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The Last To Post Wins!


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ZM wiped sweat from his brow, looking down at his fallen Jolteon and sighing, kneeling down beside his trusted Electric Pokemon and petting its head, smiling with pride. "You did well, Kalas," he muttered proudly, stroking the yellow fur. "You deserve a good rest after a splendid performance like that..."

Kalas the Jolteon looked up at his trainer and smiled weakly before shutting its eyes and falling asleep. Nodding, ZM called the Pokemon back to his Pokeball and put it in his pocket before taking out another Pokeball. Lance, ZM's opponent, smirked watching.

"It's 5 to 5 now," he called. "Using Gyarados against your Jolteon probably wasn't the greatest of ideas, huh? But now I have my strongest Dragonite out, so I hope you're ready, friend!"

Lance's Dragonite roared in response, glaring with determination at the trainer.

Smirking back, ZM chuckled. "After all I faced...I think I can take anything on...no...I KNOW I can take anything on. Go Zihark!" he cried, throwing his Pokeball, which made his first and most trusted Pokemon pop out.

Zihark the Feraligatr let out a loud yell and turned to Lance's Dragonite, determination in its eyes.

An epic battle was about to commence.

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Right then. I'll be sure to remember that when I get there

Scholarships still exists though, so it all depends on whther you are willing to go into a fuckton of debt or not.

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