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Charizard is such an overrated Pokémon.

So glad Mawile got a Mega Evolution though.

I love Mawile.

I couldn't agree more about Charizard's overratedness. I'm sick of people wanting to put Charizard in his own league even above Venusaur and Blastoise. They're all Kanto starters and just because one is a lot more liked, it doesn't mean the other two should get shafted or get lesser treatment.

And I'm also glad about Mawile's Mega Evolution. It's a Pokemon that needed it and it's Mega Evolution looks awesome, especially the twin jaws.

^ this x 100 mil.

I wish nintendo would stop sucking up to the genwunners that only complain about every new gen they bring out.

I love the adventure of gen 2.

and I love the pokemon of gen 3.

And gen 5 is a perfect combo of the two.

does everyone hate toon link or something ? :P

I don't keep up with the SSB fandom.

They have to what makes money, they're a company. Blame the gen1ers (I can't believe I said that), but it is cool that they're bringing back old starters.

I like toon link (and Sonic), it's just that I would rather have Vaati.

Yeah. Still having Pikachu everywhere is one thing (since it is the mascot of Pokemon), but constantly bringing back and promoting quite a few of the Gen 1 Pokemon while hardly giving the other generations the same treatment is quite biased and unfair.

Gen 5 is my favourite so far because the game and adventure felt completely new and fresh with seeing nothing but new Pokemon (as well as it adding the most new Pokemon of any generation) and how convenient the game is in terms of rarely needing HMs and all the doctors and nurses that provide free healing.

Even if it wasn't for Toon Link's utterly deformed and hideous appearance (I even find unmasked Kabal more attractive to look at), I still hate him for being a second version of Link. I know they're different characters from different timelines, but it's still the persona of Link and the similarities between the two incarnations (whether it's the similar appearance or weaponry) hardly justifies two versions of Link. I don't see why Link should be so special as to get two versions of himself, especially in a game that's supposed to encompass Nintendo's whole history and is quite tight on data space as a result. Toon Link should've just been reduced to an alternate costume and have his size be scaled up to match normal Link's (if they scaled up Olimar and Kirby immensely from their normal <8" sizes, I don't see why they can't do the same for Toon Link). And the idea of Sakurai prioritizing Toon Link over other popular or unique characters like King K. Rool or Ridley, when they already have one Link as playable is so messed up and unfair.

As for Sonic, if he didn't start off as an enemy to Mario and Nintendo (and if Sonic wasn't beyond cocky and arrogant), I wouldn't mind him as much. Though the fact that Sega and Sonic did so much Nintendo bashing, then had to rely on Nintendo's help to publish and port some of their titles on their consoles, then just got allowed into Smash Bros. when so many other third parties supported Nintendo so much more and supported them since the NES (like Mega Man who didn't make it in Brawl, Bomberman, and Pac Man) just seems wrong and messed up. Also, Sega was against returning the favour of Sonic being in Smash Bros. by having Mario be in Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing because "the crossover was best saved for Mario & Sonic Olympics", yet Sonic returns yet again in Smash Bros. as a playable character.

And don't even get me started on Snake in Smash Bros...

I found Mewtwo to be even more overrated, despite being far more dangerous.

I guess I haven't encountered enough rabid Charizard fans.

I find both Charizard and Mewtwo to be beyond overrated. A lot of people on GameFAQs hype Charizard and Mewtwo up and claim they're practically as iconic as Pikachu in terms of representing the Pokemon franchise. No, just no. Charizard's immense popularity doesn't make him leagues more well known than the other Kanto starters (maybe by a bit, but the difference in how well known they are is hardly as drastic as they make it out to be) and Mewtwo is hardly an icon. Try showing a picture of Mewtwo to random people on the street, and watch less than half of them correctly name who he is.

Go to the Pokemon X board on GameFAQs right now, and watch how many people claim "Charizard getting 2 Mega Evolutions and Venusaur and Blastoise getting 1 is completely justified." Ugh, I thought the PC gaming fanbase was the worst so far in terms of their biasedness and what they say, but the Charizard fans probably reclaim that crown right now.

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Randoman, I think you stress too much over games. XD


people are just jelly that charizard is a cool fire dragon and that blastoise is just a big turtle and venasaur is a weird plant dinosaur thing

Charizard is just a dragon that's x4 weak to rock.

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Randoman, I think you stress too much over games. XD

...I guess I do. Though as weird as it sounds, it's a lot more fun stressing over things in games than things like none of the AutoCAD places I'm applying for calling me back as well as other issues.


Charizard is just a dragon that's x4 weak to rock.

And even with his X Mega Evolution, he'll still be coming out half dead from Stealth Rock due to Mega Evolutions only occurring after the Pokemon is out.

I'm not going to lie, just for being the ultimate Charizard slayer, being a good fire slayer in general (since people overrate fire in everything, even outside of Pokemon), and for helping neuter a lot of Charizard's vocal fanbase (which is up there with Sonic's and the PC gaming fanbase), I'm really fond of Stealth Rock.

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I'll be getting...I don't know. I really like Chespin and Froakie but I don't care for the fire starters and Im iffy on Bulbasaur or Squirtle. What combo should I get?

I'd say Froakie for a fast sweeper and Bulbasuar for a bulky supporter.

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I'm still planning to get Y. Well, who knows, I was never that certain of the choice anyway...

So am I...but then again, I based my choice solely on which letter I liked more...

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