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Abysmal Souls Chapter 6


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She ducked into the first inn she saw, merely eating a small loaf of bread before heading off to sleep. Today had certainly been... interesting for her.


"All he tol' me was sumthin' abou' the Crimson Witch. Yeh know anythin' about 'er?"

He actually laughed out loud at this point, unable to believe her behaviour.

"You don't KNOW who the Crimson Witch is? Are you serious? She's supposedly the most infamous criminal in all the land, and she was the person who nearly got assassinated by your wonderful friend." He didn't bother masking his animosity towards Horatio; he was a true assassin, someone Danyon didn't want to talk to. Therese, on the other hand... at least she seemed pretty decent, probably tricked by that scoundrel, and she had an amazing body to go with it.



That voice, the condescending attitude, and this Ice Blast... it had to be him. Dad.

Adonis slowly picked himself back up onto his feet, wincing as he did so. When he saw his father, and that sword of his, rage overtook him. He ran straight towards Cyrus, only to crash straight through a thin wall of ice.

"Foolish son. Come at me, you weakling. You won't get anything done using the tactics of idiots, right?"

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"You don't KNOW who the Crimson Witch is?..."

Therese almost didn't want to let him finish.

"I know who she is, who doesn't? I also know that she's supposed to be dead." Wait, that was a lie. "Well, except for some rumors about her on some island around here."

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Rine was staring into the stars, using his hands to back up his head. Tired at his best, all he could hope was that they finished this soon enough. He and Carrion didn't have much to talk about during the trip, and he couldn't think about anything either. Staying away from people for so long and his studies had made him... weird, so he decided to stay quiet most of the time. Bothering her any further with questions wasn't a good idea, although he was curious about why so many people were going with her and especially curious about who they were going to face.

At least someone seemed to be talkative enough to chat with him, not everyone would ask such a question out loud like that. So he decided to get up and reply as soon as he approached him enough.

"This fresh breeze is pleasant, and the clear sky is also doing his job. By the way, would you tell me who exactly are we going to meet on our destination? I know nothing about our task".

Edited by Rapier
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He was surprised by her statement, to say the least.

"Oh, no, whoever's on this island ISN'T the witch. Some sort of impsoter, I don't know. But, in Pravna, I did see her, earlier today, in fact, so I can tell you with all certainty that the real Crimson Witch is on her way here right... now."

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A hurried knock on the door signalled to Lucinda that Lilith was back. She sat up with a groan, combed her hair quickly with her fingers, and pushed her fringe out of her face, hoping to look at least somewhat acceptable. "Come in," she croaked; her voice was still hoarse from being out of use for so long.


After a moment of rest and a quick brunch that consisted of bread, cheese, and water, Seilynda mounted her horse again and hurried on to what she hoped would be the next town. If I follow this road, I should be able to find my way back to civilization... right? Unfortunately, she was unable to find another small down to settle down for the night and ended up losing the mountain path she was following when the vegetation around her eventually turned into dry, sandy soil. At a loss, she took shelter under a rocky overhang for the night.

And a random flopped over loli pantyshot because SB requested fanservice.


The woman turned her head to see who was prodding her shoulder and met the little winged Anri with a scowl. Never before had she seen an Anri decked out in so many ribbons and frills before, and she didn't look much older than ten years old. Giselle quickly read the scrawled message and suppressed a groan. Don't tell me I have to be buddy-buddy with everyone now... this is going to be a nightmare. To her relief, this Ellandra girl was spirited away by someone else, and Giselle was left alone, to her relief.

Later that night...

"Giselle," she finally replied to the little bird girl, her voice tinged annoyance after a bumpy ride, "My name's Giselle. Sorry about not getting back to you earlier."

Edited by Sona Buvelle
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Gideon, Melanie

The wagon ride was as slow as he expected it to be, and Gideon felt no shame in having slept until their stop jarred him awake. His disoriented state as he slowly rose to his feet and began to survey his surroundings was rather similar to a bear in winter (to say nothing of the facial hair he was steadily accumulating).

He glanced around the section of the wagon he had dozed in. Just as crowded as the moment he nodded off, much to his frustration. You would think people would clear out to stretch, or at least to give me bloody leg room... Amera hadn't moved either; for the first time since he had met her, Gideon couldn't tell if she was asleep. Not snoring, but not talking...is this the same anri I shared a room with? "Oi," he ventured, his voice raspy with sleep. "You up?" Instinctively he looked over his shoulder towards the other side of the wagon, where he saw Melanie leaning on the same railing she glued herself to at the start of the trip. "You soldered to that rail, or you gonna move?" he asked grumpily. He wasn't sure exactly what was bothering him about her being there - perhaps it was just inexplicable that she could spend the entire trip by herself like that, especially given how attention-starved the girl seemed to be. It's Mel. That's why it bothers me.

Much to Mel's frustration, the sudden stopping of the wagon interrupted a fantastically long train of thought of hers. As her mind cleared, a few voices drifted past her. Carrion was saying something about a break, Grant was being Grant, and there was some rasping noise from further inside the wagon. Did we let a stray dog on or something? The fuck IS that? She glanced towards the source of the sound to see the monkey talking in her general direction; it seemed only fitting to her that he was making that noise. "You soldered to that rail, or you gonna move?" he growled. Okay, maybe not a dog. More like a bear. Either way, that's not a sound humans should make.

"I didn't have much choice," she shot back indignantly. "You and Amera took the spot I wanted." It was a lie, and she knew it, and Gideon probably knew it. "At least you got some sleep." Despite the small talk, Mel's mind was elsewhere - she couldn't figure out for the life of her what she was thinking about, and was desperately retracing her mental steps to figure it out. "Hey, um..." He's the best I have to work with right now. "If you were just thinking about rape, for, say, an hour - nothing graphic, just the whole idea of rape - how would you link that to smithing? Like, what ideas would that give you?"

Typical Mel question... "How should I know?" he demanded, arching an eyebrow. "Why would I think about either of those things in the first place?"

Mel threw her hands in the air, answering the soldering question without a word. "Well, I figured you would at least..." she began, her voice rising in volume a bit. "You know what, never mind." Sighing, she climbed out of the wagon and hopped down. "I need some air. You better not leave without me!" She pointed directly at Gideon in a theatrical fashion that would make anyone not named Oshea roll his eyes.

Gideon grunted and did his best to get comfortable again; hopefully this would end up little more than a bad dream to him.

Enter Lowell, stage left

Lowell never liked Gerhelva. Secure though the castle itself was, the city within struck him as poorly managed and simply dirty. Guards, citizens, mercenaries, everyone he encountered within Castle Gerhelva's walls eyed him suspiciously, as if he was a dangerous outsider who would seize the first chance he had to kill someone.

Sometimes, he thought, people were smarter than he gave them credit for.

His most recent vacation had brought Lowell across the border, for reasons even he was unsure of. Given the military melting pot that Astarte was developing into, he figured that there had to be something worth his time there - either an enterprising local mercenary, an off-duty boomsticker (as he had dubbed them - he refused to acknowledge Astartian soldiers as real warriors), or simply a particularly loud drunkard with an axe fastened to his back. There had to be someone worth his time there, and that was why he had made the trip in the first place. And by his second night in Gerhelva, he was proven right. It wasn't a terribly elegant kill; his mana was fluctuating as he struck, numbing his entire left forearm, and he had nowhere truly suitable to hide the body save the gutter. But it was a kill all the same.

And now, about eighteen hours after the deed was done, he was sitting in the pub where he had picked the fateful fight, wearing the same hood and travel gear as the day he wandered into Gerhelva. A tankard was in his right hand as he gazed at his motionless left. At the moment, his left bicep simply had a few pounds of dead weight on it, which likely would not become usable for five or six days at least. By this point, he knew his limits; given the intensity of the blast and the charring on the corpse, he estimated six days. Until then, he had to lay low. He gingerly sipped his ale as he pondered all this, wincing at its taste. If he had known the pub's kegs were full of piss, he would have gone without.

The pub was alive, as usual - it was as if last night's fight had never happened. Lowell sat in silence and listened. That was what he always did in these rat-holes; if he spoke, he offended someone, and he didn't like dealing with that more than once per trip. The clearest voices to him came from the table behind him. Three, male, of rural Lushiran upbringing from their light accents, and likely idiots from their inability to enunciate.

"You've 'eard, haven't ye? Word is the Crimson Witch been sighted south 'a Pravna on an island somewhere. Gives me chills, it does," came the first man's voice.

"Pah. Hearsay is all it is. Yer gullible, friend, that's all." The second man sounded a bit older. Lowell didn't move - he was intrigued.

"Swear on the Goddess's left teat, she's down there!" the first man insisted, slamming an empty flagon on the table. That explains it. "An' knowing 'er, she's got a legion at her back of men she beguiled!"

The third man chimed in, the fear in his voice evident. "I heard that Crimson can pull your soul clean outta your head just by lookin' atcher," he intoned. "An' it makes you her slave forever!" Lowell smirked to himself. As much as he wanted to look over his shoulder, he could already envision the terrified expressions on at least two of their faces; that was enough to entertain him.

"Well, wot's she doin' in Shuthra anyway?" the second man demanded. "Much less some bloody island? Even if you two apes're right, it don't add up!"

Lowell was steadily growing bored of their banter, amusing though their reactions were. He fished a few coins out of his right pocket and tossed them on the counter, leaving the rest of his ale there as he picked up and left. The sun was starting to set, which meant he couldn't cover much ground; still, he could find an inn on the other side of town, where the inevitable investigation wouldn't affect him for the final day of his stay in Gerhelva. The hooded figure hastily made his way out of the pub and started walking to the eastern edge of town.

About two blocks west, a charred, crumpled corpse was about to be found in the gutter.

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"Yo, Rina. If you don't want to get tangled up in this... ...looks like followin' Ormis around has taken its toll."

Rina was unsure of what she wanted to do. On the one hand, she didn't want any part of their quest. Magic, un-undead (re-alive?) crimson sorcerors, quests for vengeance? All of that was too much for her, who just wanted to get her sister and settle down somewhere. On the other... well, her sister would have jumped at the chance. Therese would never have given up this opportunity.

"Oh, uh..." Aurelio (that was his name) was waiting for her answer. "I, uh..." Therese was still missing, and for all Rina knew, was waiting for her somewhere. "I think..." She bit her tongue.

"I...I'll go with you... as far as... Devon, or...or until you guys get a boat."

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He followed Lunaria along to what he assumed was the 'house' she had been talking about. It was more like a hovel. He understood why she wanted him to try and fix it up, though she didn't say much once they arrived. She collapsed into whatever she considered a bed and was already off. He began wondering about the day again, wondering how someone who seemed so... at the moment, normal, could have done all that she did. And, of course, he caught himself staring at her. She was barely clothed, after all. Reynor, Reynor, stop. Just... get a hold of yourself, and try to sleep.

But he couldn't. As he was about to fall into whatever was left of the 'bed' that Lunaria wasn't sleeping on, he heard the sound of footsteps crunching their way through the grass, outside. He launched himself against one of the walls, in the darkest corner he could find. Night had fallen, and the whole place was rather dark, so hopefully he could blend in. Quickly, the footsteps had made it to the door, and opened it, allowing whoever this was to walk inside. He had lost his bow in the scuffle earlier, but he still had a knife hidden at the side of his boot, which his hand was already holding onto. Just... just need one chance to get in a good shot. Just one.


More embarrassed than amused anymore, he shook off that small blush and stood up, helping her up with him. He hadn't thought that he'd landed on her that hard, but hearing her reaction, he wondered, himself, why he fell most of the time. "S-Sorry. I'll try, yeah." Having fallen on her in front of so many people, he really was too embarrassed to say much else, hopping off of the cart with his hands in his pockets. Well, this sure is a great start, isn't it? Already have an angry girlfriend... and as he passed by Grant, who had suddenly appeared at the back of the cart, he caught wind of another problem, "Ok here's the deal, just act natural. best case, nothing happens, but I think we're being watched. It's way too quiet out there, nothing but the sound of rustling leaves. No critters... nothing." ... and we're being watched. Just our luck. Hanging his head a little, he rested against the side of the cart, at least happy to be able to stretch his legs.


He couldn't do much but squeak out meek protests towards what was happening, not really wanting to see anyone else get hurt, but Noel wasn't stopping herself from tying this person up. They argued, he his behind Noel, and as much as he wanted to step in and try to mediate this entire situation, he couldn't bring himself to try, too afraid of this new man. But he still tried talking to Noel, wondering if he could get her to calm down, or at least find out what was going on. "N-Noel... uhm... would you, er... could you t-tell me who this is?" Alright, so, trying to calm her down isn't going to happen...


The ride had been long. Too long for him to enjoy. But the thought of a break was something he could enjoy. Carrie had been entertaining herself with the other people on the cart, though he listened to what the knight had to say. A fight might be fun, yeah? Better'n sittin' down on our asses the whole time. He didn't stray far from the wagon, simply hopping off the back and leaning on it. He didn't want to be too far off in case something did happen. But who was to say that anything was going to happen? The suspense was a nice feeling, compared to all the boredom. At least Carrie was still there, in case he felt like talking, or she did.


"Come in," She brought herself into the room with a smile on her face. She was finally getting out of this hotel, finally getting to go out on her own life. An finally get the chance to find her... no, don't get your hopes up. You saw the state he was in when you were taken away. If he's alive, then he is, but... She shook the thought from her mind. She had one thing to focus on right now, and that was traveling with this Lucinda girl. This Lucinda girl who seemed... rather worse for wear. She was better moments ago... maybe her body finally caught up to her? "Uhm..." walking herself a bit closer, she realized that Lucinda looked... extremely tired. "Are you alright?" A rather silly question, but she couldn't think of anything else to ask.


The trip had been as such. And she'd done what she intended to do as she leaned herself against Gideon, which was fall asleep. Even though Carrie had said hello, she really didn't feel like staying awake, and what better time to nap than during a long and boring wagon ride?

An unfortunate bump in the road disturbed her sleeping, though, as she groaned into consciousness. "Oi," she heard as she awoke, "You up?" "Yeeaaahhhhh~ I'm awake." She took to stretching, brushing her arm up against Gideon. Oh well, not enough room otherwise. Don't think he minds, anyway~ With that little stretch done, she hopped herself off of the cart and began to stretch her legs, listening in on whatever Mel and Gideon were going on about. They seemed to be just swapping banter back and forth, but Gideon's first line about Mel being soldered to the rail made her laugh a bit too much. She leaned back onto the wagon as Mel retorted, but she had to add in her part. "Mel, he might be right. With all the metal you mess with, you might've done it on accident. Hope we don't have to pry too hard to get you off of it, heehee."

It was just playful banter, of course. Amera didn't really know if they were at their stop or not, but she was grateful for the chance to do so. One thing Mel said really caught her off guard, though. "If you were just thinking about rape, for, say, an hour - nothing graphic, just the whole idea of rape - how would you link that to smithing? Like, what ideas would that give you?" "Uh..." She gave Mel a sort of incredulous look, a tad put off by what she just asked Gideon. Completely ignoring whether or not Gideon was going to give an answer, she put a hand on Mel's shoulder and lightly pulled her back to where she was leaning. "Mel, why the hell would you even ask that?" She wasn't mad, rather surprised that Mel, above everyone, was thinking about that.

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"I...I'll go with you... as far as... Devon, or...or until you guys get a boat."

It was understandable, the task ahead did seem pretty daunting. However, he wasn't willing to leave a young girl alone... but there was no-one to keep her safe. He'd have to make sure she was fine before they left.

"That's not a problem. After that we can give you a little cash, and you should be OK for a while."

He addressed the group, they were tired and needed somewhere to stay.

"Let's go people, Pravna's got to have somewhere for us to stay."



(Still speechless)



Not even the intruder could stir her sleep, She lay innocently, unaware of the oncoming danger.



His men had fallen asleep, one was on guard but he didn't feel like talking to such a filthy man. He looked out into the distance. The night sky was clear and he could see the fields stretching across, falling below the horizon. This was going to be his finest moment. Once he caught the witch, fame and fortune would be his.

"People have shunned my greatness for too long now. How can they not see my true self? I'm powerful, rich, handsome and charming... it's a mystery. So many fickle ladies, I open my heart to you all, don't worry, you are all deserving of my love. Do not be shy, my glory matters not! For all I want is to share our souls for the night!"

He laughed to himself, he was a lucky man. His parents didn't know what they had sent away.

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Carrion and gang

"Well good." Still rubbing her ribs, the petite witch hopped out of the wagon as well, if only to catch a nice breath of fresh air. "So how long until we get to the shore again, my ignorant friend?"

"Maybe an hour once we get moving again, your highness..."

"Too long. We need to do this quicker!" Growing a slight bit hysterical, she snapped at Grant with those words.

"You need to understand physics, my dear! These horses are worn out! You can command aaaaalll you want, they will only go as fast as they can go, unless you want to just run them to death, in which case, I hope you like the idea of dragging this witch back, by yourself. For miles!"

"Hey, don't you go yelling at her like that!" Aiduen decided to jump in on this discussion, despite not knowing what was going on. "We're in the middle of nowhere and you claim we're being watched, so stop yelling, OK? Keep your voice down."

Pointing at the girl and glaring, "No. You know why? Because I won't tolerate this blatant disregard for life." He turned his glare over to Carrion who couldn't help but laugh at the man's hypocrisy, a twitch in his right eye "Oh? Think it's funny, do you? You think it's funny to look down and laugh at someone or something doing all the hard work for you and then dying from it? Hm? You think it's just absolutely hilarious watching a beast of labor push itself to the limit just to serve someone so self centered and absorbed? How dare you. How DARE you! Where do you get off?! Probably never done an honest day of work for yourself, have you you little twit!? Of course not! Why would you? You don't need to worry about mundane things such as having to earn a living or feeding yourself, you don't even live! Is that your body heat? Or is that just your infernal magic? No wonder you irk me at every goddamn turn, you're not even human. If you can't respect a horse, a completely innocent creature in the grand scheme of this, then you don't deserve my respect either!"

Carrion, gritting her teeth as hard as she could to keep from outright exploding on the man, tried responding, "What... did... you... say?" Stepping up to the armored man, it would have been a laughable picture with her havin to look so far up, but the sheer amount of heat emanating from her coupled with the dangerous expression on her face made for a much more dire picture.

Aiduen's terrified expression wasn't helping, and she didn't know where to start. "Grant... why would you say any of that, and Carrion, please, PLEASE calm down!"

Looking down, she could only shake her head before looking up at Grant again, "No... No I won't calm down. I've had it. I've seriously had it with this ignorant fuck up. He's got one thing right. I'm probably not human at this point... but I don't care, I have a right to life just as everyone and everything else does. Except for you, dear knight." As she reached for the knight's stomach, the knight reacted quicker and grabbed her by the shoulder. His eyes weren't focused on her but on his surroundings. It was a huge gamble on his part, the odds stacked heavily against him, but he wanted to get this paranoia out of the way, and quickly. Fortunately, there was a small shimmer of light in the distance and the rest happened so fast even he was amazed. First thing's first... The world seemed to slow down in that instant for him. Shoving Carrion to the side and brandishing his sword, a rather loud whistling sound, that of a crossbow bolt, and then a tink.

In the woods

In the loudest whispering hiss he'd ever done, a man was berating his 'friend', "Clyde god dammit, why would you even bother with the ones who were arguing, no, I want an answer right here, right fucking NOW. You single-handedly ruined this entire goddamn set up! How does that feel?! Hm?! Like, we were the ones supposed to be taking them out, and now that you've wasted that element of surprise on not a single good target, we've got only a few choices for our next course of action. Run the fuck away, hope they won't pursue, or we simply rush them. You see, we could have just used that fucking bolt on, oh, I don't know, maybe their horse? Limit their mobility on the whole so we can buy more time and get more people here to ensure a good robbing. But no. You decided to fuck up, basically. Gods be damned, if they don't kill us, I'm killing you, or at the least getting you kicked out of this group, you're beyond retarded..."

"W-What? I thought they we-" And before Clyde could finish his thought, he found a hand covering his mouth, muffling him a bit.

"For starters keep your goddamn voice down, after that just shut up, I don't want to hear it. You had so much potential, but you're proving to be more unreliable with each passing day and I'm afraid I'm gonna have to cut ties with you now... A shame, really." Feeling the painful twinge of a conscience kick in, the man held back his knife from Clyde's throat, instead pushing the kid out into the open quite forcefully and then taking off as quickly as he could, letting out a bird call, signalling the others to back off.

Meanwhile, Clyde held his hands up and froze. He was thrown into the belly of the beast and he knew it. "Please.... Mercy...!"

Michael and his amazing Ego

Should really just torch this filthy shack. An eyesore, through and through. As his thoughts went on, his legs moved him forward, fumbling around in the ever darkening room. Michael's hand seemed to be glued to the hilt of his sword his grip was so tight. His breathing grew quicker and shorter, sweat starting to gather in his eyebrows. Why am I so nervous? She's right here, I know, but she's not even awake it seems! Just go for it!

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Lucretia and Adano

"Let's go people, Pravna's got to have somewhere for us to stay."

Remembering the inn from his past where he fought the sailors, Adano spoke up. "I know where we can stay. A fairly cheap inn that's got good enough rooms for one night. Best part? It's close to the city's edge, so we can make it to the harbor faster." He took to the front of the group and began to lead them through Pravna, towards the inn. He hoped the sailors were still there. They seemed to be about his age, so hopefully some of them were still alive.

Gabriel and Julius

The caravan rolled along, and the two were still asleep~


He'd stopped for the night in a musty inn, too tired to continue. At least he would be sleeping in a bed. He fell asleep almost instantly, dreaming about what to do next and how he would accomplish his goals... whatever they were.

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It seemed as though Therese wasn't going to reply anytime soon, so he decided to test the water between the mainland and the island. After a short wade, he realised he'd made a horrible mistake - the water was rather deep here, way too deep for a horse at any rate. Carrion and her company wouldn't have come here; they'd have looked for a port to get to the island. As he tried to walk back, he slipped once, instinctively using his right arm to try and catch himself.

Of course, that made the problem worse.

"Gargh!" He barely managed to get back onto dry land, clutching his arm the moment he did so.


Dammit... he's even finding the time to mock me... this murderer...

Wild, uncontrolled blasts began flying from Adonis' staff, but none made contact with Cyrus. The older fighter laughed off the assault, walking towards Adonis even as he fired. Eventually, Adonis' attacks became more focused, yet every single shot was deflected away by Cyrus.

"So boring, so predictable. You're nothing but a weakling. An old man like me can beat you so, so easily... Don't you feel ashamed? What would your grandfather say?" He snickered at his last statement, as Adonis became even more riled up.

"Now, watch." Cyrus raised his sword, and a single beam fired, striking Adonis squarely in his chest.

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Night had fallen, the city was only lit by its torches. Aurelio followed Adano, hoping his contacts were still there - otherwise it'd be a difficult task reaching the island.



Several minutes had passed before Ken moved. The killer's cruel comments had hit him hard, adding salt to the already deep wound. However, he couldn't hide away, he needed to move forward. Rafael wouldn't want him to give up, nor would his father, Lady Lucinda... or Obelia. There were people he cared about, people who supported him, people he wanted to protect.

Wiping away his tears, Ken returned to the wagon. He had a long journey ahead of him, and a monumental task to boot. If he met the assassin again, he'd tell her how he felt... and make her realise her wrongs.

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Lost in thought, Therese barely registered that Danyon was going into the water. It was only a splash and a yell that brought her attention back to earth.


She leaped up and ran over, helping the horseman drag himself back to shore. "What were you thinking? The waters around here can't be that shallow, look." She pointed. In that direction were several cliffs, which admittedly had leveled out somewhat in their direction. Either way, Danyon's misfortune had just proved her point regardless.

"Come on. Murderous sword-mercenary or no, we need to get'chu to a healer."


"Come on, d'ya think I'd be easy fer ya'? Eh?"

Tiran walked around a group of bandits that had tried to ambush him on his return to Devon. Unfortunately for them, he was not in a very good mood, and had decided to relieve his feelings with his fists.

The poor bandits never stood a chance.

It was almost comical. The first man had the pleasure (and mercy) of being greeted by the hilt of mercenary's sword his face, killing him almost instantly. The next few were more wary, circling him and trying to get behind him. Tiran hadn't given them the chance, striding forward and punching one man in the gut, hard enough to physically lift him a foot off the ground. At that point, had Tiran actually drawn his blade, he could have scared the entire group off in a matter of seconds.

Instead, the mercenary had been content to bruise them with his armored fists and feet.

"Who sent you? Eh? Speak up, lest I decide to show you what I can do with a knife!"

The leader quailed.

"W-we... we were sent after tha' girl o' yer's... Tol' to encourage yeh t' work faster, since yeh seem t'be slowin' down..."

Tiran cursed under his breath. "You can remember this - I will get that girl when I fucking want to, and not a moment sooner. That blasted horseman is no match for me."

Edited by Camtech
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That argument would have ended badly, and before he noticed that it was some sort of trick, Rine thought about stepping in it many times... But he didn't know what to say, and everything that could come from his mouth would eventualy burn him. Adrian wasn't doing anything, so he assumed that they would reach an agreement soon... Or something like that. Suddenly, as he blinked, he could hear the sound of an arrow being shot, and the thought of having been hit struct him instantly.

The shot he listened was as loud and sudden as a lightning, paralyzing him completely as if he had been hit... That thought disappeared as soon as he noticed he was fine, but his heart still raced as if it was legit. "That bastard...!"The wind around him changed, blowing around him as if to simulate a fast paced planet spinning (*it wasn't his intention to simulate a planet).

He stared at the archer which was probably the one who scared him more than anything else he could remember since a long time, who made him experience a false 2 seconds death, but his anger was placed past his fear. "You! ... Leave this place at once, leave your weapons here and run the fuck away before I change my mind!". Being that arrogant wasn't one of his traits, but the anger boosted his confidence and boldness by tenfold.


"You took everything from me, my spot, my parents, the possibilities that I would have if it weren't for you... You stole my life. In turn, I steal yours.". She couldn't see anything else, only the person standing infront of her, the blade, and his eyes. Everything else was more dense and darker than a foggy night. As the blade stuck into her chest piercing her body completely, the man holding the blood stained sword stared deep inside her eyes angrily... If such a feeling could be called anger, since it was a mix of anguish, pride, anger, sorrow, lust and revenge.

He somehow managed to get past everyone and use the commotion to get what he desired, but the girl knew that nothing would stop him. His anger and desire for vengeance manipulated him. "Burn on hell with your sin... My sister!", he whispered, as if to share a secret with her, smirking. Even so, Asviel couldn't think about any sin, or anything that resembled the things she supposedly stole from him. Yet judgement came to her, and she was about to lose everything dear because of his grudge.

The thought of losing everything struck into her mind deeper than the sword. Though she was recognized by her cold and composed behavior, the truth was that she loved everything she had, her parents, her limited number of friends, the importance given to her, everything. As death draw closer and closer to her, she wondered if that man, who had been her brother once, thought that he was doing her the same ill, until nothing mattered and her existance was erased. from time.

... A dream, yet it seemed so realistic that she could swear that her brother killed her and took everything from her once again. The shock made her forget about everything that happened in the dream until then, the only thing she could remember was that they arrived somewhere, then her carriage was set on fire as her family returned to inside of it with her, and then it happened. Asviel raised her head as soon as her 'illusion' ended, wondering where she could be now.

Looking at the sky, she noticed just how much time she spent sleeping. Ignatius probably took her because they were stationed on the same place for too long. "... Hi. I'm impressed I took this long to wake up... I was really exausted. Did something happen while I was sleeping? By the way, where are we heading to?".

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Adrian would've enjoyed relaxing himself against the wagon for a bit longer, but it seemed another argument was brewing. Carrion wanted to leave, of course, but Grant understood that the horses weren't machines. Adrian agreed with him on that; Carrion needed to learn that she couldn't just force something to keep moving. Maybe she could kill them and try to bring them back, ha ha. Maybe they'd have some more stamina then. He mused to himself with the rather ridiculous joke, knowing that Grant would never allow the idea to pass, and doubting that Carrion would be able to pull it off. But he couldn't think it over any longer, as their spat did erupt into another argument. He couldn't say it was a surprise; they were still hostile with each other, of course, and it was bound to happen. He had just hoped that their little peace would've lasted longer.

But Grant was taking it too far. He didn't know how cruel what he was saying was to Carrion, and he was being a massive hypocrite, on top of it. And that was something that was starting to bother Adrian, pulling himself from the cart with a scowl on his face. Not as soon as he had, though, Carrion had almost erupted, which was startling. He knew that what was said would hit her deep, but he didn't expect such a visceral reaction so quickly. Taken aback for a moment, he waited for something to happen between them, but the action came from elsewhere, a bolt twanging itself off of Grant's armor. Carrion was pushed out of the way, so he rushed to her, putting a hand on her shoulder, "Carrion, are you alright? That didn't hit you at all, did it?" Before anything else could happen, a man was shoved from the bush, the soft sound of footprints rushing away behind the trees. The man was ripe with fear. "Please.... Mercy...!"

He would've said something in response, but that man from earlier, the mage, it seemed, had spouted his mouth off. And although Adrian wanted to agree with his sentiments, mostly because this man had tried to kill his girlfriend, that wouldn't get them anywhere. "Hey, chill," he said through furrowed brows, with a bit of a snap. "If we run him off, we won't get anything out of him. Grant, since you were already so kind as to save Carrion, could you do us another favor and tie him up? We'll see what we can get out of him." He kept a hand on Carrion, really hoping that she would calm down. We don't need another fight, not now; not that Grant's assumptions have been proven right...


Yes, keep moving... just get in here a bit... more... The situation was perfect, and he had a major advantage on this man. If he didn't move know, Lunaria would be dead... but wait... isn't that a good thing? Why do I want to save her? Shouldn't I help this man and escape the island? ... But I don't know if he's any better than she is. He might try to kill me right after her. Should I take that chance? At least I know Lunaria won't try to kill me at any moment, so... The longer he mulled over it, the closer the man got to Lunaria, and as he loomed over her sleeping body, Reynor snapped out of his thinking. I can't chance it. I have to do this. Without any yell, scream; no battle cry, he lunged at this man, almost attaching himself to his back. Without another moment of hesitation, he drove his knife into the man's neck, as if he were some sort of machine preforming a routine process. He was unsure if that would be enough, though, so he held the knife there, as long as he could.

Edited by seph1212
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Adano (and a little bit of Lucretia)

He led the group to the inn where he had visited many years ago. Sure enough, he spotted the group of sailors in the same spot he'd encountered them in his youth. They looked much older now, but they were the same men he'd remembered. He limped over to the table, his spear holding him up.

"Whaddya want, old man?" One of them asked.

"Is that a way to treat the man who'd once defeated you all in single combat?" Adano replied with a smirk.

"Adano!?" He jumped up and examined Adano closely. "You've changed."

"Needless to say I'm not the swordsman I once was," Adano said, "but if you want to see swordsmanship, you should see my daughter." He waved Lucretia over. "This is my daughter, Lucretia, the finest swordswoman in Miyako."

"Ha! I doubt it. Adano, surely you know about the legendary Anastasia!" The sailor laughed. "No one can beat her!" Lucretia and Adano simply looked at each other, and back to the sailor, without saying a word. The sailor stopped short, and looked to Lucretia. "You... you didn't..."

"She was my mother, and I did defeat her." Lucretia said, almost coldly. It was unlike her.

"Adano, your daughter is the deadliest woman alive! The tales I've heard about Anastasia..."

"I'm not that deadly, sir." Lucretia said, cutting him off. "We aren't here to reminisce about old times. We need to get to the island south of here, quickly."

"What for? I heard there's a witch there." The sailor replied. "The name's Jack, by the way."

"The witch there isn't really a witch. She's being hunted by one, though. The worst part? See that man over there?" She pointed to Aurelio. "She's his sister. And we need to rescue her before the real witch gets her. Because that real witch is the Crimson Witch. And I've seen her power firsthand."

"The... Crimson Witch?!?! You're gonna fight her?"

"Not if we can help it," Adano added, "if we can reason with her, we will. But, Jack, we need to get there."

"Fine... I don't like the stories I've heard, but I owe you, Adano. How many of you are there?" Jack asked.

"Six," Lucretia replied, "and we'd like to get there as quickly as possible."

"I'll do what I can. Early tomorrow morning we set out for the harbor at Devon. Get some shut-eye, you'll need it." He said.

Lucretia and Adano went back to the group. "We've got ourselves a boat. We need to make sure we get some sleep, we're leaving early tomorrow. Preferably by sunrise. My father and I will cover the room expenses." Lucretia said.

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At the scene of the crime...

Absolutely furious with Grant, Carrion's rage was still boiling, ready to tip over at a moment's notice. When the new 'friend' stepped in and told the assassin to run away and drop everything, Carrion had to smile, enjoying the thought of making someone suffer at the moment. "Yeah... Yeah, get out or I'll chase you to the ends of the e-" Unfortunately her words were cut short, giving Adrian a crazed look until she actually listened to what he said, "Dammit... Just let me take my aggression out! LET ME DO IT!" she shrieked, getting red in the face.

Grant, taking the initiative and ignoring her childishness again, went ahead and twisted the assassin's arm behind him without the slightest hint of showing restraint. "Make one move I don't like and I'm gonna snap this arm, you understand?" The kid could only breathe hurriedly and nod his head. Upon closer observation, Grant onl estimated the kid to be about fourteen years old. "Good. Now lets go get you all cozy with some rope, 'kay?" A whimper and a slight shove later, Grant had the kid tied up with rope from the wagon.

Meanwhile, Carrion was getting more and more hysterical, having no viable outlet for her anger having terrible repercussions on her attitude. "Look, just one! Just... Just one person set on fire is all I'm asking! I mean can you really defend Grant after all of that?!" She continued to plead with Adrian, as if he could give her the permission to do so, while Aiduen put her hand on Carrion's other shoulder and tried to calm the witch down. "Look, Carrion, I-"

"You what? What?! Spit it out, hussie!"

"There's no need for that, just calm down! Listen to yourself, you're talking of nothing but murder here! I thought you told me you hated it!?"

"Oh I do, but some people fucking deserve it. Listen to what he told me and I DARE you to justify him or defend him!" Visibly shaking with rage, her gaze shifting between Aiduen and Adrian, though her eyes were more pleading towards Adrian. All in all, she was losing it and it was showing.

"I..." Aiduen's voice cracked, almost scared to continue with her statement but Carrion's leaning in towards her almost commanded that she finish her thought. Clearing her throat and standing up straight, "I don't think he's justified, but I-"

"Don't want to hear it... I don't want to hear another goddamn word from your MOUTH!" A fist came flying right at Aiduen's mouth, connecting with a powerful smack and Aiduen reeling back. Carrion tackled her to he ground, completely lost at this point as she grabbed the girl by the neck and began to choke and burn her, nothing but absolute hate in her face. This, of course, was too much for Aiduen to handle as she tried her hardest to get the witch's hands away from her and stop the pain. It was all too quick for her and it would have meant her death if her brother wasn't around.

Seemingly out of nowhere, the pommel of a sword crashed right onto the back of Carrion's skull, knocking her out in an instant with a grunt of pain. Not satisfied with that, Arcen picked up the limp body by the neck, his face twisted in anger, a righteous fury flowing through him. Losing all thought, he was about to do something he knew he'd regret down the line but he was stopped by his sister's rasping voice. "Arc... ssstop" Coughing out a tooth and massaging her neck, she looked up at Arcen with a pitiful glance. "Don't... don't do it. If only... because she'd just... just go after you later. Put her down, Arc. Do it... Please... Don't kill in anger."

"How can you say that? How can you expect me to simply let that slide?! You're my only sister, my only real family, and she tried to snuff you out! And for what, words?! Words, Adiuen, WORDS. Even if you're ok with it, I'm not!" He was conflicted but he knew what he was doing. He let the body fall messily to the ground, placing the tip of the blade right on her newly bruised neck. "Next time I won't hold back... Do you HEAR ME?! Don't you EVER touch my sister like that AGAIN!" Spitting on the ground next to her, he went to his sister and helped her up while examining her wound. "Oh dammit... are you gonna be able to fix that? Aid?" She only nodded at him, glad he was able to show at least some self restraint. Though she knew how to heal in theory, applying it was much harder for her, only softening the pain slightly for the moment.

Clyde watched in shock, praising any god he could think of at the moment that they had actually shown him mercy. Almost as if reading his mind, Grant smirked at the kid and gave him a pat. "Just do what I say. And speaking of that, who were the others with you? Don't play dumb, I know there were more." Clyde's expression went from horrified to that of a man on death row who is resigned to his fate. "Assassins... We're... no... THEY'RE just blades and bows for hire. However, they like to be highwaymen sometimes too. Switching up the pace, you know? The plan was, honestly, to just rob you guys blind but I screwed it up. Pretty big. You guys are lucky..."

Grant laughed "Lucky? Yeah I suppose. Bringing only one crossbow for this kinda job is stupid. If there were multiple we would've been taken down easily, I've no doubt. We're making noise, we're visible, and most importantly they were in the dark. But I digress. You'll have plenty of time to tell me all about your fantastic adventure with these thugs later."

In the mountains...

"My my, so many questions after waking up? Such a curious little critter you are! No, nothing happened except perhaps the passing of time, which is a given of course, and as for where we are heading... Oh where was it again?" Pondering and poking his brain for his memory to kick in, he sighed. "Oh right, we were heading to Nishtam. Closest settlement and since it's protected by all of these mountains it's bound to be safer than nothing." Taking a seat for a moment to take a breather, he smiled as much as he could with his wolflike appearance. "You sleep like an infant, you do. I'm surprised you could sleep at all with the jostling I must be causing. Perhaps the exhaustion caught up with you? Most plausible reason from what I've seen of you, child."

On the island...

Micheal's vision blurred and his voice seemed... different. Pain flooded his senses, no matter how much it hurt him he couldn't seem to scream. It was then that he realized he was dying. He began to protest, to complain that he had so much to live for, the women of the world needed him too much, alas... all that came out were messy gargles of blood, his last thought, his last emotion being anger that he had gotten his clothes stained with so much blood. No lady likes that... He slumped to the floor, bleeding and choking in his own blood, eyes wide with horror and regret.

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Everything was once again happening too fast for Adrian to keep track of, as Carrion, hysterical yet again, because to screech and scream over not being able to kill anyone. She's really gone this time, isn't she? He couldn't even get a word in over her. Aiduen showed up to try and help, and he thought for a moment that the tirade would be over, or at least slow down, but it got even worse. Carrion began to scream at Aiduen, continuing her hysterics, looking between Aiduen and him. "What do you want me to say?" Aiduen was being herself, though he wasn't sure if that would help the situation. "There's no need for that, just calm down! Listen to yourself, you're talking of nothing but murder here! I thought you told me you hated it!?" Oh boy. "Oh I do, but some people fucking deserve it. Listen to what he told me and I DARE you to justify him or defend him!" Aiduen, don't. Just don't. Please don't! He looked over at her with the most pleading eyes he could muster, but as soon as she straightened her back, he prepared for the worst.

Though, the worst wasn't anything he could really prepare for. Aiduen said what he knew she would, and Carrion wasn't having any of that. She flew into a blind rage before he could get a single hand on her to hold her back. He would've dragged her off Aiduen if it weren't for Arcen smacking her out of it. "Thank the Gods... Wait, Arcen, what're you--" he was glad that Carrion had been stopped, as painful as the sword probably was, but when Arcen tried to choke her Adrian almost tackled him. Aiduen gasped out a command for him to stop, and he did, though Adrian wasn't having any of this. Arcen made his petty threat, and he wasn't taking it anymore. "Hey, Arcen!"

Adrian jumped at him, watching him turn towards the call only to receive a right hook straight to the jaw, knocking him back a few feet. "Y'think I'm just gonna stand there and watch while you try and kill my girlfriend!? The sword was enough, but then you try to choke her! Oh, a real man you are! Girl not even half your size, and you threaten to kill her! I bet you feel real fuckin' strong right now, don't you!? Yeah!? Well, put 'em up!" He raised his hands and took a pseudo fighting stance. "You want a fight, here's a fight! Come and get me you bastard!" He ignored Aiduen the entire time, sure that she thought he was being ridiculous.


The man fell, slowly, his blood washing all over Reynor's hands. The thud he made when he landed was... frightening. Like a large pile of dead weight. As soon as it had happened, he recoiled from the body, backing himself into his corner. He began to shake, holding himself. I just... I-I just killed someone, just like that. Stabbed him in the neck... the fuck is wrong with me?! He had killed before, but never so violently, never to absolutely, so quickly; without any thought. He tried to contain himself, in case there was anyone else waiting outside for this man to come back out. But he still let out a small whimper, covering his mouth and trying to calm down.


She had begun to wonder what was taking this Michael fellow so long. I just might have to check myself, if he's seriously going to take all this time...

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After wandering through the streets of Pravna for a short time, Adano had found the inn. It wasn't particularly crowded, but there was a group of men at one of the tables. Adano hobbled over to them, Lucretia following behind. The group looked a little old, maybe around their 40's, but they seemed happy to take them from Devon in the morning.

It looked like their journey would be faster than expected, although they'd have to forgo trying to find any wizards at the library. Not a big deal, they'd probably throw him out anyway.



The commotion had woken her up. It was still dark, but she sat up sleepily. The door was open, had someone taken Reynor? She panicked, scrambling across the floor to take a look outside.

"Reynor? Where are you? Please be safe!"

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"Stop! He did that on purpose!", he yelled, but his voice was completely hidden in by Carrion's, so he decided to think about something else. Using brute force wouldn't help at all, and she wasn't willing to listen to him now... So, what to do next? If only he had some time to think maybe he'd figure out some plan to calm her or get hit in the face on the process, if not worse.

By the time Carrion attacked the girl everything happened at a sudden, as Arcen stepped into it quicker than a wolf and knocked the witch out cold, and then Adrian started a fight with him for the same reason Arcen knocked his girlfriend out. That was going to end badly, because both were right and had strong reasons to kill eachother.

Rine decided to step in, running towards them, but stopping in a distance far enough for him to evade that sword or Adrian's fist if things hadn't gone in his way. "Wait! Carrion's behavior had been wrong, but you're doing the same thing she did to your sister! Aggression won't bring you anywhere, and you're pretty much acting just like her.", then he turned to Adrian, "He's trying to protect his sister just like you want to protect Carrion, and the problem has already been taken care of. Please, try to sort this out after you two calm down, we're a group...".


"I'm surprised that I've been able to sleep for so long too... Well, at least I can think straight now....". He mentioned a settlement of which she had never heard of, so it meant that there were humans there. "With these dirtied clothes, I doubt I won't catch much attention...". Could they have been noticed about the events of last night? Lushira is far, but maybe word of it could have been heard there. Either way, if it were possible, she wouldn't stop anywhere. Traveling to a city not so close to the border sounded like a better option... If only Asviel had the strenght for it. Haunted by her hunger, it didn't look like she could make it this far.

She doubted that such a big fire and commotion would go unnoticed by the nearby cities, and Lushira would certainly do something about it... But the girl couldn't think of 'what'. "Hey, what do you think these lusians are going to do about it? They can't hide the facts that easily, and you mentioned something about a motive for war....".

Edited by Rapier
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Teis waited outside with Rina while Adano entered the sailors' inn. Ormis had decided to go with them for whatever reason, but Teis was sure that the kid was just there to make sure that he could get fully involved in any fight that might break out, on accident or otherwise. It had hardly occurred to him, but Pravna could have had stores of information on the... organization that had killed his father. Anything to track down that mage. His fist clenched.

Flames. More of them. Lashing out in blind rage. Being blown away and knocked out by the impact. Waking up to see the mansion destroyed.

That had been three years ago, three years to let his revenge smolder. Now that he thought of it, though, the desire was cooling. What drove him now was a sense of duty, duty towards his friends. Carrion, Adrian, Danyon; he couldn't let them down now.

Two years ago, he would have abandoned Aurelio and his quest immediately. With that thought, he resolved to come back later.

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Arcen, Aiduen and a few others

Getting punched in the face wasn't something he expected as he recoiled and rubbed his jaw. "The HELL was that for you son of a-"

"Y'think I'm just gonna stand there and watch while you try and kill my girlfriend!? The sword was enough, but then you try to choke her! Oh, a real man you are! Girl not even half your size, and you threaten to kill her! I bet you feel real fuckin' strong right now, don't you!? Yeah!? Well, put 'em up! You want a fight, here's a fight! Come and get me you bastard!"

"Really? You're getting pissed that I threatened someone who tried to kill my sister? Am I seriously hearing this right? Well you just picked the wrong time to mess with me you stupid kid."

No, no no no NO this is NOT supposed to happen! "Everyone just stop it!" Fighting through a coughing fit, Aiduen tried to continue but the pain kicked in and made her wince.

"Wait! Carrion's behavior had been wrong, but you're doing the same thing she did to your sister! Aggression won't bring you anywhere, and you're pretty much acting just like her. He's trying to protect his sister just like you want to protect Carrion, and the problem has already been taken care of. Please, try to sort this out after you two calm down, we're a group..."

Perhaps he had a point. Arcen's resolve flickered for a moment, but ultimately he was resolute. Maybe I should let him take his anger out on me, get it out of his system? That other guy is right, I guess I AM sort of acting like that devil... but I'm in the right this time, I know it. Spitting yet again on the ground, he stared at Adrian. "I dare you to try that again." Taking a rather loose stance, he waited. "I said do it AGAIN. AGAIN DAMMIT!"

The man's shouting almost sounded as if it commanded a thunderous roar, but in reality it was simply a thunderstorm brewing high above. Grant simply sighed. "Just great... Stormy weather, In-fighting... I suppose I should try and say something to them, but not until they'll listen. This is just blind rage here, let em vent I say."

Clyde cocked an eyebrow at the knight, "You're really this passive about it?"

"Yeah, it's not like I can really do anything about it, and more fighting doesn't help out a fight, you know?"

"No, I don't. Never really gotten into a fight before."

"Wow, really? Welcome to reality then, son..."

The mountains

Snorting and sniffing the air, he pondered Asviel's question for a moment. It was one he hadn't considered too heavily until now, "Hmmm... Well, chances are they'll be increasing border defenses just to keep the peace a little bit. It's true, they can't hide the facts easily, forever anyway. Unfortunately unless someone else saw and knew you there's not much else you can do about it. And as for war... It's an easy assumption to make. Lushira hates Shuthra, it's just how it has been for as long as I can remember." His ears perked up at the sound of distant rolling thunder, his muscles tensing. "And I should hurry up. Wouldn't do to get caught in the rain. No one likes the smell of wet dog." And with that he continued his journey west.

Edited by RainbowKitty
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Obelia offers a quiet nod to Ken as he mentions his want to aid another traveller, in the moment of talking with her old friend, letting her guard down for a few more moments. She turns her head after a few seconds, a slightly wary glance to Sophia that seems to be unsure if she's crossed a line. She seems silent for a few moments, a small tint going through her cheeks after a few moments of Sophia's head resting against her own. But she stays still, a silence settling a bit further once those words are said, a quiet sigh offered.

'Sophia, you know when you ran… look, I'm… not to great at this sort of thing but… if you want to talk, I'd be… more then willing to listen. You're my friend and… I want to be able to help you…'

Something tugs at her senses, an odd feeling she's missing something a moment. But when Ken enters, she sees him look a bit off-centre, a keen eye noting that he doesn't seem as composed as he was when he left. She calls to him in a gentle tone. 'Ken..? You alright?'


Langley seems almost sympathetic to the shaky, squeaking Andy, unsure for the moment how exactly to proceed. On one hand, she see's the almost a nervous wreck Andy, having to deal with the transition from slightly eerie ghost to cruel from of prankster in a matter of moments. Yet on the other hand, she knows why Noel is this way, why he seems to anger Noel to a point where she is almost willing to beat him rather mercilessly. So she is unsure what to say, until blinking at hearing Noel raise her voice, trying to ignore the slightly shaky tone in her voice.


'This… thing, is a boy I used to know. I tried to make friends with him… when he was younger, he… well, spat in my general direction, shall we say. I thought your parents had taught you a bit better, but…' She seems to glare a bit darkly at the now silent, if equally glare ridden man in the chair, dark hair that has slightly popped out from beneath the furred sort of mask now tugged up a bit. He stays silent and yet Noel resists shaking for the moment, just silently murmuring to Andy. 'His name is Kern, my parents told me he was just an angry kid. Guess you grew to be an angry adult, huh Kern?' To his credit, Kern declines answering.


Her rest has dawned on her, after a time, the want to sleep becoming something Carrie can't push away for the entirety of the day. She knows the others are there, notes Amera falling asleep soon enough. But when she awakens, it's to screaming and anger and fighting. Of course, when you first awaken to such sounds, cast your eyes over the lip of the wagon and observe a fight between so many of the group it makes her wonder how it begun in the first place. For a moment, she goes a bit quiet; wondering if should do something, though noting that to get admits an argument without knowledge of it's cause is not a good way to aid a situation. So with a rather hesitant look to her and a glance around, searching for Horatio, she just sighs, moving across to the back of the wagon, before gently leaping out the back. She heads for the unconscious body of Carrion and as best she can, kneels down and checks her for any more substantial injuries, touching her neck to make sure her pulse is consistent.


On the other side of things, Ellandra, nodding in answer to the rather under the weather sort of looking Giselle, smiling a bit to show she appreciates the want to at least offer a greeting in kind. She lightly scrawls on her pad and then offers it to the woman, the words a bit renitent but ones that try and at least reassure the other woman she appreciates the name.

-I'm Ellandra. Thanks for saying hi, Giselle. I'm sorry if I look a bit naive to be here-

Then, what occurs next is something Ellandra observes with a deathly, worried silence, unsure exactly of why this has to be this way. But it's after it moves to the moment that Adrian and Arcen begin to fight, having gone still and paler then before at Carrion and Aiduen fighting that Ellandra does something odd. She writes something on her pad, then gently leaping over the rim of the wagon, a small wince as her wings don't exactly lighten the leap, she tosses the pad at Arcen's feet before he can let himself go to far, darting to Aiduen, gently touching her shoulder to steady her. She begins to focus on channelling healing energy to at least help the obvious wounded one, seeing the other girl, Carrie, checking on Carrion.

-You think your sister wants you to fight like an idiot? Take a moment to look at what's important and calm down, meat head!-


The libraries doors stand in front of him and for a moment, he hesitates, a gentle look cast towards behind him, unsure exactly what to do now that the nights closed in. He grits his teeth, even with a minor task like this, something to do and distract something to give himself time to think. So after a few moments, a bit distracted but curious, his fist raps against the door and he awaits an answer, curious and worried if anyone is available or even awake.

Edited by NagafenOfIlivikitty
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"What were you thinking? The waters around here can't be that shallow, look."

To be fair, Therese had a point. He just couldn't resist a reply, though.

"Well, given the fact that I can SEE the entire island from here, I'd wager that I would be able to get there."

"Come on. Murderous sword-mercenary or no, we need to get'chu to a healer."

"Well," he muttered, grimacing as he stood, "First things first, this isn't a good place to be. Devon's where Carrion will be headed, and unless you're comfortable riding throughout the night, then we probably can't move very much."


He felt his life, slowly being taken away from him. The beam, somehow, caused his chest to feel like it was burning. Adonis was certain he would die, if Cyrus hadn't halted his attack.

"So, it appears you've been looking for me, Adonis. Seems as though I've actually been hunted." A small smile escaped his lips, as he glared at his son. "Well, then, it seems as though I might as well turn the tables. You have until tomorrow to leave Chaldron, before I find you, because now, I will take the utmost pleasure in killing you."


'Sophia, you know when you ran… look, I'm… not to great at this sort of thing but… if you want to talk, I'd be… more then willing to listen. You're my friend and… I want to be able to help you…'

"I-I... the only thing I can do is run, Obelia. If I go home, Mom will probably kill me. If I run, it... I'm worried about Alyssa."

Sophia barely even noticed Ken walking back to the wagon, caught up in her own thoughts.

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