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because you're too sweet XD

eh, i'm just forever alone club |:

*blush* Perhaps that's why mosquitoes like my blood so much.

May I join you in your forever aloneness?


:) *Huggles back*

Pretty much

You guys are strange. Pick better topics to discuss. XP


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*huggles crizzie*

*huggles back* <3

Try not to die a horrible death via malaria! :D


I wasn't part of it until my name was brought up so... xP


Excuses, excuses. xP


NOPE. people like you haha

Oh... *glomp*

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[spoiler=SRW A Playthrough]Scenario 26 – Love you forever

Seph is euphoric, marveling at his trump card. The group meanwhile is shocked to see the damaged parts healing, noting it has inherited the Devil Gundam’s self-regeneration. Stallinbald states the only way to stop it is getting in and destroy its engine and the Devil Gundam’s core. Zerker states he’ll open up a way with the Mega Particle Cannon, and get in before the hole heals itself. Zoise then brings up about Gregor’s mother still being kidnapped, and Sakusa and Pikachu add in about rescuing her so Gregor can come back to them. Stahlypin however says they don’t have the time for that. Some others berate him for being too harsh, but Kilvas tell them to stop, since if anything, he and his brothers know what Gregor is going through the most, and Majestic adds in that back when they went to Big Falcon, their father, KingMarth64, was kidnapped by the Boazanlings. In any case, Sakusa offers to go search for Hikarasuman, and Crystal offers to help her. In addition, it looks like the Zambot Team left their dog with this group, so they’ll be taking him along to help out too. Noctali speaks up, saying he wants them to search for Ethlyn too. And with that, they go in to the fortress!

Meanwhile, Narga and co. are inside the fortress. However, they’re spotted by soldiers, and ePamplemousse tells Narga to go ahead, they’ll take care of things here.

Now inside, the group find already Giganos units waiting for them. Gregor is also here, but there’s nothing they can do for now until Sakusa and co. come back. Zerker says to wait for 10 minutes, and until then, to not attack Gregor.

Stage begin!


Zerker (Lv29) – Nahel Argama

AceNoctali (Lv30) – God Gundam

Zoise0 (Lv12) – Dragonar Type-2 Custom

Pikachu (Lv31) – Dragonar Type-3 Custom

Elieson (Lv30) – Daimos

Knight (Lv29) – Great Mazinger

Fuun Saiki (Lv25) – Fuun Saiki [Mecha]

GreenPoet (Lv24) – Venus A

CaptainAmerica (Lv24) – Hyakku Shikki

NG (Lv21) – Nobel Gundam

Ciarre (Lv19) – Diana A

NTG (Lv19) – Super Gundam

Stahlypin (Lv17), Holmes (Lv17), ConstableReggie (Lv17), SlayerX (Lv17), ThorOdinson (17) – Voltes V


Gregor (Lv30) – Dragonar Type-1 Custom

Giganos Soldier (Lv31) – Gilgazamne [Green] x5

Giganos Soldier (Lv30) – Geyzam x6

And this is what I don’t like about SRW route splits… yeah yeah, the other route had more units that I was actively using, but eh, I can just turtle my way through. Not to mention I have at least 3 units with Repair Modules anyway, so I’ll be fine. Not to mention there are some tiles here and there that give 20% HP and EN regeneration per turn, so there’s that too.

Anyway, Noctali can’t be defeated here or else it’s Game Over. Same for Gregor at the moment, but that’s gonna change soon.

By enemy Turn 3, more Giganos units appear. It’s Seph himself! He’s still very confident. However, once Turn 4 rolls in, Sakusa and co. are back. They did it, the rescued Hikarasuman! Gregor is now able to defect back to them! Seph isn’t angry, and then Narga shows up! Looks like he was able to help them out in the rescue, and now is here to kill Seph. Meanwhile, Noctali asks if they found Ethlyn, but Narga states that while Hikarasuman was the only one they found in the prison, he heard about a woman being taken over by DG cells. This… doesn’t bode well.

Enemy reinforce

Seph (Lv32) – Gilgazamne

Giganos Soldier (Lv31) – Gilgazamne [Green] x4

Party reinforce

Narga_Rocks (Lv32) – Falguen

Gregor (Lv28) – Dragonar Type-1 Custom

What the heck, Gregor de-leveled!? Damn, so much for that.

Anyway, now it’s all a matter of fighting the way through to Seph. Which is quite the ordeal, due to all the Gilgazamnes present. In any case, once defeated, Seph will finally die. Progress! The group will now go in search for the engine and the nukes, but all of a sudden, someone speaks up.

It’s Jprebs! He… has joined himself up with DG cells… and the engine!? Noctali demans to know where Ethlyn is. Jprebs says she’s still alive, but he won’t ever reach her, and Noctali says he’ll just force the answer out of him!

Enemy reinforce

Jprebs (Lv32) – Grand Master Gundam

And things have stepped up. With not a well-defined party to fight it, but it’s all I got to work with. In any case, once defeated, Jprebs dies too. The group thinks it’s finally over for the fortress, but then it begins to shake! It’s the Devil Gundam! However, CA detects someone’s will in there, and sure enough, it’s Ethlyn! Despite the state she’s in, taken over by the DG cells, her mind still seems to be working, as CA found out.

Enemy reinforce

DG Ethlyn (Lv33) – Devil Gundam

Not much has changed about it, though it will feel like being harder to beat due to my current party. In any case, once it’s defeated, the stage is over.

However, the Devil Gundam will just regenerate as always. Noctali however doesn’t want to give up, though just then, Hikarasuman speaks up. Looks like while imprisoned together Ehtlyn told her things, mostly about Noctali himself. She states that Ehtlyn is… avoiding him? She continues, stating Ethlyn said that back when she saw Noctali’s attempt to save NG, she realized about the connection between fighters. Apparently she didn’t felt right to get in-between two fighters, since she could never be one. CA realizes what he detected were those feelings, as Noctali says Ehtlyn has misunderstood him. Elieson and NG encourage him to tell her what he feels, and Noctali will try.

As he begins to talk, it actually casues the Devil Gundam to stop moving. He goes on about what they’ve been through together, all the way to this point, and how he has come far from the help of everyone, but more specially, from her. Yeah, you can see where this is going, and sure enough, he blurts out he loves her.

Yeah, it’s corny, it’s cheesy, but… effective. Sure enough, Ehtlyn comes back to normal, and escapes from the Devil Gundam. And just to end his on a corny note, together they destroy the Devil Gundam with the Love-Love Tenkyoken. Yeah… yeah…

Alright, moving along, things have finally calmed down. Gregor is glad to be reunited with his mother, though he receives a slap in return. Yeah, no escaping from mom’s scolding, despite what happened. Meanwhile, Narga is stating his farewell. Now with Seph dead, Giganos is no more, and so, Narga and co. will make their departure. But before that, they all must get out of the fortress, now that’s it out of control. Ehtlyn however asks what they’ll do with the Devil Gundam’s remains. Yeah, no kidding, it would be bad if it could come back AGAIN. However, the group remembers there are nukes located in this fortress. Bingo!

With all said and done, they head out of the fortress… and activate the nukes. The fortress with anything inside is now gone… for good.

In the Nahel Argama’s deck, Ninji has finished repairing Narga and co.’s Metal Armors. They’ll be making their departure now. Gregor however, wants to ask him something. To take Hikarasuman away, so she won’t get involved in this ordeal again. Narga says they’ll do it, and Gregor tells her he’ll come for her once this is all over.

Meanwhile, at Jaburo, the Nadesico team wasn’t as successful as the Nahel Argama team, as a soldier reports enemy forces landing in the Federation Bases! Troops from Giganos, Makaze, and… unknowns too! Saint is riled up and orders to shoot them all. However, a sudden transmission comes in. It’s Pride! He has come to announce Jaburo will now be under control of Makaze and her troops! Meanwhile, signals come from the other bases. They were taken over too! Saint is at a loss how they are loosing so easily, while Pride just states he’s free to resist, but hopes he will make the smart move and surrender too, and ends the transmission.

In an unknown location, Pride and Freohr are surveing the situation. Their spies and forces are taking over the Federation bases, and as if things couldn’t get worse, they got the Vega Alliance to order the aliens and underground dwellers to attack the Super Robot labs.

Meanwhile at Preventer HQ, a soldier reports to RedFox over half of Jaburo has already fallen. She still has hope in Londo Bell, pretty much the only ones left that can stop this crisis.

Back at the Nahel Argama, Gregor is now facing punishment from Zerker. Brightslap! Or would it be the Zerkerslap for this narrative? Eh, doesn’t carry the same ring to it. Anyway, Zerker goes on, that despite things turned out well, he still went against orders, and so will be in confinement until next deploy. Some others try to protest, but CA states that some others, mainly, Stahylipin and his brothers, and Noctali, are/have enduring/endured, so Gregor can’t be given a special case. In any case, it will take 20 minutes to rendevouz with the Nadesico, and they can’t be contacted currently for the electrical intereference the destruction of the fortress caused.

Just then, however, they detect a transmission. It’s Makaze! She’s transmitting a formal declaration of war against the Federation. The group figures that, with Shadow Mirror backing her, it must mean they had forces at the ready to pull such a thing. Makaze continues her speech, stating pretty much what Shadow Mirror mentioned before, aiming for a world of constant warfare, though the group knows she’s just being used. Makaze calls for any still resisting Federation forces to surrender, and the group knows they have to hurry. Meanwhile, they detect the Nadesico has already landed on Earth! Zerker thinks it’s reckless, but Vaike and CA point out the enemy forces are split all over the planet, and the Federation is still resisting, so perhaps the decision wasn’t bad after all. So regardless, they quickly get on their way to catch up.

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Wait, so you mean I'm wrong and you're the SF female with the most guys swarming you and not Crizix? This is really confusing...

I dunno.
It might be your imagination.

Well you've got a nice little break then :p haha until school starts that is.

And oh gosh I could not learn Japanese for the life of me. Only latin based languages for me ;p

Well I wish you luck for your law school and culinary school :)

Cook me up something sometime ;p haha

Thanks. ;)

And I'll try to the best dish to you or helping out my clients in need.

just another dead day.



1. meibay and shmokay are regulars here now, kinda

2. i've been alone all my life

1. 84n.gif

So have I. What are you making of it?

2. There will be someone out there for you guys someday.



*blush* Perhaps that's why mosquitoes like my blood so much.

May I join you in your forever aloneness?

*Huggles you*
Yes. ^__^
And those mosquitoes don't seem to go away on our beach trips. xD
Edited by Dark_Huntress
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