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First new info on game since reveal: Paid DLC


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I don't think the good DLC (Pseudo Expansion Packs) are even possible for Fire Emblem. Closest I've seen in an sRPG are Behind Her Blue Flame from Valkyria Chronicles (short at 4 chapters, 2 of which are mutually exclusive paths, new characters are faceless and not too well developed beyond the main one) and Raspberyl mode in Disgaea 3 (Disgaea doesn't give you unique characters beyond the few story characters, all the ones here being reused from the main game, so...)

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That doesn't say the game comes out in March 2012, but that it will use a service whose functionality should be working by that time :/ It also doesn't really say anything about DLC--only that it will make use of the service. FE12, for example, made use of the DSi's special features. You know what for? Not its camera, or its SD card or channel swapping. No, it used it to lock the game to region protection.

Maybe it's not DLC. Maybe it's making use of the service itself. Maybe, you'll be able to buy a download of the game, no cart necessary. The article is too ambiguous--and too interested in the service more than the game--to make any calls about FE13. I look forward to more info though.

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