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The Quest for the Not So Holy Lyle


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Ooh! Awesome! All this "Aura" stuff reminds me of Lucario. XD

I like the whole illusion thing though!

Lol. Thanks. I hope you don't get nightmares.....

(Mewtwo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Lucario. Sorry. Originals FTW.)

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Lol. Thanks. I hope you don't get nightmares.....

(Mewtwo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Lucario. Sorry. Originals FTW.)

I'm suing you for copyright infringement, but I might reconsider because you love the originals over the newer ones like I do.

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New Episode: Dragon and Killer vs The Demonclaw Syndicate.

*Lyle and Rauz look upon a ruined city. They walk toward it.*

Lyle: What do you think happened here?

Rauz: Dunno. It seems like a more destructive force than the enemies we know.

Lyle: Think this is someone else then?

Rauz: Could be their ‘distraction’. Of course there’s always the possibility that it’s something else.

Lyle: Think there’s anyone alive?

Rauz: Maybe. We should look. Perhaps we could find some clues. Let’s split up. Call me if you see anything. I’ll launch a flare if needed.

Lyle: Got it.

*The two split up. Lyle looks through some of the crushed/burned houses. He sees many a corpse, but no living creatures. One of the corpses was missing an upper body.*

Lyle: .....that means that whatever it was that did this is a living being. And a big one. *He looks up at the top of the building. His eyes grow wide.* A really big one....*The ceiling had been completely torn off by a large creature.* Hey Rauz!!!

Rauz: *In the distance.* Yep?!

Lyle: Cm’ere.

Rauz: *Walks on over to Lyle.* What?

Lyle: Look at the roof.

Rauz: Hm. A dragon attacked here.

Lyle: Huh?

Rauz: Well the city has been mostly engulfed in flames, most of the houses have claw marks or teeth marks, large ones at that, and I found this. *He holds up a small black scale.* There’s your proof.

Lyle: Well, I wouldn’t call it proof, but it’s more substantial evidence. Think there’s any connection between it and our enemies?

Rauz: Again. It’s a possibility. But we also can’t rule out it just being an act of nature.

???: How about I give you a hint?

Lyle and Rauz: ?!?

Zeek: Hello.

Lyle: You? You’re alive!?

Rauz: He was dead?

Zeek: Oh come on. So I was engulfed in violent flames. Since when did that kill anyone?

Lyle: I’ve known a lot of people.

Rauz: I’ve actually killed plenty of people by doing that.

Zeek: Well whatever. Anyway, I’m not here to fight ya. I’m here to give you some info.

Lyle: Why?

Zeek: I dunno. Boss-woman told me to. I just follow orders. Anyway, the person who did this is the fallen black dragon Thaxadillus.

Lyle: Who?

Rauz: You can’t expect us to believe that. Thaxadillius has been dead for millenniums.

Zeek: I don’t really understand it myself, but trust me.

Lyle: Well the evidence does add up. It doesn’t matter. If he’s telling us this, then that means we’re gonna have to fight him anyway.

Rauz: True....

Zeek: Just be here this evening. He’ll come back here to rest.

Lyle: What do you mean ‘rest’?

Zeek: What? You think he’s doin nothing? He’s out feeding.

Lyle and Rauz: !!!

Zeek: Well a guy’s gotta eat.

Lyle: We can’t let him do that!!

Rauz: We have no choice Lyle. We’d never be able to tell where he is, and we’d never be able to catch him if we did. We’d be better off stopping him here and keeping him from killing anymore.

Lyle: .....

Zeek: Well, with that, I’m off. Good luck boys! *He waves.*

Lyle: Wait! Zeek! How did you survive that?

Zeek: *He smirks.* Only time can tell. And please, call me Luther. *He warps out.*

Lyle: .....So now what? We just wait?

Rauz: Yup.

*The Realm of the dead who are not at peace. L is tinkering away at his ‘machine’. Damon and Sephiroth are duking it out.*

Serene: Aren’t you a little worried?

L: No. Why should I be?

Serene: Cause as soon as that guy get’s his chance he’s gonna kill you.

L: I don’t think so.

Sasori: Why not?

L: I have the key to his revival. You two should be worried.

*Serene and Sasori exchange looks.*

Damon: *Sephiroth and Damon break their slew of attacks. Damon is covered in blood, while Sephiroth has little to no injuries.* You’re a lot tougher than I thought.

Sephiroth: You really thought you could beat me? After I cut off your arms?

Damon: I dunno what you’re talkin about. *He holds up his arms.* I got em right here.

Sephiroth: Heh. Cheap tricks won’t win this battle for you. *He charges again and nearly slices Damon’s throat.*

Damon: *His arm transforms into a long tentacle and wraps itself around the blade.* Gotcha.

Sephiroth: Do you? *He slashes upward through Damon’s arm and frees his blade. Then he thrusts at Damon’s chest.*

Damon: *Dodges well enough so that his chest is fine, but his shoulder has been pierced. He jumps backwards and his arm returns to normal.* (Let’s think. How do I get this guy? Kenpachi surprised him over and over with his strength. I can’t really do that....But I think I got something.) *Damon charges and attacks. Sephiroth slashes Damon’s arm and it comes clean off.* GAH!!! *He jumps back and regrows his arm.

Sephiroth: How long can you do that I wonder....

Damon: Let’s find out. *He attacks again, Sephiroth cuts off his arm again.* NGH!!!

Sephiroth: Grow as many as you like, you still feel the pain.

Damon: No pain no gain. *He grows his arm back. Then dodges the attacks of Sephiroth’s blades.*

Serene: (What exactly is he trying to do?)

*A few more attacks and another few arms later, Damon loses his breath.*

Sephiroth: Finally done? Good. Now we can move on.

Damon: Damn.....

L: *Now watching the battle intensely.* I see.

Damon: Or not?

Sephiroth: Hm? *The bloody parts of Damon’s discarded arms surround and engulf Sephiroth, completely entrapping him.* !!!

Damon: See, I can’t beat you fair. You’re way to strong. But I figured out a way to surprise you. And now, I get a bran new part to my body!

Sephiroth: What?!?!

Damon: *He takes off his shirt. Where his stomach should be is an opening to Damon’s body. Two vine like tentacles stretch out and grab Sephiroth.* I can’t beat you. So I’ll absorb you and take your power.

Serene: !!!

Sasori: Does that mean he can take all our power with each kill?

L: Instead of only being raised by a set amount. Damon has a severe advantage over the other inhabitants of this place.

Sephiroth: *Drops his sword and starts moving closer against his will.* Damn!! I WILL NOT DIE LIKE THIS!!!

Damon: YES YOU WILL!!! *In an instant, Sephiroth is completely swallowed by Damon’s stomach. Damon curls over at the sudden addition to his body.* Err....*He sprouts a single wing from his back. And his hair grows long and silver.* Huh. I like it. But it’s not really my thing. *He returns to normal. Then picks up Sephiroth’s sword.* I like this thing though. I’ll keep it for now.

L: That’s an interesting ability Damon.

Damon: Thanks. How’s the machine going.

L: It won’t be finished for a while. Be patient.

Damon: <_< Lame.....

*Lyle and Rauz are sitting around a campfire. They hear a wing beat in the background.*

Rauz: Looks like he’s here.

Lyle: Let’s show this dragon what it means to mess with the syndicate.

To Be Continued

Next Episode: Physical.

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*Fails in restraining himself from making a childish remark.*


*Sensible self steps in.*

Shut-up bitch!

*goes to find facepalm pic*

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*deidara fangirl*


*deidara fanboy*


What? He's freaking awesome and the best akatsuki hands down.

He gave sasuke a good fight without me hating him. That takes a lot!

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New Episode: Physical.

Vor: Alright! Time’s up! Get back to the starting line.

*The four guys stare at Vor. The maximum any of them got was 5 feet from the starting point.*

Raven: This is impossible.

Vor: I’ve done it before. In fact I’ve done it with 4 tons of weight on my body.

Everyone: ._________.

Nightmare: That’s cause you have the perfect physical body!!! There’s no way we can measure up to this in our lifetimes!

Fireman: At least at the rate we’re going.

Vor: You asked me to train you. I’m training you. I wouldn’t make you do something you had no chance in succeeding.

Knife: Somehow I doubt that.

Vor: Well, on your marks. Get set. GO!!!

*The four of them all grunt. Knife and Raven don’t even try at first. Nightmare drags his feet and arms along passively, while Fireman works at it. Though he’s not exactly doing well.*

Raven: Man....this is like torture.....

Vor: You all asked for it. And it’s already been one minute. You’ve certainly haven’t cleared 1/15th of this course.

Nightmare: RGH!!! This is impossible!!!

Vor: No it’s not. It just takes plenty of practice.

Nightmare: We don’t have time to practice!!! We’ll be here for months doing this!! Our enemies are readying to kill us!!! We need to be strong now!

Vor: ......Not yet. You can win this exercise. I’m sure.

Raven: Are you high?

Vor: <_< No. I am not high.

*Another 15 minutes pass.*

Vor: Do it again.

*This continues for about 3 hours. Until.....*

Nightmare: Okay! That’s it! I’ve had enough. *He points at Vor.* It’s one thing to give us a tough task to complete. It’s another thing to make us do the impossible. I don’t care if you can do it. We don’t have perfect physical bodies!

Fireman: Um....*Reaches out to Nightmare.*

Knife: *Puts his hands on hips.* You know, I have to say I agree. This is slave labor. Even if this is a good way to train, it still can’t be the only way!

Raven: Er....Knife, Nightmare....

Nightmare: *Turns around.* What?

Fireman: Have you two noticed that we’re moving pretty fluently?

Knife: Huh?

Nightmare: .........Shit.

Vor: *Smiles.* Congrats. You’ve all passed round one of your physical training.

Raven: *His face grows pale.* There’s another round?

Vor: *Ignores him.* Ideally, you would have completed the task before moving on, however, like Nightmare said, we don’t have that much time. So I figured we’d move on once you all got somewhat comfortable with your weights. Now we start. The four of you will take me on in combat. You’ll all be on one team, with your restraints. No powers, just brute strength.

Raven: But you’re way stronger than us. How are we not going to lose?

Vor: I’m holding back to the point where you can learn a lesson, but won’t die. Now, if you’re all ready. Let’s get started.

Nightmare: You gonna take these things off?

Vor: While it’s four on one? I think it evens the playing field.

Everyone: .___.

Vor: Let’s get started. *He grabs Knife.*

Knife: EH?! *Vor throws him.* AHH!!!

Raven: *Unsheathes his sword.*

Nightmare: Isn’t that a bit extreme?

Raven: For this guy, I’m not so sure.

Vor: Heh. Good judgement. *He charges Raven. And swings a fist at his face.*

Raven: Urgh! *He tumbles over as Vor hit him.*

Nightmare: *Swings his sword at Vor’s face.*

Vor: *Dodges with ease.* Your swing is pretty slow.

Nightmare: Shut-up!

Vor: Heh. No need to get huffy. *He aims to punch Nightmare in the face.*

Nightmare: *Bends backwards to avoid the attack. The weights end up sending him falling backwards.* Rgh.

Vor: *Turns to Fireman.* Your turn.

Fireman: Hm. *He swings his arm backward and then swings it forward. Vor blocks the fist.*

Vor: Hey. Good job. You used the weight of the weights in your blow. Now good enough though. *He goes to punch Fireman in the stomach. Raven gets up and grabs his arm.* Oh?

Raven: Got you.

Vor: Hm? !!!

Knife: *Comes up behind him.* This is for throwing me!!!

Vor: !!! *Knife’s weapon pierces Vor’s back.* Rgh!

Nightmare: Looks like we got you.

Vor: Oh really? One stab wound isn’t enough to beat me. *He knocks Fireman and Raven away, then turns and hits Knife.*

Nightmare: Raven, Fireman! I’ve got an idea. Give me a boost.

Vor: Hm?

Nightmare: *Fireman and Raven give Nightmare a boost. Nightmare swings his blade down on Vor.* Take this!!

Vor: !!! *He lifts his arms to block the blade. However, the weight of the sword is too much and Nightmare cuts through both arms and down the Vor clone’s body. It crumbles. Also, the weights around them crumble.*

Everyone: O_o

Knife: You killed him!

Nightmare: He asked for it!!

Vor: *The Vor clone reassembles itself.* Oh please. That was well done though. All of you. Try moving now. Your body got so used to the weights that now it must be easier to move them around.

Fireman: It appears so.

Vor: Now, we’ll continue training by generic weight lifting and combat. We’ll do this two on one while the other two are lifting weights. First up against me are Fireman and Raven. We do this for the rest of the day and you’ll be in good shape.

Raven: Cool.

*Another Plane.*

Lea: Something wrong miss Celestire?

Celestire: My powers....I want to test the limit of them. I’m going to try something.

Lea: By doing what?

Celestire: Controlling the dead.

Lea: ??

To Be Continued

Next Episode: Dragon and Killer versus The Demonclaw Syndicate Part 2

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I have noticed something...............that I will keep to myself.

Lol at Nightmare getting pissed!

You can send it to me via Pm if you want to tell me something about the story that you want to ask.

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New Episode: Dragon and Killer versus The Demonclaw Syndicate Part 2

*The Wingbeats stop. Lyle and Rauz have doused the fire and are quiet as possible.*

Lyle: ......

Rauz: .....

*The two exchange looks. They both start walking to see where Thaxadillius has landed.*

???: *A voice from behind them.* Well, well, well. The famous members of the Demonclaw syndicate.

*The pair turn to see Thaxadillius.*

Rauz: And the fallen dragon Thaxadillius. This is a treat.

Thaxadillius: I get to devour both of you today? How delicious.

Lyle: I wouldn’t count on that. The Demonclaw Syndicate fights one man at a time. And you couldn’t beat one of us.

Thaxadillius: You have no chance alone.

Lyle: Psht. I’ve heard that before. *He unsheathes his blades.*

Rauz: Wait Lyle. I want to fight him.

Lyle: Huh?

Rauz: I don’t get to fight people as often as you. I want to try out my powers.

Lyle: What? Oh! You mean those powers! Oh yeah. He’s all yours. *Sheathes his blades and backs off.*

Thaxadillius: *Arches eyebrow.* What exactly do we have here?

Rauz: *He places the Necronomicon into the bag at his side and tosses the bag to Lyle.* I won’t be needing that. But keep it handy just in case.

Lyle: Got it.

Rauz: *He holds out his right hand. A black Scythe appears in it. Then his body starts to shift. He grows red dragon’s wings, a dragon’s tail, his hair get’s longer and forms red crystals in it, and his face gets slightly more rugged. After the transformation is complete, he twirls his scythe and takes a battle position.* Ready?

Thaxadillius: Hm? What’s this? Have you some dragon blood in you.

Rauz: The blood of Tyrannus Draconis. Father of Necar Celdarin Draconis.

Thaxadillius: Well....that name brings up some memories....still, you’re not the only one that can transform.

Rauz: Go ahead. You’ll need to if you want to live. Of course, you’re going to die anyway, but it’ll make things last longer.

Thaxadillius: I see. Well then. *He transforms into a full-fledged black dragon. Then roars.*

Rauz: Now we’re talkin. *He flies up and slashes at Thaxadillius’s

Thaxadillius: *Recoils and bites at Rauz. Roaring as he does.*

Rauz: *He dodges the bite and several others that follow after it.* You’re pretty fast. I’m faster though. *He slashes at Thaxadillius. It doesn’t do much.* Hm.

Thaxadillius: *Opens his mouth in front of Rauz.*

Rauz: *Wide eyes.* SHIT!

Lyle: RAUZ!!

*Flames from Thaxadillius’ mouth engulf Rauz. After it clears Rauz starts to fall.*

Rauz: (He got me pretty good.) *He flips over and lands on the ground.* Pass me the Necronomicon. I’m gonna need it.

???: No you won’t. *Someone flashes right past the two of them and stands in front of Thaxadillius.*

Rauz: Who the hell-?

Kenpachi: Hoy! Lyle! Rauz! Take a breather and watch Branded in action.

Lyle: Branded?

Thaxadillius: You? A simple child? What an insult to my power.

Branded: There’s nothing worse than a smug villain. Shut-up and Fight.

Thaxadillius: *Roars and breathes fire on Branded. The smoke clears and Branded is nowhere in sight.* What?

Branded: *On Thaxadillius’ back.* Take this! *Stabs Thaxadillius.*

Thaxadillius: *Roars in pain. Then takes to the sky and tries to fling Branded off.*

Rauz: Um...Is he going to be okay?

Ikkaku: He’ll be fine. Just watch.

Branded: *Makes his way up Thaxadillius’ head.* I’ve got you now!

Thaxadillius: *Flings his head sending Branded flying backwards.*

Branded: AH!! *He manages to grab Thaxadillius’ tail.* Phew. *He starts moving up the dragon.*

Thaxadillius: Tch. *He starts flying close to the ground and starts dragging his tail on it.*

Branded: O_O NO FAIR!!! *He hurries upward as debris comes flying up at him.*

Thaxadillus: DIE!!! *He flings his tail around.*

Branded: Urgh! *He jumps off and manages to land while avoiding getting injured.*

Thaxadillius: (Still alive?) *He spins around and with mouth agape he charges for Branded.*

Branded: Heh. Perfect. *He readies his blade.*

Thaxadillius: *Roars as he approaches Branded. Then in an instant he explodes, sending blood, bones, and guts flying everywhere.*

Branded: *Wipes his face.* What the hell was that?!

Rauz: *Standing atop of a nearby building. Now he’s in his normal form and holding the Necronomicon. Somehow he’s completely untouched by the dragon’s remains.* No one steals a kill from the Demonclaw Syndicate.

Branded: I was about to take him out!

Rauz: So was I. You’ve proven your strength. It was my kill though.

Branded: Lame...<_<


Lyle: I see. Well thanks for training him. We’ll return him to the group.

Kenpachi: See ya around Lyle. *The group walks through a portal.*

Rauz: Well now what?

Lyle: We go back to looking for Viki. Thaxadillius didn’t delay us much at all....

*On a hill overlooking the battle.*

Lea: Um..Miss Celestire....Thaxadillius is dead.

Celestire: That’s fine Lea. I have my eyes on a bigger catch.

Lea: Um....Who?

*The Realm of the Dead who are not at peace.*

L: I’ve got good news and bad news.

Damon: What?

L: Well, the machine works, but it’s only going to work once.

Serene: So only one person can go back.

L: Yes.

Sasori: ......

L: We’ll do the best thing. *He takes out 4 wires.* Draw straws. The person with the short wire goes back to life.

*They all draw straws.*

Damon: Heh. Look who’s the lucky one. You win Serene. *He tosses Serene the plane travel device.*

Serene: .......

L: Just step inside there Serene. And then when you feel alive again use the portal.

Sasori: .....

Serene: You sure about this?

L: It’s all fair.

Serene: .......

L: *Activates the machine and Serene disappears. The machine then crumbles.* Sigh. Ah well.

Sasori: ......Anyway to rebuild it.

L: I’m satisfied with saving one person. *His body starts to fade.* I think....I can finally rest in peace.....*His body completely disappears.*

Sasori: I guess it’s just you and me now Damon.

Damon: Is it? *He stabs Sasori through the heart.*

Sasori: Urk! Damon! You!

Damon: *He has the appearance of the way he looked in Princess’ greatest fear.* Sorry. You’re dead. And you to Sephiroth.

*A weak and feeble Sephiroth lays in the sand. He’s barely able to breathe.*

Damon: Sorry bout the pain. It’s what happens when I relieve you of my body. *He crushes Sephiroth’s head under his foot.* HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!


Celestire: Hm. It seems I can manipulate the minds of the dead. *She grins evily.*

To Be Continued

Next Episode: Aura.

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