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[spoiler=SRW A Playthrough]Scenario 24 – Dream Color Chaser

At Giganos HQ, Phoenix isn’t happy at Seph. He did order him to head over to the Lunar Docks, but instead used the Mass Driver. Seph states it was to help out their forces at Earth, but Phoenix states that’s why they’re building their mobile fortress. Narga is here too, and agress with Phoenix about Seph stepping out of line. Phoenix continues, stating he’s aware of Seph’s receant dealings, with Shadow Mirror, procuring the Devil Gundam, with Doga… however, Seph has had enough at this point, and points a gun at Phoenix! Seph is getting desparate, but Phoenix won’t budge from his stance.

… cue gunshot.

Narga is shocked, and soldiers suddenly rush in. Seph however is quick to shout it was Narga who shot Phoenix! Narga has no choice but to flee. Meanwhile, someone steps out from the shadows. It’s Tsamimi. She muses of the recent developings, but Seph is confident, and now appoints himself as Giganos’s commander.

Eslewhere, Narga was able to escape. He vows to fight for Phoenix’s ideals and dreams, and resolves to start by destroying the Mass Driver.

With us, a plan is being developed to destroy the Mass Driver. The Nadesico will act as a diversion as Getter Liger and Grendizer + Drill Spazer rush in from beneath the surface. In addition, Godot notes that the Vega Alliance may come too, since they’re interested in the Mass Driver as well.

At Skull Moon, Enkidu isn’t happy NoName failed, but he’s spared from Enkidu’s wrath as Whase arrives, and proving Godot’s hunch right, he suggests they should steal the Mass Driver, as soon the Skull Moon will be discovered. Also with him is scientist Chalis, though she isn’t very thrilled at the idea that they’re at war, but NoName shuts her up.

Meanwhile, Narga has reached the Mass Driver. However, Seph and Giganos forces are here too, and will be sure Narga won’t live for long. Narga won’t back down for fighting for what Phoenix hoped for, and Seph just laughs, and inteads to turn his Metal Armor into his grave.

Stage begin!


Narga_Rocks (Lv30) – Falguen


Seph (Lv30) – Gilgazamne

Giganos Soldier (Lv29) – Gilgazamne [Green] x2

Giganos Soldier (Lv28) – Geyzam x3

Giganos Soldier (Lv27) – Dein x6

Well, not good-lookind odds, huh. Even though he’s alone, Narga being defeated means a Game Over, but the objective won’t be redundant for long as coming next turn…

The Practice group appears! They’re here to help Narga out, as they too will fight for what he believes in. Even ePamplemouss, who came with them, has decided that too, to join up with Narga.

Party reinforce

LonelyWallcrab (Lv28) – Yact-Gelf

PKLucas (Lv28) – Leby-Gelf

Ike-Mike (Lv28) – Gelf

ePamplemouss (Lv29) – Stark Dein

AI-controlled allies, but at least more competent than the generic Feds. Anyway, next turn proper reinforcements arrive in the form of us. Zerker fears they were discovered before time, but no, Giganos is riling up because of Narga and co. Narga announces of Seph killing Phoenix, and asks for cooperation in destroying the Mass Driver. Sakusa doesn’t believe her brother to be lying, and since destroying the Mass Driver is why we’re here anyway, so might as well. The underground units get sent underway, while the main force deploys.

Party Reinforce

Zerker (Lv27) – Nahel Argama

AceTactician (Lv28) – Nadesico [Y Unit]

SRC (Lv29), Sara (Lv29) – Kerot

Pikachu (Lv29) – Dragonar Type-3 Custom

Elieson (Lv27) – Daimos

Knight (Lv27) – Great Mazinger

AceNoctali (Lv27) – God Gundam

GoD (Lv27), Cluie (Lv27), Comet (Lv27), ThGhosteon (Lv27), AgileTit-Tyrant (Lv27) – Combattler V

AcaciaSgt (Lv27) – Soulgain

Nightmare (Lv27) – Full-Armor Gundam

Now this is more proper of a stage. Once enough enemy forces are defeated, they’ll send in reinfrocemnts. It’s Tsamimi!

Enemy reinforce

Tsamimi (Lv30) – Gerbera Tetra

Zeon Soldier (Lv29) – Gelgoog M [Gold] x3

Zeon Soldier (Lv28) – Gelgoog M x4

However, by next turn, Sanger finally catched up with us! He has arrived with Anaheim’s most recent unit, the 3rd Gundam Project unit.

Party reinforce

Sanger (Lv14) – GP-03Dendronium

When defeated, Tsamimi dies. Been a while since we had a dead, huh, well, in the actual gameplay I mean. Anyway, before that happens, Sanger demans to know where Boney is, but her last words is that she has no idea, then the Gerbera blows up with her inside. So much for that huh.

Now, once Turn 5 rolls in, our underground units reach the Mass Driver, surface, and destroy it! Seph is angry at this, of course.

Party reinforce

Lux (Lv27), Raven (Lv27) , TheFush(Lv27) – Getter Robo G

Godot (Lv27) – Grendizer

Judas (Lv25) – Drill Spazer

Back to the battle, Seph will retreat the standard way. Once he does, or gets defeated, he’ll leave the battle zone, and Narga decides to enter pursuit, his comrades going with him as well.

Once they leave, new enemies are detected, it’s the Vegans! It’s Whase and Chalis, and the former is angry the Mass Driver got destroyed. He vows to end with both us and Giganos.

Neutral reinforce

Whase (Lv30) – Battle Bokokan

Chalis (Lv28) – Vega Beast Zumezume

AI (Lv28) – Saucer Beast Gingin x6

Secret alert!

Once both Chalis and Godot+Judas are present in the map, the latter must fight the former. I think it has to be at the same time, so it’s best to have the Drill Spazer join up with Grendizer to Grendizer [DS] to make things easier either way. Afterwards, Whase must be defeated, and then Judas convinces Chalis.

When the process is complete, Judas states she won’t let anyone take her brother away from her. This makes seems to cause something with Chalis, since she doesn’t seem to want to keep fighting because of that. This puzzles Judas, and Chalis explains she also had a brother, who was also a scientist. He didn’t have any love for war either, but now he’s dead, and his experiments used by the Vegans in their war. Judas askes her if she wants to join up with them, something she gladly accepts. Otherwise, she dies when defeated if she wasn’t recruited. A little note, if she joins, it won’t be right away, since instead of just switching sides, she bails out of her mecha, which then blows up. So yeah, no Vega Beast for us to use, haha… haaaaaaa.

Anyway, once the battle is over, Seph has gone back to Giganos HQ. He’s worried of all this complications that rose up shortly after he assumed command. However, Jprebs is here… ah, so here’s where he ran off to! Anyway, he tells Seph to not be so concerned, as he still has the Mobile Fortress, and… that thing. This seems to have lifted up Seph’s mood as he declares that with their trump card, this is just the beginning, and Jprebs inwardly agrees.

Back with us, Chalis is being welcomed into the group. She talks a bit about the experiments she and her brother were developing, and Godot offers her that once this is all over, she can go to his father’s Space Science Lab to continuer her research, which she is grateful for.

Elsewhere, a transmission from RedFox arrives. She reveals about the Devil Gundam no longer being at Lantau Island, and of Ethlyn’s disappearance. She figures there’s a mole inside the Federation, and more surprisingly, she has found out about an organization sneaking in personnel into the army. I silently think about how they lasted long enough before being found out. Anyway, RedFox also reveals about Shirley’s disspearance, and the information was being suppressed. The group is able to connect it’s not coincidence Jprebs, who once cooperated with Giganos, and the Devil Gundam are gone from Earth, Phoenix dying, Shirley kidnapped while wanting to make a Peace traty with him, and Seph taking over Giganos. And now it’s no secret Giganos has that Mobile Fortress. Tangerines states all they know is that it’s in some Colony, but anti-Federation sentiment is strong in the Colonies, so they’re not talking, but CA figures they’ll come out of their own to attack.

Meanwhile, Narga and co. are still on the Moon. Narga is still going on about defeating Seph, and the Practice team is riled up too. ePamplemouss asks him why is he doing it, though. Is it to clear his name? Narga however says he doesn’t care for that. It’s more about revenge, and to give Seph a piece of humility. ePamplemouss muses she knows that too well, after her and her former squad were shot down. Narga asks her if she was looking for revenge for that, but she tells him she’s over it, and she’s going with them. And thus, the five get on their way.

Now at the Giganos Mobile Fortress, Seph is confident that with it, they’ll crush the Federation. Jprebs muses that with them still not having recovered from the attack of Solomon, their space forces are still in no position to stop them. Seph asks him how things go with the mind control device, but Jprebs tells him that for a device of that size, it needs a lot of people to operate. Just then, a soldier reports a transmission from Doga. He asks if everything’s fine, since the Mass Driver is destroyed and he fled the Moon, but Seph is still confident in that the Mobile Fortress is enough. Doga says then the operation is still pending to being.

Jprebs is worried about Londo Bell, but Seph states he has that woman to use for a situation like this. Jprebs wonders if it’s who he is thinking of, but Seph says it’s another. He explains she was found, and thinking he could use her, took her prisoner, and apparently it’s about to pay off. However, he still has no way to actually do it, but just then Freohr and Pride appear, saying they’ll take care of that. Seph demands to know what they were doing when he was in trouble, but they go over their latest accomplishments while away. When hearing about the Vegan princess kidnapping, Seph gets angry, wanting to know why they didn’t use such card back then, but Pride states it was so the alien factions don’t interfere with the operation, so it’s best to hide for now the fact they have her kidnapped. This pleases Seph out of his anger. Pride states they still have things to do, so he and Freohr leave. Jprebs wonders if they can be trusted, but Seph doesn’t care about trust, but rather how useful they can be. Jprebs inwardly thinks that those two must be thinking the same, so he’ll be sure to start making his own moves.

Elsewhere in the fortress, Freohr is telling Shirley they’ll move her to MO-III. Shirley still wants to know what they’re planning, that involves cooperating with Giganos and Makaze. Pride tells her they help since it benefits their own plans. Shirley still wants to know, but Freohr tells her she already told her: chaos. Shirley says that explains nothing, but Pride states it’s now time to begin with the plan, and she’ll know eventually. Freohr muses about how at “that” side they were stopped by the Gespensts, but at “this” side… Pride agrees, stating that since “they” can’t build a compelte Dimensional Transportation Device, there’s no second time. Freohr however muses that instead “this” side has... the Londo Bell squad, and leaves to deliver the instructions. Meanwhile Shirley is left still puzzled about the “this” and “that” talk.

In another room of the fortress, Ethlyn is coming to her senses. There’s another woman with her, and Ethlyn asks where they are and who is she. The woman answers they’re inside the Giganos Mobile Fortress, and introduces herself as Hikarasuman. She explains she was an Emmigration Agent at Alucard Colony, but was brought here all of a sudden. Ethlyn is surprised, at hearing her last name. Same as Gregor’s!? So then she is his…

At the Nahel Argama’s deck, I’m in my mecha… in a transmission with Freohr. Oh boy, it begins. Anyway, the order is to bring Hikarasuman’s son to the Mobile Fortress. Yeah, she is his mother. Anyway, once I do that, I’ll take over the bridge, and paralyze the squad. And with that Freohr will come in and take over. In order to accomplish that, I’ll threaten use of the Self-Destruction device of my mecha. However, Freohr notices I’m kinda wavering, but I tell her I’m fine, so she ends the transmission. Meanwhile, I’m left still thinking on things, about how I’m actually not that motivated to do it, and think how that means I’ll be back to who I used to be… back on “that” side…

Alright guys, place your bets. Will I actually do it, or not? Find out next time!

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Says the guy who changes waifu every other hour. :Kappa:

I favor those who side with fire.

Which is to say, BURNED!!!!

Why are Tsunderes like her always so popular? I don't see the charm...

Really? o.o

I don't either. They usually are just really annoying to me.

And of course. I run the worlds finest wood-barrel fermented distillery in the world!

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Rules of FE13.

Nowi is the best thing ever.

Cordelia should die in the hottest most intense fire ever..

No and no. How is it that you remind me a little if my brother?

Ah, never mind, my head I prone to reading errors, so hi Meibay. Maybe. I dunno.

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Rules of FE13.

Nowi is the best thing ever.

Cordelia should die in the hottest most intense fire ever..

That's not nice.

you could just bench her after getting what's her face you know

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