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It involves soren and tormod siege toming doors and soren and ike teaming up in olivers room. Zihark got the west door then killed the mages and all those guys up there. tormod handled the south general, reinforcements and doors, with meteor and rafiel. I also needed vika to trade tormod's meteor for a fire forge and canto, once in order to counter a crucial thunder mage. zihark could even get the fortify if he got a lucky crit on a general, but he didnt and i ended up skipping fortify.

Celerity/Boots Zihark?

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3-5 - 2 - I dunno. Boyd wrecked shit in his way. Celerity Boyd can ORKO the boss :awesome:

3-6 - 7 - Resolvecaiah goes right and wrecks shit, Sothe goes up and wrecks shit. Volug starts wrecking shit on turn 3, and he got beastfoe. Brave bow for Astrid.

3-7 - 12 - Derp. Attack BK, train Rhys, whatever.

3-8 - 5 - Four turns was probably possible, but I'm sick of resetting.

3-9 - 3 - Calill meteors, Astrid gets some experience. BEXP'd beforehand.

3-10 - 5 - Boyd. Rhys is decent and can ORKO things, so he goes downward and solos that part. Forged hand axes :D

3-11 - 4 - I dump a shit ton of stat boosters onto Sigrun, BEXP her one level, promote her, give her celerity and savior. I was able to manipulate the hawks into taking the crossbow hit because Siggy is OHKO'd. Ike equips slim sword before he seizes.

3-12 - 3 - Resolvecaiah does everything pretty much, Volug and Sothe shove Miccy. BEXP'd Volug to level 30 though for the next chapter. The first time I was two kills short, so that's why I had Volug and Sothe shove her so she could reach further.

3-13 - 2 - Resolve/wrath/pass/halfshit Volug goes down on turn one and transforms, is almost dead by turn 2 and takes Soren's spot :awesome: and kills Ike from there. Suiciding Soren also lowered his crit and crit evade rate, which made it more likely for Volug to wrathcrit. Then...Wrathcrit! :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: Ike finished on turn 2 EP. :smug:

3-E - 4 - Astrid goes left to help out the beasts because bowlock kind of hurts my main force. Boyd, Ike, Rhys go straight up and destroy shit. Sigrun finds the rescue staff, then goes right. Calill kind of stays near the starting area and the hawk's area to kill stragglers or other shit.

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o_O how did miccy 3 turn the map without any help on the cliff side? Even with a shove and resolve, you should be getting short by like 5 enemies...Also, what is ur TC so far? I think ur beating me by 2 turns? Also, did u bench fiona or something? You dont mention her, ever.

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How 3-E can be 4 turnable? I have sent a unit to the hawks and another one to the gallians while the main army goes to the centre...but does it require to enter the wolves range to 4 turn it?

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I set the NPCs on roam, which I like never do. I needed the two shoves from Volug and Sothe so Miccy can outpace the NPCs and kill ahead of them because they kind of suck at killing...

I'll confirm my turncount for this chapter in the epilogue and I'll get a video of it and post it here.

Edit: oh yeah, fiona. whoops

forgot she existed. i'll bexp dump her for part 4

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<br />How 3-E can be 4 turnable? I have sent a unit to the hawks and another one to the gallians while the main army goes to the centre...but does it require to enter the wolves range to 4 turn it?<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Yeah. In my case, nailah tends to not attack. Fun fact: Leo was a butch and couldve killed soren :/ but soren is too amazing for him and didnt get double with lughnasadh at all. tanith-dropped soren is amazing and fun.

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That's a pretty good TC derp lady :^_^:

Yeah. In my case, nailah tends to not attack. Fun fact: Leo was a butch and couldve killed soren :/ but soren is too amazing for him and didnt get double with lughnasadh at all. tanith-dropped soren is amazing and fun.

That makes me remember my EM draft where Ilyana Elflared my over lv.30 Volug :S

EDIT: DERP I'm spamming gotta go....:/

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Do you guys think a 2 turn of endgame 5 can be done with my team? If i get 3 turns, my final TC is 199 iirc. If its 2, then 198...Then I wait until CR beats me by a turn/ties me.

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How can you two turn without Nasir?

I haven't done part 4 yet. My team's prolly gonna be split like

Hawk: Astrid, Fiona, Nealuchi

Greil: Ike, Boyd, Volug

Silver: Micaiah, Sigrun, Calill, Rhys

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I think I have 2 turned 4-E-5 without Nasir, but that requires enough people to double and wipe out chunks of Ashera's Aura's HP.

EDIT: Well I think you can do it PK, Parity Vague Katti Zihark, RexTormod and CymbSanaki...but Tanith may be chipping if Neph is using the Wishblade...Rexaura Lehran...yes maybe it's possible.

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Yeah. It might be possible. I also have tanith and makalulz for canto goodness with garet...we'll see how i do. First, i gotta get back in the mood to play after I make some planning on paper to beat lehran in 1 turn. Probably gonna have parity tanith wishblade him and celerity leo finish him off after a few shoves/smites. Leonardo's str sucks though. I think he has like 30 str atm iirc. I might have to BEXP him. He capped spd already for god's sake and is str screwed I think...idk his average.

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Of course, too bad miccy needed 1 to get to A staves and leonardo sucks at life and needed 2 arms scrolls to get to double bow. I cant use the last 2 arms scrolls on anything other than to let soren spam physic? as if i needed it lol

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CR, whats your plan for 4-5 and 4-4?

I'm thinking of sending Calill to either Greil or Hawk because I think I can pull a 5 turn in the desert with Sigrun/Rhys/Miccy and then adding Volug. I might send Volug to Silver instead of Calill, because no 2-range in 4-4 has hurt my turns in the past but I've managed 4-3 with no 2-range sans Miccy. So for 4-4, Calill can meteor doors or something and then kill things, because her speed is really good right now, then Boyd can have celerity or boots or something.

For 4-5, I think I can pull 3 turns with Fiona and Astrid clearing things for Nealuchi and then he goes in and kills Izuka. If I sacrifice Reyson, then it can work.

I think I can do 2-turns on 4-P if Sigrun drops Resolve!Rhys where Miccy usually goes and Miccy goes down below to kill things. Fiona's actually kind of good with BEXP dumpage but her Str sucks. She has really good durability and speed now though. Astrid ORKO's a lot of things with forged javelins.

I still have a save at the split because I keep wanting to change things ;____x

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