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12 hours ago, Armagon said:

Have i mentioned how gorgeous Xenoblade is?

Remember how Nintendo was charging people dozens of 💸  for cardboard? They should revisit that and up their VR for more mature audiences, a Xenoblade first-person headset experience could be immersive and relaxing. 

However, they must include a disclaimer that reads "WARNING! Fall Damage is real and you will NOT return to the nearest Landmark. Please use Nintendo Virtual Man responsibly in a hazard-free location."


8 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

How does she suddenly switch outfits in the middle of an attack like that? Impressive!

The fan translation left that attack's name untranslated, as they did all of them (so did EF1 official translation). They transliterated it out of Japanese characters into the Roman alphabet, but didn't go any further.

But according to posters on that video, her second Overdrive- Senko Kou Sappo Ougi Koshu Fuu Rei- translates along the lines of "hermit fox assault kill principle inner mystery . fox master confining spirit" and the bold part in particular could be translated as "Sealed Spirit of the Fox-Lord".

Yet, the real meaning behind the attack is not so esoteric they say. Drop the first four phrases, focus on the bolded three, and then do the following:

Ko > Co

Shu > Su 

Fuu > puu

Rei > lei

Co + su + puu + lei = cosupuulei




She has a Special called Ougi Yomeiri no Kata (meaning "ultimate attack- marriage form") they left out of that video BTW. She transforms into the wedding dress, bouquet in hand, rises into the air, and out from under her dress gives the gift of bombs to the enemy and baguettes/cookies (I can't tell what they are) to her fellow heroes. A hurt and a heal before FE came up with its totally unoriginal Bride class in Awakening. 


12 hours ago, Armagon said:

She does look like a fun character. From what i got from some of the few screenshots you posted, she seems to be among the most likable among the cast. Am i right in that assesment?


Xiaomu is lively and usually funny. As her profile states, she is a 765-years-old Sage Fox (Chinese, in contrast to the villainous Saya as a Japanese fox humanoid) who hobbies include anime, manga, surfing the Web, and pro wrestling. The last explains the pile driver into a boxing ring ending her first Overdrive. 

Xiaomu's almost always at ease personality is in contrast to her co-worker Reiji's. Reiji Arisu is serious, focused, stoic, a straight-man, though he can crack a jovial smile and doesn't cut the air around him simply by breathing. Technically Xiaomu is his superior b/c he's a human of 23, but Xiaomu sets seniority aside lets Reiji take the lead. Reiji is willing to resort to spankings if Xiaomu misbehaves, which she once let slip to everyone she might actually enjoy.🙄  The two make a good duo, but I think Xiaomu is better half among gamers who know them, because she's the one bursting at the seams with character.


As for the other playable characters in Exceed, if you're interested.:

  • Haken Browning- 23, dressed as a cowboy and wandering the land in search of excitement, treasure, and work as a bounty hunter (not that we ever see him do this). Armed with an assault rifle with a bayonet- Nightfowl, a revolver- Longtomb Special, and explosive playing cards. He plays it cool and free-spirited, but he's mature enough to switch to seriousness when the circumstances arise. He is a flirt, but I don't find it problematic, probably because he's all talk no pervy physical actions. He'd fail at perv stuff anyhow, because every female in EF is too smart for it, barring Kaguya, they're never naive and know when a man is being a pig. Overall, I like him.
  • Aschen Brodel is another character I like. An android whose blunt insults and humorous language make me laugh, it's deadpan funny. Her personality swap when Code DTD is active to a ditzy energetic bimbo isn't overplayed and done to the point of annoyance. Can be serious and sad like Haken, so she isn't all jokes and no substance. Fights primarily with springy spiked knuckle punches and kicks with an explosive shotgun boost.
    • Her backstory is that over 20 years ago, a hi-tech ship crossed dimensions and crashed into the world of Lost Herencia. A wandering bounty hunter named John Moses went to check it out and awoke Aschen in her maintenance bed, with a baby boy besides her. Her memory banks had been wiped out in the crash, except for her name and the baby's- Haken Browning. Moses adopted Haken and Aschen chose to become their servant. Haken treats her as family, hence him getting very angry with Pete Pain for trying to make her self-destruct.
  • Kaguya Nanbu- 18, naive, less so in Exceed than EF1, sweet, and calm but not stoic. Weapon is a sometimes springy "zankantou" sword, crescent moon cutters, a handful of hanafuda cards and spiritual powers. The princess of Japan-land built around a giant cherry blossom filled with magic energies. In love with Haken, who did give her her first kiss at the very end of EF1. She's nice, and her heartfelt innocence provides contrast to the rest, she'd never try to flirt with you nor insult you in some way. But as an individual character and not counted in the ensemble, she ranks lower than others.
  • Suzuka- Over 100 years of age, an Oni princess in Kaguya's part of the world and her friend and mentor. Of the "original 4" playable OCs from EF1, she's definitely the least relevant in story in both games. She's usually temperate in personality, neither stoic nor overly comical. She and Aschen are passive aggressive towards each other, Suzuka calls her a useless ditzy tin can, Aschen insults Suzuka's flat chest in a hundred ways (Suzuka displays no bust envy/insecurity). Her fighting style is dancing with two fans connected by strings to Jyaki-Gun-Oh, her mindless robot puppet armed with machine guns, missiles, and explosives. When she dances, shouts and swings 'dem hips, she overflows with liveliness. I like her.
  • Alady Nasch- The new main dude 17 years of age in Exceed. Very stoic, polite, dutiful, but young and as with Reiji, not an edgelord. He seems to be typical of the very human-like Shura, rather emotionless and intensely focused on martial arts training and battle, embracing the necessity of struggling to survive. Not bad in that I dislike him, I don't, but one of the weakest characters in the game as a person, so far at least.
  • Neige Hausen- 117 years of age, an Elf princess, and Exceed's new main heroine. Armed with a spear (more like a sword) called the Fayslayer with laser beams and some explosives. Usual personality is balanced, can be serious, can be sassy fun, depends on the circumstances. Although never explained, she does seem to like rockin', given she has an electric guitar in her bedroom and sometimes pretends to hold the Fayslayer like she was playing a guitar and swaying to the music. She hasn't left a great impression on me yet. Not bad, but this princess might be too even to land one- still fun in gameplay- everyone is.
  • Axel Almer and Einst Alfimi- Two characters who fight as a team in gameplay, with no reason for it when everyone else doesn't. Axel has a Mizuchi Blade on his wrist and martial arts, Alfimi has her Oni Renge katana and two Dark Bodhisttava skulls that float besides her and shoot lasers. They fight just like their now-absent mecha the Soulgain and the Lichkeit. They both "died" in SRW Original Generation 2, but here they are alive in another world, with amnesia plaguing both of them, to be resolved before they return to the world they died in for Original Generation Gaiden and subsequent games.
    • Axel is kind, just a little lighthearted and fairly ordinary, but constantly beset by bits of knowledge of stuff that he doesn't know why he knows. The game briefly acknowledges his personality is very different from OG2's, with no reason for the change- but his old self was terribly unlikable, so who cares?
    • Alfimi is pretty innocent (but not naive, oddly) and a tad playful. Not what I was expecting for an alien-human hybrid who started understanding her humanity in the last two fights of OG2. Her being an Einst gives her special powers. She like Axel is pleasant, but neither is a standout.
  • KOS-MOS- ...What must I tell you? You know more than me of her. White like styrofoam, and just as tasty. But Exceed does try to take the robot stated in her profile to have no emotions and do more than EF1. They added the blue-eyes sprite and put her in situations where she shows her limited expressive capacities. 


TL;DR ranking of the Exceed playable cast, minus the Assist Characters:

  1. Xiaomu
  2. Aschen
  3. Haken
  4. Suzuka
  5. Reiji
  6. Kaguya
  7. Neige
  8. Axel
  9. Alfimi
  10. Alady
  11. KOS-MOS


You can divide the top four and the next five into two groups, where everyone is very close and you could easily press me into changing my mind on the exact order.


Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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2 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

I'm not too concerned about spoilers. Thanks again.

I think chapter 2 is one of the most difficult chapters (if you want to get everything in it.)
Since you also need to hurry up so Silvia and Lewyn appear faster, so you can kill the brigand who is attacking the very first village, since that village has the bargain ring (gives Dew's bargain skill to anyone you want, which is quite useful.) So if you want that you need to BOOK IT. Along with the fact the objectives are constantly changing and all over the place, it's definitely the most complicated chapter in the game. Along with keeping the knights alive for the knight ring.
My best advice is to use your return and warp staves, to get people where they need to be. Please actually use them and don't be someone who complains about people having to walk back to objectives when you can just use these staaavess.....

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2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I have many questions.

Command and Conquer is the series i played my whole gaming life up until early uni years before the series went up and died with Fail & Fail 4.

However yesterday, remastered editions of first 2 games were released to glowing reviews and fan reception.

Command and Conquer is back, baby!




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Okay, taking a tiny break from Xenoblade Chronicles to go back to my Xenosaga Episode I playthrough. Just got past the Durandal, and boy do I hate this upcoming part.

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Kloe: Ashe, may I ask you, if you feel alright? Since we came back to the monastery you seemed so pale and you didn’t even cook the dish you wanted. I’m a little worried about you.

Ashe: … Thanks for your concern, Kloe. I’m just a bit lost in thoughts.

Kloe: Oh, I don’t want to involve in your private matters, but I recognized something on you. I have the feeling that you have to carry some burden with you. When the little boy told that he stole to save his sister, you became very pale and silent… almost even paralyzed. Something really must be really bug. Of course this tragic story burdened me too, but

Ashe: Kloe, you’re a good friend, so I can trust you. I have a question, no, a favor! I would like to tell you something about my childhood, but I would like to keep it as secret among us. So I would like to ask to tell no one what I will talk to you?

Kloe: Whatever it is, I will promise you to keep this for myself as part of our bond.

Ashe: Alright! Actually I have another favor: After telling you my story you’d not leave me… because what I’m going to say is… not nice.

Kloe: We know and trust each other long enough that I’ll promise to stay for you.

Ashe: Thanks! This situation in the forest gives me a flashback of my childhood. You must know my parents died from a disease when I was very young. I had two younger siblings to take care of. You can imagine it’s not easy to make ends meet without family, home and money. I looked for several jobs in the restaurants… but they were not enough. I couldn’t take care about my siblings… and that’s… why I… saw no other way… than to… steal.

Kloe … I had the feeling you would say that. But not the fact you stole bothered me, but that dire situation you have been involved. You didn’t do it for selfishness! You did it for your siblings, to save them! Of course I can’t approve crime, you have to consider in what kind of desperate situation you have been. No one would blame you for what you did, even if it was wrong! Actually rather opposite, you tried to protect your remaining family! This is something you can be proud of! You’re a great brother!

Ashe: One day I was spotted when I broke into a noble’s mansion. But instead of being arrested I met Lord Lonato who not only spared me, but also adopted me and my siblings. I am very grateful to him that he has given my siblings and me some “life”. Though he’s not more either… But he taught me how to life and complying the laws.

I still hate myself for doing all this… I used crime on innocent people. And that’s why I…

Kloe: … tried to protect me, right?

Ashe: No! I totally overacted. I grabbed him rudely and even threatened him. I hate myself so much…! Using violence on a little boy. (sniffs)


Kloe hugs him

Kloe: Ashe… didn’t you notice on yourself, that you totally rejected that kind of crime and furthermore you had the civil courage to care for me and caught the “culprit”? It showed that you didn’t notice to tell between right and wrong, but you also had the encouragement to act against offenses. Your reaction was absolutely understandable, even if it was a bit too harsh. But at the end the situation came to a good end thankfully. And if you didn’t catch the little boy, we never would have known about his background and not been able to help him. As the result he even learned to know that stealing isn’t right. You should consider it, Ashe!

Ashe: … I see. Actually I learned a lot about this situation… Yeah, if the boy had run away, I still would have had a heavy heart. Honestly I already feel a little bit better now.

Kloe: Hihi, these are the words I wanted to hear! I’m absolutely glad your heart opened a little bit. This “incident” yesterday was a very lucky one for everyone after all. We all drew positive conclusions and learned a lot for ourselves!

Ashe: Yeah, this is true! Kloe, I promise you that I will live a rightful life!

Kloe: … You shouldn’t promise to me, promise it to yourself! It’s your life, your life is in your own hands! But it’s great to hear such an important self-set target. Of course I’m always happy and thankful to support you whenever I can, as the Princess of Grancel.

Ashe: Hehe, thanks! ….. WAIT… WHAAAAT? You’re a PRINCESS!?

Kloe: You weren’t quite wrong when you spoke about my clothes. My name is Klaudia van Auslese, the Princess of Grancel, but please just keep me calling Kloe.

Ashe: …I’m so sorry! I treated you like some punk by letting kneeing on the ground to grab some  food.

Kloe: Hihi, as I said before it’s part of my daily life. Despite being a princess I still do the life tasks every other person does too. And I’m a student after all like you, so there’s absolute no need to treat me differently than you do with the others. I’m absolutely please to talk to people informally.

Ashe: Ok… thanks Kloe, for everything you did to me and that we had the opportunity to meet each other!

Kloe: The pleasure is all mine. I could learn a lot in the past weeks, not only at school. It was a great time.

I have been a bit under time pressure lately, so this might not have turned out that grately.

Will fix a few details and errors on monday since I'm pretty busy right now.

Edited by Falcom Knight
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2 hours ago, Caster said:

I think chapter 2 is one of the most difficult chapters (if you want to get everything in it.)
Since you also need to hurry up so Silvia and Lewyn appear faster, so you can kill the brigand who is attacking the very first village, since that village has the bargain ring (gives Dew's bargain skill to anyone you want, which is quite useful.) So if you want that you need to BOOK IT. Along with the fact the objectives are constantly changing and all over the place, it's definitely the most complicated chapter in the game. Along with keeping the knights alive for the knight ring.
My best advice is to use your return and warp staves, to get people where they need to be. Please actually use them and don't be someone who complains about people having to walk back to objectives when you can just use these staaavess.....

Ch. 2 being especially challenging compared to the other chapters is what I've heard from other people discussing the game on other forums. I haven't even touched the staves yet, so I'll definitely remember to use them in the future. Thanks again.

54 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:


  Reveal hidden contents


Kloe: Ashe, may I ask you, if you feel alright? Since we came back to the monastery you seemed so pale and you didn’t even cook the dish you wanted. I’m a little worried about you.

Ashe: … Thanks for your concern, Kloe. I’m just a bit lost in thoughts.

Kloe: Oh, I don’t want to involve in your private matters, but I recognized something on you. I have the feeling that you have to carry some burden with you. When the little boy told that he stole to save his sister, you became very pale and silent… almost even paralyzed. Something really must be really bug. Of course this tragic story burdened me too, but

Ashe: Kloe, you’re a good friend, so I can trust you. I have a question, no, a favor! I would like to tell you something about my childhood, but I would like to keep it as secret among us. So I would like to ask to tell no one what I will talk to you?

Kloe: Whatever it is, I will promise you to keep this for myself as part of our bond.

Ashe: Alright! Actually I have another favor: After telling you my story you’d not leave me… because what I’m going to say is… not nice.

Kloe: We know and trust each other long enough that I’ll promise to stay for you.

Ashe: Thanks! This situation in the forest gives me a flashback of my childhood. You must know my parents died from a disease when I was very young. I had two younger siblings to take care of. You can imagine it’s not easy to make ends meet without family, home and money. I looked for several jobs in the restaurants… but they were not enough. I couldn’t take care about my siblings… and that’s… why I… saw no other way… than to… steal.

Kloe … I had the feeling you would say that. But not the fact you stole bothered me, but that dire situation you have been involved. You didn’t do it for selfishness! You did it for your siblings, to save them! Of course I can’t approve crime, you have to consider in what kind of desperate situation you have been. No one would blame you for what you did, even if it was wrong! Actually rather opposite, you tried to protect your remaining family! This is something you can be proud of! You’re a great brother!

Ashe: One day I was spotted when I broke into a noble’s mansion. But instead of being arrested I met Lord Lonato who not only spared me, but also adopted me and my siblings. I am very grateful to him that he has given my siblings and me some “life”. Though he’s not more either… But he taught me how to life and complying the laws.

I still hate myself for doing all this… I used crime on innocent people. And that’s why I…

Kloe: … tried to protect me, right?

Ashe: No! I totally overacted. I grabbed him rudely and even threatened him. I hate myself so much…! Using violence on a little boy. (sniffs)


Kloe hugs him

Kloe: Ashe… didn’t you notice on yourself, that you totally rejected that kind of crime and furthermore you had the civil courage to care for me and caught the “culprit”? It showed that you didn’t notice to tell between right and wrong, but you also had the encouragement to act against offenses. Your reaction was absolutely understandable, even if it was a bit too harsh. But at the end the situation came to a good end thankfully. And if you didn’t catch the little boy, we never would have known about his background and not been able to help him. As the result he even learned to know that stealing isn’t right. You should consider it, Ashe!

Ashe: … I see. Actually I learned a lot about this situation… Yeah, if the boy had run away, I still would have had a heavy heart. Honestly I already feel a little bit better now.

Kloe: Hihi, these are the words I wanted to hear! I’m absolutely glad your heart opened a little bit. This “incident” yesterday was a very lucky one for everyone after all. We all drew positive conclusions and learned a lot for ourselves!

Ashe: Yeah, this is true! Kloe, I promise you that I will live a rightful life!

Kloe: … You shouldn’t promise to me, promise it to yourself! It’s your life, your life is in your own hands! But it’s great to hear such an important self-set target. Of course I’m always happy and thankful to support you whenever I can, as the Princess of Grancel.

Ashe: Hehe, thanks! ….. WAIT… WHAAAAT? You’re a PRINCESS!?

Kloe: You weren’t quite wrong when you spoke about my clothes. My name is Klaudia van Auslese, the Princess of Grancel, but please just keep me calling Kloe.

Ashe: …I’m so sorry! I treated you like some punk by letting kneeing on the ground to grab some  food.

Kloe: Hihi, as I said before it’s part of my daily life. Despite being a princess I still do the life tasks every other person does too. And I’m a student after all like you, so there’s absolute no need to treat me differently than you do with the others. I’m absolutely please to talk to people informally.

Ashe: Ok… thanks Kloe, for everything you did to me and that we had the opportunity to meet each other!

Kloe: The pleasure is all mine. I could learn a lot in the past weeks, not only at school. It was a great time.

I have been a bit under time pressure lately, so this might not have turned out that grately.

Will fix a few details and errors on monday since I'm pretty busy right now.

This support is really good! Ashe and Kloe bonding over their secrets and her being so understanding was very sweet.

Edited by twilitfalchion
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4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The fan translation left that attack's name untranslated, as they did all of them (so did EF1 official translation). They transliterated it out of Japanese characters into the Roman alphabet, but didn't go any further.

But according to posters on that video, her second Overdrive- Senko Kou Sappo Ougi Koshu Fuu Rei- translates along the lines of "hermit fox assault kill principle inner mystery . fox master confining spirit" and the bold part in particular could be translated as "Sealed Spirit of the Fox-Lord".

Yet, the real meaning behind the attack is not so esoteric they say. Drop the first four phrases, focus on the bolded three, and then do the following:

Ko > Co

Shu > Su 

Fuu > puu

Rei > lei

Co + su + puu + lei = cosupuulei

  Reveal hidden contents



Okay, that makes sense now.
I know literally nothing about the character itself, but I like her already!

3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Command and Conquer is the series i played my whole gaming life up until early uni years before the series went up and died with Fail & Fail 4.

However yesterday, remastered editions of first 2 games were released to glowing reviews and fan reception.

Command and Conquer is back, baby!



I see!
In that case, I'm happy for ya!

1 hour ago, Falcom Knight said:


  Reveal hidden contents


Kloe: Ashe, may I ask you, if you feel alright? Since we came back to the monastery you seemed so pale and you didn’t even cook the dish you wanted. I’m a little worried about you.

Ashe: … Thanks for your concern, Kloe. I’m just a bit lost in thoughts.

Kloe: Oh, I don’t want to involve in your private matters, but I recognized something on you. I have the feeling that you have to carry some burden with you. When the little boy told that he stole to save his sister, you became very pale and silent… almost even paralyzed. Something really must be really bug. Of course this tragic story burdened me too, but

Ashe: Kloe, you’re a good friend, so I can trust you. I have a question, no, a favor! I would like to tell you something about my childhood, but I would like to keep it as secret among us. So I would like to ask to tell no one what I will talk to you?

Kloe: Whatever it is, I will promise you to keep this for myself as part of our bond.

Ashe: Alright! Actually I have another favor: After telling you my story you’d not leave me… because what I’m going to say is… not nice.

Kloe: We know and trust each other long enough that I’ll promise to stay for you.

Ashe: Thanks! This situation in the forest gives me a flashback of my childhood. You must know my parents died from a disease when I was very young. I had two younger siblings to take care of. You can imagine it’s not easy to make ends meet without family, home and money. I looked for several jobs in the restaurants… but they were not enough. I couldn’t take care about my siblings… and that’s… why I… saw no other way… than to… steal.

Kloe … I had the feeling you would say that. But not the fact you stole bothered me, but that dire situation you have been involved. You didn’t do it for selfishness! You did it for your siblings, to save them! Of course I can’t approve crime, you have to consider in what kind of desperate situation you have been. No one would blame you for what you did, even if it was wrong! Actually rather opposite, you tried to protect your remaining family! This is something you can be proud of! You’re a great brother!

Ashe: One day I was spotted when I broke into a noble’s mansion. But instead of being arrested I met Lord Lonato who not only spared me, but also adopted me and my siblings. I am very grateful to him that he has given my siblings and me some “life”. Though he’s not more either… But he taught me how to life and complying the laws.

I still hate myself for doing all this… I used crime on innocent people. And that’s why I…

Kloe: … tried to protect me, right?

Ashe: No! I totally overacted. I grabbed him rudely and even threatened him. I hate myself so much…! Using violence on a little boy. (sniffs)


Kloe hugs him

Kloe: Ashe… didn’t you notice on yourself, that you totally rejected that kind of crime and furthermore you had the civil courage to care for me and caught the “culprit”? It showed that you didn’t notice to tell between right and wrong, but you also had the encouragement to act against offenses. Your reaction was absolutely understandable, even if it was a bit too harsh. But at the end the situation came to a good end thankfully. And if you didn’t catch the little boy, we never would have known about his background and not been able to help him. As the result he even learned to know that stealing isn’t right. You should consider it, Ashe!

Ashe: … I see. Actually I learned a lot about this situation… Yeah, if the boy had run away, I still would have had a heavy heart. Honestly I already feel a little bit better now.

Kloe: Hihi, these are the words I wanted to hear! I’m absolutely glad your heart opened a little bit. This “incident” yesterday was a very lucky one for everyone after all. We all drew positive conclusions and learned a lot for ourselves!

Ashe: Yeah, this is true! Kloe, I promise you that I will live a rightful life!

Kloe: … You shouldn’t promise to me, promise it to yourself! It’s your life, your life is in your own hands! But it’s great to hear such an important self-set target. Of course I’m always happy and thankful to support you whenever I can, as the Princess of Grancel.

Ashe: Hehe, thanks! ….. WAIT… WHAAAAT? You’re a PRINCESS!?

Kloe: You weren’t quite wrong when you spoke about my clothes. My name is Klaudia van Auslese, the Princess of Grancel, but please just keep me calling Kloe.

Ashe: …I’m so sorry! I treated you like some punk by letting kneeing on the ground to grab some  food.

Kloe: Hihi, as I said before it’s part of my daily life. Despite being a princess I still do the life tasks every other person does too. And I’m a student after all like you, so there’s absolute no need to treat me differently than you do with the others. I’m absolutely please to talk to people informally.

Ashe: Ok… thanks Kloe, for everything you did to me and that we had the opportunity to meet each other!

Kloe: The pleasure is all mine. I could learn a lot in the past weeks, not only at school. It was a great time.

I have been a bit under time pressure lately, so this might not have turned out that grately.

Will fix a few details and errors on monday since I'm pretty busy right now.

This went from tear-jerking to heart-warming to funny. Great support!
Is it bad that I legit ship these two now?

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Has anyone playing XenoblaDE had an issue with arts not going off when you activate them right away? It's a bit annoying, and has messed me up on a few occasions (Shulk uses shield, but it doesnt go off right away, and I die.)

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8 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Oh, I wouldn't have guessed that from "fighting Daddy Dragon."

I was there...and yet...even I don’t know fully what happened...

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1 hour ago, twilitfalchion said:

Ch. 2 being especially challenging compared to the other chapters is what I've heard from other people discussing the game on other forums. I haven't even touched the staves yet, so I'll definitely remember to use them in the future. Thanks again.

Please just use the staves, if you need to get people to certain areas, or to have people backtrack easier. There is no reason to have most of your people walk back to backtrack when you can just warp them where you need. Not to mention, it also helps level up your healers, so they can more easily get to promotion level, so they can earn arena money more easily.
I like to give Ethyln's return staff to Lachesis,  so she can earn a bit more easy experience, since promoting her is very helpful, but it does take a bit at the same time.
Don't be afraid to use them a lot. As long as you give them the money at least occasionally, they'll be able to repair them rather easily, as they aren't that expensive to repair either.
Hell, you can even just spam them at the end of chapters if you want, to get more exp.

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20 minutes ago, Benice said:

Day four of Genealogy! I've decided on doing Lex and Eirnys for a good Fee.

Good luck. Ch. 2 has been okay so far, apart from me letting the paladins die as sacrifices and letting the knight ring go uncollected. Warp staff definitely came in handy when I had to send Lewyn back to the castle to recruit Erin. Nothing too challenging so far in combat though.

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God damn it, I hate the "reaction to Shion's conciousness!" So much. The tremor attack is pretty much an entire party wipeout.

Edit: And it doesnt help that Jr. Isnt great in this battle.

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3 hours ago, Benice said:

Day four of Genealogy! I've decided on doing Lex and Eirnys for a good Fee.






Also headaches are a bitch ugh <.<

Edited by Shrimperor
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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:





What? why?

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Also headaches are a bitch ugh <.<

Get better soon!

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6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:





Isn't Lex and Ayra the more optimal pairing?

Oh, and Noish met his glorious end approaching Mackily.

Death count: 1 (2 if you count Deirdre being kidnapped. Hecking ballistae.)

Edited by twilitfalchion
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3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Lewyn x Erin OTP 

and Canon

And gives OPCed and a pretty good Fee

Exactly. That's why I must use the suboptimal pairing for Ced lest he become good!

But I may reconsider.

6 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Isn't Lex and Ayra the more optimal pairing?

Nah nah, Ayra and Holyn is OG.

Just wondering, did you get Holyn? I got him by accident.

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1 minute ago, Benice said:

Just wondering, did you get Holyn? I got him by accident.

I knew you could get him from the arena from a guide I read online.

Who're you pairing Sylvia with? I picked Alec based on their dialogue alone.

Oh and Lewyn x Erin was in the works from the moment they met...ten minutes ago.

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When it comes to FE4 2nd Gen pairings, you can't mess up most of the kids. You can make everyone better than they'd otherwise be with less optimal parents, but few kids are doomed to be unusable with a bad parent. Ayra could marry a mop and her kids won't be weak. Similarly, Ced will always have a minimum of 29 Res-targeting Atk with Lightning as his weapon, and ~20 Spd. Thats good.

Add in the fixed characters: Seliph, Oifaye, Leif, Ares, Shannan, and bad pairings won't ruin the 2nd Gen.


2 minutes ago, Benice said:

Just wondering, did you get Holyn? I got him by accident.

Complete the entire set of battles in the Chapter 2 arena with anyone who isn't a bow user.

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18 minutes ago, Benice said:

Exactly. That's why I must use the suboptimal pairing for Ced lest he become good!

Ced is incapable of being bad.
You could give him the most awkward pairing that only hinders him and he would still be great.

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