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The Quest for the Not So Holy Lyle


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Damon is going to kill his friends?



And you know, Zeek's logic is confusing, but it makes sense in a way. But so does Rauz's.

Also, lolololol at:

"I do my own thing."

"Branded! That's who we were missing!"

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Damon is going to kill his friends?



And you know, Zeek's logic is confusing, but it makes sense in a way. But so does Rauz's.

Also, lolololol at:

"I do my own thing."

"Branded! That's who we were missing!"

Lol. Song always has the best reations.

Most of the themes in my stories are stuff I believe in. So it probably won't make sense

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Now they remember me...

Nice chapter, Lyle. Looks like next will be one of those "night before the final battle" deals, huh?

I actually hadn't thought of doing that....

Thanks for the idea Branded! XD

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Amazingly enough, I do have another episode up for when masu gets back from work.


Next Episode: Beginning of the end.

Vor: I see....

Lyle: Yeah. That’s the story. The Frozen Planes.

Rauz: Due to Idus’ current condition, I’m going to need for him to stay behind. Vor, I’d also like you to stay as well. Despuidad will stay here also.

Vor: Fair enough.

Despuidad: .....

Fox: So this is the final battle tomorrow?

Lyle: If it isn’t. We’ll make it the final battle.

Nightmare: What are we going to do about Damon?

Rauz: If we manage to kill Celestire quickly enough, he should return to his normal self. However, finding her, and killing her, will be the most difficult. Especially when we consider how battle hungry Damon is now. In the worst senario.....we may have to kill Damon oursleves.

*The room gets quiet.*

Lyle: Rauz, do you have a strategy planned?

Rauz: Somewhat. We’re going to split into groups. Despuidad has given me a rundown of the architecture of the stronghold. There are three entrances. The main gate is guarded by three grunts and we’ll have our largest unit attack that one. In the mean time, two other groups will sneak in through the other enrances.

Masu: What are the groups?

Rauz: The main group that will be assaulting the main castle area will consist of Raven, Fox, Desdemona, Cymbeline, Branded, Serene, Nightmare, Arc and Kiryn. The second group will be myself, Lyle, and Bianchi. We will be the ones to use the secret entrance on the side. The three of us will be the main force to come into combat with Celestire. The final group will be Masu, Princess, Songbird, Knife and Fireman. You’re the group that will most likely deal with Lea, Arcturus, Damon and Cornelius. So you’d best be prepared.

Princess Kilvas: What about Zeek?

Lyle: If he’s still alive, him to probably.

Raven: When do we attack?

Rauz: As soon as possible.

Despuidad: One question. Why have you let me live?

Lyle: Why have you given us so much information?

Despuidad: I am not a man without honor. You defeated me. You saved my life, I am indebted to you.

Rauz: Then there’s no reason to kill you is there?

Despuidad: .....

Rauz: As far as I’m concerned, the only people that I would like dead are Celestire and Cornelius. They are the ones that are running this. The others seem like misguided dullards. I think we can go without killing them.

Despuidad: ......So....you have no intention of killing me?

Lyle: As things stand now. If you do choose to return to our enemies, you will be killed.

Despuidad: .....All this time I’ve thought that the Demonclaw Syndicate was a power hungry group of maniacs. I see now....that they are normal people. You all are.

Serene: Boy this mushy crap is enough to make me hurl. When do we leave?

Rauz: Right now. *He taps the air and a portal opens.* This portal will transport you to the exact entrance you will need to be at.

*They all walk through the portal.*

Vor: .....Good luck.

*Main entrance.*

Raven: Whoo! After all that training it’ll be fun to finally test out my skills.

Serene: Who says you’re going to be fighting anyone? All the enemies are mine.

Desdemona: Hm. Well I don’t really care too much. So long as everyone is okay.

Cymbeline: Same here.

Nightmare: (Pansies....All of them really.)

Branded: Don’t we have a schedule to stick to?

Fox: Branded is right. We should get moving. *The group walks up to the entrance.*

Generic Guard 1: Halt! Who are you?

Generic Guard 2: Who cares? We’ve been given orders to kill anyone.

Generic Guard 3: We’ll give you all one chance to leave.

Arc: Generic guards? Geeze....

Serene: You can kill these guys Raven. Not like they’re worth it.

Generic Guard 2: What?! We’ll kick your asses!

Generic Guard 1: Yeah!

Raven: Man. It’s hardly worth the effort.

Kiryn: Well they won’t shut-up till they’re dead. How’s that for motivation?

Raven: I guess....

Generic Guard 3: So we’re going to fight that guy? Sounds easy. *He readies his Axe.*

Generic Guard 2: You’ll regret underestimating us! *Readies spear.*

Generic Guard 1: *Readies his sword.* LET’S GO!!!!

Raven: Pah. *He walks toward them. As Generic Guard one passes, Raven cuts his throat.* One. *Generic guard 2 charges and Raven slashes his chest.* Two. *Generic Guard 3 charges and Raven swings.* Three-OOF!!! *A fist makes contact with his face. Raven tumbles backwards.*

Generic Guard 3: I’m not so easy to take down. *He spins his axe.*

Everyone: O_O

Arc: Dude......

Nightmare: Did Raven just get punched in the face by a Generic Guard?

Raven: L-lucky shot! *He stands up.*

Generic Guard 3: Then come on. Let’s try for round two.

Raven: *He charges Guard number three and swings horizontally.*

Generic Guard 3: *Blocks it.*

Raven: O_O

Serene: Huh. Looks like Raven’s got his work cut out for him.

*Second group.*

Lyle: Alright. Now our goal is to rescue Viki and defeat Celestire. The sooner we can do that the sooner we can get this all over with.

Rauz: Lyle. We were all there when we went over the plan.

Bianchi: <_< You seem pretty focused on saving Viki.

Rauz: Please don’t tell me this conversation will be going on this entire time....Let’s move quickly and quietly. When we get there, Bianchi, you cast spells from a distance. Lyle will go to the front and attack, while I run interference for both of you. Understood?

Lyle: Got it.

Bianchi: Okay...

*Third group.*

Knife: It sure is dark in here.....

Songbird: Here. I can light it up with my staff. *The room suddenly fills with a blue hue.*

Fireman: Doesn’t really help too much to show where we’re going....

*Both Masu and Princess are quiet. Song, Knife and Fireman exchange looks.*

Songbird: Listen you two, you need to start talking again. Everyone knows you two really care about each other. You can’t let one fight ruin your relationship. I mean, what would happen if the five of us got separated and you two were left alone?

Knife: Well, what’s the likely hood of that happening Song? *A wall closes and Songbird, Knife and Fireman are cut off from Princess and Masu.*

*Songbird, Knife and Fireman’s side.*

Fireman: Knife. You idiot. *The lights turn on and the room looks like a ninja training ground.*

Knife: Wow. Look at all this stuff.....

Songbird: Yeah...it’s pretty amazing.

Fireman: Be careful....

Knife: Or what? *Chains pop out of nowhere and latch Knife to the wall.* DAMMIT! I CAN’T HAVE TWO IDIOT MOMENTS IN A ROW!!!! RGH!!!

Songbird: Are you okay?!

???: This room is filled with such traps. As a ninja would train.

Fireman: Songbird. Stay here. I’ll handle her.

Lea: Hello fellow ninja.

Fireman: I’m not really a ninja. More of an assassin.

Lea: All the better.

Fireman: For a girl like you. I’m gonna need something special. *He reaches into a side pocket and pulls out Baselard.* I save this guy for the best fights.

Lea: I’m honored.

Songbird: Be careful Fireman.

Knife: Don’t mind me....<_<

*Masu and Princess.*

Masu: .....Well who didn’t see that coming?

Princess Kilvas: Masu. I-

*The room brightens up. A single man stands in the center of the arena. In his hands he holds his sword.*

Masu: You.....

Cornelius: Yes. Me.

To Be Continued.

Next Episode: Round 1.

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Lol. Well I hope it wasn't bad before.



No, it was good throughout. I just mean good in the dramatic sense.

Not to mention the fact that I'm not the one separated this time.

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No, it was good throughout. I just mean good in the dramatic sense.

Not to mention the fact that I'm not the one separated this time.


Well you had a lot of screentime though. I mean, when you were separated, you were the only one that it focused on when we focused on your story.

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Well you had a lot of screentime though. I mean, when you were separated, you were the only one that it focused on when we focused on your story.

Yeah. I just like messin' with you guys about it. By now I'm sure you've realized I enjoy a good running gag.

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New Episode: Round 1.

Raven: DAMMIT!!!! *He gets knocked back again.*

Generic Guard 3: If you leave now, I can overlook you attacking. Face it, you can’t beat me.

Nightmare: We’ve got to hurry this up.

Kiryn: Nightmare is right, Raven you have to beat this guy quickly. We need to get inside and support the others.

Raven: I KNOW!! *He charges again. He swings his blade and Generic Guard 3 blocks it. Generic Guard 3 then aims to punch Raven again, but Raven avoids.* Rgh!

Generic Guard 3: This is starting to bore me.

Raven: I don’t care! *They continue their battle.*

Serene: Frankly, this is kind of embarrasing.

Fox: Tell me about it.

Branded: Should we help him maybe?

Desdemona: I don’t think Raven would want us to....

Arc: Yeah. At this point I think Raven needs to kill him in order to regain his honor....


Generic Guard 3: Why the hell would I do that?!

Raven: ARGH!!!!!

Fox: .______.


Fireman: *Dodges a knife by somersaulting.* Hm....

Lea: I know this room inside and out. None of these traps will affect me, and it will allow me to lure you onto a trap. Like the one you’re on right now.

Fireman: !!! *He jumps to the side narrowly avoiding a burst of flame.*

Songbird: Fireman!

Fireman: Stay there! She won’t take her focus off me!

Lea: How can you be so sure I won’t?

Fireman: Code of the ninja. No ninja will harm someone outside a battle when faced in a duel.

Lea: .....You’re quite knowledgeable.

Fireman: When you’re in the line of business I am. You learn all sorts of things. Like this little move. *Fireman tosses a spare dagger towards a square on the wall.*

Lea: !!! *A trap springs and poison darts shoot at her. She manages to dodge them though.*

Fireman: Like how to spot a trap.

Lea: .....

Fireman: I’ll admit, that fire one caught me off guard, but I think I have a pretty good assessment of where all these traps are.

Lea: You’re quite a guy.

Fireman: Thanks.

Lea: Hm. You’re the one from that amazon. The one that nearly killed Arcturus. Perhaps I shouldn’t take it easy on you.....

Fireman: Please don’t. I’ve gotten a lot stronger since then as well.

Lea: Good. *She draws her dagger.* Shall we?

Fireman: We already are. *The two of them clash at high speeds.*

Songbird: .......

Knife: .....Mind getting me down maybe?

*Other side of the wall.*

Princess Kilvas: You’re the one who killed Damon....

Cornelius: Indeed I am. Though I am not the one who revived him.

Masu: .....

Princess Kilvas: What do you plan to do with him?

Cornelius: Once he has outlived his usefulness, he will be put to death.

Masu: *Casts a spell and brings fire raining down on Cornelius.*

Cornelius: *He raises his left arm and a holy shield blocks the flames.* I will not be so easy to kill.

Masu: Who says I tried to kill you? I want to make you feel a lot of pain.

Cornelius: Big talk. *He draws his sword.* I have trained myself to fight the Demoncalw himself. Who are you to think you can harm me?

Princess Kilvas: You won’t beat us.

Masu: Let me handle him Princess.

Princess Kilvas: No Masu. We’re gonna take him down together.

Masu: .....Fine. *He casts another fire spell on Cornelius.*

Princess Kilvas: *She turns into a raven and attacks Cornelius.*

Corenlius: Ho. *He sidesteps Princess, then uses a holy spell to over power Masu’s attack.*

Masu: Damn.

Princess: *Swoops in for another attack from behind.*

Cornelius: !! *He ducks the attack, but Princess’ talons manage to scratch his back.* Rrrr. *He holds his arm out to her.*

Princess Kilvas: ? *Above her a light gathers.*

Masu: PRINCESS! *He shoves her out of the way and he takes the hit.* GAH!!!!

Princess Kilvas: MASU!!!!

Cornelius: *He grins.*

Princess Kilvas: *She reverts to normal.* Masu! Are you alright?!

Masu: Princess....I....I’m sorry....

Princess Kilvas: Why?

Masu: I’m sorry for being so mean to you....If you love Damon...then-

Princess Kilvas: No Masu....I love you. I’m sorry for everything I’ve done.

Cornelius: *Prepares another attack.* I don’t have time for this. You will both die together.

Masu: Princess....you have to move out of the way.

Princess Kilvas: *Tears streaming from her eyes as she shakes her head ‘no’.* I can’t Masu....I can’t live without you....so I’ll die with you...

Masu: Princess.....

*The light engulfs them.*


Raven: ......DAMMIT!!!

Generic Guard 3: It’s over for you. *He raises his axe.*

Fox: Raven!

Raven: *Hel blocks the axe as it swings down.* I’m not done yet!

Generic Guard 3: It’s over fool. *An arrow pierces between his eyes. The weight of his axe disappears as he tumbles backwards and crashes to the ground.*

Kiryn: *Lowers her bow.* Can we move on now?

Raven: O____________O B-b-but!!

Nightmare: *As he walks past Raven.* You got to take out two grunts. Be happy.

Serene: *Walks past Raven.* YOU FAIL.

Fox: It’s okay Raven...*As everyone else walks into the building.*

*The whole troop walks in and they see Arcturus sitting on the staircase in front of them.*

Arcturus: *Glares at them.* Welcome.

Nightmare: He’s mine.

Arc: What? What gives you the right?

Nightmare: I want to. I called dibs first.

Branded: You can’t really deny the right to dibs.

Arc: ......

*The white aura of Cornelius’ blast is blocked by a black aura.*

???: Geeze...How many times do I have to rescue you two idiots?

Masu: What?

Princess Kilvas: *Turns her head.* Huh?

???: *He uses his weapon to send the holy blast flying off into a wall.* Still, I’ve been waiting a while for this.

Masu: What are you doing?

Cornelius: Zeek! What the hell are you doing?!?!

Zeek: Shut the fuck up you dullard. *He points his pitchfork at Cornelius.* I’ve had enough of your shit. I’ve been waiting so long to finally get a chance to tear your throat out after what you did to me. Too bad someone else got to you first last time.

Princess Kilvas: Zeek?

Cornelius: ZEEK!!! ENOUGH!!!


Princess Kilvas: What?!

Masu: Da fuck?

To Be Continued

Next Episode: Time: It’s of the essence.

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