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The Last To Post Wins!


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...it's not yet time!! I've still got a good 2 hours. Though thanks. His birthday celebrations are a lot of fun, especially with the barbecues we have.

By the way Hero-King, since you like Cecil quite a lot in Dissidia, yet hardly know his backstory in his original game, do you want me to tell you it? Put any questions and stuff in spoilers, since Shirley and ZM are playing Final Fantasy IV and they don't want it spoiled.

Edited by Randoman
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...it's not yet time!! I've still got a good 2 hours. Though thanks. His birthday celebrations are a lot of fun, especially with the barbecues we have.

By the way Hero-King, since you like Cecil quite a lot in Dissidia, yet hardly know his backstory in his original game, do you want me to tell you it? Put any questions and stuff in spoilers, since Shirley and ZM are playing Final Fantasy IV and they don't want it spoiled.


I know a bit of FF4, and to put it simply Cecil is dark knight of the kingdom of Baron who begins to doubt the militant, crystal hunting orders he's being given.

Speaking of, I was thinking of shoveling over the cash for RPG maker and doing 'The Last to Post Wins: the Non-FE-styled RPG'

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I know a bit of FF4, and to put it simply Cecil is dark knight of the kingdom of Baron who begins to doubt the militant, crystal hunting orders he's being given.

Speaking of, I was thinking of shoveling over the cash for RPG maker and doing 'The Last to Post Wins: the Non-FE-styled RPG'

That's true. But I was wanting to give Hero-King the even deeper backstory of Cecil which occurred around his birth (keep further discussion in spoilers so we don't ruin it for Shirley or ZM).

Alright, here it goes. Cecil's father Kluya was a Lunarian (a humanoid race from the moon that was really advanced compared to humans) who was exceptionally skilled with magic and technology. KluYa and his bloodline and relatives actually invented many things, like the airships and the Serpent Road, and were great teachers on earth, especially when it came to magic. In Baron, he met his wife Cecillia there and Cecil's older brother Theodore (a name meaning a gift from the gods) was born a year later. Kluya eventually settled down and lived in Baron and taught the people there magic. Theodore was also taught magic, and although he was weak with white magic and couldn't even cast cure, he showed great talent in Black Magic. Later on Cecillia became pregnant with Cecil (Cecil was actually named after his mother) and Theodore received the news with great joy, being excited at the thought of being an older brother. Later on, the people that Kluya taught magic to, started using it for selfish purposes, and even used it to kill Kluya. Theodore was shocked and saddened by this, and even tried casting Cure on Kluya during his last moments, but to no avail. Before dying, Kluya questioned his decision to teach those people magic, but Theodore calmed and assured him before he died saying that Kluya did no wrong and that it was the decision of those people to misuse their magic, not his. During Cecil's birth, Cecillia suffered great pain and ended up dying, but Cecil was successfully delivered. Now, Theodore had no family left but Cecil. The townspeople were accomodating to Theodore's situation and helped him greatly. Though one day, when it was just Theodore and Cecil in the house, a voice whispered to Theodore about how tragic his situation was, and how Cecil was an insect and the root of all his suffering. The voice mentioned that if Cecil was never born, his mother would still be alive and that Theodore wouldn't be so alone. Theodore fought so hard trying to push away those voices and thoughts, but eventually gave into them. Theodore took Cecil out of the house and carried him out into the forests filled with monsters, and left him there to be devoured by them. Nobody in Baron found out about his deeds, but eventually Theodore became so guilt ridden with what he did that he couldn't bring himself to face another person ever again, and fled from humanity, where he was never seen for the longest time. During the King of Baron's travels across the country, he actually came across the infant Cecil and decided to bring him in and raise him as his own, where Cecil grew up to be a Dark Knight of Baron and eventually became head of the Red Wings. Theodore, on the other hand, became so tainted with darkness that he became possessed by an evil Lunarian named Zemus, who wished to rid the earth of humans so Lunarians could live there. From that moment onward, Theodore disposed of the his old name and went by the new name of Golbez (a name derived from the Golubac fly, meaning an insect born of a dragon's corpse, signifying that Kluya, a great, kind, and strong man, giving birth to Golbez, a child who was weak and gave into his darkness and despair until it ruled him).

As for the RPG you're planning, I'm all for it if you don't mind putting the energy and time into it.

Edited by Randoman
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So I'm a glass cannon raptor melee machine.

Odd, but pretty cool. And plot. May I hear it please?

More like the pilot of a glass cannon raptor melee machine. You're one of the ones who dies, if that's enough plot.

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