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The Last To Post Wins!


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He's actually really disturbing

By the way ZM, Brolyn is the most Bro in FE4

He accidentally got the Elite Ring and the defense ring, so he's going to promote verrry soon

Raquesis should get the ring as she falls behind everyone else upon her joining time and that she is excellent upon promotion. Raquesis=OU tier.

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You don't have to stop thinking thoughts. Just don't talk about them all the time in the public forum is all. >_> XD

Yeah, not talking about them is probably a good idea.

Even so, I still want to get it under control, so I can be living proof that men don't "only want one thing."

you're not allowed to think thoughts :L

Ack!! I just lost the game. =(

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Bad internet. x.x

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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Heya Breezy

I don't know how since only couples can trade with each other, and Beowolf doesn't have it

I also want Brolyn to bromote first, but considering he's level eighteen right now, that will happen really soon

If you sell the item to the pawn shop, you can buy said item with someone else, for double the price you sold it for

It's a crap trade system, but meh

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