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(FE12) FE12 Draft - Maniac Mode!

Wen Yang

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For Wen's request

If you are using an Emu, please post a pic of MU here.


EDIT: And Turncounts

Reset the prologue due to H1 chosen instead of the required H2

Same look, different stats

3-turn P-1. Attack, Heal next to Jagen, Heal again. Win with mostly Enemy Phase.

P-2: 3 turns

P-3: 5 turns

P-4: 4 turns

P-5: 6 turns

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Prologue-1: 3/3 turns.

Eclipse (Cav!MU, going Orphan/Kind/Honorable) killed a loldier on EP1, then murders Jagen.

Name   	 Class   	 Level    Exp    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res
Eclipse   	 Cavalier    2    70    21    9    1    6    8    4    9    0

Prologue-2: 3/6 turns.

Double-team action is the name of the game

Name   	 Class   	 Level    Exp    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res
Eclipse   	 Cavalier    3    50    22    10    1    7    9    5    9    0
Luke   	 Cavalier    BASE
Rody   	 Cavalier    BASE

Prologue-3: 3/9 turns.

On turn 1, everyone crowded the NE corner and waited for the 2 fighters and merc to come. They come and get countered on EP. On turn 2, they die and Caeda is lured. Caeda fell on Turn 3.

Name   	 Class   	 Level    Exp    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res
Eclipse   	 Cavalier    4    43    23    10    1    8    10    5    10    0
Luke   	 Cavalier    BASE
Rody   	 Cavalier    BASE

Prologue-4: 2/11 turns.

I took Athena's route. It took some bum-rushing and tanking by Eclipse and Luke to get the job done in time, but they did it all right.

Name   	 Class   	 Level    Exp    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res
Eclipse   	 Cavalier    5    31    24    11    1    8    11    6    11    0
Luke   	 Cavalier    2    30    21    8    0    5    7    5    8    1
Rody   	 Cavalier    2    20    21    7    0    6    7    5    6    1

Prologue-5: 3/14 turns.

2 archers and 2 bandits are lured in turn 1. They are murdered come PP2, and the thief + 2 bandits are then lured. These are killed on PP3 along with the Boss.

Name   	 Class   	 Level    Exp    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res
Eclipse   	 Cavalier    6    45    25    12    2    9    12    7    12    0
Luke   	 Cavalier    3    13    21    9    0    6    8    5    9    0
Rody   	 Cavalier    2    90    21    7    0    6    7    5    6    1

Prologue-6: 2/16 turns.

Everyone not named Eclipse being ORKOed by Ogma sucks. Fortunately, a daring charge solved the issue neatly.

Name   	 Class   	 Level    Exp    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res
Eclipse   	 Cavalier    7    31    26    12    2    9    13    8    13    0
Luke   	 Cavalier    3    63    22    9    0    6    9    5    9    1
Rody   	 Cavalier    2    90    21    7    0    6    7    5    6    1

Prologue-7: 3/19 turns.

Athena handles the north, everyone else rushes Est. Wasn't hard at all.

Name   	 Class   	 Level    Exp    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res
Eclipse   	 Cavalier    8    11    27    12    2    9    14    9    14    0
Luke   	 Cavalier    3    63    22    9    0    6    9    5    9    1
Rody   	 Cavalier    2    90    21    7    0    6    7    5    6    1

Prologue-8: 7/26 turns.

This needed a lot of care... and needs Eclipse to be able to eat a hit from Katarina + one of the thieves next to her. In the end, I prevailed.

Name   	 Class   	 Level    Exp    HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res
Marth   	 Lord   	 7    67    27    8    0    11    11    10    8    0
Eclipse   	 Cavalier    9    96    28    12    2    10    15    10    15    0
Luke   	 Mercenary    5    99    23    9    0    14    12    5    8    0
Rody   	 Pirate   	 2    90    21    9    0    5    9    5    3    1
Arran   	 Dracoknight    ??/3    0    24    11    1    12    11    4    12    3

Edited by Kopfjager
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Sal, Because you didn't pick TWO like you're supposed to, I told Sm Guy to pick 4.

Here's how it goes.

on your next pick, pick 2. One of which may be from SM Guy's list of 4. You get that one if you want one of those four.

Otherwise, the last guy on Guy's list is dropped back into the drafting pool.

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I made a Cavalier too. Clergy's Child/ Diver/ Honourable. I blame MU's gains- maybe I couldve done better if I had the chance.

Prologue 1- 3 turns


Prologue 2- 5/ 8 turns

Dmmit, I have to take on Luke and Rody without letting Ryan die. :(

Prologue 3- 3/11 turns

Take all counterattacks in the first turn and then proceed tocharge and kick Caeda. I think this was 4, not sure.

Prologue 4 Athena- 5 /16 turns

I play it safe and weight out all attacks before taking out Athena with MU. She's so awesome. <3

Prologue 5- 3/19 turns

MU rushes through the bandits with a small help from Athena. Merric comes in to chips as MU gets bosskill.

Prologue 6(Ogma)- 2/21 turns

Athena took the north bridge and MU the other. Athena barely survives as Ogma fights against MU in a battle, getting damaged quite a lot. Merric chips and MU defeats Ogma while the rest tidy up- I make sure Caeda gets her kill too.

Prologue 7(Cain)- 5/26 turns

Cain's quite the annoying dude. He's first off too far from my stariing point, secnd the knights are annoying, and third even after kicking him I still have reinforcements. Just great. Still, after a charge at first, I'm able to get Caeda and Ogma almost to a lvl up. Damn.

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Hey Wen. I know you got mad @ me for rigging the dodge in P8 against katarina. So I decided to redo all of prologue from scratch and instead focused on gettting perfect level ups with My Unit and Ryan like you did. I shaved a turn off P4 Athena and P8. 23 turns now. :)

FE12 Maniac Mode Draft

Hosted by Kopfjager


1. This draft is for 6 players

2. Marth, Female!MU, Arran, Xane, Feena, Julian, and Rickard are free for all.

3. The game will be played on Hard 2 (Maniac). Classic Mode.

My Team: Ryan, Minerva, Cain,

My Unit: Marcia/Cavalier MyUnit2ndattempt.png

Priest's Child +2 Base Def

Diverse +1 Str/Mag Base,+10% Str/Mag

Honorable +15% Skl/Spd Growth

Prologue 1 3/3


Cav MU 3RKOs Jagen :3.

Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLvs

Marcia Cavalier 2 70 21 9 2 6 8 4 10 0 Sword D Lance E

Prologue 2 3/6


Thanks to Horace for the strat.

Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLvs

Marcia Cavalier 3 30 21 10 3 7 9 5 11 0 Sword D Lance E

Ryan Archer 1 50 18 7 0 4 4 3 7 0 Bow D

Prologue 3 3/9


Marcia lured Caeda and Ryan sniped her.

Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLvs

Marcia Cavalier 4 00 22 11 3 8 10 6 12 0 Sword D Lance E

Ryan Archer 2 40 19 8 0 5 5 3 8 0 Bow D

Prologue 4 Athena Route 2/11


Marcia lured Athena turn 1 after the others took care of the loldiers. Athen was ganged up on and kill was fed to Ryan.

Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLvs

Marcia Cavalier 4 61 22 11 3 8 10 6 12 0 Sword D Lance E

Ryan Archer 3 47 20 9 0 6 6 3 9 0 Bow D

Wrys Curate 3 34 16 0 3 6 7 3 3 7 Staff E

Prologue 5 3/14


Ryan got fed kills here. Including a thief. Marcia killed boss.

Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLvs

Marcia Cavalier 5 61 23 12 3 9 11 7 13 0 Sword D Lance E

Ryan Archer 4 27 21 10 0 7 7 3 10 0 Bow D

Wrys Curate 3 51 16 0 3 6 7 3 3 7 Staff E

Athena Myrmidon 10 46 25 9 0 12 13 6 7 0 Sword B

Prologue 6 Ogma Route 2/16


Athena and Cav MU are way too good. Ryan got the Ogma kill.

Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLvs

Marcia Cavalier 6 29 24 13 3 10 12 7 14 0 Sword C Lance E

Ryan Archer 5 17 22 11 0 7 8 4 11 0 Bow D

Wrys Curate 3 68 16 0 3 6 7 3 3 7 Staff E

Athena Myrmidon 10 72 25 9 0 12 13 6 7 0 Sword B

Prologue 7 Cain Route 3/19


MU rushed to Cain. While the others handled the enemies. Merric was deployed for the armors and didnt disappoint. Ryan got as many kills as I could give him.

Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLvs

Marcia Cavalier 7 48 25 14 3 11 13 8 15 0 Sword C Lance E

Ryan Archer 5 97 22 11 0 7 8 4 11 0 Bow D

Wrys Curate 4 02 16 0 4 6 7 4 3 7 Staff E

Athena Myrmidon 11 03 26 10 0 12 14 7 7 0 Sword B

Merric Mage 10 46 24 0 7 6 10 6 7 5 Tome D

Prologue 8 4/23


Lured Katarina with Marcia. Then killed her thieves and her. Marcia dodged Katarina's Elfire thanks to Ryan's support and the pillar avo bonus. <- no rigging this time. Which helped me double and kill her in PP. Ryan and the others focused their attacks on the remaining enemies with help from Wrys.

Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLvs

Marth Lord 7 77 27 9 0 11 11 10 9 0 Sword D

Marcia Cavalier 8 71 26 14 3 12 14 8 16 0 Sword C Lance E

Ryan Archer 7 74 23 13 0 9 10 6 13 0 Bow D

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He he he.

P-1: 3 turns

P-2: 3 turns

P-3: 3 turns

P-4: 3 turns

P-5: 4 Turns

P-6: 3 turns

P-7: 3 turns

P-8: 8 turns

Prologue is now set at 18+4+8=30 turns. With a Myrmidion.

Chapter 1: Reclass time, plus that guys who goes Draco to help here.

Reclasses: Kitteh to Cavvy, Arran to Draco.

Turncount: 5 turns/35 turns

I had to have Marth talk. I hoped for a crit, but I didn''t rig a thing.

Chapter 2: Bored, bored bored. Macedon is boring.

Reclasses: None

Edited by 13th
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I think you should stay Myrm tbh. Your Cavalier MU wont be able to double Lorenz while Myrm will. Have Arran pick up the Bullion on the way and help with lorenz with his lance.

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Chapter 1 Preparations:

Reclassed Arran to Dracoknight. Reclassed Ryan to Pirate and bought him an Iron Axe.

Chapter 1 4/27


Draco! Arran got the Bullion (S) on the way. Marcia killed everything in her path and proc'd speed along the way. Ryan gets rid of a hunter blocking the way to Lorenz. Marcia vulneraries after equipping Steel Sword in front of Lorenz. Arran helped Marth kill hunter (marth using full move). In EP, Marcia steel swords the boss for 18x damage. Arran Silver Lance'd Lorenz in PP. Then Marcia finished him with iron lance (to build lance rank) and levels up again. Marth seizes.

Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLvs

Marth Lord 8 03 28 10 0 11 12 10 10 0 Sword D

Marcia Cavalier 10 16 28 16 3 14 15 8 17 1 Sword C Lance E

Ryan Pirate 8 38 28 16 0 8 15 6 12 0 Axe E

Arran Dracoknight 3 15 24 11 1 12 11 4 12 3 Lance B Axe E

Chapter 2 Preparations:

Sold the Bullion (S).

Chapter 2 6/33


Marcia and Ryan handled the boss. Marth just kept full moving every turn. Arran got the Lady Sword. Ryan's level ups were awesome.

Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLvs

Marth Lord 8 90 28 10 0 11 12 10 10 0 Sword D

Marcia Cavalier 11 30 29 17 3 15 16 8 17 1 Sword C Lance D

Arran Dracoknight 3 37 24 11 1 12 11 4 12 3 Lance B Axe E

Ryan Pirate 10 35 31 18 0 10 17 7 12 0 Axe E

Chapter 3 Preparations:

Not much.

Chapter 3 14/47


It took some work making Palla survive. She needs to kill the thief. Then stand in the middle fort. Then northwestern fort. The dracos go after her when you lure them so I waited as much as I could for that. Ryan killed almost all of the dracos in the sea except 3. The others were handled by Palla, Marth, Arran and Marcia. Marth recruited Julian. Then Ryan doubled back to the boss and 2RKO'd him. Opening Marth's way. Marth seizes.

Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLvs

Marth Lord 10 71 29 12 0 12 14 12 11 0 Sword D

Marcia Cavalier 12 15 30 18 3 16 16 10 17 1 Sword C Lance D

Arran Dracoknight 3 37 24 11 1 12 11 4 12 3 Lance B Axe E

Ryan Pirate 14 19 36 19 0 14 20 8 12 0 Axe D

Julian Thief 6 00 20 7 0 8 14 7 6 0 Sword E

Chapter 3x Preparations:

Not much again.

Chapter 3x 6/53


Ryan kills an armor. Marth full moves. Marcia kills an archer. Wrys runs. Julian stays back. Arran flies to the mountains above Marth. Marth kills the armors with Rapier. And barely survives the 2nd Archer. Ryan kills that Archer. Wrys keeps running. Marcia helps Wrys by luring the archer. The armor is dispatched by Silver Lance! Arran. Marth keeps full moving with Marcia's help. Ryan kills an armor reinforcement (I let spawn on purpose). Marcia kills the last armor near the seize point and Marth seizes.

Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLvs

Marth Lord 11 01 30 13 0 13 15 13 12 0 Sword D

Marcia Cavalier 12 75 30 18 3 16 16 10 17 1 Sword C Lance D

Arran Dracoknight 3 50 24 11 1 12 11 4 12 3 Lance B Axe E

Ryan Pirate 14 61 36 19 0 14 20 8 12 0 Axe D

Julian Thief 6 00 20 7 0 8 14 7 6 0 Sword E

Chapter 4 Preparations:

Reclassed Marcia to Peg.Knight.

Chapter 4 3/56


Ogma recruited Sirius. Marth got rescued by Yumina. He used 6 move and killed a hunter. Sirius then picks up a Steel Sword and a Vulnerary from the convoy next to Marth and kills a bandit. Yubello hides. Ryan stands on a fort and kills 3 fighters near the starting point. Marcia and Arran (who started as eastern-most as possible) fly towards boss. Julian hits the thief near the shaver village. Ogma counters 2 bandits on EP. Sirius kills 2 bandits on EP. Ogma moves to the left and vulneraries. Yumina heals him by going even further left (that way she cant get hit). Sirius vulneraries and parks next to the boss. Marth kills a hunter with almost full move. Ryan and Julian heal themselves. Ogma survives EP 2 and kills the 2 bandits. The hunter goes after marth. Sirius counters the boss and survives with 1 HP. He then gets out of the way. Arran silver lances the boss and Marcia finishes him off. Yumina heals ogma again. Ryan kills a hunter. Julian finished the thief. Marth seized.

Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLvs

Marth Lord 11 33 30 13 0 13 15 13 12 0 Sword D

Marcia Peg.Knight 13 25 29 18 5 20 18 11 15 7 Lance D

Arran Dracoknight 3 58 24 11 1 12 11 4 12 3 Lance B Axe E

Ryan Pirate 15 31 37 20 0 15 20 8 12 0 Axe D

Julian Thief 6 67 20 7 0 8 14 7 6 0 Sword E

Yumina Cleric 2 84 16 0 2 1 7 9 2 5 Staff E

Sirius Paladin 1 68 28 12 1 14 13 4 11 6 Sword B Lance A

Ogma Mercenary 7 64 27 8 0 14 13 5 8 0 Sword C

Yubello Mage BASE

Chapter 5 Preparations:

Ryan got Arena'd to level 20.

Then I Seal'd him and reclassed him to Dracoknight.

Ryan Dracoknight 1 00 45 21 1 23 19 11 20 3 Lance D Axe C

Reclassed Arran back to Paladin.

Chapter 5 5/61


Thanks to Peggie MU I could handle the mages. Arran helped too. Julian barely survived a mage attack after recruiting rickard. Draco! Ryan handled enemies near the arrowspate guy (who totally fails and never hits). Opened the way for Marth. Barst was recruited because I want his axes. Ryan gets rid of Arrowspate guy and Marth seizes after Marcia gets the Physic. I decided to get pics since It's going to be a while until I play again but dont expect pics for every chapter. Its hard to upload them all.


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Decided to re-do my run for that damn 4-turn P-8.

Prologue-1: 3/3 turns.

Eclipse (Cav!MU, going Priest's Child/Diverse/Honorable) killed a loldier on EP1, then murders Jagen.

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Eclipse		Cavalier	2	70	21	9	1	5	8	4	10	0

Prologue-2: 3/6 turns.

Double-team action is the name of the game

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Eclipse		Cavalier	3	50	22	10	1	6	9	5	11	0
Luke		Cavalier	BASE
Rody		Cavalier	BASE

Prologue-3: 3/9 turns.

On turn 1, everyone crowded the NE corner and waited for the 2 fighters and merc to come. They come and get countered on EP. On turn 2, they die and Caeda is lured. Caeda fell on Turn 3.

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Eclipse		Cavalier	4	43	22	11	1	7	10	5	12	0
Luke		Cavalier	BASE
Rody		Cavalier	BASE

Prologue-4: 2/11 turns.

I took Athena's route. It took some bum-rushing and tanking by Eclipse and Luke to get the job done in time, but they did it all right.

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Eclipse		Cavalier	5	86	23	11	1	8	11	6	13	0
Luke		Cavalier	1	80	21	7	0	5	7	4	7	0
Rody		Cavalier	2	10	21	6	0	6	7	6	7	0

Prologue-5: 3/14 turns.

2 archers and 2 bandits are lured in turn 1. They are murdered come PP2, and the thief + 2 bandits are then lured. These are killed on PP3 along with the Boss.

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Eclipse		Cavalier	7	2	25	13	2	9	13	7	14	0
Luke		Cavalier	2	37	21	8	0	5	8	4	8	0
Rody		Cavalier	2	70	21	6	0	6	7	6	7	0

Prologue-6: 2/16 turns.

Everyone not named Eclipse being ORKOed by Ogma sucks. Fortunately, a daring charge solved the issue neatly.

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Eclipse		Cavalier	7	82	25	13	2	9	13	7	14	0
Luke		Cavalier	2	90	21	8	0	5	8	4	8	0
Rody		Cavalier	2	70	21	6	0	6	7	6	7	0

Prologue-7: 3/19 turns.

Athena handles the north, everyone else rushes Est. Wasn't hard at all.

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Eclipse		Cavalier	8	59	26	13	2	9	14	7	15	1
Luke		Cavalier	3	80	22	9	0	6	8	4	9	0
Rody		Cavalier	2	70	21	6	0	6	7	6	7	0

Prologue-8: 4/23 turns.

This needed a lot of care... and needs Eclipse to be able to eat a hit from Katarina + one of the thieves next to her. In the end, I prevailed.

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		6	20	26	8	0	10	10	9	8	0
Eclipse		Cavalier	9	57	27	13	2	9	15	8	16	1
Luke		Mercenary	5	63	24	9	0	13	13	6	9	0
Rody		Cavalier	2	70	21	6	0	6	7	6	7	0
Arran		Dracoknight	??/3	0	24	11	1	12	11	4	12	3

Chapter 1: 4/27 turns.

Forged a Steel Lance with +2 Mt for Eclipse named "Impaler".

Arran went for the Bullion, Luke and Rody cover Marth's ass as he makes his way to Lorenz, while Eclipse clears the way. Four hits from Eclipse killed Lorenz, allowing a 4-turn seize.

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		6	47	26	8	0	10	10	9	8	0
Eclipse		Cavalier	10	84	28	14	2	10	16	8	16	1
Luke		Mercenary	7	9	26	11	0	14	14	7	10	0
Rody		Cavalier	3	30	22	7	0	7	8	7	8	0
Arran		Dracoknight	??/3	5	24	11	1	12	11	4	12	3

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Chapter 1: 4/27 turns.

Forged a Steel Lance with +2 Mt for Eclipse named "Impaler".

Arran went for the Bullion, Luke and Rody cover Marth's ass as he makes his way to Lorenz, while Eclipse clears the way. Four hits from Eclipse killed Lorenz, allowing a 4-turn seize.

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		6	47	26	8	0	10	10	9	8	0
Eclipse		Cavalier	10	84	28	14	2	10	16	8	16	1
Luke		Mercenary	7	9	26	11	0	14	14	7	10	0
Rody		Cavalier	3	30	22	7	0	7	8	7	8	0
Arran		Dracoknight	??/3	5	24	11	1	12	11	4	12	3

Rule breaker. You're not supposed to forge. :P

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