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Nintendo Direct info (27 Dec)

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Labeling those as skills was rather pointless. Why not just call "Rescue" a skill or go back to calling the ability to double something when you have enough speed "Pursuit" while we're at it?

Technically speaking, I suppose the reason would be that it's inherent in all characters to be able to double and rescue. The details of the individual combat itself determine if you can rescue or double. Weight and speed respectively. Canto could be tied to the mount flag, but what of shove? Bird Laguz for instance had both shove and canto, so an if/else wouldn't work.

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If there are PC theives anymore. Gaia could be a Myrm/SM with lethality as a learned skill, though she does have the cape in her map sprite.

Aside from calling Gaia a "she", I agree that this is likely the case.

Since "Lockpick"/"Picklock" (whichever) and "Steal" are transferable, the character they start on is likely a Thief in spirit but not in a hard-set way since you would likely be able to hand those off to over people.

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Lots of the continents IS comes up with base themselves off real continental arrangements. They don't usually follow exclusive geography found in those regions. But as the trend is recognizable, and has been, for the past entire series, it's not too far-fetched to see if Valencia also could be shaped after an existing continent. And, it kinda does.

They're not carbon-copies, obviously :L Africa is actually a bit more similar, but I always forget the water channel Valencia has--so I never recognize the two masses of main-land, only seeing the one. Does the other Kingdom also separate itself across that channel? I never could remember.

Edited by Celice
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Something I noticed, not sure if anybody pointed it out.

Assuming the A and C symbols here indicate support levels, then supports seem to increase the rate of dual attacks.

A dual attack with a possible A support has 67% chance for attacking and 13% chance of defending, seen here. In earlier screenshots/trailers, the attack/defence rate is around 33%/3%.

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That's a good find. Even though we don't really know if any supports would've been involved in the earlier videos, I don't think it's too farfetched to assume that it's roughly +10%/+(3-4)% per support level.

Edited by Shadow Stalker X
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Mmm... I'm not so sure. Remember "Dual Attack +"? Wasn't Chrome the one who had it equipped? That would throw a wrench into the formula, no? Excellent theory though.

Though, now I'm curious how a "Dual Defend" would work. Unless it's like the Guard skill from Radiant Dawn (which only kicked in if the target started in critical HP, and was allegedly tied to support level in activation rate). In which case the partner takes damage instead. Sounds somewhat ricky for our squishy mages.

Speaking of squishy mages... I wonder if the dedicated healers can Dual-Tink.

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Silly me, forgot about that skill. Although it's possible that Dual Attack+ has a different effect (or Krom doesn't have it equipped), like boosting the damage of dual attacks, I guess I'll have to wait for more info to figure out this puzzle.

Edited by VincentASM
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I wasn't trying to say you were necessarily wrong per-say. Just that I had my reservations. The fact that Offensive and Defensive Team ups on the combat stats window strongly suggests that those numbers can and do change given different circumstances. A unit's support being a very obvious idea. I just wasn't willing to join those numbers, just yet at least.

Another observation, that you're likely very aware of, is that with Chrome's jump in Dual %, it's not linear consistent with defense and offense, suggesting different formulas at play for each.

What if, what if supports defined offensive team ups... but bonds determined defensive? It still doesn't answer what Dual Attack + does, or answer if Chrome had it equipped for that battle.

Dumb likely wrong idea: What if Dual Attack + increased the range that Chrome could either join or receive aid? Might explain the ambiguity in the skill's title.

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