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The Quest for the Not So Holy Lyle


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*hugs Songbird*

It's...gonna be okay. You'll see.

I royally suck at this.

So im replaced by Damon AGAIN?

*leaves and separates himself from everyone*

C'mon, everyone's a little emotional now so let's just take a minute to cool our heads and wait for the next chapter.

Edited by Branded_Blade
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So im replaced by Damon AGAIN?

*leaves and separates himself from everyone*

NOOOOOOO! You're still my one and only brother! Come back! *Chases after Masu*

And @Branded: *Hugs.* Thanks. XD

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*hides where no one will find me*

*goes emo*.......maybe I should sacrifice myself for Damon........it would make everyone else happier...........

*ignores Branded's oncoming post of "*hits masu* GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!*"

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New Episode: The Deal.


Idus: I see.....So Damon is dead....

Desdemona: You going to be okay Idus?

Idus: I’ll be fine. How’s Princess holding up?

Arc: She’s fine. A little upset. Lyle and Rauz are on their way to explain everything.

Idus: I see....

*Lyle and Rauz warp in.*

Lyle: Hey.

Bianchi: Lyle! *She runs over to him.*

Rauz: If everyone is ready, I’d like to get things started. As most of you have read, the books say that I was assassinated. As you can see, that wasn’t the case. I faked my death, and wound up using that spell to go to the planes. Lyle came with me.

Kiryn: So what’s going on now?

Lyle: The syndicate has enemies as you can expect for a group to have. But these guys are different. Usually the enemies are just trying to kill us because we’re stopping them. These guys are trying to stop us.

Nightmare: How so?

Rauz: They want to block off the planes from each other.

Bianchi: Huh?

Lyle: You guys are proof. Because you traveled through the planes, you’re naturally stronger. This group is targeting anyone who’s traveled through the planes. That’s why I didn’t want you all to follow me.

Masu: .......

Rauz: Of course, that’s not the only reason we’re after them.

Knife: What then?

Lyle: .....

Rauz: They’ve captured my sister. Viki Chisean. And Lyle’s ex.

Lyle: <_< Had to add that in didn’t you Rauz?

Bianchi: :blink: / :angry: How come you’ve never mentioned her Lyle!?

Lyle: <_< I have mentioned her Bianchi. But you’ve never been listening. Eventually I figured it’d be better to never mention it.

Bianchi: .....Well, you dumped her so I guess you don’t love her anymore.

Rauz: Actually, she dumped him. He was ready to marry her.

Lyle: ._____. Rauz.....

Bianchi: :angry:

Lyle: Bianchi, there was a time where I loved her, but now I care for you more that anything.

Bianchi: But still you abandoned me to go and rescue her!

Lyle: Rauz asked me to! He’s my best friend! I had to!

Arc: Oh!? So he’s your best friend and not me?!

Lyle: .___. Shut-up Arc.

Bianchi: Hmph.

Lyle: Bianchi.....

Rauz: Anyway, my sister has the unique ability to travel through the planes without some device. It’s her natural ability. Somehow they managed to build a machine that could harness that power. That’s how they’re using to get around. We were hoping to save Viki back there, but they moved her before we could get there.

Masu: Wait, why isn’t the rest of the syndicate involved?

Lyle: Well.....

*Another Plane. Hexblade and Devilsbane are playing Battleship.*

Hexblade: E5?

Devilsbane: ......:angry: *flips the table over and shoots the game several times.*

Hexblade: O_o



Rauz: The planes are big Masu. They’re either helping someone else, or they haven’t found out about it yet.

Kiryn: So what’s the plan then?

Rauz: Lyle and I are going to continue to travel around gathering data on them. If we get the chance, we’ll try and take out one of them if possible.

Fox: And what do we do in the mean-time?

Lyle: Train.

Masu: <_< You serious?! We’re good enough to fight as we are now!

Lyle: But you can become better. Right now you guys have the potential to become as great as members of the syndicate themselves. It’s possible that some of you may become more powerful than I am.

Idus: Erm....I hope you’re not expecting me to train everybody?

Rauz: <_< Please Idus. You’re a good fighter and all, but you couldn’t train a dog to play fetch if you wanted to.

Idus: .____.

Lyle: We asked Vor while we were at the Plane of Maximus.

???: *A portal opens. A hardened looking man walks through it. He looks about in his late 30's and is in shabby pants and a ragged shirt. At his side is a hammer, which looks more splendid because of the severe shabbiness to him.* These them?

Lyle: Yep. Everyone, this is Vor Juban. He is the guardian of the spirit of existence. And, he also wields the sword that represents physicality in the world. Of those four swords.

Knife: He looks old.

Vor: ._. *Points at Knife.* I hate you.

Lyle: Well, he is old. About 500 years.

Everyone: O_o

Fireman: Hm. Looks good for his age.

Vor: My weapon is made of the aspect of physicality. I am forever in perfect physical shape.

Rauz: In less complicated words: He’s physically immortal.

Songbird: How can this guy train us all?

Vor: I have complete control over the ground and rocks.

Masu: So?

Vor: *Looks at Masu.* I don’t hate you. But I don’t really like you either. *The ground next to him shakes then it spouts up and takes the exact physical shape of Vor.* I can create as many of these as needed. They will be your training partners. Now. We’re going to the Plane of Maximus to train. Our enemies won’t be stupid enough to try and go there yet. *He opens a portal.* If you’re not up to a challenge, you better call it quits.

Knife: *Slowly raises his hand. Kiryn whacks him over the head.* Ow!

Vor: Good.

Lyle: If you still don’t believe in his strength, know that he was on equal footing with The Demonclaw. Rauz?

Rauz: *Opens a portal and walks through.*

Lyle: Bianchi....

Bianchi: .....I’m not finished being mad at you. So you better stay alive until I’m done hating you.

Lyle: Of course. *He follows through the portal.*

Idus: Man. Trained by Vor Juban himself. They’re getting quite an honor.

Vor: Yup. You are to.

Idus: O_O WHA?!

Vor: *Shoves everyone through the portal.* Hopefully this’ll go well.

*Graveyard. A human-like corpse gets up. Human-like, because it has black dragon wings and black scales covering most of it’s body.*

Celestire: Welcome to the world of the living Thaxadillius.

Thaxadillius: *Streches.* Hm. I’ve forgotten what it was like to breathe air.

Zeek: That’s it? That’s the mighty dragon that plagued the sky during the time of the plane wars? How lame.

Thaxadillius: Oh look. You brought me a charred little treat to. How thoughtful.

Zeek: You got him food and not me!!?

Lea: <_<

Celestire: Thaxadillius, I have revived you so that you could serve me.

Thaxadillius: Hm. That’s all well and good, but you should know.....*He holds out his scale covered talon arm out to her.* Even if you’re a pretty lady, dragons cannot be tamed. Especially one as great as I. *He reaches out one of his talon-like fingers under her chin.*

Celestire: *She grabs the finger.* Don’t. You’ll severely regret it.

Thaxadillius: No one tells me what to do lady. I am the great fallen dragon-!

Celestire: It’s your strength I’m interested in Thaxadillius. Not your history. If you will not obey me out of free will, I shall have to do something more drastic.

Thaxadillius: Oh? And what is that? *His body pulses. He falls to the ground and clutches his head. He can’t even make a scream. The pain instantly disappears.* What did you do!?

Celestire: There is no need for you to know. If you don’t want it to happen again, please obey me. If you deliberately disobey me, you will spend the rest of eternity feeling that pain. Even after death. *She smiles, adding to her fiendish aura.*

Thaxadillius: You-

Celestire: Do not worry. I will reward your success as well.

Thaxadillius: *He slumps down. His entire body is filled with pleasure. The pleasure ceases.* What are you doing.

Celestire: You have no need to know at this point.

Thaxadillius: What do you want me to do?

Celestire: Come with me. *She holds out her hand and he grabs it. They then warp away.*

Lea: I wonder what she did.

Zeek: Her powers are that of a psychic. The pain and pleasure he felt is merely her messing with his mind. He’s not actually in that much pain, he just thinks it.

Lea: Hm. Interesting. How do you know that? Did she mess with your mind as well?

Zeek: You really think she wants to be messing in my mind?

Lea: Well, I’m thinking your mind is this way because she screwed with your head, Zeek.

Zeek: I suppose you’ll never know. And please, call me Dave.


Damon: *He wakes up, then sits up. All around him is nothing but sand, rocks, and a grey sky. He scratches his nose and looks around.* Sniff. Hm.....Where is this funky place? Oh wait. That’s right, I’m dead. Hm.....Interesting.

To Be Continued.

Next Episode: The Realm of the Dead who are not at Peace.

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New Episode: The Deal.


Idus: I see.....So Damon is dead....

Desdemona: You going to be okay Idus?

Idus: I’ll be fine. How’s Princess holding up?

Arc: She’s fine. A little upset. Lyle and Rauz are on their way to explain everything.

Idus: I see....

*Lyle and Rauz warp in.*

Lyle: Hey.

Bianchi: Lyle! *She runs over to him.*

Rauz: If everyone is ready, I’d like to get things started. As most of you have read, the books say that I was assassinated. As you can see, that wasn’t the case. I faked my death, and wound up using that spell to go to the planes. Lyle came with me.

Kiryn: So what’s going on now?

Lyle: The syndicate has enemies as you can expect for a group to have. But these guys are different. Usually the enemies are just trying to kill us because we’re stopping them. These guys are trying to stop us.

Nightmare: How so?

Rauz: They want to block off the planes from each other.

Bianchi: Huh?

Lyle: You guys are proof. Because you traveled through the planes, you’re naturally stronger. This group is targeting anyone who’s traveled through the planes. That’s why I didn’t want you all to follow me.

Masu: .......

Rauz: Of course, that’s not the only reason we’re after them.

Knife: What then?

Lyle: .....

Rauz: They’ve captured my sister. Viki Chisean. And Lyle’s ex.

Lyle: <_< Had to add that in didn’t you Rauz?

Bianchi: :blink: / :angry: How come you’ve never mentioned her Lyle!?

Lyle: <_< I have mentioned her Bianchi. But you’ve never been listening. Eventually I figured it’d be better to never mention it.

Bianchi: .....Well, you dumped her so I guess you don’t love her anymore.

Rauz: Actually, she dumped him. He was ready to marry her.

Lyle: ._____. Rauz.....

Bianchi: :angry:

Lyle: Bianchi, there was a time where I loved her, but now I care for you more that anything.

Bianchi: But still you abandoned me to go and rescue her!

Lyle: Rauz asked me to! He’s my best friend! I had to!

Arc: Oh!? So he’s your best friend and not me?!

Lyle: .___. Shut-up Arc.

Bianchi: Hmph.

Lyle: Bianchi.....

Rauz: Anyway, my sister has the unique ability to travel through the planes without some device. It’s her natural ability. Somehow they managed to build a machine that could harness that power. That’s how they’re using to get around. We were hoping to save Viki back there, but they moved her before we could get there.

Masu: Wait, why isn’t the rest of the syndicate involved?

Lyle: Well.....

*Another Plane. Hexblade and Devilsbane are playing Battleship.*

Hexblade: E5?

Devilsbane: ......:angry: *flips the table over and shoots the game several times.*

Hexblade: O_o



Rauz: The planes are big Masu. They’re either helping someone else, or they haven’t found out about it yet.

Kiryn: So what’s the plan then?

Rauz: Lyle and I are going to continue to travel around gathering data on them. If we get the chance, we’ll try and take out one of them if possible.

Fox: And what do we do in the mean-time?

Lyle: Train.

Masu: <_< You serious?! We’re good enough to fight as we are now!

Lyle: But you can become better. Right now you guys have the potential to become as great as members of the syndicate themselves. It’s possible that some of you may become more powerful than I am.

Idus: Erm....I hope you’re not expecting me to train everybody?

Rauz: <_< Please Idus. You’re a good fighter and all, but you couldn’t train a dog to play fetch if you wanted to.

Idus: .____.

Lyle: We asked Vor while we were at the Plane of Maximus.

???: *A portal opens. A hardened looking man walks through it. He looks about in his late 30's and is in shabby pants and a ragged shirt. At his side is a hammer, which looks more splendid because of the severe shabbiness to him.* These them?

Lyle: Yep. Everyone, this is Vor Juban. He is the guardian of the spirit of existence. And, he also wields the sword that represents physicality in the world. Of those four swords.

Knife: He looks old.

Vor: ._. *Points at Knife.* I hate you.

Lyle: Well, he is old. About 500 years.

Everyone: O_o

Fireman: Hm. Looks good for his age.

Vor: My weapon is made of the aspect of physicality. I am forever in perfect physical shape.

Rauz: In less complicated words: He’s physically immortal.

Songbird: How can this guy train us all?

Vor: I have complete control over the ground and rocks.

Masu: So?

Vor: *Looks at Masu.* I don’t hate you. But I don’t really like you either. *The ground next to him shakes then it spouts up and takes the exact physical shape of Vor.* I can create as many of these as needed. They will be your training partners. Now. We’re going to the Plane of Maximus to train. Our enemies won’t be stupid enough to try and go there yet. *He opens a portal.* If you’re not up to a challenge, you better call it quits.

Knife: *Slowly raises his hand. Kiryn whacks him over the head.* Ow!

Vor: Good.

Lyle: If you still don’t believe in his strength, know that he was on equal footing with The Demonclaw. Rauz?

Rauz: *Opens a portal and walks through.*

Lyle: Bianchi....

Bianchi: .....I’m not finished being mad at you. So you better stay alive until I’m done hating you.

Lyle: Of course. *He follows through the portal.*

Idus: Man. Trained by Vor Juban himself. They’re getting quite an honor.

Vor: Yup. You are to.

Idus: O_O WHA?!

Vor: *Shoves everyone through the portal.* Hopefully this’ll go well.

*Graveyard. A human-like corpse gets up. Human-like, because it has black dragon wings and black scales covering most of it’s body.*

Celestire: Welcome to the world of the living Thaxadillius.

Thaxadillius: *Streches.* Hm. I’ve forgotten what it was like to breathe air.

Zeek: That’s it? That’s the mighty dragon that plagued the sky during the time of the plane wars? How lame.

Thaxadillius: Oh look. You brought me a charred little treat to. How thoughtful.

Zeek: You got him food and not me!!?

Lea: <_<

Celestire: Thaxadillius, I have revived you so that you could serve me.

Thaxadillius: Hm. That’s all well and good, but you should know.....*He holds out his scale covered talon arm out to her.* Even if you’re a pretty lady, dragons cannot be tamed. Especially one as great as I. *He reaches out one of his talon-like fingers under her chin.*

Celestire: *She grabs the finger.* Don’t. You’ll severely regret it.

Thaxadillius: No one tells me what to do lady. I am the great fallen dragon-!

Celestire: It’s your strength I’m interested in Thaxadillius. Not your history. If you will not obey me out of free will, I shall have to do something more drastic.

Thaxadillius: Oh? And what is that? *His body pulses. He falls to the ground and clutches his head. He can’t even make a scream. The pain instantly disappears.* What did you do!?

Celestire: There is no need for you to know. If you don’t want it to happen again, please obey me. If you deliberately disobey me, you will spend the rest of eternity feeling that pain. Even after death. *She smiles, adding to her fiendish aura.*

Thaxadillius: You-

Celestire: Do not worry. I will reward your success as well.

Thaxadillius: *He slumps down. His entire body is filled with pleasure. The pleasure ceases.* What are you doing.

Celestire: You have no need to know at this point.

Thaxadillius: What do you want me to do?

Celestire: Come with me. *She holds out her hand and he grabs it. They then warp away.*

Lea: I wonder what she did.

Zeek: Her powers are that of a psychic. The pain and pleasure he felt is merely her messing with his mind. He’s not actually in that much pain, he just thinks it.

Lea: Hm. Interesting. How do you know that? Did she mess with your mind as well?

Zeek: You really think she wants to be messing in my mind?

Lea: Well, I’m thinking your mind is this way because she screwed with your head, Zeek.

Zeek: I suppose you’ll never know. And please, call me Dave.


Damon: *He wakes up, then sits up. All around him is nothing but sand, rocks, and a grey sky. He scratches his nose and looks around.* Sniff. Hm.....Where is this funky place? Oh wait. That’s right, I’m dead. Hm.....Interesting.

To Be Continued.

Next Episode: The Realm of the Dead who are not at Peace.

Thanks Masu.

Note: I quoted it, so people won't have to go back a page to read it. It makes it easier for you guys.

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I will say only this:


I actually want to gasp over Bianchi finiding out about Viki and lol at the 500 year old guy, but then this becomes less effective as a 'Damon' post.

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New Episode: The Realm of the Dead who are not at Peace.

Damon: *Walks around with his hands in his pockets, whistling. After a while he stops.* Man....this place is boring.....where even is this place? HELLO?! ANYONE OUT THERE!? .......Nuthin.....*He starts walking again.*

*Miles away, a strange figure is sitting on a rock, watching Damon. It’s face is expressionless, and it’s drooling some noxious fluid. Other than that, it looks human. It gets off its rock and starts moving toward Damon.*

*30 minutes later.*

Damon: GAH!!!! I”M SO BORED!!!! *He punches the ground sending sand flying everywhere. He spits some out of his mouth.* Note to self: Next time, punch a rock.

???: *A foot makes contact with Damon’s face.*

Damon: OOF!!! *He tumbles, then regains his footing.* What the hell!? Great. The first person I see and he wants to kill me.......Wait, I’m already dead! Fuck you buddy!!!

???: *The creature makes no effort to talk and still drools.*

Damon: Hey! Talk guy! At least keep me company if you’re gonna try to kill me!

???: *Still it doesn’t say a word. Instead, it charges for Damon.*

Damon: Wonderful. <_< *He punches the creature in the face as it comes close. The creature goes flying into the sand.* Oh! By the way! I’m Damon Feath Settrock and yada yada yada!

???: *The beast makes no attempt to move.*

Damon: Erm.....buddy? You alive? I mean I know you aren’t cause I’m dead and your where I am, but if your still conscious give me a- *Something comes from behind and pierces Damon’s chest.* !!!!

????: *A second creature, looking like a worm with scythes for hands sits next to the other creature.* How delicious....

Damon: OW!!! Oh! Hey! You talk!

???: *Gets up out of the sand.*

Kageromaru: Indeed I do. Let me introduce ourselves Damon. I am Kageromaru, and this is Juromaru.

Damon: Huh. What’s the deal with him? He mute?

Kageromaru: We are partners in our life. He listens only to me. Kill him Juromaru, so we can get stronger.

Juromaru: *Attacks Damon. Damon grabs Juromaru and tosses him away, only to have Kageromaru slash at Damon’s arm.* Shit!

Kageromaru: Heh. Give up. You can’t win. We’ve been here for years. You, are nothing more than a mere child in this realm.

Damon: ‘This realm’?

Kageromaru: The Realm of the Dead whom are not at peace.

Damon: Oh yeah. That’s right. This is pretty much hell huh?

Kageromaru: Not quite. This is just for people who were not at peace for with the way they lived or died. It is filled with vile creatures such as myself and Juromaru. When you die here, you are erased from existence.

Damon: How pretty. So why do you want to kill me at all? It’s not like I did anything to you.

Kageromaru: Doesn’t matter. The only way to get stronger here is to kill. You don’t kill, others will kill you.

Damon: Still doesn’t explain why anyone even bothers killing anyone.

Kageromaru: Simple.....We wish to rule this place. To become the strongest being here. Then we shall rule the dead. This is our world now.

Damon: <_< Sounds to me like you people are stupid.

Kageromaru: You don’t stand a chance. Me and Juromaru are one in the same yet separate. We are just as strong as the other, but can attack twice as much.

Damon: We’ll see.

Juromaru: *Charges Damon. Damon once again grabs him and tosses him. He turns to try and block the inevitable attack from Kageromaru when he realizes that creature is gone.* What the he-

Kageromaru: *Jumps out of the ground behind Damon and pierces his stomach.* HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Damon: Urk! *He clutches his stomach.* Shit...

Kageromaru: You can’t defeat our team. Give up and we’ll make it quick.

Damon: I refuse. (Dead again already? Damn...)

Kageromaru: You say no, your body says yes! *He charges.*

???: You can’t do shit on your own can you? *An icicle blocks the path between Kageromaru and Damon.*

Damon: O_o You’re alive!?

Serene: No. But you’re not either.

Damon: True....

Kageromaru: This is my prey! I won’t let you take him!

Serene: I don’t want to kill him. But neither do I want him dead. Flee now, or else you will face an even fight.

Kageromaru: Juromaru!!! KILL THEM!!!!

Juromaru: *Runs to attack Serene.*

Serene: Have it your way. *He slashes Juromaru with his scythe using unnatural speed.*

Kageromaru: !!!!

Serene: Let’s finish this now.

Damon: Allow me. *He sprints ahead of Serene and bashes Juromaru’s skull against a rock.*

Kageromaru: *Stares as Juromaru lays motionless.* NO!!! I WILL NOT DIE!!! *Starts to flee. Serene blocks his path.*

Serene: Too late now.

Kageromaru: NO!!! *Serene cuts down on him with his scythe.*

Damon: .....Thanks for the rescue.

Serene: *Punches Damon.* That’s for getting me killed.

Damon: Can’t you do that later? .____. You know, when I’m healed?

*After a long explanation.*

Serene: Hard to believe so much could happen. Still, you lose track of time when you don’t age.

Damon: Plus it’s not like the scenery here varies much. So, why did you save me back there?

Serene: Cause I know you’re strong.

Damon: .....So?

Serene: Some people here try to do things on their own. As you can tell by Kageromaru and Juromaru, it doesn’t usually work out. It’s better to work as a group.

Damon: But the way things are here, it seems like we were intentionally pit against each other.

Serene: Well, that’s the only reason why anyone dies here.

Damon: Why me? And not some other strong guy?

Serene: Cause I know you. And I’m sure like me, you’re not interested in sitting around here wasting away.

Damon: .....You got something that’ll get us out?

Serene: You don’t care for details do you?

Damon: I like to get to the point.

Serene: Well come with me then. There’s someone you should meet.

*Somewhere else in the same realm.*

???: Ho. Looks like you get your chance for a rematch after all Damon Feath Settrock. *The man grips his long sword tightly.*

To Be Continued

Next Episode: Training Day.

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*actual thing I said when I noticed I had returned*

About fuckin time, I was sick of crawling

Sorry it took me so long. I knew where I wanted to put you in, but I didn't want to rush to that part and make everything up to it suck.

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New Episode: Training Day.

*Vor sits looking at the group. They’re all lined up staring at him. Masu whispers to Nightmare.*

Masu: So....what’s he doing?

Nightmare: How should I know?

*Another few minutes of silence. Idus starts to raise his hand.*

Vor; Shut-up.

*Idus lowers his hand again.*

Vor: .......This is hopeless.

Everyone: .____.

Vor: None of you have what it takes.

Masu: But Lyle said-

Vor: Fuck what Lyle said. He’s an idealist who thinks everyone who holds a sword can become a legend. He’s full of shit.

Idus: I hope I’m not included in all of that....

Songbird: But we can’t just stop! What’re we gonna do!?

Knife: Yeah! Those guys are gonna chase after us where ever we go! We need to be able to defend ourselves!

Vor: You could always hide.

Fireman: What I do best.

Vor: Alright. I’ll admit that not all of you are completely hopeless, but you’d never withstand my training.

Masu: How do you know?! We’re stronger than you think!

Vor: ......You can’t do shit.

Nightmare: *Stands up.* I’m sick of this. You want us to show you how strong we are, let’s go old man. *He puts a hand on his sword.*

Vor: .....Sit down before you hurt yourself.

Nightmare: *He moves and has his sword to Vor’s throat.* Don’t underestimate me.

Vor: Hm. Seems you have me completely at you mercy. I make any sort of move, and you slit my throat. Nice tactic.

Nightmare: Thanks. But talking won’t get you out of this.

Vor: I said I couldn’t move. But what if you did?

Nightmare: ?!? *The ground beneath him collapses then covers up Nightmare’s body up to his neck.* Dammit!!!

Vor: Lesson number one. Always be aware of your surroundings. *He then puts a foot on Nightmare’s head.* Lesson number two. Always be aware of your opponent’s abilities.

Raven: So you’ve decided to train us.

Vor: I may as well. Now. I’m going to organize you into groups. Fireman, Knife, and Raven, you come and meet here around the head.

Nightmare: <_<

Vor: Arc, Kiryn, Bianchi and Princess, you meet here. Masu, Fox, Cym and Des, you meet here. And Songbird, you meet here.

Songbird: I’m all alone?

Vor: Yes.

Songbird: ;_;

Idus: Um...where do I meet?

Vor: I’ll get to you later. You’re probably all wondering why I put you into such uneven groups.

Arc: I guess....

Vor: There are four aspects of living creatures. Physical, Mental, Aura, and Elemental. I organized your groups based on the specific area that you excel in. Group 1 is Physical, Group 2 is Aura, Group 3 is Elemental, and Group 4 is Mental.

Songbird: So....I’m the smartest?

Vor: Well, that’s the area that you excel in anyway.

Songbird: ???

Idus: Umm....

Vor: I already said shut-up didn’t I?

Idus: ;_;

Fox: So what do the specific categories consist of? There must be more variation to it.

Vor: *Smiles approvingly.* I’m glad you asked. I’ll start with the simple one. Physical. It’s pretty self- explanatory. It deals with strength, endurance, speed. All parts of the body. There are no real aspects that seem to hard to train and grow. There is one thing that physical can do that other aspects cannot.

Arc: What?

Vor: Lengthen life-span. Other aspects of life if weak can lower life-span, but physicality can lengthen the life of a human.

Desdemona: Isn’t that pretty obvious?

Vor: I suppose. But, the perfect physical body, can live forever.

Idus: Like yours?

Vor: I suppose so.

Idus: Well you are immortal.

Vor: Moving on. The next one is Aura. Aura is like the person’s heart. All their feelings and emotions. The strongest Auras can physically manifest itself. Like in the fight with Kenpachi.

Bianchi: How do you know so much about us?

Vor: I’ve been watching you all. I am the guardian of existence. I should know what’s going on.

Kiryn: Wait, feelings are great and all, but how do they help us fight?

Vor: Aura is complex and nearly incomprehensible. Most of this is just speculation. However, Aura can physically manifest itself to the point where it can be used in attacks, defense, and in one case: hold swords for prolonged periods of time.

Nightmare: You mean Hexblade?

Vor: Yes. Hexblade does not have the strongest Aura in existence, but he does have the greatest control over his Aura. There are also many different types of Auras that depend on the type of person. But we don’t need to get into that.

Next is Elemental. Which is also pretty self-explanatory. It deals with the elements around us. Such as fire, water, wind, earth, and everything in-between. In actuality, living creatures don’t have many elements within the, when someone says you have good elemental strength, they are referring to your control of the elements around you. For example. *He raises his hand and as he does so, Nightmare is raised out of the ground.*

Nightmare: *Brushes himself off.* <_<

Masu: So we don’t have any elements in us?

Vor: There are some, yes. But generally, elements are more focused outside of an organism. The next one is Mental. Obviously it has to do with the mind, but there’s more to it then that. As you may have noticed, when you traveled through the planes, your senses became more acute correct?

Raven: Yeah..

Vor: Well traveling through the planes also increases the other aspects. The mental changes are just the most noticeable. Your body is able to react more quickly, your aura is under greater control, and you are more conscious of the elements around you. And while mental refers to the mind, it also refers to astral things. Or what’s more commonly known as ‘the soul’.

Songbird: So...I’m not really smarter than everyone else?

Vor: No. But you do have a greater power in your soul.

Songbird: What does that do for me?

Vor: You’ll find out.

Nightmare: So now that we know all this, what do we exactly do with it?

Vor: We train until the point where you can control that aspect without any hesitation. Then. The real work begins. After that, we shall work on the other areas that you didn’t learn about. And after that. Your real training begins. Full fledged combat. But don’t worry about that yet. *Three rock versions of Vor spout from the ground. They look exactly like him.* These clones and I have the same mind and we will all know what’s going on at any given point. It will be like you are being trained by me. I shall be training Songbird myself.

Songbird: M-me?!

Vor: Yup. Have a good ride everyone else.

Everyone: ??? *The ground beneath the three other groups collapses and them with it. The Vor clones jump down their respectful holes.*

Songbird: O_o

Vor; Idus. You’ll be helping us out since you already have control over your abilities. I’ll use you as needed.

Idus: Got it.

Vor: Let’s hope everyone can handle this.

*Another plane for training.*

Branded Blade: *Lifts his sword to Ikkaku’s throat.* Face it Ikkaku, this is the third time in a row I got you. And I’ve gotten you five times before that. I’m finally catching up with you.

Ikkaku: Tch. Beginners luck.

Kenpachi: Nah. I don’t think so Ikkaku. He’s gotten strong. Though, you ain’t as strong as Ikkaku kid.

Branded Blade: I know he’s fighting me as he would any opponent, what else could he be hiding?

Kenpachi: Tch. Bring it out Ikkaku. Show this kid some manners.

Branded Blade: Huh?

Ikkaku: ‘Bring it out’ he says. Like it’s so casual. Fine. He must really like you kid. He’s never told me to do this before for any pupil.

Branded Blade: Bring what out?

Yumichika: You sure about this Captain?

Kenpachi: This kid’s been somewhere we’ve never been. I wanna see how far it’ll take him.

Yumichika: ......

Ikkaku: You better get ready kid. Cause this isn’t something you see everyday......BAN-KAI!!!!

Branded Blade: !!!!

*A tornado surrounds Ikkaku and red lightning fills the cloud surrounding him. The smoke clears and Ikkaku’s spear now takes the form of three oversized weapons: a blade resembling a monk’s spade in his right hand, another resembling a Guan dao in his left, and a fan-shaped blade, adorned with a carving of a Chinese dragon, which floats behind him, all connected by lengths of thick chain that Ikkaku can wield with ease.*

Ikkaku: Ryūumon Hōozukimaru!!!!!

Branded Blade: The FUCK?!?!?!

To Be Continued

Next Episode: I am L.

(Special thanks To Wikipedia for the whole description of Ikkaku's Bankai which I just copy and pasted. XD)

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Well. I'm fucked.

Good chapter Lyle. I like the little aspects explanation.

I wouldn't say you're fucked. Just owned.

Thanks though. I've had this whole system established. I've never actually tried to write it though. I hope it made sense.

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I wouldn't say you're fucked. Just owned.

Thanks though. I've had this whole system established. I've never actually tried to write it though. I hope it made sense.

'Cuz that's so much better.

Made sense to me.

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'Cuz that's so much better.

Made sense to me.

Lol. Well, don't worry. I have an idea that will more than make up for any ownage you might recive.

And good. I hope that everyone gets it. I put a lot of thought into it. (It's what happens when you don't have a girlfriend and your friends all do and are haning out with them. You start thinking up funky shit.)

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