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And yes, Karel. Oh well

Motherf*cker smashes shit with fire balls and lightning.

Hey Shadow, how are those portraits coming along?

I'm leaving in about 40 minutes or so to go back home, so I'll work on them while I'm traveling back.

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What happened?

Or is that personal?

Be prepared for a looong story...

[spoiler=Because you all probably don't need to hear this.]

So, today me and my parents went up to watch a Basketball game. My parent's friend's daughter is on the team, and it was close to home. The College she goes to is up in Boston I believe. So, apprently the coach promised her some playtime recently. She did absolutely nothing this game. The worst part was that her parents and friends were there. Then when we saw her after the game she started to cry a little. Then the coach was walking by to leave, then her mother confronted him. The coach just walked away.

Just... People are assholes sometimes...

ITT: Real Problems

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