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You keep saying that, and yet..

It's not something that happens overnight. You got to move towards it, and the earlier you start, the faster and easier it comes

Edited by Hero-King
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Do whatever you feel like doing Hero, won't change a thing

This isn't about me Breezy. It's your life, not mine. All I could possibly do is cheer you on as you walk it. You're the one who has to want to live a better life

Thats a great way to put it Anon

And hi Mei

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[spoiler=SRW A Playthrough]Scenario 21 – Instead of just walking the decided path

We’re finally at Yokosuka, and Saint is here. Oh boy. At this point, the Nadesico is now officially Londo Bell affiliated and Saint is oh so eager to order us to kick out the Spacenoids and, as he puts it: “Show the universe what happens to who goes against the Earth Federation”. He’s so full of it, isn’t it? Tangerine brings up a request of supplemental piots, since the D-Team registry will be erased. He still thinks they’re cowards and fools, but is still gonna give us supplemental pilots and even a couple Dragoons. We’ll be leaving tomorrow morning and… ah, as a last thing, he calls for Samven. Samven is hoping that with the extra pilots it means he can go back to just being a cook. But instead Saint… fires him?

Everyone’s surprised at this. They even point out the hypocrisy of being angry at the D-Team wanting to leave, and then firing Samven, even if he could just remain as cook. Saint however won’t relent on his decision.

Elsewhere, the group is still angry about the decision. Elieson gets pensative, and wonders out loud why only Samven. The others comment how some among them carry more reasons to be fired over Samven. They conclude that Samven being in the army is a no-go then, but then why? James brings up the only notorious thing about him is about being a survivor from the Mars Utopia Colony attack. Nightmare states how the timing of the attack and his arrival to Earth doesn’t match, but then Tangerine brings up the Jovians have the Boson Jump technology. Things brings to the logical conclusion, he was able to use it somehow. CA brings up that even then the army would just transfer him, for investigative purposes, not fired, so that means it was Nergal who actually pulled those strings.

Just then I arrive. It seems Nightmare sent me to spy around. Haha, sent me to spy… it now sounds a bit ironic, isn’t it? Anyway, I found out that Venausur, Garland, Dread, and Cookie aren’t around, so it seams it really is the work of Nergal Entreprise. Although, they do notice my speech patterns changed. Oops, minor slip up there, though easily coverable. Anyway, just then the D-Team arrives, announcing their registries were finally erased. They’re gonna be paid 2 million dollars each before leaving. Woah, it sure pays well to be in the army huh. Although it looks like Sakusa is a bit sad Gregor is leaving.

Meanwhile, somewhere unknown, we met another set of mystery people. Hm, they seem to have a bone to pick with Earth too… something about going directly since unmanned units aren’t enough… wait, so that means…? Anyway, they detect something, and are surprised the Earth has… leaking technology? What sort of thing is that anyway? Did the guy who translated the script in GameFAQs translate it wrong or I’m just missing something here?

Anyway, in the actual town the now former D-Team is just hanging around. Zoise apparently wants to invest his money, and the others, though Pikachu isn’t that thrilled with the idea. Just then, they spot Samven and… Titania? She states she quitted, apparently unhappy with the recent events. They ask what they plan to do from now on, though Samven starts going about no one really caring, which the rest are quick to protest about. Just then Cookie also shows up, and states she has work for Samven… huh…

Back with the two mystery people, the thing they detected is now going back to where it came. They pinpoint its origin was in Japan… at Yokosuka!? It seems they now plan to make a strike, and finally know of their identities. Charlie and Zak. Hm, they state themselves to be the “Jupiter Sphere Ganimede Callisto Europa and Outer Satellite Kingdom Anti-Earth Alliance Unit, Assault Space Force Specialty Squad”… huh, from Jupiter… hmm…

Meanwhile, Cookie has brought Samven and Titania to Atom Corp. She explains about the Boson Jump, and how Nergal has tried to replicate the process, but on lving beings. She states how the Jovians have only sent AI-controlled units, but the capability of warping living beings has been shown to be possible, when the Nadesico warped from Mars to Solomon. Gregor wonders why not put pilots on the units if they can be warped, and Cookie explains that living beings by themselves can’t just go through the dimensional wall… and just notices the former D-Team followed them here. lol

Anyway, she continues, stating that if they can warp manned units to the Moon or Mars, it would greatly contribute to the war efforts, since they can’t match the Jovian’s high-performance unmanned units. Samven asks what then does this has to do with him, and Cookie explains he has something they want. She brings up a gem-like thing, and Samven recognizes it as something his father gave him. She explains its a Tulip Crystal, or TC, something first found in Mars’s poles. It’s what enables the Boson Jump. Just then Dread arrives, explaining things further. Samven has been involved in a living Boson Jump twice, first from Mars to Earth, then when the Nadesico and crew warped. And so they want Samven so they can perfect the process. Samven isn’t happy though, and compares it to Jprebs using NTG, Isa, and NG. But before things go further, they detect… a Boson Jump!?

Yep, it’s the Jovians. Dread figures they detected their Living Boson Jump tests, and have come here to put an end to them. Back with us we sortie, but the Nadesico can’t move since it’s still under repairs. We take note of the new kind among the usual Jovian units, and ZM seems to recognize… Gekiganger? Huh… Anyway, Nightmares wonders if the new D-Team’s registry is done. Also, looks like the meachs themselves received an enchancement, but it seems the registry isn’t, so we can’t use them for now. Meanwhile, Samven and co. just watch as they wonder if they should do, or that if they can even do, something.

Stage being!


Zerker (Lv25) – Nahel Argama

AceTactician (Lv22) – Nadesico

SRC (Lv26), Sara (Lv26) – Kerot

Lux (Lv26), Raven (Lv26), TheFush (Lv26) – Getter Robo G

AcaciaSgt (Lv26) – Soulgain

Elieson (Lv26) – Daimos

GoD (Lv26), Cluie (Lv26), Comet (Lv26), ThGhosteon (Lv26), AgileTit-Tyrant (Lv26) – Combattler V

AceNoctali (Lv25) – God Gundam

Nightmare (Lv24) – Full-Armor Gundam

JamesBCrazy (Lv24) – Daitarn 3

Knight (Lv24) – Great Mazinger

GreenPoet (Lv23) – Venus A

CaptainAmerica (Lv21) – Hyakku Shikki


Zak (Lv27) – Majin

AI (Lv26) – Batta [New Model] x4

AI (Lv25) – Batta x4

Standard stage, though it’s back to those pesky Distortion Field users. Soon enough more enemies warp in, and at this the former D-Team has had enough, and decide to head back. Samven meanwhile is still undecisive over what to do.

Enemy reinforce

Charlie (Lv27) – Tetsujin

AI (Lv26) – Katombo x3

AI (Lv25) – Batta [Flier] x6

But shortly after, the former D-Team reaches the base. Ninji is surprised to see them here, but they said to nevermind that let them into the Dragonars. Surprisingly, the registry hasn’t been erased yet, so they can hop back in. In the meantime, they get a quick explanation the Metal Armors were customized. The only downside is that D-2 lost its Ressuply unit, but thankfully for my meta-self D-3 still has its Repair, Jammer, and EWAC units. Yay! Anyway, Crystal says DLV left a message saying that if they do hop in, they’ll join the army officially. They understand and deploy. Oh, the jig us up, looks like they were the supplemental pilots all along, since they were expecting them to come back. Haha, well played, well played…

Party reinforce

Gregor (Lv24) – Dragonar Type-1 Custom

Ziose0 (Lv12) – Dragonar Type-2 Custom

Pikachu (Lv25) – Dragonar Type-3 Custom

Well, this stage there’s no worry of enemies retreating while still having HP. Though unlike the previous 3 stages that had people starting to drop like flies, no deaths here. On the other hand, Charlie’s escape device won’t work, and now he’s stuck in his mecha’s unit for us to pick up. Doesn’t sound good for him it seems.

Anyway, once the battle is over, looks like things have quieted down… or not. Another Majin unit Boson Jumps in. However, instead of a fight, its gonna… transport the dimension? Ah, it’s gonna disappear the whole town! Smanven asks for the TC, but Titania tries to talk him out of acting. Samven however, seems to have finally come into a decision, and so heads over to the Majin… and Boson Jumps. Both the Majin and Samven are gone. Everyone’s shocked, with AceTactician the most.

The group starts to the mourning time… wait, they think he’s dead? Though Cookie is quick to clarify saying he left a message. Turns out he warped to the Moon, and now he’s in danger from Giganos.

Meanwhile, in her room Ace is still crying, though Samven sends a transmission which puts her more at ease. He relays of his position, and the fact they now have orders to fight Giganos in their home turf, is enough to cheer her up knowing she will come to him anyway.

In the Nahel Argama, CA muses how predictable it was to know the D-Team would come back, and Sakusa is happy Gregor is back. Tangerine says they’ll be promoted in rank, though Zoise is sad that means no more 2 million dollars. Lol

The scene now changes to Pride and Freohr. Huh, it seems they have data on the Boson Jump. Pride states it will only be somewhat useful, and Freohr leaves to finish her job…

And now the scene’s at Lantau Island. Federation soldiers are here, and note how long it’s taking to extract the wreckage. Ethlyn notes that it looks like some parts are nowhere to be found, especially a good chunk of the core and the main motif engine. And just then, one of the Federation mechas blows up! The rest of the soldiers try to scramble, but they get blown up too. Then something warps in… uh oh, it’s Freohr! She states she has collected the Devil Gundam’s main parts, and now she has come… for her. Damn, first Shirley and now Ethlyn, just what is Shadow Mirror plotting...

Back at Yokosuka, if Noctali got the enough kills, he’ll get a visitor. It’s the horse from before! He seems to be riled up over something, but Holmes is able to calm it down. He apparently has experience with this sort of thing since he owns a horse. Anyway, he apparently wants to tell Noctali something, but that’s easier said than done. In any case, Noctali says they should take him along, and reveals to them he was the one piloting the horse-shaped mobile suit the Master Gundam rode, which shocks everyone. XD Though Noctali was able to understand that he tried to warn him something about Ethlyn. Oh how right he is… how right he is…

Anyway, at the base’s hangar, they brought the captured Jovian mecha, ready for investigation. They take note it has a cockpit block, meaning the Jovians themselves are now coming. In any case, they manage to open the cockpit… and it’s empty? Huh, where did the pilot go? In any case, more shocked they are to find it full of… Gekiganger stuff? LOL WHAT!?

Note: This is regarding getting the horse as a PC. If the steps to recruit Caladbolg were taken, the horse won’t join here regardless of Nocatli’s kill count. This is because the horse will join with Caladbolg, so it’s not like they’re exclusive to each other or something.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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