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Oh oh, what did they do now that you don't like. Come on, tell us. Do it.

Hi everyone.


Pit: ZM

Dark Pit: Hero King



Hewdraw heads 1-3:







Pyrrhon: Breezy




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[spoiler=Jprebs' super cool LTP Touhou Edition]
Shirley: Meiling
Emerald: Byakuren
Lettuce: Shou
Ein: Flandre
ZM: Sanae
Anon: Cirno
Hero-King: Sakuya
Crizix: Remilia
Vashiane: Patchouli
Jprebs: Marisa
Breezy: Koishi
Acacia: Rinnosuke
Interest: Yukari
Kalas: Momiji
Boney: Reimu
Lucas: Aya
Rando: Youmu
Aya: Suwako
Zak: Reisen
BLS: Nitori
DLV: Yuuka
Boron: Eiki
Shelie: Rumia
Freohr: Komachi
Darros: Ran
Polydeuces: Kogasa

Edited by Shinki
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[spoiler=SRW A Playthrough]Scenario 22 – Protect the “incoming ones”?

Our orders are now to head to the fronlines of Empire Giganos. AceTactician wants to go pick up Samven, but it seems our orders don’t quite make him a high priority at the moment. At least he seems to be safe for now in Nergal’s Lunar Dock. Meanwhile, Zerker is worried about the Jovian, since he might’ve sneaked in. The Nahel Argama got searched already, but there’s still the Nadesico. The D-Team, Shuffle Union, Getter Team, Zambot Team, and I got sent over to search, and Nightmare hopes nothing annoying happens.

Meanwhile with us, Vincent and ZM are helping us out… and really, we’re actually trying to bait Charlie out with Gegikanger Merchandize? >_> We all have various reactions at this, from Noctali wanting to search the usual way to ZM wondering where the heck Vincent got some of the stuff. lol Anyway, thankfully the silly situation is put to a stop as the Zambot Team brought their dog too, so we can just show him one of the articles from the Jovian unit, and let his nose do the rest of the work.

Meanwhile, in the Skull Moon site… guess where that is. Just guess. Anyway, Enkidu is here, alongside NoNameAtAll. Ah, the Vega Alliance is finally making an appearance to the foreground. They have found out we’re heading here, to the Moon. The contant failures of the Campelli and Boazanlings have forced Enkidu to step in himself. He apparently has his sights to the Mass Driver, to use it to shoot meteors with Vegatron spreader. However, it seems someone named Godot had been foiling their plans to far, destroying one of those meteors, and damaging like half of the Skull Moon. However, it seems they’ve have finally managed to subdue him, along with his companions. NoName expects to get rid of Godot, but apparently Enkidu’s daughter Iris refuses. Apparently he once arranged a marriage between those two. Supposedly just for show and further his own plans, but then Iris felled in love with Godot for real. However, Enkidu is willing to make an “accident” happen to Godot… oh boy… Fortunately for Godot, Iris was eavesdropping on her dad and NoName.

Back with us, the dog was successful in tracking down Charlie. He’s in ZM’s room. Well, what do you know, the apparently Gekiganger maniac went to the room of the biggest Gegikanger fan of the ship? Geez, didn’t see that one coming, did ya? In any case, we force open the door… to find Charlie watching Gekiganger episodes…


And we just stare there in disbelief, though ZM stating how Charlie’s pilot suit is cool. lol In any case, Charlie unfortunately is able to escape thanks to us being distracted from the absurdity of it all, and we quickly give chase.

Charlie is able to reach the deck, but Venausur intercepts him with a gun. However, with our arrival chaos ensues and Charlie is able to escape… for a little while anyway, as Noctali is able to hit him unconscious. I inwardly think if the Jovian Lizards are in cahoots with Shadow Mirror. Apparently my memory didn’t come back fully or it’s a new development. Anyway, the captains will be reported that the Jovian was finally captured.

Back at Skull Moon, Iris has reached the prison area, where Godot’s companions are, Cynthia, and his sister, Judas. She can’t save Godot yet, but for now she can free the girls. She states she knows we are heading to the Moon, so it’s best for now to reach us and save Godot later.

Back at the Nahel Argama, talk is about the Jovian prisoner. Nightmare notes that the pilot suit is modeled after those from the Gekiganger anime. Zerker wonder about the implications, taking note that Gekiganger is a very old anime. James had Wraith search that up, and the latter reveals the anime is already 100 years old. CA notes it’s around the same time the Mars terraforming began, DLV ponders aloud this could mean a whole different situation is at hand than mere fanboyism.

Back at Skull Moon, they finally found out about Iris’s betrayal. Enkidu orders for RainbowSkittles to come here. XxFeaRLeSsxX worries about Iris, but Enkidu states she’s no longer his daughter due to her treason. Skittle arrives, and NoName tells him to go after them. He also… huh, finished a deal with the Balmlings!? And says he’ll ask them for reinforcements.

Back in the Nadesico, Charlie was found with an ID Card, which has his identity and that long title mentioned way up there. The group finally figures this Jupiter Union was the Jovians all along. Meanwhile, Garland states that after an analysis, it turns out they’re Earthlings to boot! At this, the jig is up for Venasaur and Cookie. The group note Venausur tried to kill Charlie before, and so they must be hiding something. Having no other choice, they have no option but to explain…

Around a hundred years ago, at the start of the Universal Century, a faction on the Moon started forth an independence movement. Unlike Zeon or Giganos, no war broke out, but the Federation was divided over what to do, and an internal war started. The separatist group got fed up with it, and fled to Mars, the Asteroid Belt, and Jupiter. The Federation erased them from all records, and even sent a nuke to wipe out those who settled on Mars, taking chance the terraforming project hadn’t started yet. Woah. Charlie speaks up now, stating that in Jupiter they found the transportation engine plant, and so built mechas to attack the Earth. He states is for justice, for the banishment and attacking other independence factions like Zeon and Giganos. This seems to have gained him the pity of Titania and Icarus, though before anything else happens, the alarms go off! However, the sudden news has…. wait, what are those two girls doing!?

At the Nahel Argama, they’ve identified the enemy as the Balmlings… and unkowns! However, they get a report from Vashiane that Charlie escaped! And the girls went with him!?

Charlie’s mecha launched and it’s getting away. Ace tries to get the girls to come back, but they refuse. Charlie doesn’t like the fact it means they’re basically acting as hostages, but they don’t mind if it means he can get away unharmed. Zerker orders to deploy to recapture the unit, but just then the detected enemy forces arrive!

Seeing the Balmlings, Elieson is quick to deploy, and Knight and Astra follow suit to support him.

Meanwhile, Troykv comments how Randoman predicted us coming to space and so decided to ally with the Vega Alliance, but Xehanort is inwardly thinking how their orderds to head back to Small Balm were suddenly canceled. He remembers Noob7 before his dead told him about being aware Paulina was not only alive but back at Small Balm, and thinks if there’s a relation. Charlie decides to use this timing to escape. However, he can’t use the Boson Jump right now so they’ll have to flee the usual way. The enemy takes note of him, and also decides to aim in his direction! Cookie wonders why he doesn’t use the Boson Jump, but Dread explains that the Jovians are genetically modified, as ordinary humans can’t witstand the Boson Jump, so doing so would mean peril for the two girls.

Stage begin!


Zerker (Lv26) – Nahel Argama

AceTactician (Lv26) – Nadesico

Elieson (Lv26) – Daimos

Knight (Lv27) – Great Mazinger

AstraLunaSol (Lv15) – Mazinger Z

SRC (Lv27), Sara (Lv27) – Kerot

Pikachu (Lv26) – Dragonar Type-3 Custom

AcaciaSgt (Lv26) – Soulgain

AceNoctali (Lv25) – God Gundam

JamesBCrazy (Lv25) – Daitarn 3

Gregor (Lv25) – Dragonar Type-1 Custom

Nightmare (Lv25) – Full-Armor Gundam

CaptainAmerica (Lv22) – Hyakku Shikki


NoNameAtAll (Lv28) – Battle Bokokan

YoungXehanort (Lv28) – Cobrad

AI (Lv26) – Mecha Warrior Gimeria x2

AI (Lv26) – Mecha Warrior Zonnekeiser x2

AI (Lv25) – Battle Robo Dali [ball] x6


Charlie (Lv27) – Tetsujin

Alright, a bit of an escort mission. The Tetsujin will be heading north towards the edge. Once it does or the first enemy wave is routed, it will leave the battlezone. It’s Game Over if it gets defeated, but thankfully it can last longer than a usual mecha thanks to the Distortion Field.

In any case, once either event happens, Xehanort berates NoName for underestimating us, but NoName has a trump card, which is… Godot!? Astra and co. can’t belive what they’re seeing. Vashiane searches the computer for data. The Grendizer, missing from the Space Sceience Lab for weeks, pilot Godot. The group figures something’s up, as not only is he with the enemy, Godot seems silent for some reason. In any case, we have no choice but to fight.

Enemy reinforce

Godot (Lv26) – Grendizer

In any case, come next turn more units appear. However, it’s Iris and co.! Judas reveals the Godot we’re righting isn’t the real one; he’s still imprisoned at Skull Moon. Some of the group is still skeptical about believem them, as more enemy units arrive. Astra belives Godot would never become evil, and therefore Judas and the others are to be trusted. I inwardly think the logic is stupid… though still agree with it. Hm, an internal crisis coming over about conflicting feelings? Hah, who knows? Anyway, Astra asks Judas regarding details about their first meeting, and the answers… or perhaps them and Judas’s way of answering them, apparently is enough to convince him that she is the real deal. Well, that’s good enough as any for the rest, so off we go!

Party reinforce

Iris (Lv25) – Double Spazer

Cynthia (Lv25) – Marine Spazer

Judas (Lv25) – Drill Spazer

Enemy reinforce

RainbowSkittles (Lv28) – Battle Bokokan

AI (Lv27) – Saucer Beast Gingin x3

AI (Lv25) – Mecha Warrior Zonnekeiser x3

Once Skittles gets defeated, Iris thinks the worst is over. However, just then something warps in… it’s Amelia! She goes after Iris! This makes me wonder if the Vega alliance also has a Shadow Mirror spy infiltrated, and Amelia states all pieces are ready, and soon we’ll move… and something about the technology… but she doesn’t tell much else before warping out with the Double Spazer. So like, 3rd kidnapping now, huh.

The others just contemplate how the situation went from bad to worse, and for now focus on routing the remaining enemies, as I ponder about how the transportation device seems stable now…

Once the battle is over, the group is putting the pieces toguether. The Vega Alliance, they destroyed Planet Freid, and now are here in the Earth Sphere with a base on the Moon. The Campelli and Boazanlings were sent over since the Vega were busy dealing with the damage Godot and the girls made on Skull Moon, and so couldn’t act themselves for the time being. However, that they manage to attack now means they’ve finally recovered. The girls want to head over to rescue Godot, but like with Samven before, it’s not gonna be a high priority thing though since we’re going to the Moon anyway there can be a chance to do so.

Meanwhile, in the Balmling battleship, Troykv delivers Xehanort a message from Small Balm. It’s… about Xehanort’s father? He wasn’t killed by the Earthlings after all!? That it was actually… Randoman!? And as if things couldn’t get more shocking to them, the message also says Randoman allied with the Vega and… the Shadow Mirror too!? Just to have Small Balm under his complete control. Xehanort demands for proof and Troykv states he heard from his brother that he overheard Randoman talking with a Shadow Mirror, and he trusts his brother to know he’s not lieing. Furthermore, yeah, there’s still more… the message also states about Paulina being alive! That she went back to Small Balm to take down Randoman and fulfill her father’s will. Bacteriophage concludes that that was the reason their orders to head back were cancelled. Xehanort declares their ties with the Vega cut, and now they’re gonna head back to Small Balm ASAP.

Back with us, Zerker sends a transmission to Ace. He wants to deliver the message we’ll be heading to Nergal’s Lunar docks, and about the warning that the Vaga Alliance has a base nearby, but it seems she’s lost in her excitement of reuniting with Samven, she’s barely listening. Though, she regains her focus enough to ask about Titania and Icarus, but there’s nothing that can be done about them.

Meanwhile at the Preventer’s HQ, Ein is looking up info on Makaze in Wikipedia, and other stuff apparently. Coaster arrives with lunch, but it seems Ein is so absorbed into his info-searching using Google. However, he pulls back to state he has found where Shirley is being held at as Julian Assange the 8th has just put the info in Wikileaks v5 and leaves. Coaster then notices TheEnd arriving. He asks what’s bothering him, and TE replies he had wanted to investigate regarding Giganos, but the jerks deleted their Wikipedia entries can’t contact PersonaEmblem, or Marthur. In any case, their Gundams are ready and so it’s time to leave.

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[spoiler=Jprebs' super cool LTP Touhou Edition]

Shirley: Meiling

Emerald: Byakuren

Lettuce: Shou

Ein: Flandre

ZM: Sanae

Anon: Cirno

Hero-King: Sakuya

Crizix: Remilia

Vashiane: Patchouli

Jprebs: Marisa

Breezy: Koishi

Acacia: Rinnosuke

Interest: Yukari

Kalas: Momiji

Boney: Reimu

Lucas: Aya

Rando: Youmu

Aya: Suwako

Zak: Reisen

BLS: Nitori

DLV: Yuuka

Boron: Eiki

Shelie: Rumia

Freohr: Komachi

Darros: Ran

Polydeuces: Kogasa

One more person: Peppy is Tenshi.

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