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What really doesn't sit well with me here is that player 1 sent out Gliscor into an Azumarill that was revealed to have Knock Off. Then again, player 2 tried to have Gengar use Sub... at 21%.

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-Mega Aerodactyl with Dragon Pulse. If that ain't bad enough, it used it on a Diancie.

-Blizzard Articuno. It missed, natch.

-Moltres using Solarbeam. Without sun.

-Hell, Player 1's team in general.


Team A:

-Aerial Ace Crawdaunt.

-Toxic/Protect/Wish/Draining Kiss Sylveon.

-Trying to put an already poisoned Greninja to sleep.

Team B:

-Rocky Helmet Sylveon.

-Cryogonal in OU. WIth Choice Scarf.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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The Gutsy/Legendary weapons really cannot be enjoyed without cheating as the only place that actually has them, you can't get out once you have entered there and saved. If you die without saving there, you will just start at the beginning of the final, but you still can go back to the other world if you haven't saved if you reset. The Exit mouse can't get you out either. If you want to use these weapons, Game Genie, Netplay, or having a different save are the only ways that you can enjoy these weapons to the fullest. Only do GG after you have beaten the game/obtained them there once. The Star Pendants made it easier to deal with the Mook Seniors, some other foes, Sanctuary Boss 8 and the Evil Eye. The Goddess, Cherub and Pixie Bracelets/Bands all do the same thing. Protecting against sleep. But...this is their best equipment in the game.


Getting the Broken Antenna was easy with SNOT and Green Swirl abuse. Same was done to get the Sword Of Kings. Sword Of Kings took 6 hours to obtain and the Broken Antenna only took 10 minutes. Also this is their best equipment in the game!


Ness is in need of Speed capsules since that is the biggest issue. Guts were this much with only one guts capsule. Ness had the Magicant boost which will be missed already if already at level 99. Paula had 8 Vitality capsules which were the biggest issue. Got 100 more HP than usual which was good. Paula can get this much guts either with GG, or the Rock Candy trick. (As seen here)


Jeff had only IQ capsules and 3 Vitality ones. 4 to be exact. Poo had only 3 Luck Capsules and 3 Vitality ones.

Edited by Bimbo
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Also, how did that garchomp survive the ice beam? >_>

I must be 252 HP/ 252 SP.DEF

I don't think many Garchomps run that kind of spread (speaking from 4th and 5th gen experience here). But they are actually quite bulky; I remember watching a video years ago when a Salamance survived an Ice Beam from a Starmie--and Garchomp's bulkier than Salamance, I think

I think what you had there was a poor RNG roll; damage can fluctuate by roughly 20% in extreme cases (being hit by a type you're 4x weak to, for example), which I'm sure you're aware of

Edited by DodgeDusk
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-Using Sludge Wave on a Forretress.

-Rain Dance/Thunder/Thunderbolt/Explosion Electrode. Because fuck coverage.

-Said Electrode being on the same team as Ninetales.

-Empoleon, which didn't get to do much of anything before going down.


-Pidgeot with Sky Attack and Power Herb.

-Said Ninetales having Dig, Foul Play, and Flare Blitz.


-Said Onix holding Leftovers.

-Oh, and the guy with this team won.

(The other side had a Charizard trying to set up on said Onix)

Edited by Levant Caprice
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FE5(Actual Cart)





With a Life and Shield Ring, he's finally becoming dashing and maturing. <3

I wish you were in Smash Bros.



Already ready to promote. He's my personnel boss killer. Since many bosses lack Mag Def.



Your typical female Ogma. She got some muscle this time. 2 Str with a 30% growth.



With only 25% at growing Str, she is loving me this time. At one point, I've had her staff skill to B. Time to go a long way for that, missy.



Erm...he's getting dropped. He didn't get any BLD. The Skill Ring is going to Marty straight a way. People don't like using him, but I do.



She will be a Thief Fighter this time. After two more class changes, she should get to the point for my thieving needs. Sorry, Lifis. She's going to do the job this time. She already grew one BLD without the Neir Scroll and going to promote her with this Master Seal that Brighton is holding.



Going to be used as she already grew two Str with only a 30% growth.



He makes a great partner for Machua.

Only one die throughout the run so far. You do certainly improve alot if you've tried Lunatic+. FE13. Halvan, Orsin, Finn, Alva, Marty, Carrion, Pirn, Shiva, Olwen, Sety, Dean, Trewd, Tina, Sara, Tania, Homeros, Eyvel and Saphy will be the others that I'm going to use in this run.



For the Fatigue. So...13 each. Halvan for great availability and Def. Orsin as he is also a recommended character. Plus he can support with Tania. Finn as he is recommeded and can support with Leif and Nanna. Alva for trying him out. Never used him. It'll be hard as he has no PCC. Marty always comes with me. Carrion always comes with me. Pirn for Sol and having a good chance to have another turn again. Shiva for Sol and probably being the best fencer of this game. Olwen for her 4 PCC, two brave-like personnel weapons that only she can use.

She only needs Vantage and Continue and she's good to go. Sety. Having him now would be satanic. Dean for his better weapon levels and better base stats. Trewd for Nihil and can be a big help against the 12 warlords.


Tina for being probably the most recommended character next to Sara in the game. Plus her fear of bugs will be lessened after maturity. Let me assure you. :D

Sara for endgame. Tania for support for Orsin and better PCC than Ronan. She isn't as good as Robert, but she can grow weapon level faster. So...it's all good. Homeros for endgame. Eyvel for favoritism. ...And Saphy for recommendation.

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