among them are Boney and a mystery person. A soldier reveals they have intel that the Balmlings are going to attack Torrington, so they’ll take this chance to infiltrate the base. Curiouser and curiouser…

Back at the hangar, looks the Dragonars are also an upgrade, being enabled flight with parts named Lifters. The D-Team find this exciting, until Tengarine reminds them their registry will be erased. Though as a last request they want to use the Dragonars once they can fly, for one last ride in them. Oh surely nothing can wrong from this…. nothing… yep, nothing at all.

At another part of the base, Elieson and Paulina are having another shippy moment as Ethlyn tries to promptly leave to give them their moment, but then the mood crashes like a wave on rocks as Noctali suddenly appears and scoffs at it. He’s disappointed for seeing an equal be involved in something such as love, and things seem to lead to another fist-fight, and no me to stop them again is around and I bet there could be no timely dodge this time around anyway. But instead, they get interrupted by the enemy attacking!

As expected, it’s the Balmlings. Xehanort begins with the same demands of conquering Earth for the sake of the billion Balms… or thousand million, depending on what naming convention you follow regarding the numbers. His presence start to jog more things in Paulina’s memory, and apparently its making it come back now. Now when do I recover mine? However, it proves to be too much for her as she has to be taken to the medical office. Xehanort then reveals they know of the nuke, and wants it. This shocks everyone since knowledge of the nuke was supposed to be a secret. Zerker wants to deploy our forces, but some are still under repairs, so they’ll launch the currently available ones. Just then another of the newly assigned pilots, DarkLegendVampire, arrives saying he’ll help out too. The Type 1 isn’t ready yet, so he’ll deploy in another MS.

Stage Begin!


AcaciaSgt (Lv8) – Soulgain

AstraLunaSol (Lv8) – Mazinger Z

Lux (Lv8), Raven (Lv8), ClLoulD (Lv8) – Getter Robo

Elieson (Lv8) – Daimos

Gregor (Lv7) – Dragonar Type-1

Zeiso0 (Lv5) – Dragonar Type-2

Pikachu (Lv6) – Dragonar Type-3

DarkLegendVampire (Lv8) – GM Custom


YoungXehanort (Lv10) – Gurnroll

Bacteriophage (Lv9) – Battle Robo Dali [ball]

AI (Lv8) – Battle Robo Dali [Humanoid] x2

AI (Lv7) – Battle Robo Zubanza x4

And we’re back to not letting enemies reach the base. I don’t try to move that far away from it, though, since not that soon after, the Zeons take the time the infiltrate the base now, as Balmling reinforcements arrive from the opposite side of the first ones!

Meanwhile back at base, Paulina is fine now, but now is conscious of the position she’s in, with her brother and lover being enemies. It comes to the point that she runs out of the base, and the fact she’s a Balmling is now out, surprising everyone.

Xehanort, recovering of the shock of seeing his sister alive, orders Troykv to pick her up, which he promptly does and leaves the map, despite her protests that they should all retreat instead. This crushes Elieson’s morale, in-game even if that 30 morale loss is any indication. The attack continues so off we go, despite these recent events.

Enemy reinforce

AI (Lv8) – Battle Robo Dali [Humanoid] x2

AI (Lv7) – Battle Robo Zubanza x2

Xehanort retreats just like last time, so gotta ensure he’s defeated before that. After the enemy is gone, Saint is furious now about having had a Balmling with us. Meanwhile Boney is already inside the base and observes the Type 2. He fools everyone long enough thinking he’s another assigned pilot, but the jig is quickly up. Noctali tries to stop him, but Boney gets into the Type 2 in time and Gundamjacks it! Mystery person reveals himself now… it’s CaptainAmerica, Polaris’s brother!

They have plans for the nuke, so they now bid adieu. The rest of the mechas are now ready to deploy though, which they promptly do. Sanger deploys too, taking the Type 1 to use in battle. At this the Zeon forces show up as well and the battle continues!

Party Reinforce

Zerker (Lv7) – Argama

Nightmare (Lv8) – Gundam

MajesticPaladin (Lv9) – GundamEz-8

Sanger (Lv7) – GP-01Zephyrantes

Eclipse (Lv7) – Methus

Ciarre (Lv7) – Diana A

AceNoctali (Lv9) – Shining Gundam

Enemy Reinforce

CaptainAmerica (Lv10) – Char Custom Gelgoog (nicknamed CA Custom Gelgoog due to sharing name cause)

Boney (Lv10) – GP-02APhysalys

CT075 (Lv9) – Gouf Custom

Raivix (Lv9) – Gouf Custom

DragonBoner (Lv8) – Dom II

CheatEnabled (Lv8) – Dom II

Esme (Lv8) – Dom II

Astelaine (Lv7) – Apsalus

Zeon Soldier (Lv 7) – Zaku II x4

Quite the number of returning faces from the One Year War; CT075, Raivix, and the Black Tri-Stars, DragonBoner, CheatEnabled, and Esme. Majestic recognizes the Apsalus pilot. It’s his girlfriend, Astelaine! She also realizes he’s here. Looks like some drama is in order, eh?

Secret Alert!

For once it’s not a case of X needs Y kills by Stage Z. If Majestic approaches Astelaine, the commands menu shows an extra option: Convince. It’s basically like the FE Talk option when recruiting people, so you can figure out where this is going, right? Well, you’re wrong! You’ll see why soon…

Steve Rogers and Boney also retreat when their HP is low enough. The GP-02 is also a pain to fight though. For a MS it has quite a bit of armor, and a shield, so he will last quite a bit. If Majestic talks to Astelaine, they’ll be surprised to see each other, but not much else comes after that. See? She ain’t joining here. But it still does something so it’s still important to trigger this talk.

Astelaine also retreats, and when she does, Raivix will do so as well, so it’s better to defeat Raivix first, then Astelaine.

Once the enemy forces are gone, Saint is quick to order a pursuit, but the Argama needs to be repaired first. Talk then goes about how did both enemy factions learned of the GP-02, and Saint is quick to pin the blame on Elieson and Majestic, due to their girlfriends.

Back with the Balmlings, Xehanort is also angry, but at Paulina due to having fallen in love with an Earthling. He brings up the fact Earthlings killed their father, but Paulina bring up they killed Elieson’s father too, and if he’s willing to cling to that blind hatred and ignore their father’s desire of peace. At this Xehanort has enough and orders for her to be put in prison.

Back in Torrington, Saint is quick to go on with his accusations, but reason and logic prevails as he’s pointed out Paulina had amnesia, and Majestic was with them all the time, and only learned of the GP-02 when they reached Torrington, and the Zeons had planned the theft for quite some time anyway.

But Saint is still stubborn, and since he can’t attack the logic, he states Zerker is a bad commander and hits him. Everyone is angry, but Zerker takes it like a man and just says they’ll pursue the Zeons once repairs are completed. That sure is some self-control. Dodging it would’ve made things worse anyway…

Meanwhile the Zeons get ready for the next phase of their plan. They’re aware we’ll give pursuit so they prepare as well.

The Dragonar team find out their registry can’t be erased now, since the computer was destroyed in the attack. That’s what happens for wanting to use them one last time, them’s the breaks. And as if things could get worse (for them anyway), DLV is now theirs and Sanger’s instructor instead of Tangerine.

At the Argama, everyone tries to cheer up Elieson for what happened regarding Paulina. Even Noctali, of all people. Elieson declares he won’t give up in seeing her again, and Majestic understands that more than anyone. It makes Ethlyn feel a bit jealous of the girls, but Noctali, in typical not-yet-aware-of-love type of person fashion, thinks she wants to be kidnapped too. Cue facepalm.

Back on the bridge, the pursuit of the Nadesico has been put on hold to pursue the Zeons. The Federation and Preventers will take care of the former. Meanwhile, the Zeons were detected going to Africa. It seems they have a base over there with a rocket. Looks like they’re heading off to space as well.

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I'm only tsundere for Lyn.

I do care. I wanted to talk to you.

Lyn... twitch.

Um... alright then... *reactivates PM*

and *reads Acacia's post*

Edited by Elize
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We did before. And maybe so, so perhaps when he comes around, we can be friends again? Maybe.

As a negative person and being younger, he's not going to come around first. And someone has to be the bigger person here, otherwise it won't work. You can't expect respect, or even deserve it if you don't give it first

I like how suddenly we're all splintered off in our own groups and marginalized like products you buy at a store. I am part of no "Group" except my IRL friends.

Hello Boron.

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I'm sorry my post was careless.


Less careless than "do we really want to be shut off in groups that don't interact and just coexist unpeacefully with each other?" We're a collective forum, and we're defined by much more than someone's group.

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da faq is going on here

A bunch of people who don't normally come here are suddenly posting. I'm a little jarred, to be honest with you. ^^;

I like how suddenly we're all splintered off in our own groups and marginalized like products you buy at a store. I am part of no "Group" except my IRL friends.

Hello there.

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Less careless than "do we really want to be shut off in groups that don't interact and just coexist unpeacefully with each other?" We're a collective forum, and we're defined by much more than someone's group.

I've been hanging out with Boney too much.

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Less careless than "do we really want to be shut off in groups that don't interact and just coexist unpeacefully with each other?" We're a collective forum, and we're defined by much more than someone's group.

If SF was like that, It'd be high school all over again. Let's hope it never goes there

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Seriously though, groups are pretty silly. Sure, there are "friend circles" which is probably a better way to describe them, but it doesn't exclusively mean you have to be friends with everyone in there, and you can't be friends with people outside of them. It's ridic.

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I like how suddenly we're all splintered off in our own groups and marginalized like products you buy at a store. I am part of no "Group" except my IRL friends.

O.O my butt clenched

I've been hanging out with Boney too much.

more like not enough you hoar. stop breaking your computer and skype me

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