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We need natures and abilities?


Make my Treecko Adamant. And yes, I know his Sp.Att is much better than the Att, but


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Modest nature and Hustle/Levitate(when fully evolved).

Deino doesn't really have any other ability besides Hustle (and Levitate as Hydreigon)

THANX NINJOO Edited by Zak Stealer of Waifus
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ZM - Shinx (Electric): Lonely Nature, Guts: Discharge, Magnet Rise, Thunder Fang, Crunch

Garland - Binacle (Rock/Water): Tough Claws: Hone Claws, Night Slash, Poison Jab, Cross Chop

Shadow - Absol (Dark): Pressure: Night Slash, Aerial Ace, Dark Pulse, Thunderbolt

Duck - Trapinch (Ground): Sheer Force: Earthquake, Crunch, Superpower, Sandstorm

Breezy - Spinarak (Bug/Poison)

Dusk - Torkoal (Fire)

Tonton - Treecko (Grass): Adamant Nature, Overgrow: Pound, Leer

Zak - Deino (Dark/Dragon): Modest Nature, Hustle (Levitate as Hydreigon later): Dark Pulse (Fire Blast, Draco Meteor, Surf later)

NM - Staryu (Water): Thunderbolt, Surf, Psychic, Ice Beam

Jprebs - Eevee (Normal): Anticipation (Hydration as Vaporeon later): Surf, Wish, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball

Kalas - Eevee (Normal): Anticipation (Magic Bounce as Espeon later): Shadow Ball, Calm Mind, Psychic, Last Resort

Comet - Riolu (Fighting): Endure, Crunch, Aura Sphere, Force Palm

Anon - Sneasel (Dark/Ice): Adamant Nature, Pickpocket: Ice Punch, Pursuit, Metal Claw, Aerial Ace

Poly - Scraggy (Fighting/Dark): Jolly Nature, Moxie: Drain Punch, Dragon Dance, Crunch, Iron Head

We're getting there.

/sees lack of Psychic or Fairy types

Modest Female Synchronize Ralts plz

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ZM - Shinx (Electric): Lonely Nature, Guts: Discharge, Magnet Rise, Thunder Fang, Crunch (Spark, Shock Wave, Bite first)
Garland - Binacle (Rock/Water): Tough Claws: Hone Claws, Night Slash, Poison Jab, Cross Chop
Shadow - Absol (Dark): Pressure: Night Slash, Aerial Ace, Dark Pulse, Thunderbolt
Duck - Trapinch (Ground): Sheer Force: Earthquake, Crunch, Superpower, Sandstorm
Breezy - Spinarak (Bug/Poison)
Dusk - Torkoal (Fire): Bold Nature, Shell Armor: Shell Smash, Flamethrower, Overheat, Earth Power (Smog, Ember, Smokescreen first)
Tonton - Treecko (Grass): Adamant Nature, Overgrow: Pound, Leer
Zak - Deino (Dark/Dragon): Modest Nature, Hustle (Levitate as Hydreigon later): Dark Pulse (Fire Blast, Draco Meteor, Surf later)
NM - Staryu (Water): Thunderbolt, Surf, Psychic, Ice Beam
Jprebs - Eevee (Normal): Anticipation (Hydration as Vaporeon later): Surf, Wish, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball
Kalas - Eevee (Normal): Anticipation (Magic Bounce as Espeon later): Shadow Ball, Calm Mind, Psychic, Last Resort
Comet - Riolu (Fighting): Endure, Crunch, Aura Sphere, Force Palm (Low Kick, Bite, Quick Attack first)
Anon - Sneasel (Dark/Ice): Adamant Nature, Pickpocket: Ice Punch, Pursuit, Metal Claw, Aerial Ace
Poly - Scraggy (Fighting/Dark): Jolly Nature, Moxie: Drain Punch, Dragon Dance, Crunch, Iron Head (Headbutt, Low Kick, Sand Attack first)

MKS - Ralts (Psychic/Fairy): Modest Nature, Synchronize

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Okay. I think it'll start with Confusion and Teleport first, okay?

Works for me.

Also, I love how some of the areas where you can catch Absol are places where disaster will strike.

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ZM - Shinx (Electric): Lonely Nature, Guts: Discharge, Magnet Rise, Thunder Fang, Crunch (Spark, Shock Wave, Bite first)

Garland - Binacle (Rock/Water): Tough Claws: Hone Claws, Night Slash, Poison Jab, Cross Chop

Shadow - Absol (Dark): Pressure: Night Slash, Aerial Ace, Dark Pulse, Thunderbolt

Duck - Trapinch (Ground): Sheer Force: Earthquake, Crunch, Superpower, Sandstorm

Breezy - Spinarak (Bug/Poison)

Dusk - Torkoal (Fire): Bold Nature, Shell Armor: Shell Smash, Flamethrower, Overheat, Earth Power (Smog, Ember, Smokescreen first)

Tonton - Treecko (Grass): Adamant Nature, Overgrow: Pound, Leer

Zak - Deino (Dark/Dragon): Modest Nature, Hustle (Levitate as Hydreigon later): Dark Pulse (Fire Blast, Draco Meteor, Surf later)

NM - Staryu (Water): Thunderbolt, Surf, Psychic, Ice Beam

Jprebs - Eevee (Normal): Anticipation (Hydration as Vaporeon later): Surf, Wish, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball

Kalas - Eevee (Normal): Anticipation (Magic Bounce as Espeon later): Shadow Ball, Calm Mind, Psychic, Last Resort

Comet - Riolu (Fighting): Endure, Crunch, Aura Sphere, Force Palm (Low Kick, Bite, Quick Attack first)

Anon - Sneasel (Dark/Ice): Adamant Nature, Pickpocket: Ice Punch, Pursuit, Metal Claw, Aerial Ace

Poly - Scraggy (Fighting/Dark): Jolly Nature, Moxie: Drain Punch, Dragon Dance, Crunch, Iron Head (Headbutt, Low Kick, Sand Attack first)

MKS - Ralts (Psychic/Fairy): Modest Nature, Synchronize

Oh guess I should give you the stuff for me!

Sniper Ability

Timid Nature

Signal Beam


Sludge Bomb

Shadow Sneak

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Our PM is already showing amazing content.

ZM - Shinx (Electric): Lonely Nature, Guts: Discharge, Magnet Rise, Thunder Fang, Crunch (Spark, Shock Wave, Bite first)
Garland - Binacle (Rock/Water): Tough Claws: Hone Claws, Night Slash, Poison Jab, Cross Chop
Shadow - Absol (Dark): Pressure: Night Slash, Aerial Ace, Dark Pulse, Thunderbolt
Duck - Trapinch (Ground): Jolly Nature, Sheer Force: Earthquake, Crunch, Superpower, Sandstorm
Breezy - Spinarak (Bug/Poison): Timid Nature, Sniper: Signal Beam, Psychic, Sludge Bomb, Shadow Sneak
Dusk - Torkoal (Fire): Bold Nature, Shell Armor: Shell Smash, Flamethrower, Overheat, Earth Power (Smog, Ember, Smokescreen first)
Tonton - Treecko (Grass): Adamant Nature, Overgrow: Pound, Leer
Zak - Deino (Dark/Dragon): Modest Nature, Hustle (Levitate as Hydreigon later): Dark Pulse (Fire Blast, Draco Meteor, Surf later)
NM - Staryu (Water): Thunderbolt, Surf, Psychic, Ice Beam
Jprebs - Eevee (Normal): Anticipation (Hydration as Vaporeon later): Surf, Wish, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball
Kalas - Eevee (Normal): Anticipation (Magic Bounce as Espeon later): Shadow Ball, Calm Mind, Psychic, Last Resort
Comet - Riolu (Fighting): Endure, Crunch, Aura Sphere, Force Palm (Low Kick, Bite, Quick Attack first)
Anon - Sneasel (Dark/Ice): Adamant Nature, Pickpocket: Ice Punch, Pursuit, Metal Claw, Aerial Ace
Poly - Scraggy (Fighting/Dark): Jolly Nature, Moxie: Drain Punch, Dragon Dance, Crunch, Iron Head (Headbutt, Low Kick, Sand Attack first)

MKS - Ralts (Psychic/Fairy): Modest Nature, Synchronize: Psychic, Dazzling Gleam, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball (Confusion, Teleport first)

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