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The Quest for the Not So Holy Lyle


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Episode 4: Greetings

Princess Kilvas: *She wakes up. For a minute she almost forgets where she was and pondered how she got here.* (Oh. That’s right. We left Tellius.....) *She notices that everyone else is still asleep and she decides to take a walk. She looks out at the horizon where she watches the sunset.*

Fireman: Beautiful isn’t it?

Princess Kilvas: Ah! Oh hello Fireman.

Fireman: Sorry for startling you.

Princess Kilvas: No. It’s alright. And yeah. It is.

Fireman: Yeah. It’s too bad that in about an hour or so, that’ll be killing us from heat.

Princess Kilvas: .__.

Fireman: Sorry. I call them as I see them.

Princess Kilvas: That’s alright....

Fireman: ....Worried about Masu?

Princess Kilvas: Yeah. He tends to get excited easily.

Fireman: I’ve noticed.

Princess Kilvas: So what’s this about you and Songbird?

Firman: Who?

Princess Kilvas: <_< Nevermind.

Fireman: We should probably wake the others up. It’d be best to get a move on now before the sun gets too high.

Princess Kilvas: Good idea.

*Later. The troupe is walking aimlessly as they continue to cross the desert, in hopes of finding something.*

Knife: You know.....I was thinking......

Arc: You shouldn’t do that Knife. It might hurt you.

Knife: Eff you. But seriously, what if this is all there is? And there’s nothing more on this plane? We could be screwed.

Bianchi: Oh, you’re such a crybaby Knife! Think of it as getting a tan, that’s all! :lol:

Knife: .___. We’re screwed aren’t we?

Kiryn: Well all your complaining isn’t helping. Put a sock in it for God’s sake!

Songbird: Fireman, aren’t you hot in all those clothes?

Fireman: Nope. I’m quite comfortable.

Princess Kilvas: (This is insane. There’s nothing out here. Knife might be right.)

Songbird: Hey, what if Princess went and flew ahead to go find something or someone?

Knife: That could work.

Arc: It could. But then she’d probably never be able to find us.

Kiryn: Exactly.

Bianchi: So? We’re not worse off if she goes. If she does find something, she’ll be able to tell someone that we’re out here.

Fireman: Sound’s good to me.

Songbird: How about it Princess?

Princess Kilvas: Um. Sure....I mean, but what happens if I don’t find anything? Or if I don’t find you guys in time?

Fireman: I don’t think we have to worry about that anymore.

All: Huh?

*A giant ship come towards them in the distance, as it spots them it slows. A large man addresses them.*

Man: Eh? You guys alright? What are you doing all the way out here?

Bianchi: We got lost. Can we get a ride?

Man: Well, no one could leave anyone out here in the middle of nowhere, but I’m gonna ask for something in return.

Kiryn: What?

Man: Got any money on you?

Princess Kilvas: Taking advantage on people in need.......

Arc: Give us a moment to discuss this will ya?

Man: No problem.

Fireman: We don’t have any money for this world.

Kiryn: Fireman’s right. Most worlds use a different form of currency.

Princess Kilvas: So what do we do?

Bianchi: *Breaks away from the group* Hey, we’re really short on cash right now and we need to save some, is there anything else we can offer?

Man: Hm. Well, you have plenty of pretty ladies in your group. How about one of you spend the night with me?

Songbird: EH?

Kiryn: YOU PIG!

Princess Kilvas: O_O

Bianchi: Hm.....

Knife: That’s a little extreme.....

Fireman: ......

Arc: Well, it’s not like he didn’t give us a choice....

Man: Nah. Forget it. I was just messin with you all. Welcome aboard. Though I hope you know who you’re traveling with.

Princess Kilvas: Who?

Neon: The leader of the Bad Lads. ‘Brilliant Dynamites Neon’!

Fireman: Neat-o

*Masu’s group. On the ship. The group is lounging about. Cymbeline and Desdemona are giggling amongst themselves, while the rest of the group is scattered about the room, bored to death.*

Fox: ......Raven.....

Raven: Yeah?

Fox: We should have gone out to eat.

Masu: How many times are you going to say that?

Fox: Until something interesting happens.

Nightmare: Don’t hold your breath.....

Raven: Those two seem to be enjoying themselves.

Masu: They’re still gaggling about Idus and Arcturus. Like they’re some kind of male super models.

Fox: Well they are good looking, but I wouldn’t spend hours talking about them like they have.

*The door opens again. This time Arcturus and Idus come down. Cymbeline and Desdemona perk up.*

Arcturus: Hello everyone.

Desdemona: Hi Arcturus!

Cymbeline: Hi Idus!

Arcturus: Hello ladies.

Idus: Hello.

Nightmare: What seems to be going on? The ship is swaying less than before.

Arcturus: You’re very perceptive. Yes, well we’re going to be reaching land shortly, and I wanted to see if you all would like some fresh air.

Raven: It would be nice.

Masu: Hm.....*He doesn’t trust Arcturus or Idus.*

Arcturus: Although I’m afraid Idus and I will have to accompany you for the time being.

Nightmare: That’s fine. We probably wouldn’t know our way around anyway.

Arcturus: Splendid. Ms. Fox, Raven and Nightmare shall come with me, the rest of you may go with Idus.

Masu: Wait! I want to go with Arcturus!

Arcturus: O_o Um...I suppose if you insist.....

Masu: I want to keep an eye on you!

Idus: Then I suggest that Masu shall go in place of Nightmare, who will travel with me instead.

Arcturus: *Regains his composure.* Um. Yes of course. That sounds fine. Shall we?

*The members of squad 11 and Damon sit in a field covered in blood. All around them are hoards of demon corpses. Damon seems preoccupied.*

Ikkaku: Eh? What’s wrong Damon?


Ikkaku: It’s not polite to ignore someone when they’re asking you something Damon.

Damon: ......

Ikkaku: *Eye twitch.* Bastard......

Yumichika: What an ugly display.

Ikkaku: Yumichika! Shut-up!

Yachiru: *Jumps on Damon’s face.* Wake up Damony!

Damon: *Grabs Yachiru off his face.* You little...!!!!

Kenpachi: Eh? What’s wrong Damon? Somethin on yer mind?

Damon: *Holding Yachiru away from his face as she tries to grab at his hairs.* Nothin. I was just thinking about something else.

Ikkaku: You should apologize for ignoring people!

Damon: I ain’t apologizing for shit!

Ikkaku: Eh?! Wanna fight then?!

Damon: You bet baldy! *Damon is distracted long enough for Yachiru to tackle him to the ground again.* GAH!

Yachiru: *Laughs away.*

Ikkaku: Tch.

Kenpachi: Ridiculous.

To be continued

Next episode: Released.

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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Episode 4: Greetings

Princess Kilvas: *She wakes up. For a minute she almost forgets where she was and pondered how she got here.* (Oh. That’s right. We left Tellius.....) *She notices that everyone else is still asleep and she decides to take a walk. She looks out at the horizon where she watches the sunset.*

Fireman: Beautiful isn’t it?

Princess Kilvas: Ah! Oh hello Fireman.

Fireman: Sorry for startling you.

Princess Kilvas: No. It’s alright. And yeah. It is.

Fireman: Yeah. It’s too bad that in about an hour or so, that’ll be killing us from heat.

Princess Kilvas: .__.

Fireman: Sorry. I call them as I see them.

Princess Kilvas: That’s alright....

Fireman: ....Worried about Masu?

Princess Kilvas: Yeah. He tends to get excited easily.

Fireman: I’ve noticed.

Princess Kilvas: So what’s this about you and Songbird?

Firman: Who?

Princess Kilvas: <_< Nevermind.

Fireman: We should probably wake the others up. It’d be best to get a move on now before the sun gets too high.

Princess Kilvas: Good idea.

*Later. The troupe is walking aimlessly as they continue to cross the desert, in hopes of finding something.*

Knife: You know.....I was thinking......

Arc: You shouldn’t do that Knife. It might hurt you.

Knife: Eff you. But seriously, what if this is all there is? And there’s nothing more on this plane? We could be screwed.

Bianchi: Oh, you’re such a crybaby Knife! Think of it as getting a tan, that’s all! :lol:

Knife: .___. We’re screwed aren’t we?

Kiryn: Well all your complaining isn’t helping. Put a sock in it for God’s sake!

Songbird: Fireman, aren’t you hot in all those clothes?

Fireman: Nope. I’m quite comfortable.

Princess Kilvas: (This is insane. There’s nothing out here. Knife might be right.)

Songbird: Hey, what if Princess went and flew ahead to go find something or someone?

Knife: That could work.

Arc: It could. But then she’d probably never be able to find us.

Kiryn: Exactly.

Bianchi: So? We’re not worse off if she goes. If she does find something, she’ll be able to tell someone that we’re out here.

Fireman: Sound’s good to me.

Songbird: How about it Princess?

Princess Kilvas: Um. Sure....I mean, but what happens if I don’t find anything? Or if I don’t find you guys in time?

Fireman: I don’t think we have to worry about that anymore.

All: Huh?

*A giant ship come towards them in the distance, as it spots them it slows. A large man addresses them.*

Man: Eh? You guys alright? What are you doing all the way out here?

Bianchi: We got lost. Can we get a ride?

Man: Well, no one could leave anyone out here in the middle of nowhere, but I’m gonna ask for something in return.

Kiryn: What?

Man: Got any money on you?

Princess Kilvas: Taking advantage on people in need.......

Arc: Give us a moment to discuss this will ya?

Man: No problem.

Fireman: We don’t have any money for this world.

Kiryn: Fireman’s right. Most worlds use a different form of currency.

Princess Kilvas: So what do we do?

Bianchi: *Breaks away from the group* Hey, we’re really short on cash right now and we need to save some, is there anything else we can offer?

Man: Hm. Well, you have plenty of pretty ladies in your group. How about one of you spend the night with me?

Songbird: EH?

Kiryn: YOU PIG!

Princess Kilvas: O_O

Bianchi: Hm.....

Knife: That’s a little extreme.....

Fireman: ......

Arc: Well, it’s not like he didn’t give us a choice....

Man: Nah. Forget it. I was just messin with you all. Welcome aboard. Though I hope you know who you’re traveling with.

Princess Kilvas: Who?

Neon: The leader of the Bad Lads. ‘Brilliant Dynamites Neon’!

Fireman: Neat-o

*Masu’s group. On the ship. The group is lounging about. Cymbeline and Desdemona are giggling amongst themselves, while the rest of the group is scattered about the room, bored to death.*

Fox: ......Raven.....

Raven: Yeah?

Fox: We should have gone out to eat.

Masu: How many times are you going to say that?

Fox: Until something interesting happens.

Nightmare: Don’t hold your breath.....

Raven: Those two seem to be enjoying themselves.

Masu: They’re still gaggling about Idus and Arcturus. Like they’re some kind of male super models.

Fox: Well they are good looking, but I wouldn’t spend hours talking about them like they have.

*The door opens again. This time Arcturus and Idus come down. Cymbeline and Desdemona perk up.*

Arcturus: Hello everyone.

Desdemona: Hi Arcturus!

Cymbeline: Hi Idus!

Arcturus: Hello ladies.

Idus: Hello.

Nightmare: What seems to be going on? The ship is swaying less than before.

Arcturus: You’re very perceptive. Yes, well we’re going to be reaching land shortly, and I wanted to see if you all would like some fresh air.

Raven: It would be nice.

Masu: Hm.....*He doesn’t trust Arcturus or Idus.*

Arcturus: Although I’m afraid Idus and I will have to accompany you for the time being.

Nightmare: That’s fine. We probably wouldn’t know our way around anyway.

Arcturus: Splendid. Ms. Fox, Raven and Nightmare shall come with me, the rest of you may go with Idus.

Masu: Wait! I want to go with Arcturus!

Arcturus: O_o Um...I suppose if you insist.....

Masu: I want to keep an eye on you!

Idus: Then I suggest that Masu shall go in place of Nightmare, who will travel with me instead.

Arcturus: *Regains his composure.* Um. Yes of course. That sounds fine. Shall we?

*The members of squad 11 and Damon sit in a field covered in blood. All around them are hoards of demon corpses. Damon seems preoccupied.*

Ikkaku: Eh? What’s wrong Damon?


Ikkaku: It’s not polite to ignore someone when they’re asking you something Damon.

Damon: ......

Ikkaku: *Eye twitch.* Bastard......

Yumichika: What an ugly display.

Ikkaku: Yumichika! Shut-up!

Yachiru: *Jumps on Damon’s face.* Wake up Damony!

Damon: *Grabs Yachiru off his face.* You little...!!!!

Kenpachi: Eh? What’s wrong Damon? Somethin on yer mind?

Damon: *Holding Yachiru away from his face as she tries to grab at his hairs.* Nothin. I was just thinking about something else.

Ikkaku: You should apologize for ignoring people!

Damon: I ain’t apologizing for shit!

Ikkaku: Eh?! Wanna fight then?!

Damon: You bet baldy! *Damon is distracted long enough for Yachiru to tackle him to the ground again.* GAH!

Yachiru: *Laughs away.*

Ikkaku: Tch.

Kenpachi: Ridiculous.

To be continued

Next episode: Released.

Has a kick ass feeling what the released means but good chapter

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Well I will wait till the next part then

Lol. You might understand the next part more if you read the History of Lyle Dayek. If not, it's still pretty epic if you haven't, but you'd get it more if you did.

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Anyone other than Serene read the new chapter?

I did. I thought it was good. But since there wasn't anything constructive to add, I didn't post. That is all.

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For some reason I didn't realize you added it. . .

I thought it was a good part, overall. I'm a bit excited about what will happen next. . . =)

Des and I giggling over guys. . . hmm. . .

Edited by Cymbeline
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For some reason I didn't realize you added it. . .

I thought it was a good part, overall. I'm a bit excited about what will happen next. . . =)

Des and I giggling over guys. . . hmm. . .

Frankly, that's the only characterization I have for you guys as of now. Sorry. I'll try and come up with something epic for you two in the future.

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I did. I thought it was good. But since there wasn't anything constructive to add, I didn't post. That is all.

That's what I do usually. The only thing I have to say is like "Good" and stuff, and since to me, it seems kinda like a waste (and not constructive, as Branded said) I don't say anything.

But rest assured, I am reading everything you post (even though you're not reading the movie).

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That's what I do usually. The only thing I have to say is like "Good" and stuff, and since to me, it seems kinda like a waste (and not constructive, as Branded said) I don't say anything.

But rest assured, I am reading everything you post (even though you're not reading the movie).

I would read the movie, but the fact that all the characters have different names confuses me. (I have very small brain capacity when it comes to that sort of thing.)

Whatever happened to your history Nightmare? I read that.

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Episode 5: Released


Branded Blade: You know, this wouldn’t be so bad if there was something to do.....*He bumps into something.* Huh? Something solid? *He starts groping the object that is in the middle of nothingness. He realizes that it is a box. He knocks on it.* What the hell? This is mad weird.*He feels vibrations on the box.* Something’s in here!

*Port. With Masu’s group.*

Arcturus: So this is where we part for the time being. Idus, take your team to wherever you feel.

Idus: Of course. If you would follow me?

Desdemona: Of course!

Cymbeline: After you.

Nightmare: ....Stupid Masu....

Masu: *Sticks his tongue out at Nightmare.*

Nightmare: You’re lucky I don’t have my sword.

*The four of them walk off.*

Arcturus: If you don’t mind, I need to go somewhere before we take our tour of the city. I hope you don’t mind.

Fox: Not at all. *They all begin walking.*

Masu: *Squints his eyes while looking at Arcturus.*

Raven: *Whispering to Masu.* What’s your problem?

Masu: *Whispering back.* I don’t trust him....

Raven: Why?

Masu: Just a feeling I have....

Raven: ....Masu. This guy has given us no reason to be suspicious of him

Masu: Well he locked us in a cage!

Raven: Could you blame him under the circumstances? We popped up out of nowhere on his ship! I would have done the same thing.

Masu: Still....There’s something about him I don’t like....

Raven: Masu, you’re acting like an idiot...

*They reach a tavern. Arcturus opens the door for them. They walk in. Arcturus welcomes them to a seat.*

Arcturus: Please. Sit down. *He pulls out a chair for Fox.*

Fox: Thank you.

*Raven and Masu sit as well.*

Arcturus: If you don’t mind, I have to go get someone. I’m meeting them here. I’ll have to leave you for the time being. He meets in the backroom.

*Fox, Masu, and Raven exchange looks as he leaves.*

Raven: You think...?

Fox: I think there’s about a 5.....no 10% chance.

Masu: Why the sudden change?

Fox: Well there’s a 5% chance it’s him, but I’m adding an extra 5% because it’d be something he’d do.

Masu: Still, this is perfect. We can make a break for it while he’s back there! We can grab our weapons, take down that Idus guy, and make a break for it!

Fox: And then what Masu?

Masu: Well.....

Raven: Masu, Arcturus is a good guy. He hasn’t given us any reason to distrust him so far. Plus, we don’t know anyone or anything about this place other than him. Even if we escape, we’re worse off.

Fox: Exactly. Besides Masu, you’re the one who got us into this. The others are probably fine somewhere safe and we’re stuck in this.

Arcturus: *He comes back, a man standing next to him who is covered in plated armor.* Cornelius, this is Fox, Raven and Masu. Everyone else, this is Cornelius. He is a paladin who specializes in exorcisms

Cornelius: Nice to meet you all.

Raven: *Stands up and shakes his hand.* Hi.

Fox: Hello.

Cornelius: What a lovely lady.

Fox: Thank you, but I’m taken. *She looks at Raven.*

Cornelius: Lucky man.

Raven: I’ve always thought so.

Masu: *Reluctantly gets up and shakes Cornelius’ hand.* Hey.....

Cornelius: Hello.

Arcturus: Cornelius has been my comrade for quite some time, we came to this port to pick him up. He will be joining us on our voyage. In the meantime, we shall show you around the city.

Fox: Sounds great.

Masu: ......

*Idus’ group. Nightmare and Idus are deep in thought, while the twins are examining the scenery. Nightmare finally breaks the silence.*

Nightmare: So.....Idus.

Idus: Yes?

Nightmare: I notice you have a katana. What sort of style do you practice?

Idus: Mostly kendo.

Nightmare: ‘Mostly’?

Idus: I tend to move around a lot during battle, so kendo can be difficult at times.

Nightmare; How much do you have to move around in order for kendo to be ineffective?

Idus: *Smiles.* I might show you sometime.

Nightmare: Is that a challenge?

Idus: Well, if it was, I assure you it would only be a friendly match between two sparing partners.

Nightmare: ......

*Two thugs walk up to Cymbeline and Desdemona.*

Thug 1: Hello pretty ladies.

Cymbeline: Um...hello.....

Thug 2: How would you like to come home with us tonight? *He grabs Des by the hand.*

Desdemona: Um..*Tries to struggle away but can’t get away.*

Cymbeline: Hey! Leave her alone.

Thug 1: Aww. Don’t be jealous. *He grabs Cym by the neck*

Desdemona: Hey! You’re hurting her!

Thug 1: Oh don’t worry, we take good care of our girls! *A sword appears at his throat.* Eh?!

Idus: Let her go. Now.

Thug 1: *He lets go of Cymbeline.* Wha-

Idus: Now you. Let her go. Miss. Cymbeline please get out of the way.

Cymbeline: Right. *She runs over to Nightmare.*

Idus: Now. Let go of her, or your friend gets a little shorter.

Thug 1: Er...

Thug 2: *Pulls Desdemona closer and holds a dagger to her throat.* Heh. Now who holds the chips?! Drop your sword, or the pretty girl gets it!

Cymbeline: Des!

Desdemona: Ngh! *She moves her neck as far away from the blade as possible.*

Thug 2: Now!

Idus: *Drops his sword. He falls to the ground as Thug 1 punches him.*

Nightmare: (What will you do now Idus?)

Thug 1: Bastard! Almost killed me! *Kicks him while he’s down.*

Thug 2: It’s alright, we’ll just take this one. He won’t follow us.

Cymbeline: Des!

Desdemona: Cym!

Nightmare: .......

Idus: *He moves with lightning speed and stabs through Thug 2's arm.*

Thug 2: AH!!! *He lets go of Desdemona and the dagger he was holding.*

Idus: Now. I’m going to let you leave and live. If I ever see either you again, you’ll be begging for death. *He removes his sword from the thug’s arm.* You would do your friend well to get him to a doctor.

Thug 1: *Is speechless, but grabs thug 2 and runs.*

Idus: *Walks over to Cymbeline and Desdemona. Then he bows toward them* I apologize for letting them harm you. I promise it won’t happen again.

Cymbeline: *Blushing* N-no! It’s alright!

Desdemona: *Also blushing.* Yeah! It was really brave of you.

Idus: *Stands up.* So? Shall we continue?

Desdemona: Sure!

Cymbeline: Of course!

*The two of them take one of Idus’ arms and walk alongside him. He seems awkward at first, but then he relaxes some more.*

Nightmare: (Stupid girls....Still.....That Idus isn’t all talk. He could be a problem if he we’re to be against us.

*Nothingness. Branded Blade is still pondering the box.*

Branded Blade: Well, if I try and break into it, I might find something that could help me. On the other hand, it could be something that would want to eat me on the spot. *He looks around him.* Well, who knows how long I could be in here? It would probably be best to crack this thing open. Death might make me better off than where I am here. *He unsheathes his sword.* Am I really sure I want to do this? *He slashes at the box. It doesn’t seem to do anything. For a few minutes he sits slashing at the box, with little to no results. After a while he starts swinging harder. He feels a piece of the box hit his chest.* It’s working! *He cuts the box some more and really starts to see results. Suddenly he pokes a hole in the box. Without any time to react a hand breaks out of the box and grabs Branded Blade by the neck.* Urk! (Shit)

Man: I want to thank you for releasing me. Don’t worry. I’m not going to kill you. In fact, I can’t kill you. Niether of us exist right now. But don’t worry, we will soon enough.

Branded Blade: Who- who are you?

Man: Who am I?

I am Sephiroth.

Next Episode: Shit.

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-senses that someone's gonna get mauled by Sephiroth-

I don't want to spoil it, I really don't. But:

I'm planning on having a Kenpachi vs Sephiroth fight.

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