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just when i think i can take a breather, more work comes flying in of course it is! I'm not one to just call it quits just like that

Good. Speaking of no breathers, there's a battle in a few minutes on the future war thread. All able fighters move out!

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*huggles back* ^^

Mosquitoes are everywhere. I hate them so much. :C

It's hard to rid of their bites.

Good. Speaking of no breathers, there's a battle in a few minutes on the future war thread. All able fighters move out!

I'll be right over. =o

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[spoiler=SRW A Playthrough]Scenario 27 – You are here, and so am I

At Jaburo’s Control Room, Makaze has both Saint and Shirley here. The latter two won’t give in and surrender. Makaze however, still hopes they will, since then it will have all civilans, from both Earth and the Colonies, to easily submit if they two speak up. Saint still insists he won’t surrender, but Doga threates to plunge the Mobile Fortress to Earth. Freohr inwardly thinks how it is long gone, but apparently the message hasn’t reached Doga yet. Meanwhile, a soldier detects a Gundam type fast approaching! Doga asks the status of the base, and the soldier replies about 80% is under their control, with many sections still in mid-battle. Doga marvels at just how well fortified Jaburo is, and is confident Londo Bell won’t penetrate, and orders for the soldiers to sortie.

Meanwhile, the focus is finally back to me. I wake up to find myself in an unknown place. Just then, Freohr shows up, explaining I’m in a medical office at Jaburo. Seeing her and I alive, I realize my “sacrifice” was in vain, and Freohr just confirms further telling me of Pride surviving too. Also, looks like they finally learned of my memory-loss, to which I confirm, and the moment I regained them partly. Freohr then says if I remembered, why did I betray them then? I tell her I’ve realized there is no place in the world for us. She asks if I’m really not coming back, and I tell her no, I can’t go back to what I once was or had, and that even includes her. Yeah, give up the girl to save the world, ain’t sometimes decisions a pain in the neck?

In any case, I ask what she plans to do. She must’ve had something else in mind if she didn’t kill me after capturing me. She states she wanted to convince me to join them back, but accepts that’s just not possible now. In any case, she tells me where my mecha is, understanding that it’s basic in war for allies to double-cross each other… though she never expected it to be me. So just like that, I’m free to go. Before I do, she tells me about how they will soon have another Dimensional Transport Device, mounted into the Zweizergain. As I leave, I tell her once more that the world… no, not just that, people like us just have no place at all, and she says this war will decide that.

Outside, GO and co. have arrived ready to kick some ass and take names. They wonder where Ein is, but it seems they have to start without him. Makaze states even if they defeat their forces, they won’t penetrate into Jaburo. We’ll, let’s see about that.

Stage being!


GenericOperator (Lv29) – Tallgeese III

LolerCoaster (Lv29) – Gundam Deathscythe Hell Custom

PersonaEmblem (Lv29) – Gundam Heavyarms Custom

TheEnd (Lv29) – Gundam Sandrock Custom


Shadow Mirror (Lv31) – Dragoon x4

Makaze Soldier (Lv30) – Serpent x6 (same as with the mechas, “Marimeia Soldier” is nicknamed now “Makaze Soldier” for name sharing clause)

Mobile Doll (Lv29) – Taurus x6

Well, a cool start, but not on the easy side, since everybody here is people with un-upgraded mechas and without equipment parts. However, things take a turn for the worse, as when Turn 3 rolls in, Pride says he won’t be taking his chances, and orders Amelia to deploy. The boys won’t back down, though GO wants them to retreat so they can regroup with Londo Bell. In any case, help comes either way, from none other than… me!

Pride is shocked. Amelia asks Freohr for further instruction, and she states, though wavering slightly, that I’m an enemy and so must die. However, I’m confident she won’t take me or the boys here down. Coaster asks if its okay with me joining them for good, and I say that’s for them to trust or not. They do, though Amelia thinks its naïve. I disagree however, saying she doesn’t understand. Pride shows some disappointment that our paths are now different, but I just tell him that’s war. And so without further ado, the rumble continues!

Enemy reinforce

Amelia (Lv32) – Vysaga

Shadow Mirror (Lv31) – Angelg x2

Shadow Mirror (Lv30) – Gespenst mk-II x4

Party reinforce

AcaciaSgt (Lv30) – Soulgain

Alright, not quite there yet, but it’s still something. Though like them, I have no equipment parts… at least my mecha is upgraded somewhat. In any case, come Turn 5… Marthur appears! With Ein not that far behind! They were actually fighting all the way here from MO-III. Marthur apparently supports Makaze, since a world ruled by her ideals will mean a soldier like him will have a meaning for his existant. Ein whoever thinks that’s not the way to go, and asks him if it’s okay for things to be that way. In any case, the cavalry finally arrives as the Nadesico and company is here! We’ll have to do this fight without the others, but it’s our only chance to stop Makaze once and for all!

They are surprised to see me alive, but the boys tell them its okay, I’m really on their side now. Like before, I tell them to trust me and see for themselves, and it’s enough for Ace, though some still doubt.

Enemy reinforce

Marthur (Lv29) – Gundam Altron Custom

Party reinforce

Ein (Lv29) – Gundam Wing Zero Custom

AceTactician (Lv30) – Nadesico [Y Unit]

Nightmare (Lv33) – Full-Armor Gundam

SRC (Lv32), Sara (Lv32) – Kerot

Lux (Lv32), Raven (Lv32), TheFush (Lv32) – Getter Robo G

Samven (Lv31) – Aestevalis Samven [Air]

Godot (Lv31) – Grendizer

JamesBCrazy (Lv31) – Daitarn 3

GoD (Lv31), Cluie (Lv31), Comet (Lv31), ThGhosteon (Lv31), AgileTit-Tyrant (Lv31) – Combattler V

Judas (Lv29) – Drill Spazer

Eclipse (Lv16) – Methuss

Now this is more like it!

Note: If the MO-III route was taken, Ein can convince Marthur to change sides right here and now. If the route wasn’t taken, he just joins after the stage is over. By the way, the Devil Colony secret was the Love-Love Tenkyoken combination attack, and unlike Marthur, this is missable, so yeah, the completionist in me chose the Devil Colony route. Ah well…

Anyway, once Marthur is defeated, or was convinced, Ein will once more attempt to make Marthur see the error of his ways. He sends him the channel from Jaburo’s special line. The captured Federation soldiers have begun to riot! The enemy forces are now fighting again throughout the entire base, they can’t stop us! Saint is happy, telling them to kill all the enemies, but the soldiers instead state they’ll fight for peace! Shirley is shocked to see those are her own Peace Liberation Forces, they’ve come here to help out!

Pride thinks it’s foolish, but I tell him he doesn’t understand. To live an existent of constant war… what is left afterwards? Ein then tells Marthur if he can’t quite grasp that, he’ll kill him. Nightmare says it’s up to people’s will to end fighting, and at this Marthur has enough convincement and declares his ties with Shadow Mirror cut!

If I fight her, Amelia asks why I betrayed them, he who was Pride’s right-hand man and also wished for a world at war. I tell her I no longer want to see such world, and Amelia just states that for that I betrayed everything. I tell her she still doesn’t understand.

Once the stage is over, Makaze and Doga are at a loss for words. Pride and Freohr, however, decide it’s time to hightail it out of there. But before they do that, they decide to get rid of us and Jaburo with… a Dimensional Transport Bomb! It’s similar to what the Majin tried to do back at Yokosuka, but Freohr states it’s their own version of that. Once it goes off, about a 50km radious from Jaburo will disappear! Before leaving, Pride just says the Dimensional Transport Device will soon be completed, activates the bomb, and they warp out.

The place starts to shake, the bomb is about to detonate! There is only way to stop it, and it’s to head underground to where it is and turn it off! As with the Mass Driver, the Getter Team and Godot will head underground. Ein meanwhile will go to where Shirley is, accompanied by the Combattler Team.

We reach the bomb in time. Fortunately, it’s still in a design familiar to me so… ha, it was stopped!

Back in the control room, things have calmed down a bit. Just then, RedFox arrives, along some PLF soldiers. She tells to Doga he might as well give up, he has no support left. However, he states he won’t give up, he’ll flee, and he’s even willing to abandon Makaze if that’s what it takes! He is quick to point a gun at Shirley, and fires!

… and Makaze shields her taking the bullet instead! Doga is ready to fire again though!

… but instead someone else fires at him, killing him. It was Cluie, the others are finally here! RedFox orders for Makaze to be sent to the medical office ASAP. As she lies injured, Makaze finally realizes the error of her ways, as Shirley tells her to not give up. Ein then suddenly approaches with a gun, telling her he’ll liberate her from her suffering, which she accepts. Everyone tries to stop him, but he fires anyway!

… not. It was not loaded. Huh, then what was that for then!? Oh well…

Anyway, now in the Nadesico bridge, RedFox announces Makaze will be sent to one of the hospital of James’s Foundation, her life isn’t at risk anymore. Garland is amazed that Shirley could pull something like the PLF, but Shirley says it’s better than having an on-going war, since they’re purpose is to end it, and to have humans and aliens coexisting peacefully. James comment that their timing was very fortunate, and was somewhat aware of them. GO reveals he was aware of them this whole time. Venausur chimes in that he thinks Shirley is merely a dreamer than an idealist, but Ein’s glare is enough to shut him up. In any case, Nightmare thinks they should drop the talk for now. It will still take 3 hours for the Nahel Argama to arrive, and there’s lots of explaning to do to Zerker. And sure enough, I’ll be the spotlight of that…

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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