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ITT: We Break Up Pokemon English Names Into Actual Words

Flying Shogi

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Squirtle has turtle and Blastoise has tortoise. Wortortle has the awkward inbetween form of the two, a "tortle", if you would.

Ohhhhhhhhh okay then I just thought they wanted to make it look wacky and not make it obvious that it's just "turtle" XD

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Arcanine = Arcane + canine

Camerupt = Camel + Erupt

Chimecho = Chime + Echo

Dodrio = Dodo + Trio (?)

Drifblim = Drift + blimp

Drifloon = Drift + balloon

Magikarp = Magic + Karp

Slowbro = Slow + bro (?)

Slowking = Slow + king

Spiritomb = Spirit + Tomb

Torterra = Tortoise + Terra

Weezing + Koffing are pretty self explanatory.

Wailord = Whale + Lord

Metapod = Metal + Pod
I think Metamorphosis + Pod fits it better.

Snubbull = Snub + bull

Shednja = Shed + ninja

Rotom = motoR

Nosepass = Nose + compass

Mightyena = Migthy + Yena

Likitung = Licking + tongue

Ekans = snakE

Drowzee = Drowzy

Hypno = Hypnotize

Carnivine = carnivorous + vine

Cacturne = Cactus + Nocturne

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Turtwig = Turtle + Wig

Grotle = Grotto + Turtle

Metapod = Metamorphis + Pod

Beedrill = Bee + Drill

Vanillite = Vanilla + Lite

Vanilluxe = Vanilla + Deluxe

Poochyena = Pooch + Hyena

Mightyena = Mighty + Hyena

Slakoth = Slack + Sloth

Vigoroth = Vigor + Sloth

Slaking = Slacking

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Turtwig = Turtle + Wig

Grotle = Grotto + Turtle

Pretty sure they're Turtle + Twig and Grow/Grove + Turtle

Edited by Momo
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